RNS Number : 4479D

Petrol AD

09 October 2018





For the period ended June 30

                                           Note        2018       2017 
                                                    BGN'000    BGN'000 
Revenue                                     2       238,185    221,647 
Other income                                3         4,149        398 
Cost of goods sold                                (211,569)  (197,007) 
Materials and consumables                   4       (1,836)    (1,870) 
Hired services                              5      (17,271)   (18,771) 
Employee benefits                           6       (9,162)    (9,180) 
Depreciation and amortisation             10, 11      (471)      (808) 
Impairment losses                                         5          - 
Other expenses                              7         (649)    (1,015) 
Finance income                              8        55,410        255 
Finance costs                               8       (1,662)    (1,597) 
Profit (loss) before income tax                      55,129    (7,948) 
                                                  ---------  --------- 
Tax income (expense)                        9            70       (27) 
                                                  ---------  --------- 
Profit (loss) for the period                         55,199    (7,975) 
                                                  ---------  --------- 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                              55,199    (7,975) 
Profit (loss) attributable to: 
     Owners of the Parent company                    55,199    (7,975) 
     Non-controlling interest                             -          - 
Profit (loss) for the period                         55,199    (7,975) 
                                                  =========  ========= 
Total comprehensive income attributable 
     Owners of the Parent company                    55,199    (7,975) 
     Non-controlling interest                             -          - 
                                                  ---------  --------- 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                              55,199    (7,975) 
                                                  =========  ========= 
Profit (loss) per share (BGN)               18         0.51     (0.07) 


                                                   Note    June 30                 Dec. 31 
                                                              2018                    2017 
                                                           BGN'000                 BGN'000 
Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment and intangible 
     assets                                         10      14,315                  14,398 
    Investment properties                           11       1,813                   1,812 
    Goodwill                                        12      19,827                      40 
    Deferred tax assets                             9        3,762                   3,692 
    Trade and other receivables                     16          95                      95 
Total non-current assets                                    39,812                  20,037 
                                                         ---------                -------- 
Current assets 
    Inventories                                     13      24,433                  20,990 
    Loans granted                                   15      24,185                  18,894 
    Trade and other receivables                     16      45,112                  32,733 
    Non-current assets held-for-sale                14          42                      42 
    Cash and cash equivalents                       17       4,069                   7,271 
Total current assets                                        97,841                  79,930 
                                                         ---------                -------- 
Total assets                                               137,653                  99,967 
                                                         =========                ======== 
    Registered capital                              18     109,250                 109,250 
    General reserves                                        18,864                  18,864 
    Accumulated loss                                     (107,087)               (162,286) 
                                                         ---------         --------------- 
Total equity attributable to the owners 
 of the Parent company                                      21,027                (34,172) 
                                                         ---------         --------------- 
Non-controlling interests                                       10                      10 
                                                         ---------         --------------- 
Total equity                                                21,037                (34,162) 
Non-current liabilities 
    Loans and borrowings                            19      38,060                  38,144 
    Employee defined benefit obligations            20         441                     441 
Total non-current liabilities                               38,501                  38,585 
                                                         ---------         --------------- 
Current liabilities 
    Trade and other payables                        21      76,064                  92,010 
    Loans and borrowings                            19       2,051                   3,478 
    Current income tax liabilities                  22           -                      56 
Total current liabilities                                   78,115                  95,544 
                                                         ---------         --------------- 
Total liabilities                                          116,616                 134,129 
                                                         =========         =============== 
Total equity and liabilities                               137,653                  99,967 
                                                         =========         =============== 


                                        Equity attributable to the              Non-controlling      Total 
                                            owners of the Parent                      interests     equity 
                              Registered     General   Accumulated      Total 
                                 capital    reserves        profit 
                                 BGN'000     BGN'000       BGN'000    BGN'000           BGN'000      BGN'000 
 Balance at January 
  1, 2017                        106,482      18,864     (161,702)   (36,356)                10     (36,346) 
 Comprehensive income 
  for the period 
 Loss for the period                   -           -       (7,975)    (7,975)                 -      (7,975) 
                             -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  ----------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                               -           -       (7,975)    (7,975)                 -      (7,975) 
                             -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  ----------- 
 Balance at June 30, 
  2017                           106,482      18,864     (169,677)   (44,331)                10     (44,321) 
                             ===========  ==========  ============  =========  ================  =========== 
 Comprehensive income 
  for the period 
 Profit for the period                 -           -         9,352      9,352                 -        9,352 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                               -           -          (22)       (22)                 -         (22) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                               -           -         9,330      9,330                 -        9,330 
                             -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  ----------- 
 Transactions with 
 recognized directly 
 in equity 
 Sale of ordinary shares           2,768           -       (1,939)        829                 -          829 
 Total transactions 
  with shareholders                2,768           -       (1,939)        829                 -          829 
                             -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  ----------- 
   Balance at December 
   31, 2017                      109,250      18,864     (162,286)   (34,172)                10     (34,162) 
                             ===========  ==========  ============  =========  ================  =========== 
 Comprehensive income 
  for the period 
 Profit for the period                 -           -        55,199     55,199                 -       55,199 
                             -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  ----------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                               -           -        55,199     55,199                 -       55,199 
                             -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------------  ----------- 
 Balance at June 30, 
  2018                           109,250      18,864     (107,087)     21,027                10       21,037 
                             ===========  ==========  ============  =========  ================  =========== 


