RNS Number:6244M
Brait S.A.
5 November 2001

5th November, 2001


          Interim Report for the six months ended 30 September 2001

  * Diluted earnings per share of 100 cents, marginally up by 2% on the
    prior year

  * Attributable earnings of R90,3 million, similar to the prior year

  * Tangible net asset value growth of 9%, before dividends

  * Interim dividend of 25 cents per share

  * Group well positioned for improvement in its specific market segments


Group profile

Brait is an international investment and merchant-banking group listed on

the Luxembourg, London and Johannesburg stock exchanges, with shareowners'

funds of R1,23 billion (in excess of US$135 million). As an international

group, Brait operates in Southern Africa, Mauritius and Europe, and is

currently developing operations in Australia. The group also has investments

in these regions as well as in Israel, Eastern Europe and North America.

Brait(1)s core areas of activity are funds management, advisory services,

investing, trading, margin business and investment of group capital. Brait's

earnings are derived from:

  * fees from private equity funds management;

  * fees from advisory services;

  * returns on the group(1)s principal investments;

  * direct returns from investment of the group(1)s liquid capital;

  * margin income from money market and debt financing; and

  * trading in equity and capital markets.

Group results

Trading conditions for the first half of the financial year have been

difficult. The capital market sectors in which the group is focused through

its investing operations have been volatile with little positive direction.

At the same time the global retreat in economic activity has also

contributed to a general decline in the demand for financial and advisory


Diluted earnings per share for the half-year at 100 cents is marginally

ahead of the prior year and considered satisfactory under present trading

conditions. Attributable earnings remain at the same level of R90 million.

Revenue growth during the period was 21%. Operating expenditure includes R21

million of provisions raised against advances. Excluding these provisions,

the interim operating costs have increased by 28% over the prior year but

have declined against expenditure in the second half of the prior financial

year. The reduced taxation charge reflects the impact of dividend income,

deferred taxation reversals and foreign tax differentials. This rate is not

considered sustainable in the long term. Importantly, the group has

continued to demonstrate earnings stability and net asset value growth since

the beginning of the financial period.

Tangible net asset value growth for the half year was 9%, before dividends.

At the same time, through Brait(1)s international accounting and reporting

practices, there is consistency and reliability in the earnings and net

asset value measurements.

The segmental results reflect improved contributions from funds management,

investing and trading activities and decreased earnings from advisory

services, margin business and group capital.

Funds management

Funds management income, which is primarily derived from the group's private

equity funds under management, has improved in line with short-term

expectations and benefited from a relatively better performance of small to

mid cap equities on the JSE. The unit is still performing below its

potential earnings capacity but is well poised for any positive market

trends. The contribution from African Alliance and ipac South Africa also

increased in aggregate. Both operations continue to increase assets under

management and operational growth.

Advisory services

Advisory services earnings have been affected by the general decline in

corporate finance, M&A and commercial advisory activities in all of the

group's markets and, in particular, in South Africa. The pipeline of work is

reasonable at present with some potentially large mandates, which could come

to fruition in the second half of the financial year.


Investing activities which leverage off the investing processes and skills

of the group have reported improved earnings despite the lack of any

direction in the market segments focused on by Brait. The average annualised

return for the period on the group's investment portfolio is 15%. In

absolute terms the return is below Brait's long-term ROE target, but it has

outperformed the relative returns of the industrial/mid market cap sectors.

Group capital

The group's capital is invested predominantly in cash and short-term liquid

assets. These are primarily held as cover against a wide range of risks

managed by the banking operations and the group as a whole. The average

annualised return on group capital, after costs, for the half-year was 8%.

Margin business

Margin business in the group has performed disappointingly, primarily as a

result of the cautious approach taken by the group to increase provisions on

advances by R21 million in the current weak economic cycle. These provisions

now stand at 3,3% of advances which is conservative by industry standards,

particularly given the predominantly secured nature of lending by Brait. The

group's lending operations have been reorganised during the period to

enhance profitability and return on capital. The operations will now focus

principally on developing debt structuring, origination and syndication

services and also to provide securitisation and distribution capabilities.

Funding activities are prudently structured and the group has continued to

grow its fixed deposit base.


Trading operations, in aggregate, reflect an improved performance for the

year to date. Interest rate trading, in particular, was well positioned for

the bull run in the South African market during the period. Equity trading

conditions were volatile and non-trending, which made trading difficult.

Investment banking had a quiet period although some promising transactions

were in progress at the period end.


Shareowners are advised that, in accordance with the intentions of the JSE

Securities Exchange South Africa to progress to an electronic settlement

environment, the company's shares are expected to be converted to the Share

Transactions Totally Electronic (STRATE) system on 10 December 2001. In this

regard, shareowners are referred to the Chairman's letter addressed to

shareowners and to STRATE's "Essential Shareholders Facts", copies of which

are enclosed with the interim report.


