RNS No 7228k
23rd July 1998

                     THE BBV GROUP, IN FIRST HALF 1998


BBV's 28% increase in net attributable profit, which totalled 74,337 million 
pesetas (US$ 485 million) in the first half of 1998, was largely due to the
evolution of the operating income. As a result, the BBV Group again created
value for shareholders through significant and sustained growth in profits.

In the first half of 1998, the BBV Group's activity outpaced the ambitious 
goals set in Programa Two H1000. Total assets as of 30 June 1998 were 21.9
trillion pesetas (US$ 143 billion.  Including off-balance sheet funds (mutual
and pension funds), total assets under management totalled almost 28 trillion
pesetas, 20% higher than in June 1997.

The increase in the absolute size of business volume is indeed impressive, but
it is not the only thing worth noting on the balance sheet.  Equally important
is the line item development that occurred within the balance sheet itself,
bringing the overall structure to a more profitable level.  Customer business
continued gaining relative importance, showing dynamic growth in Spain but
spectacular growth in Latin America.

Net interest income (US$ 2,185 million) was up 26.1% due to higher than sector
average growth in certain client businesses domestically, combined with skillful
management of yields and costs. As a result, the customer spread improved 
slightly from the end of 1997. Net interest income was also boosted by the Latin
American affiliates, whose markets have higher margins, and by the industrial

Growth in the US$ 3,168 million basic margin - net interest income plus
commissions - was even higher, topping 35%, thanks to dynamic activity in net
commissions. The enormous growth of mutual and pension funds managed by the
Group explains the hefty increase of over 61% in this heading. Similarly, the
major role that BBV played in several privatizations in Spain during the
semester as well as its traditional intermediation activity has boosted the
level of commissions associated with securities services. Other areas also
performed well in the half, notably the credit card business.

The industrial portfolio continued to show a high level of recurrent profits 
via the 34,642 million pesetas booked through the equity method. Additionally,
the latent capital gains in the portfolio of quoted industrial and real estate
holdings increased to 540 billion pesetas (aprox. US$ 3.5 billion) as of 
June 30, 200 billion pesetas more than at the beginning of the year.  The
traditional "rotation" of the portfolio in the current bull market led to gross
profits of 73,489 million pesetas.  Net provisioning of 130,498 million pesetas
easily surpassed this figure. It is worth noting that more than 60% of the
provisions are extraordinary in nature, including, among other items, the
acceleration of the amortization of goodwill of the Latinamerican acquisitions,
the non-specific provisioning and a sharp increase in country-risk provisioning
to cover the reclassification of certain countries.

Total lending increased to 9.3 trillion pesetas (US$ 60.6 billion) as of 30 
June 1998, up 21.4% over June 1997. Resident sector lending increased by 17.8%,
five points above the sector average increase. Personal loans have been the
most dynamic with an increase of 24.1%, which reflects the resurgence of the
consumer in 1998. It should also be emphasised that credit card balances and
actual collateral - including mortgages - increased by almost 17%. As a result
of the important developmental activity in the Latin American units,
non-resident sector lending increased by more than 40%. In addition, the BBV
Group's non-performing loans rate has continued to fall to 2.70% (2.81 % in
March-98; 2.91% in December-97).

The amount of client funds under management totalled 21.9 trillion pesetas
(US$ 143 billion), which is a 23.6% increase more than the volume at the end of
the first half of 1997. The on-balance funds totalled 13.5 trillion pesetas, an
11% increase year-on-year. It is in the resources off-balance sheet where
the BBV Group is achieving the most substantial increase in activity. In the
Spanish market the growth of BBV's mutual funds, 47.9%, surpasses the rate of
growth of the financial system by more than 11 points and has increased its
market share in more than a full point in the previous 12 months - 36 basic
points since December 1997.

BBV's expansion policy in Latin America continued as well. In June, the Group 
signed an agreement to take a majority stake in Chile's Banco BHIF, the seventh
largest in the country by assets and one of the most profitable. The Group also
arrived to an agreement with Chase Manhattan Bank to acquire a significant part
of their operation in Puerto Rico; this business, together with the acquisition
of Banco Ponce, will soar BBV's presence in the island to the third place with a
market share of nearly 10%.  In July, BBV increased its stake in Colombia's
Banco Ganadero from 44% to 59% of voting capital and has signed an agreement to
acquire a minimum stake of 55.4% of Banco Excel Economico de Brasil.

BBV's industrial portfolio saw a good deal of activity in the second quarter. 
The Group sold 0.78% of Telefonica, 3% of Indra Sistemas and 4% of Koipe
(stemming from Koipe's June public offering). The acquisition side was active
as well, with the Group acquiring 7% of Telefonica de Brazil.

Big event for the Group in the first half was the formal presentation of 
PRACTYCO, the plan aimed at improving BBVs efficiency ratio to 50% by the year
2000. The plan consists of four basic work lines: productivity improvements,
expenses optimization, the reduction of financial inefficiencies and the
elimination of idle assets.