For the period ended June 30

                                                           2018          2017 
                                                        BGN'000       BGN'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Net profit (loss) before taxes                           55,129       (7,948) 
Adjustments for: 
     Depreciation/amortization of property, plant 
      and equipment and intangible assets                   471           808 
     Interest expense and bank commissions, net             905         1,459 
     Shortages and normal loss, net of excess 
      assets                                               (91)          (48) 
     Provisions for unused paid leave and retirement 
      benefits                                              315           314 
     Reversed impairment loss                               (5)             - 
     Receivables written-off                                  -             1 
     Payables written-off                                 (120)             - 
     Gain on sale of subsidiaries                      (54,621)             - 
     Profit on sale of assets                           (3,831)           (2) 
                                                        (1,848)       (5,416) 
     Change in trade payables                            24,397         4,016 
     Change in inventories                              (3,367)         3,297 
     Change in trade and other receivables             (18,616)         1,038 
Cash flows generated from operating activities              566         2,935 
      Interest, bank fees and commissions paid          (2,289)       (3,354) 
      Income tax paid                                      (56)         (128) 
                                                       --------      -------- 
Net cash from operating activities                      (1,779)         (547) 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
     Payments for purchase of property, plant 
      and equipment                                       (950)         (369) 
     Proceeds from sale of property, plant and 
      equipment                                           3,545             8 
     Payments for loans granted, net                    (4,360)             - 
     Proceeds from loans granted, net                       147             - 
     Interest received on loans granted                      10           107 
     Payments for acquisition of subsidiary and 
      other investments, net of cash acquired                16         (349) 
     Disposals cash from the sale of subsidiaries, 
      net of proceeds from sale                            (47)             - 
     Payments for acquisitions of other investments         530             - 
 Net cash flows used in investing activities            (1,109)         (603) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from loans and borrowings                         166           850 
 Payments of loans and borrowings                         (262)         (219) 
 Net cash flows from financing activities                  (96)           631 
 Net decrease in cash flows during the period           (2,984)         (519) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the period                                           7,085         5,334 
      Effect of movements in exchange rates                (32)         (117) 
                                                       --------      -------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of 
  the period                                              4,069         4,698 
                                                       ========      ======== 


to the interim consolidated financial report

for the period ended June 30, 2018

   1.         Segments reporting 

The Group has identified the following operating segments, based on the reports presented to the Group's Management, which are used in the process of strategic decision-making:

   --     Wholesale of fuels - wholesale of petroleum products in Bulgaria; 

-- Retail of fuels - retail of petroleum and other products through a network of petrol stations.

-- Other activities - financial and accounting services, consultancy, rental income and other activities.

The segment information, presented to the Group's Management for the years ended as of June 30, 2018 and 2017 is as follows:

 June 30                      Wholesale           Retail        All other         Total for 
                               of fuels         of fuels         segments         the Group 
                                BGN'000          BGN'000          BGN'000           BGN'000 
 Total segment revenue            6,095          235,868            1,125           243,088 
 Intra-group revenue                  -               11              743               754 
 Revenue from external 
  customers                       6,095          235,857              382           242,334 
 Adjusted EBITDA                    224            1,322              301             1,847 
 Depreciation/amortization            2              396               73               471 
 Impairment                                          (5)                -               (5) 
 June 30                      Wholesale           Retail        All other         Total for 
                               of fuels         of fuels         segments         the Group 
                                BGN'000          BGN'000          BGN'000           BGN'000 
 Total segment revenue            7,250          215,610            1,052           223,912 
 Intra-group revenue                  1            1,114              752             1,867 
 Revenue from external 
  customers                       7,249          214,496              300           222,045 
 Adjusted EBITDA                    529          (6,502)              175           (5,798) 
 Depreciation/amortization            -              800                8               808 
 Impairment                           -                -                -                 - 

The policies for recognition of revenue from intra-group sales and sales to external clients for the purposes of the reporting by segments do not differ from these applied by the Group for revenue recognition in the consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income.

The Management of the Group evaluates the results of the performance of the segments based on the adjusted EBITDA[1]. In the calculation of the adjusted EBITDA the effect of the impairment of assets is not taken into account. The reconciliation of the adjusted EBITDA and the profit (loss) before tax is presented in the table below:

                                          June 30         June 30 
                                             2018            2017 
                                          BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Adjusted EBITDA - reporting segments       1,546         (5,973) 
 Adjusted EBITDA - all other segments         301             175 
 Depreciation/amortization                  (471)           (808) 
 Impairment of assets                           5               - 
 Finance income(costs), net                53,748         (1,342) 
 Profit (loss) before tax                  55,129         (7,948) 
                                        =========       ========= 
   2.         Revenue from sales 
                      June 30        June 30 
                         2018           2017 
                          . .            . . 
 Sales of goods       234,954        217,891 
 Sales of services      3,231          3,756 
                     --------       -------- 
                      238,185        221,647 
                     ========       ======== 
   3.         Other income 
                                                June 30         June 30 
                                                   2018            2017 
                                                BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Gain on sale of property, plant, equipment 
  and materials including:                        3,831               2 
   Income from sales                              4,729           1,029 
  Carrying amount                                 (898)         (1,027) 
 Surpluses of assets                                141             119 
 Payables written-off                               120               1 
 Insurance claims                                    32              29 
 Penalties and indemnities                           25              41 
 Other                                                -             206 
                                              ---------       --------- 
                                                  4,149             398 
                                              =========       ========= 
    4.         Materials and consumables 
                             June 30         June 30 
                                2018            2017 
                             BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Electricity and heating       1,035           1,011 
 Fuels and lubricants            209             127 
 Spare parts                     170             277 
 Office consumables              170             183 
 Working clothes                 101             107 
 Water supply                     52              59 
 Advertising materials            42              38 
 Other                            57              68 
                           ---------       --------- 
                               1,836           1,870 
                           =========       ========= 
   5.         Hired services 
                                           June 30         June 30 
                                              2018            2017 
                                           BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Rents                                       6,856           8,183 
 Dealer and other commissions                5,526           4,785 
 Maintenance and repairs                     1,565           1,711 
 Consulting, training and audit                911             868 
 Security                                      410             423 
 Communications                                409             406 
 Cash collection expense                       371             369 
 Advertising                                   264             241 
 State, municipal fees and other costs         261           1,012 
 Insurances                                    214             263 
 Software licenses                             127             119 
 Transport                                      70              60 
 Other                                         287             331 
                                         ---------       --------- 
                                            17,271          18,771 
                                         =========       ========= 

Rental costs include BGN 5,621 thousand for rent of petrol stations under operating lease agreements. (June 30, 2017: BGN 6,837 thousand).