Once again the group finds itself in the position where any prediction of

earnings depend very much on conditions in the specific markets in which the

group is focused. Certainly the group cannot at this stage predict any

growth over the prior year results with any degree of confidence.

In the longer term Brait is committed to growth and value creation. The

group is presently well positioned through its substantial human and capital

resources, its integrated service offering and its international reach to

deliver on these goals.


Brait recognises that dividend distributions are an important part of

long-term shareowners' wealth creation and particularly so, in periods of

weak equity market performance. As the company is in a comfortably strong

financial position the board has declared an interim dividend of 25 South

African cents per share.

Notice is hereby given that the register of members will be closed from 24

November to

30 November 2001, inclusive. The dividend will be paid on 7 December 2001 to

members registered as such on the record date, namely 23 November 2001.

For and on behalf of the board

M E King A C Ball

Chairman Group Chief Executive

5 November 2001

Salient features

For the six months ended 30 September
Profit before tax (Rm)                                2001      2000   Change

                                                      91,1      95,2    (4)
Funds management                                      29,9      18,3     63
Advisory services                                      5,4       8,6    (37)
Investing                                             23,0       4,8    379
Group capital                                         24,3      49,8    (51)
 Margin business                                     (5,4)       8,5   (164)
Trading income                                        13,9       5,2    167

Attributable earnings (Rm)                            90,3      90,0     0

Earnings per share (cents)
Basic                                                  100        98     2
Diluted                                                100        98     2
Dividend per share (cents)
Final declared and paid                                 60        75    (20)
Interim declared                                        25       nil
Shares in issue (millions)                            93,5      93,5     0
Tangible net asset value per share (cents)           1 325     1 185     12

Group income statements

For the six months ended 30 September

  Convenience conversion
Audited Unaudited Unaudited                  Unaudited Unaudited Change Audited

 31 Mar   30 Sept   30 Sept                    30 Sept   30 Sept      %  31 Mar
             2000      2001
   2001                                           2001      2000           2001
             US$m      US$m
   US$m                                             Rm        Rm             Rm
   52,4      26,5      25,8 Revenue              232,4     191,8     21   420,0
 (30,8)    (13,3)    (16,0) Operating          (144,1)    (96,3)        (246,8)
                            expenses and
   21,6      13,2       9,8 Profit from           88,3      95,5    (8)   173,2
    1,5       0,1       0,5 Income from            4,1       0,5           12,2
    1,0     (0,2)       0,8 Profit / (loss)        7,5     (1,8)            8,0
                            from joint
    0,7       0,7         - Disposal of              -       5,4            5,5

  (0,2)         -     (0,7) Finance Costs        (6,4)         -          (1,7)
  (1,3)     (0,6)     (0,3) Amortisation of      (2,4)     (4,4)         (10,8)
   23,3      13,2      10,1 Profit before         91,1      95,2    (4)   186,4
  (0,5)     (0,7)     (0,1) Taxation             (0,8)     (5,2)          (3,9)
   22,8      12,5      10,0 Attributable          90,3      90,0      0   182,5

Group balance sheets
At 30 September

  Convenience conversion
Audited Unaudited Unaudited                         Unaudited Unaudited Audited

 31 Mar   30 Sept   30 Sept                           30 Sept   30 Sept  31 Mar
             2000      2001
   2001                                                  2001      2000    2001
             US$m      US$m
   US$m                                                    Rm        Rm      Rm
                            Shareowners' funds
  150,3     157,0     136,3 Shareowners' interest     1 230,7   1 136,3 1 204,5
      -         -       0,3 Outside shareowners'          2,5         -       -
  150,3     157,0     136,6 Total shareowners'        1 233,2   1 136,3 1 204,5
   25,0      11,6      22,6 Long-term liabilities       204,1      84,2   200,2
  239,4     259,8     214,7 Current liabilities       1 937,3   1 879,7 1 918,2
  264,4     271,4     237,3 Total liabilities         2 141,4   1 963,9 2 118,4
  165,0     177,5     164,2 Long-term assets          1 481,8   1 284,1 1 321,9
  119,6     136,6     135,5 Investments               1 222,8     988,6   958,7
   45,4      40,9      28,7 Other long-term assets      259,0     295,5   363,2
  249,7     250,9     209,7 Current assets            1 892,8   1 816,1 2 001,0
  414,7     428,4     373,9 Total assets              3 374,6   3 100,2 3 322,9
  150,3     157,0     136,6                           1 233,2   1 136,3 1 204,5

Notes to the financial statements

1.The financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with

International Accounting Standards and the provisions of IAS 34 "Interim

Financial Reporting". The accounting policies used at the interim are

consistent with those set out in the financial statements for the year ended

31 March 2001. An adjustment has been made to revenue and operating expenses

in the comparative figures to provide consistency with the results at 31

March 2001. This restatement had no effect on profits before or after


2. The convenience conversion US dollar figures have been disclosed using

the closing rand/US dollar exchange rate at the period end. The conversion

of the results into US dollar amounts therefore does not comply with

International Accounting Standards and is solely for the convenience of

non-South African users.