On 30 June 1998, the BBV share traded at 7,870 pesetas, an increase of 59.6%
over the course of the year. It is important to note that such increase is
greater than the one from any of its domestic peers and the third largest among
the main 20 European Union banks by market capitalization during the same period
and this benchmark is one of the major goals of the new strategic plan called
Programa Two *1000.

During the first half of 1998 the Group underwent successive capital increases 
for a total of 652,411 shares (near 0.09% of capital), some US$ 10.13 million,
to meet the conversion requests of holders of a July 1996 subordinated
convertible bond issue.

In addition, at the June 30th General Shareholders Meeting, a number of 
agreements were passed which will affect shareholders funds. The first is in
reference to the capital increase necessary to proceed with the exchange of BBV
shares for Banco Ganadero shares that resulted from the public offer for 15% of
Banco Ganadero voting shares. The final rate of exchange was set at 135 Banco
Ganadero shares for 1 BBV share. As Banco Ganadero shares were trading at 520
Colombian pesos per share, the resulting value of the new shares issued by BBV
was 7,833 pesetas per share. The public offering was successfully concluded at
the beginning of July, and as a result, BBV now controls more than 50% of its
affiliate bank, having issued 3,440,777 new shares which have been given to the
sellers of Ganadero shares.

Another three for one share split was also approved at the General Shareholders
Meeting; such split took place on July 11th in Spain. On that date, shareholders
received a 10 peseta gross return of capital that was authorized at the January 
1998 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. They also received the 1
peseta gross final dividend on fiscal 1997. After these operations, and on the
very same day, a capital increase was undertaken by increasing the nominal value
of each share from 250 pesetas to 270 pesetas with a charge to reserves.
Finally, the split was taking into effect, dividing the nominal per share by
three to 90 pesetas per share, and consequently tripling the number of shares in

On the same day, each of these newly split shares then received 7.7 pesetas 
gross as first interim dividend of fiscal year 1998.  This represents an
increase of 21.6% over the 6.33 peseta first interim dividend of fiscal 1997
(which was 19 pesetas on a pre-split basis).

Investor relations office

(Spain/34) 94 487 65 87
(Spain/34) 91 374 42 22
(USA/212) 728 15 00
(UK/171)  397 60 76                                        
Internet info (http://www.bbv.es)

                              BBV GROUP HIGHLIGHTS
                             (consolidated figures)

                                              JUNE 98          JUNE 97

Balance sheet (Millions of pesetas)

Total assets                                 21,870,515       19,158,122    
Total lending                                 9,283,206        7,648,388
Customer funds recorded on the
  balance sheet                              13,491,598       12,140,682
Other Customer funds managed                  8,377,043        5,554,933 
Shareholders' funds                             823,011          754,922

Income statement (Millions of pesetas)

Basic Margin                                    485,268          358,783
Operating income                                203,017          156,618
Income before taxes                             153,935          120,043
Net attributable profit                          74,337           58,011

Data per share (Pesetas)

Net attributable profit                             110               86
Book value                                        1,216            1,120
Share price                                       7,870            3,990       

Key ratios (%)

R,O,A, (Net income/Average total assets)          0.99             0.90
RORWA (Net income/Risk weighted assets)           1.88             1.82
R,O,E, (Net attributable/Average equity)          19.2             17.2

Other relevant figures

Number of employees                              62,031           58,655
  Spain                                          25,279           25,789
  Abroad                                         36,752           32,866
Number of branches                                4,341            4,019
  Spain                                           2,802            2,828    
  Abroad                                          1,539            1,191

                             BBV GROUP INCOME STATEMENT
                              (millions of pesetas)

                              JUNE 98           JUNE 97        (US$ millions)

Financial revenues             823,098          722,153             5,372
Financial costs               -488,357         -456,716          -  3,187

NET INTEREST INCOME            334,741          265,437             2,185

Fees & Commissions             150,527           93,346               983
  Collection and payment 
   services                     52,532           39,669               343
  Investment securities 
   services                     31,577           17,108               206
  Mutual and pension funds
   management                   51,106           22,703               334
  Other Commissions             15,312           13,866               100

BASIC MARGIN                   485,268          358,783             3,168

Market operations               33,836           34,404               221

ORDINARY REVENUE               519,104          393,187             3,389

Administrative Costs          -280,351         -211,119          -  1,830
 Personnel                    -182,112         -143,522          -  1,189 
  Wages and other             -172,189         -137,071          -  1,124
  Pensions                    -  9,923           -6,451          -     65
 General expenses             - 98,239          -67,597          -    641 
Other income-costs            -  9,891           -3,962          -     65 
 DGF annual fee                -10,012           -5,678          -     66
 Other items                       121            1,716                 1 
Depreciation                  - 25,845          -21,488          -    169

OPERATING INCOME               203,017          156,618             1,325

Income from associates          83,298           35,335               544
 Group Net transactions         73,489           27,997               480
 Income by the equity method     9,809            7,338                64