   6.         Personnel expenses 
                                                June 30         June 30 
                                                   2018            2017 
                                                BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Wages and salaries                               7,804           7,840 
 Social security contributions and benefits       1,358           1,340 
                                              ---------       --------- 
                                                  9,162           9,180 
                                              =========       ========= 
    7.         Other expenses 
                                             June 30         June 30 
                                                2018            2017 
                                             BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Penalties and indemnities                       199              26 
 Local taxes and taxes on expenses               177             115 
 Entertainment expenses and sponsorship          139             730 
 Scrap, shortages and written-off assets          50              71 
 Business trips                                   17              27 
 Other                                            67              46 
                                           ---------       --------- 
                                                 649           1,015 
                                           =========       ========= 
   8.         Finance income and costs 
                                                       June 30         June 30 
                                                          2018            2017 
                                                       BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Finance income 
 Interest income, including                                757             138 
     Interest income on loans granted                      706              45 
     Interest income on trade receivables                   51              89 
     Other interest income                                   -               4 
 Gain on sale of subsidiaries, incl.:                   54,621               - 
     Revenue from sales                                     25               - 
     Carrying amount of the Group's interest                                 - 
      in the net assets of the subsidiaries             54,596 
 Net foreign exchange gain                                  32             117 
                                                        55,410             255 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
 Finance cost 
 Interest costs, including:                            (1,374)         (1,413) 
     Interest expenses on debenture loans              (1,251)         (1,240) 
     Interest expenses to the state budget                (45)            (99) 
     Interest expenses on bank loans                      (55)            (68) 
     Interest expenses on trade loans                     (15)             (1) 
     Interest expenses on trade and other payables         (8)             (5) 
 Bank fees, commissions and other financial 
  expenses                                               (288)           (184) 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
                                                       (1,662)         (1,597) 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
 Finance income (costs), net                            53,748         (1,342) 
                                                     =========       ========= 
     9.         Taxation 
   9.1.      Tax expenses 

Tax expense recognised in profit or loss includes the amount of current and deferred income tax expenses in accordance with IAS 12 Income taxes.

                                                 June 30         June 30 
                                                    2018            2017 
                                                 BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Current tax expense                                   -              54 
 Change in deferred tax, including:                 (70)            (27) 
     Temporary differences recognised during 
      the period                                      71              48 
     Temporary differences arisen during the 
      period                                       (141)            (75) 
 Tax (income) expense                               (70)              27 
                                               =========       ========= 
   9.2.      Effective tax rate 

The reconciliation between the accounting profit (loss) and tax expense, as well as calculation of the effective tax rate as of June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 is presented in the table below:

                                                    June 30         June 30 
                                                       2018            2017 
                                                    BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Profit (loss) before tax for the period             55,129         (7,948) 
 Applicable tax rate                                    10%             10% 
 Tax expense at the applicable tax rate               5,513           (795) 
 Tax effect of permanent differences                     40            (78) 
 Tax effect of a tax asset recognized in 
  the current year that arose but was not 
  recognized in previous reporting periods          (4,588)            (58) 
 Tax effect of a tax asset not recognised 
  in the current year that arose in the current 
  period                                             11,182             807 
 Tax effect from consolidation adjustments         (12,217)             151 
                                                  ---------       --------- 
 Tax (income) expense                                  (70)              27 
                                                  =========       ========= 
 Effective tax rate                                       -               - 
                                                  =========       ========= 

The respective tax periods of the Group may be subject to inspection by the tax authorities until the expiration of 5 years from the end of the year in which a declaration was submitted, or should have been submitted. Consequently additional taxes or penalties may be imposed in accordance with the interpretation of the tax legislation. The Group's management is not aware of any circumstances, which may give rise to a contingent additional liability in this respect.

In December 2014 tax audits of Parent company commenced, encompassing social security contributions and personal income tax for the period December 2008 till December 2013 and corporate income tax and value added tax (VAT) for 2013. Subsequently the corporate income tax and VAT audits were prolonged till September 2016 and the scope was increased till 2014 and June 2015, respectively. In March 2016 a tax audit act related to social security contributions for BGN 543 thousand principal and BGN 248 thousand interests was issued. It is fully appealed against by the Parent company. In April 2016 in order to suspend the execution of the appealed tax audit act, a bank guarantee of BGN 800 thousand in favor of National Revenue Agency was issued. In November 2017, the issued revision act is entirely repealed with a decision of Administrative Court - Sofia city. The tax administration appealed the decision and now the contest is pending in (Supreme Administrative Court) SAC.

In January 2017, the Parent company received a tax audit act on corporate tax revision for 2013 and VAT until October 2014 amounting to BGN 222 thousand principal and BGN 68 thousand interest. Bank guarantee of BGN 350 thousand was issued in order to ceased the execution of the appealed audit act in January 2017. In March 2017 the foreclosed properties, with carrying amount of BGN 578 thousand, which guaranteed the execution of the finalized audit proceedings, were released by the National Revenue Agency.