3. All liabilities are interest bearing save R176 million in respect of

accounts payable, accruals and deferred taxation.

4. The following items are included in the results:

                                            30 Sept        30 Sept       31 Mar
                                               2001           2000         2001
                                                 Rm             Rm           Rm

Interest capitalised                            0,2            3,1          2,1
Dividends received                             55,3           37,6         76,5
Depreciation                                    3,7            1,1          3,5
Related party transactions
Interest received                              11,9           14,2         25,4
Interest paid                                   0,4            3,7          6,2
Fees received                                     -           13,3            -

Cost                                            -              3,8            -
Market value                                    -              3,8            -
Carrying value                              1 068,3          984,8        958,7
Directors valuation                         1 122,6        1 039,4        994,2

6. Commitments, guarantees and
Contingent liabilities                        283,1          331,6        508,8

7. Capital expenditure authorised
and contracted for -                            3,9              -

8. Related party balances
Liabilities                                    38,3            91,4        48,4
Assets                                        151,3           245,7       154,5

Group cash flow statements

For the six months ended 30 September
                                                    Unaudited Unaudited Audited
                                                      30 Sept   30 Sept    Year
                                                         2001      2000  31 Mar
                                                           Rm        Rm    2001

Cash flows from operating activities                     61,7      34,5   146,0
Change in working funds                                 144,1      26,0 (133,4)
Cash generated/ (utilised) by operating activities      205,8      60,5    12,6
Cash (outflows)/inflows from funding activities        (65,7)    (57,4)    50,9
Cash (outflows)/inflows from investment activities          -    (53,9)  (43,5)
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash               140,1    (50,8)    20,0
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period        107,1      87,1    87,1
Balance at end of period                                247,2      36,3   107,1

Group statement of changes in equity

For the six months ended 30 September
                                           Unaudited      Unaudited     Audited
                                             30 Sept        30 Sept        Year
                                                2001           2000      31 Mar
                                                  Rm             Rm        2001

Balance at beginning of period               1 204,5        1 102,5     1 102,5
Currency translation adjustments                16,0           13,8        18,1
Attributable earnings                           90,3           90,0       182,5
Dividends Annual                              (55,1)         (70,1)      (68,9)
Interim                                       (22,6)              -           -
Treasury shares                                (2,4)              -      (29,7)
Balance at end of period                     1 230,7        1 136,2     1 204,5

Group segmental reports

For the six months ended 30 September

Convenience conversion
  Unaudited    Unaudited                                  Unaudited   Unaudited
30Sept 2000      30 Sept                                 30 Sept 2001  30 Sept
       US$m         2001                                                2000
                                                              Rm    %    Rm   %
       26,6         25,8 Revenue                           232,4  100 191,8 100
        4,9          5,4 Funds management                   48,9   21  35,3  19
        4,0          2,8 Advisory Services                  25,2   11  28,6  15
        3,7          5,0 Investing                          45,0   19  27,0  14
        7,0          5,7 Group capital                      51,7   22  50,4  26
        3,6          2,9 Margin business                    25,8   11  25,7  13
        3,4          4,0 Trading income                     35,8   16  24,8  13
       13,2         10,1 Profit before taxation             91,1  100  95,2 100
        2,5          3,4 Funds management                   29,9   33  18,3  19
        1,2          0,6 Advisory services                   5,4    6   8,6   9
        0,7          2,5 Investing                          23,0   25   4,8   5
        6,9          2,7 Group capital                      24,3   27  49,8  52
        1,2        (0,6) Margin business                   (5,4)  (6)   8,5   9
        0,7          1,5 Trading income                     13,9   15   5,2   6

       13,2         10,1 Profit before taxation             91,1  100  95,2 100
        2,8          2,4 Europe                             22,1   24  20,5  21
        7,2          2,3 South Africa                       20,0   22  51,9  55
        3,2          5,4 Other Africa                       49,0   54  22,8  24

Registered office: Brait S.A., 69, route d'Esch, L-2953, Luxembourg

Brait South Africa Limited: 9 Fricker Road, Illovo Boulevard, Illovo,


Domiciliary and listing agent: Dexia Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, 69,

route d'Esch, L-2953, Luxembourg

Registrar: Dexia Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, 69, route d'Esch,

L-2953, Luxembourg

Transfer agents: United Kingdom: CAPITA IRG plc, Bourne House, 34 Beckenham

Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU

South Africa: Mercantile Registrars Limited, 10th Floor, 11 Diagonal Street,

Johannesburg 2001


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