RNS Number : 0604N 
Nipro Corporation 
10 February 2009 

| Summary Report of Consolidated Financial Results                             | 
| For the Nine Months Period ended December 31, 2008 (Year ending March 31,    | 
| 2009)                                                                        | 
                                 February 10, 2009 
Company name: NIPRO CORPORATION    TSE/OSE-1st section 
  Code No.8086 URL:http://www.nipro.co.jp/ 
Representative:     Minoru Sano, President and Representative Director 
Contact:    Akihiko Yamabe, Director, General Manager of Accounting & Corporate 
Planning Division 
Scheduled date of quarterly annual report filing: February 13, 2009TEL: (06) 
(Note: Amounts are truncated to one million yen) 
1. Financial results for the nine months ended December 31, 2008.(From April 1, 
2008 to December 31, 2008) 
 (1) Consolidated Results of Operations(Note: The % displays show 
increase/decrease ratio against the same period of the previous year.) 
|                      |   Net Sales    |   Operating    |Ordinary Income  |  Net(Quarter)   | 
|                      |                |    Income      |                 |     Income      | 
|                      | Millions of    |  Millions of   | Millions of yen | Millions of yen | 
| 9 months ended Dec.  | yen     %      | yen       %    | %               | %               | 
| 31,2008              | 134,543        |  10,904     -  | 6,290     -     | 2,670   -       | 
| 9 months ended Dec.  | -              |                |  9,840 7.7      |                 | 
| 31,2007              | 129,982 (10.8) |  11,021 10.1   |                 |  5,270(38.2)    | 
|                      |   Earnings     |   Diluted    |                                         | 
|                      |   per Share    |  Earnings    |                                         | 
|                      |                |   per Share  |                                         | 
+----------------------+----------------+--------------+                                         + 
| 9 months ended Dec.  | 42.08 Yen      |     - Yen    |                                         | 
| 31,2008              | 83.04          |    -         |                                         | 
| 9 months ended Dec.  |                |              |                                         | 
| 31,2007              |                |              |                                         | 
(2) Consolidated Financial Position 
|                      |Total Assets  |   Net Assets    |  Equity Ratio   |   Net Assets    | 
|                      |              |                 |                 |    per Share    | 
|                      | Millions of  | Millions of yen |  %              |  Yen            | 
| 9 months ended Dec.  | yen          | 102,893         | 30.4            | 1,597.21        | 
| 31,2008              | 332,839      |                 |                 |                 | 
| Year ended March     | 349,302      | 119,544         |   33.8          |  1,861.79       | 
| 31,2008              |              |                 |                 |                 | 
 (Notes) Shareholders' equity  9 months ended Dec. 31, 2008 101,318 million yen, 
Year ended March 31, 2008  118,155 million yen 
2. Dividends 
|                      |                        Dividends per share                          | 
|         (Basis date) | End of 1st  |    End of    |   End of    |  Year end   |Year Total  | 
|                      |  Quarter    | 2nd Quarter  |3rd Quarter  |             |            | 
| Year ended March     |         yen |          yen |         yen |         yen |        yen | 
| 31,2008              |           - |        28.00 |           - |        9.50 |      37.50 | 
| Year ending March    |           - |        32.00 |           - |       ----- |      ----- | 
| 31,2009              |             |              |             |             |            | 
| Year ending March    |       ----- |        ----- |       ----- |        4.00 |      36.00 | 
| 31,2009(Projection)  |             |              |             |             |            | 
  (Notes) Revision of projected total annual dividens: None 
3. Projected Consolidated Financial Results for the Year ending March 31, 
2009 (From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009) 
                    (Note: % shows increase/decrease ratio against March 31, 
|                      |    Net Sales    |    Operating      |     Ordinary      |    Net Income     |Earnings  | 
|                      |                 |      Income       |      Income       |                   |          | 
|                      |                 |                   |                   |                   |   Per    | 
|                      |                 |                   |                   |                   |  Share   | 
|                      | Millions |    % | Millions |      % | Millions |      % | Millions |      % |      Yen | 
|                      |   of yen |      |   of yen |        |   of yen |        |   of yen |        |          | 
|    Year ending March |  180,000 |  4.6 |   12,700 |  (7.1) |    6,700 | (30.7) |    2,000 | (55.1) |    31.52 | 
|              31,2009 |          |      |          |        |          |        |          |        |          | 
  (Notes) Revision of projected conolidated financial results for the year 
ending March 31, 2009: None 
4. Others 
    (1) Change in significant subsidiaries during the period ended Dec. 31, 
2008 (Resulting in a change in scope of consolidation): None 
(2) Adoption of accounting treatments simplified and unique for preparation of 
quarterly consolidated financial statements: Yes 
(3) Change in policies and procedures for accounting treatment of preparation of 
quarterly consolidated financial reports 
     (to be stipulated in significant matters for preparation of quarterly 
consolidated financial reports): Yes 
  [1] Change for revision of accounting standards: Yes [2] Change for other than 
[1]: Yes 
(4) Issued shares (Common stock) 
| [1] Number of issued shares at end |      9 months ended Dec. |    Year ended March 31, | 
|                      of the period |                  31,2008 |                    2008 | 
|         (including treasury stock) |        63,878,505 shares |       63,878,505 shares | 
| [2] Number of treasury stock at    |      9 months ended Dec. |    Year ended March 31, | 
| end of the period                  |                  31,2008 |                    2008 | 
|                                    |           444,022 shares |          415,037 shares | 
|       [3] Number of average shares |      9 months ended Dec. |     9 months ended Dec. | 
|                  during the period |                  31,2008 |                 31,2007 | 
|                     (Year to date) |        63,451,760 shares |       63,475,808 shares | 
*Disclaimer for appropriate use of forecasted financial results, and other 
special notes 
1. The projection figures shown above are based on information that was 
available at the time of preparation and, therefore, actual performance and 
other factors 
    may differ from these projections due to changes in circumstances and other 
2. We have adopted "Accounting standards for quarterly financial 
reporting"(Accounting Standards Board of Japan(ASBJ), statement No.12, issued on 
March 14, 
    2007) and "Implementation guidance of accounting standards for quarterly 
financial reporting"(ASBJ guidance No.14, issued on March 14, 2007) " from this 
    consolidated accounting period as well as prepared the quarterly 
consolidated financial reports in conformity with "Quarterly consolidated 
financial reporting 
    regulation(Cabinet decree No.64 of year 2007). 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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Nipro 0cpn 23 (LSE:84ZB)
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부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Nipro 0cpn 23 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.