In March 2017, the Parent company received a tax audit act due to the audit of corporate income tax for 2014 and VAT until June 2015 for BGN 663 thousand principal and BGN 138 thousand interest. The Parent company appealed the act. In order to suspend the enforcement of the appealed audit act, ordered by the Parent company, a bank guarantee in favor of National Revenue Agency for BGN 940 thousand was issued. The bank guarantee is partly covered by BGN 300 thousand cash. In August 2017 the Director of "Appealing and tax-security practice" department issued a decision, which change the appealed revision act of the Parent company on corporate income tax for 2014 and VAT until June 2015 and reduce the additional tax liabilities from BGN 663 thousand to BGN 65 thousand principal and from BGN 138 thousand to BGN 15 thousand interest. The rest of the additionally determined tax liabilities in the revision act are in process of legal appealing. The issued bank guarantee to suspend the enforcement of the appealed audit act in favor of the National Revenue Agency of BGN 940 thousand, partly covered by BGN 300 thousand blocked cash, was replaced with new bank guarantee of BGN 94 thousand and blocked cash was released.

   9.3.      Recognised deferred tax assets and liabilities 

Deferred tax assets and liabilities were recognized in respect of the following positions:

                                        Asset   Recognised   Asset (liability)   Recognised          Asset 
                                  (liability)    in profit          as at Dec.    in profit    (liability) 
                                        as at     and loss             31 2017     and loss          as at 
                                       Jan. 1                                                         June 
                                         2017                                                      30 2018 
                                      BGN'000      BGN'000             BGN'000      BGN'000        BGN'000 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                             (303)           19               (284)            5          (279) 
 Impairment of assets                   3,236          583               3,819           42          3,861 
 Tax loss carry-forwards                    2           22                  24           18             42 
 Provisions for unused 
  paid leave and other 
  provisions                               74           15                  89            8             97 
 Excess of interest payments 
  in accordance with CITA                   -            1                   1            1              2 
 Other temporary differences, 
  including unpaid benefits 
  to individuals                           26           17                  43          (4)             39 
                                -------------  -----------  ------------------  -----------  ------------- 
                                        3,035          657               3,692           70          3,762 
                                =============  ===========  ==================  ===========  ============= 
    10.       Property, plant, equipment and intangible assets 
                    Land   Buildings     Plant     Vehicles     Other     Assets   Intangible      Total 
                                          and                              under       assets 
                                       equipment                         constr. 
                 BGN'000     BGN'000                BGN'000   BGN'000    BGN'000      BGN'000    BGN'000 
  Balance at 
  1, 2017          9,315      10,454      22,071        690     3,468         65        3,503     49,566 
 Additions             -           -         218          -        47         36           25        326 
 Disposals             -           -       (213)      (118)      (35)          -            -      (366) 
 Balance at 
  30, 2017         9,315      10,454      22,076        572     3,480        101        3,528     49,526 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Additions         2,066           -          40          -       191        126            7      2,430 
 Transfers             -           -          18          -        22       (40)            -          - 
 Disposals         (172)           -       (105)          -     (136)       (48)         (52)      (513) 
 Disposals on 
  subsidiary     (3,573)     (3,790)    (10,872)          -   (1,803)       (46)            -   (20,084) 
 Balance at 
  31, 2017         7,636       6,664      11,157        572     1,754         93        3,483     31,359 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Additions             -           -          68          -         6      1,094           93      1,261 
 Transfers             -          29          54          -        24      (107)            -          - 
 Disposals             -           -        (25)          -      (20)      (886)            -      (931) 
 Balance at 
  30, 2018         7,636       6,693      11,254        572     1,764        194        3,576     31,689 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  1, 2017              -       5,387      13,262        657     2,396          -        3,434     25,136 
 Accumulated           -         179         493          2        98          -           13        785 
 Disposals for 
  period               -           -       (193)      (100)      (29)          -            -      (322) 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  30, 2017             -       5,566      13,562        559     2,465          -        3,447     25,599 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Accumulated           -         156         381          1       102          -           14        654 
 Disposals for 
  period               -           -       (105)          -     (133)          -         (52)      (290) 
 Disposals on 
  subsidiary           -     (1,646)     (5,892)          -   (1,464)          -            -    (9,002) 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  31, 2017             -       4,076       7,946        560       970          -        3,409     16,961 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Accumulated           -         105         249          -        69          -           25        448 
 Disposals for 
  period               -           -        (20)          -      (15)          -            -       (35) 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  30, 2018             -       4,181       8,175        560     1,024          -        3,434     17,374 
                --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
  at January 
  1, 2017          9,315       5,067       8,809         33     1,072         65           69     24,430 
                ========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========  =========  ===========  ========= 
  at June 30, 
  2017             9,315       4,888       8,514         13     1,015        101           81     23,927 
                ========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========  =========  ===========  ========= 
  at December 
  2017             7,636       2,588       3,211         12       784         93           74     14,398 
                ========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========  =========  ===========  ========= 
  at June 30, 
  2018             7,636       2,512       3,079         12       740        194          142     14,315 
                ========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========  =========  ===========  ========= 

As at June 30, 2018 property, plant and equipment with carrying amount of BGN 7,530 thousand (December 31, 2017: BGN 8,322 thousand) are mortgaged and pledged as collaterals under bank loans, granted to the Group and other companies and under bank guarantee agreements.

The assets under construction include mainly incurred expenses for reconstruction of trade sites.

Management's impairment tests on property, plant and equipment, confirm that there is no evidence or circumstances indicating a sustained decline in the carrying amounts of assets, which recoverable amount significantly differs from their carrying amount.

   11.       Investment property 
                                              June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                 2018            2017 
                                              BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Balance at the beginning of the period         1,859           1,835 
 Additions                                         24              24 
                                            ---------       --------- 
 Balance at the end of the period               1,883           1,859 
                                            ---------       --------- 
 Accumulated depreciation 
 Balance at the beginning of the period            47               - 
 Depreciation for the period                       23              47 
 Balance at the end of the period                  70              47 
                                            ---------       --------- 
 Carrying amount at the beginning of the 
  period                                        1,812           1,835 
                                            =========       ========= 
 Carrying amount at the end of the period       1,813           1,812 
                                            =========       ========= 

Investment property representing land and building were acquired through business combination in December 2016. The carrying amount of the investment property as at June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 is a maximum approximation of their fair value. The Group determines the fair value of the investment property for reporting purposes, using a valuation report of independent appraiser, which is calculated by method of net assets value and discounted net cash flows.