Loan Loss provisions (net)     -65,387          -28,512           -   427
 Gross                         -93,026          -51,301           -   607
 Reversals                      17,456           15,972               114 
 Bad debts' recoveries          10,183            6,817                66

Securities writedowns             -206               78           -     1

Goodwill amortization           31,776          -31,316           -   207

Extraordinary items             35,011          -12,160           -   229 
 Disposals                       4,163            2,531                27
 Other                         -39,174          -14,691           -   256

PROFIT BEFORE TAX              153,935          120,043             1,005

Corporate Tax                  -50,729          -37,709           -   331

NET INCOME                     103,206           82,334               674

Minority interests             -28,869          -24,323           -   189
 Preference shares              -7,757           -4,660                51
 Other                         -21,112          -19,663           -   138

NET ATTRIBUTABLE                74,337           58,011               485

                         BBV GROUP BALANCE SHEET (*)
                          (millions of pesetas)
ASSETS                        JUNE 98         JUNE 97         (US$ millions)

Cash and Central Banks        382,394         362,265               2,496
Government Debt             1,222,725       1,527,101               7,981
Due from Banks              6,811,115       5,829,561              44,455
Total lending (Gross)       9,283,206       7,648,388              60,591
- Reserves                   -295,429        -270,138              -1,928
Investment Portfolio        3,055,299       2,751,714              19,942
Fixed income                2,319,489       2,117,882              15,139
Securities                    735,810         633,832               4,802 
Premises and Equipment        575,535         570,028               3,756 
Other Assets Account          503,228         388,969               3,285
Accrual Accounts              332,442         350,234               2,170

TOTAL                      21,870,515      19,158,122             142,747


Capital                       176,019          129,220              1,149
Reserves                      718,478          655,009              4,690
Minority Interests            460,543          411,257              3,006 
Due to Banks                6,154,051        5,093,856             40,167
Customer Funds             13,491,598       12,140,682             88,058 
Other Liabilities Accounts    403,452          308,750              2,633
Accrual Accounts              363,168          337,014              2,370 
Net Income                    103,206           82,334                674

TOTAL                      21,870,515       19,158,122            142,747

(*) 1 US$: ptas, 153,2 , Consolidated accounts are presented in accordance with
Bank of Spain Circular 4/91 (and ensuing circulars) and follow generally
accepted accounting principles,

Average Total Assets        20,391,169       16,605,335           133,091 
Average shareholders' funds    765,327          734,143             4,995 
BIS Ratio (Tier 1)           12,6(9,0)       14,3(10,2)                 -
Risk weighted assets        10,479,275        8,239,890            68,397

                                                  B B V            
                                           JUNE 98      JUNE 97   

NPL as % Lending (Bank of Spain)              2,70         3,31
 Initial                                   257,980      227,203   
 JUNE 30th                                 250,600      253,439 
 Net Change                                 -7,380       26,236 
  % Net Change                               -2.86        11.55
NPL's Reserves
 Last                                      295,429      170,138 
 % Coverage NPL                             117.89       106.59 

Lending quality (International regulations)
NPL as % Lending                             1.66         1.68       
% Coverage NPL                             169.81       179.38       

(1) Excluding Probursa (Mexico), Continental (Peru), Ganadero (Colombia),
Frances (Argentina) and Provincial (Venezuela).

                           (millions of pesetas)

                                        June 98             June 97

Due from Public Sector                  438,521             534,124   
Due form residents                    5,409,351           4,592,159
  Commercial bills                      640,809             661,553
  Borrowers with collateral           1,629,985           1,393,762
  Personal loans                      1,894,869           1,526,306
  Credit accounts                       552,724             507,024
  Other term loans                      173,412              69,728
  Others                                258,800             210,741
  Leasing                               258,752             223,045
Due from non residents                3,184,734           2,268,666
Non performing loans                    250,600             253,439

TOTAL LENDING (GROSS)                 9,283,206           7,648,388

(-) Reserves                           -295,429            -270,138
TOTAL LENDING (NET)                   8,987,777           7,378,250
Pesetas                               5,733,267           5,021,768
Foreign currencies                    3,254,510           2,356,482

Public sector                           601,737             595,093
Other resident sectors                7,032,158           6,540,329
  Current accounts                    1,646,068           1,563,405
  Savings accounts                    1,111,444           1,045,440
  Time deposits                       2,352,387           2,085,003
  Sales with repurchase agreements    1,890,827           1,777,654
  Others                                 31,432              68,827
Non-residents                         4,489,191           3,908,495
Marketables Debt Securities           1,080,650             795,793
Subordinated Debt                       287,862             300,972

TOTAL CUSTOMER FUNDS                 13,491,598          12,140,682
Pesetas                               7,998,976           7,521,921
Foreign currencies                    5,492,622           4,618,761

Mutual funds                          4,790,158           3,212,266
Pension funds                         1,285,167             909,458
Portfolio management                  2,301,718           1,433,209

 OFF-BALANCE FUNDS                    8,377,043           5,554,933

 TOTAL MANAGED CUSTOMER FUNDS        21,868,641          17,695,615



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