   12.       Goodwill 
                     June 30         Dec. 31 
                        2018            2017 
                     BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Cost                 19,827           2,005 
 Impairment loss           -         (1,965) 
                      19,827              40 
                   =========       ========= 

In March 2018 the Group signed a contract for purchasing of 1,873,700 shares, representing 100% of the capital of Varna Storage EOOD. The goodwill recognised arising from the acquisition amounted to BGN 19,787 thousand.

The goodwill arising from the acquisition of Elit Petrol AD at the amount of BGN 1,965 thousand was impaired in previous periods and written-off in 2018 when the company was sold.

A goodwill of BGN 3 thousand, BGN 8 thousand and BGN 29 thousand was recognised in previous periods with the acquisition of the subsidiary Petrol Technologies OOD, subsidiaries Storage Invest EOOD and Storage Oil EAD, and Lozen Asset AD.

   13.       Inventory 
                                June 30         Dec. 31 
                                   2018            2017 
                                BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Goods, including:               23,845          20,361 
 Fuels                           15,394          12,581 
 Lubricants and other goods       8,451           7,780 
 Materials                          588             629 
                                 24,433          20,990 
                              =========       ========= 
   14.       Non-current assets held for sale 
                                             June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                2018            2017 
                                             BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Non-current assets held for sale incl.:          42              42 
 Land                                             34              34 
 Buildings                                         8               8 
                                                  42              42 
                                           =========       ========= 
   15.       Loans granted 
                                                   June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                      2018            2017 
                                                   BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Loans granted to unrelated parties, including      24,185          18,894 
 Initial value                                      65,582          60,048 
 Allowance for impairment                         (41,397)        (41,154) 
                                                    24,185          18,894 
                                                 =========       ========= 

In August 2017, the Group signed two granting money agreements, according to which the Group has a liability to grant to unrelated parties interest bearing loans up to BGN 4,000 thousand and up to BGN 500 thousand with 6.7% annual interest and initially arranged term until December 31, 2017, which subsequently was extended to December 31, 2018. In January 2018, pursuant to an annex contracted between the parties, the credit limit on the first loan was increased from BGN 4,000 thousand to BGN 5,000 thousand. As at June 30, 2018 the granted amounts are BGN 4,350 thousand and BGN 500 thousand, respectively.

In November 2017 the Group signed two contracts for granting interest bearing loans with unrelated parties amounting up to BGN 5,050 thousand and up to BGN 6,150 thousand with 6.7% annual interest and term until December 31, 2018. In 2018 the credit limit of the first loan was increased and as at June 30, 2018, the granted amounts under the two loans are BGN 5,314 thousand and BGN 6,150 thousand, respectively.

In December 2017, the Group signed a contract for granting money, which requires the Group to grant interest bearing trade loan up to BGN 3,000 thousand to unrelated party with 6.7% annual interest and term until December 31, 2018. The contracted amount was entirely granted.

In February 2018 the Group granted a short-term cash loan to the unrelated party for BGN 1,500 thousand at an annual interest rate of 6.7%. The loan is due on December 31, 2018. As at June 30, 2018 the receivables under this loan are BGN 1,500 thousand principal and BGN 33 thousand interest.

In March 2018 the Group signed a contract for granting short-term loan with an unrelated party for BGN 1,961 thousand at an annual interest rate of 5.5%. The loan is due on December 31, 2018. As at June 30, 2018 the Group has receivables for BGN 1,961 thousand principal and BGN 28 thousand interest.

In March 2018 the Group signed a contract for granting a short-term cash loan with an unrelated party for BGN 48 thousand at annual interest rate of 6.7%. The loan is due on December 31, 2018. As at June 30, 2018 the granted funds under this loan amounted to BGN 96 thousand principal and BGN 1 thousand interest.

As at June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 the receivables on loans granted and interest receivable by the Controlling company until November 2013 at the amount of BGN 32,063 thousand are totally impaired due to started insolvency procedure and their difficult collection.

The Management has performed an analysis of loans granted in order to determine their fair values and their respective level in the fair value hierarchy. The Management of the Group considers that the carrying amounts of the granted loans in the consolidated statement of financial position are reasonable approximations of their fair value as at June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 within Level 3 category.

   16.       Trade and other receivables 
                                                       June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                          2018            2017 
                                                       BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Non-current receivables 
            Guarantees granted                              95              95 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
                                                            95              95 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
 Current receivables 
 Receivables from clients, including                    35,353          24,198 
 Initial value                                          36,870          25,540 
 Allowance for impairment                              (1,517)         (1,342) 
 Receivables under cession agreements, assumption 
  of debt and regress                                    6,724           4,550 
 Initial value                                           8,128          68,183 
 Allowance for impairment                              (1,404)        (63,633) 
 Guarantees for participation in tender procedures         896             886 
 Deferred expenses                                         882           1,528 
 Tax refundable, incl.:                                    443              50 
 VAT                                                       442              45 
 Other taxes                                                 1               5 
 Advances granted, including                               193             329 
 Initial value                                             269             405 
 Allowance for impairment                                 (76)            (76) 
 Litigations and writs                                      14             189 
 Initial value                                              35             210 
 Allowance for impairment                                 (21)            (21) 
 Other                                                     607           1,003 
 Initial value                                             672           1,068 
 Allowance for impairment                                 (65)            (65) 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
                                                        45,112          32,733 
                                                     ---------       --------- 
                                                        45,207          32,828 
                                                     =========       ========= 

The Management performed an analysis of the trade receivables in order to determine their fair values and their level in the fair value hierarchy. The Management considers that the carrying values of the trade and other receivables in the consolidated statement of financial position are reasonable approximations of their fair value as at June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 within Level 3 category.

The Group considers that unimpaired overdue receivables are collectible based on historical information about payments, guarantees received and a detailed analysis of the credit risk and collaterals of its customers.

   17.       Cash and cash equivalents 
                                                 June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                    2018            2017 
                                                 BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Cash in transit                                   3,354           3,946 
 Cash at banks                                       616           3,047 
 Cash on hand                                         99              92 
                                               ---------       --------- 
 Cash in Statement of Cash Flows                   4,069           7,085 
                                               ---------       --------- 
 Blocked cash                                          -             186 
                                               ---------       --------- 
 Cash in the Statement of Financial Position       4,069           7,271 
                                               =========       ========= 

Cash in transit comprises cash collected from fuel stations as at the end of the reporting period, but actually received in the bank accounts of the Group in the beginning of the next reporting period.

The amounts presented as blocked cash as at December 31, 2017 in Cash at the amount of BGN 186 thousand held at a bank account that is blocked as a bank guarantee under a bank loan agreement to serve as a security for a public tender participation of the Parent company under Public Procurement Act. . In the month of April 2018 the amount has been unblocked.

   18.       Registered capital 

The Group's registered capital is presented at its nominal value. The registered capital of the Group represents the registered capital of the Parent company Petrol AD, reduced by redeemed own shares as at June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017.

As at June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 the shareholders in the Parent company are as follows:

 Shareholder                                June 30        Dec. 31 
                                               2018           2017 
 Alfa Capital AD                             28.85%         28.85% 
 Yulinor EOOD                                23.11%         23.11% 
 Perfeto consulting EOOD                     16.43%         16.43% 
 Correct Pharm EOOD                          10.98%         10.98% 
 Trans Express Oil EOOD                       9.86%          9.86% 
 Corporate Commercial Bank AD                 5.51%          5.51% 
 VIP Properties EOOD                          2.26%          2.26% 
 The Ministry of Economy of the Republic 
  of Bulgaria                                 0.65%          0.65% 
 Other minority shareholders                  2.35%          2.35% 
                                           --------       -------- 
                                            100.00%        100.00% 
                                           ========       ======== 

The Management of the Parent company has undertaken series of measures related to optimization of its capital adequacy. At the several General Meetings of Shareholders hold in the period of 2016 - 2017 a decision for reverse-split procedure for merging 4 old shares with nominal value of BGN 1 to 1 share with a nominal value of BGN 4 and consequent decrease of the capital of the Parent company in order to cover losses by decreasing the nominal value of the shares from BGN 4 to BGN 1 was voted. In March 2018, following a decision of the Lovech Regional Court, which repealed the refusal of the Commercial Register (CR) to register the decision voted on EGMS for merging 4 old shares with nominal of BGN 1 into 1 new share with nominal of BGN 4, the applied change was registered in CR resulting in registered capital of the Parent company of BGN 109 249 612, distributed in 27 312 403 shares with nominal of BGN 4 each. The change in the capital structure of the Parent company was registered also in Central Depositary AD. The application for registration of the voted on EGMS decision for the second stage of the procedure of the Parent company's capital to be decreased by decreasing the nominal value of the shares from BGN 4 to BGN 1 in order to cover losses was refused by CR. The Parent company's Management will undertakes actions for holding a new GMS of Petrol AD to vote again the decision for capital decrease of the Parent company in order to cover losses by decreasing of the nominal value of the share from BGN 4 to BGN 1.

Profit (loss) per share

The profit (loss) per share is calculated by dividing the net loss for the period by the weighted average number of ordinary shares held during the reporting period.

                                                  June 30        June 30 
                                                     2018           2017 
 Weighted average number of shares                109,250        106,482 
 Profit (loss) (BGN'000)                           55,199        (7,975) 
                                                 --------       -------- 
 Profit (loss) per share (BGN)                       0.51         (0.07) 
                                                 ========       ======== 
   19.       Loans and borrowings 
                                        June 30         Dec. 31 
                                           2018            2017 
                                        BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Debenture loans                         36,531          36,353 
 Loans from financial institutions        1,529           1,791 
                                         38,060          38,144 
                                      =========       ========= 
 Current liabilities 
 Debenture loans                            936           1,870 
 Loans from financial institutions          577             578 
 Trade loans from unrelated parties         538           1,030 
                                          2,051           3,478 
                                      =========       ========= 
                                         40,111          41,622 
                                      =========       ========= 
   19.1.    Debenture loans 

In October, 2006 the Parent company issued 2,000 registered transferable bonds with fixed annual interest rate of 8.375% and issue value 99.507% of the face value, which is determined at EUR 50,000 per bond. The principal is due in one payment at the maturity date. The bond term is 5 years and the maturity date is in October 2011. At the general meetings of the bondholders conducted in October and December 2011, it was decided to extend the term of the issue until January 26, 2017. On 23 December 2016, a procedure of extension of the bond issue to 2022 and reduction of the interest rate in the range from 5.5% to 8% was successfully completed.

After the prolongation of the debenture loan, the annual effective interest rate is 6.78%. The purpose of the bond issue is to provide funds for working capital, investment projects financing and restructuring of the previous debt of the Group.

The debenture loan liabilities are presented in the statement of financial position at amortised cost.

As at the date of these financial statements the nominal value of the debenture loan is EUR 18,659 thousand.

   19.2.    Loans from financial institutions 

In July 2016 the Group entered into an investment loan agreement, prepaying the liabilities on finance lease contract from November 2015. Collateral of the loan is mortgage of property, acquired through finance lease and pledge of receivables. The term of the contract is May 2022 and the contracted interest rate is 3mEuribor+5.25%.

   20.       Obligation for defined benefit retirement compensations 

As at June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 the Group accrued obligation for defined benefit retirement compensations amounting to BGN 441 thousand. The amount of the liability is determined based on an actuarial valuation, based on assumptions for mortality, disability, employment turnover, salary increases, etc. The present value of the liability is calculated using a discount factor of 2% and expected salary increases 4%.

The demographic assumptions are related to the likelihood individuals to leave the plan before retirement due to various reasons: withdrawal, staff reduction, illness, death, disability, etc. They are based on statistical information about the population and are attached to the staff structure by gender and age at the time of the assessment.

   21.       Trade and other payables 
                                               June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                  2018            2017 
                                               BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Payables to suppliers                          52,187          40,817 
 Obligations under cession agreements and 
  regress                                       12,813          39,942 
 Tax payables, including                         7,484           6,005 
 Excise duty and other taxes                     7,424           5,922 
 VAT                                                60              83 
 Payables to personnel and social security 
  funds                                          2,133           2,140 
 Advances received and deferred income             474           2,108 
 Payables to related parties                        12               - 
 Other                                             961             998 
                                             ---------       --------- 
                                                76,064          92,010 
                                             =========       ========= 

The Group accrues unused paid leave provision of employees in compliance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits. The movement of these provisions for the period is as follows:

                                                  June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                     2018            2017 
                                                  BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Balance at the beginning of the period               429             359 
 Accrued during the period                            315             372 
 Utilised during the period                         (239)           (302) 
 Balance at the end of the period, including:         505             429 
                                                =========       ========= 
 Paid leaves                                          425             362 
 Social security on paid leaves                        80              67 

The balance at the end of the year is presented in the consolidated statement of financial position together with current payable to personnel.

The Management performed an analysis of trade payables in order to determine their fair values and their level in the fair value hierarchy. The Management of the Group considers that the carrying amounts of the current payables in the consolidated statement of financial position are reasonable approximations of their fair value as at June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 within Level 3 category.

   22.       Current income tax 
                                                      June 30         Dec. 31 
                                                         2018            2017 
                                                      BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Income tax payable (receivable) at the beginning 
  of the period                                            56             368 
 Corporate income tax accrued                               -              44 
 Corporate income tax paid                               (56)           (285) 
 Disposals on business combinations                         -            (70) 
 Other variations incl. corporate income 
  tax offset                                                -             (1) 
                                                    ---------       --------- 
 Refundable corporate income tax at the end 
  of the period                                             -              56 
                                                    =========       ========= 
   23.       Subsidiaries 

The Parent company (the Controlling company) is Petrol AD.

The subsidiaries, included in the consolidation, over which the Group has control as of June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 are as follows:

 Subsidiary             Main activity                    Investment   Investment 
                                                            at June      at Dec. 
                                                            30 2018      31 2017 
 Petrol Properties      Trading movable and immovable 
  EOOD                   property                              100%         100% 
 Varna Storage          Trade with oil and oil 
  EOOD                   products                              100%         100% 
 Petrol Finances        Financial and accounting 
  OOD                    services                               99%          99% 
 Petrol Finance         Financial and accounting 
  EOOD                   services                              100%         100% 
 Elit Petrol -Lovech    Trade with oil and oil 
  AD                     products                              100%         100% 
 Petrol Technologies 
  OOD                   IT services and consultancy          98,80%       98,80% 
                        Acquisition, management 
 Lozen Asset AD          and exploitation of property          100%         100% 
                        Production and trading 
                         with goods and services, 
 Storage Invest          investments, intermediation 
  EOOD                   services                              100%         100% 
                        Processing and trading 
 Storage Oil EAD         with oil and oil products             100%         100% 
                        Management, leasing and 
 Elit Petrol AD          sale of real estate                      -         100% 

In March 2018 the Group sold 100% of the capital of Elit Petrol AD for BGN 25 thousand. As at the transaction date Elit Petrol AD is sole owner of the capital of Varna Storage EOOD. The consolidated net assets of the two companies are negative amounting to BGN 54,596 thousand. The result of the sale is a profit of BGN 54,621 thousand.

In March 2018 the Group signed a contract for purchasing of 1,873,700 shares, representing 100% of the capital of Varna Storage EOOD. The price of BGN 6,500 thousand was determined by a market valuation, accepted by both parties and was offset with the opposite receivables of the Group from the seller. The goodwill recognised arising from the acquisition amounted to BGN 19,787 thousand.

In November 2017, the Group sold 100% of its interest in Gryphon Power AD to third party for BGN 21,800 thousand consideration. As at the transaction date, the consolidated net assets of the sold company were at the amount of BGN 10,891 thousand. As a result of the sale, the Group reported BGN 10,909 thousand profit.

In December 2017, the Group sold 100% of the capital in BPI AD for BGN 4 thousand. As at the transaction date the consolidated net assets are negative at the amount of BGN 1,087 thousand and the result of the sale is a profit of BGN 1,091 thousand.

In December 2017, the Group sold to third party 100% of the capital of Petrol Gas EOOD for BGN 2 thousand. As at the transaction date the consolidated net assets are at the amount of BGN 10 thousand. The result from the sale is a loss of BGN 8 thousand.

During the period until June 30, 2018 the Group has no purchases and sales with related parties.

The total amount of the accrued remunerations of the members of Management Board and Supervisory Board of the Parent company for the period until June 30, 2018, included in the personnel expenses, is BGN 665 thousand (June 30, 2017: BGN 648 thousand), and the unsettled liabilities as at June 30, 2018 are at the amount of BGN 96 thousand (December 31, 2017: BGN 89 thousand).

   24.       Contingent liabilities 

As at June 30, 2018 the Group has contingent liabilities, including issued mortgages and pledges of property, plant and equipment, which serve as a collateral for the bank loans granted to the Group and unrelated parties and credit limits for issuance of bank guarantees with total carrying amount of BGN 7,530 thousand. The Group is a joint co-debtor under a loan agreement for BGN 35,000 thousand and stand-by credit for issuance of bank guarantees amounted to BGN 10,000 thousand in favor of unrelated supplier. The total amount of the utilized funds and issued valid bank guarantees of all borrower's exposures to the Bank shall not exceed BGN 45,000 thousand. The Group has contingent liability, which secured the execution of the contract for storage of third-party fuels amounted to BGN 30,000 thousand.

The Group has co-debtor liability of BGN 2,346 thousand, pursuant to entering-into-debt agreement from January 2017 under liability of subsidiary till February 2018.

Under a bank agreement for revolving credit line concluded in 2016, bank guarantees were issued for a total amount as at June 30, 2018 of BGN 9,304 thousand, including BGN 5,900 thousand in favor of third parties - Group's suppliers, BGN 1,244 thousand in favor of National Revenue Agency, for issuance of appealed by the Parent company revision acts and BGN 2,160 thousand to secure own liabilities related to contracts under the Public Procurement Act. The bank agreement is secured by mortgage and pledge of property, pledge of all receivables on bank accounts (at the amount of BGN 209 thousand as at June 30, 2018) of the Parent company and a subsidiary. In July 2017 the credit limit under the revolving credit line was increased from BGN 8,500 thousand to BGN 9,500 thousand. Assets amounted to BGN 1,500 thousand, owned by a subsidiary, additionally secured the credit limit.

As a collateral of an investment loan signed in July 2016, a mortgage of property, acquired through the investment loan and a pledge of receivables, arising from opened bank accounts of the Parent company to the amount of the outstanding balance of the loan, which as at the June 30, 2018 amounting to BGN 2,097 thousand.

There is a pending court dispute in relation to a singed in 2015 written guarantee of liabilities of a subsidiary until February 2018, arising from a cession agreement with an exposure of BGN 245 thousand as at 30 June, 2018. The blocked cash of BGN 245 thousand, which served as a collateral pursuant to Art.180 and Art. 181 of the Obligations and Contracts Act (OCA), is reported as other receivables on guarantees. A claim to release the cash was deposited, but the court has dismissed it.

In the previous reporting periods companies from the Group have entered into the debt under two loan agreements of a subsidiary (until December 2015) for USD 15,000 thousand and USD 20,000 thousand, respectively. In 2015 the bank -creditor acquired court orders for immediate execution and receiving orders against the subsidiaries - joint debtors. In relation to the complaints filed by the subsidiaries, the competent court has revoked the immediate enforcement orders and has invalidated the receiving orders. In October and December 2015 the creditor has filed claims under Art. 422 of Civil Procedure Code (CPC) against the subsidiaries for the existence of the receivables under each loan agreement. The court proceedings of the creditor are still pending.

In December 2016 the first instance court decreed a decision (the Decision) which admit for established that the bank has a receivable amounted to USD 15,527 thousand from the subsidiaries - joint debtors, arising from a signed loan agreement for USD 15,000 thousand. With the same decision the court has ordered the subsidiaries jointly to pay BGN 411 thousand to the bank - creditor for legal fees and expenses and BGN 538 thousand state fee in favor of the judiciary state for the ordered proceedings and BGN 538 thousand state fee for claim proceedings. In January 2017 the subsidiaries have filed in time appeals against the court decision, because of that the decision did not come into force. As at the date of preparation of these consolidated financial statements the dispute is pending before the court of appeal and the Group's Management considers that there are reasonable grounds the decision to be fully canceled.

As at the date of the preparation of these consolidated financial statements, the filed proceedings against the subsidiaries - joint debtors for estimation of the bank receivables due to the loan agreement for USD 20,000 thousand is pending before the first-instance court. The Management expects favorable decision by the competent court. As at the date of the preparation of this financial report the Parent company sold its interest in one of co-debtor subsidiaries and the potential risk for the Group is reduced to the court proceedings against the second subsidiary.

A creditor of a subsidiary (until December 2015) unreasonably claimed in court the responsibility of the Parent company under a contract of guarantee for liabilities arising from a contract for a framework credit limit as a result of that the bank accounts of the Parent company amounting to USD 29,983 thousand were garnished. This claim was disputed in court by Petrol AD because the liability as guarantor has not occurred and / or extinguished pursuant to Art. 147, paragraph 2 of the Obligations and Contracts Act (OCA). At the time of conclusion of the guarantee deadline of the arrangements between the lender and subsidiary contractual framework for credit limit was July 1, 2014. The term of the framework credit limit was extended without the consent of the customer, therefore the responsibility of the latter has fallen by six months after initially agreed period, during which the creditor has brought an action against the principal debtor. The term of Art. 147, paragraph 1 of the Obligations and Contracts Act (OCA) is final and upon its expiration the company's guarantee has been terminated, so the objection of the Parent company was granted by the court and imposed liens on bank accounts lifted.

After the writ of execution, pursuant to order proceedings, was canceled on which were imposed liens on bank accounts of the Parent company, the creditor has initiated legal claim proceedings under Art. 422 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) to establish the same claims against the subsidiary (until December 2015) and the guarantor Petrol AD. In these proceedings the objections are repeated, that liability as guarantor has not occurred and / or extinguished pursuant to Art. 147, par. 2 of the OCA, and therefore the Management expects that the claim of the creditor against the Parent company will be dismissed permanently by a court decision on those cases. At present, the claim proceedings are pending.

25. Events after the reporting date

At the date of these interim consolidated financial statements there are no significant events after the reporting period, which to require additional disclosures or adjustments in the financial reports.

 Georgi Tatarski       Milko Dimitrov        Prepared by Elena Pavlova - 
  Executive Director    Executive Director    Teofanova 

August 29, 2018

[1] EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization)

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 09, 2018 07:43 ET (11:43 GMT)

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부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 Petrol 4.24% 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Petrol 4.24% (LSE:74JJ)
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부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Petrol 4.24% 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.