RNS Number:6530L
Mid Kent Holdings PLC
5 June 2000

                             MID KENT HOLDINGS PLC
                           2000 PRELIMINARY RESULTS
                         For the year to 31 March 2000
       Record Pre-tax profits up 7% to #19.6m; Final Dividend of 21.78p
               Strong performance from non-regulated activities
Mid  Kent Holdings plc ("Mid Kent"), parent of utility Mid Kent Water and with
growing  related  scientific  services and consultancy  businesses,  announces
record Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2000.

* Turnover of #56.3m (1999: #46.7m)                                     +20.8%
   - Water supply and related activities: #43.1m                         +5.2%
   - Eclipse Scientific: #6.8 m                                          +6.5%
   - Inenco (consultancy): #6.5m                                           n/a
* Operating profits of #20.0m (1999: #18.6m)                             +7.7%
   - Water Supply and related activities: #18.1m (1999: #17.3m)
   - Eclipse Scientific: #0.9m (1999: #1m)
    -  Inenco (5 months): #0.9m (1999: n/a) before goodwill write-
  off of 0.2m
* Profit on disposal of properties of #0.8m (1999: #0.4m)                     
* Pre-tax profits of #19.6m (1999: #18.3m)                               +7.1%
* Underlying earnings per share of 80.0p (1999: 76.2p)                   +5.0%
* Recommended final dividend of 21.78p (1999: same) but  with  25%           -
  reduction   expected  in  current  year  due  to   Water   Price
* Result  of  Appeal to Competition Commission against Regulator's            
  price determination expected in August
* Net capital expenditure #18.6m (1999: #16.7m)                               
* Year-end debt at #21.6m (gearing 23%)                                       

Mr. Robert Leigh, Mid Kent Chairman, said in his statement to shareholders:
"It  is  pleasing to note that our policy of diversification into areas  which
have  a  logical  fit with our core business, or which can be  linked  to  and
develop our core skills, is starting to bring its rewards. Next year I  expect
our  operating profit from non-regulated activities to increase..thus reducing
the  Group's  exposure to regulation and widening the scope for future  profit
and dividend growth."

He added:
"Your Company has a strong balance sheet which positions us well to manage the
significant  further investment required in the Water Company's infrastructure
and  operating plant.. We will persist in our efforts to explore all  possible
avenues for maximising shareholder value."

Geoff Baldwin, Chief Executive, Mid Kent Holdings plc
Bob Atwood, Group Finance Director, Mid Kent Holdings plc
Tel: 020 7786 9600 today only, thereafter 01634 873 000
Paul Vann, Binns & Co PR Ltd              020 7786 9600
                             Chairman's Statement

It  is  pleasing to report another record year with profits before tax  up  by
7.1% to #19.6m.  Group turnover increased by more than 20% to #56.3m, revenues
from  existing  operations increasing by 6.8%, and #6.5m sales  included  from
Inenco, the utility consultancy which we acquired at the beginning of November
last  year.   Out of total operating profits of #20.0m (1999 : #18.6m),  #1.9m
(1999  : #1.3m) derives from activities outside those related to water supply.
This  proportion  will  increase again next year as  water  revenues  decrease
following  the price determination, and a full year's trading is included  for

Earnings per share have reduced from 91.2p to 84.0p, mainly as a result of the
increased  tax burden foreseen last year.  Underlying earnings, when  adjusted
for   Competition  Commission  costs,  asset  sale  profits  and  last  year's
exceptional tax credit, have increased by 5.0% from 76.2p to 80.0p per share.


As  I indicated at the half year review, your Board will propose at the Annual
General  Meeting, a final dividend of 21.78p, which together with the  interim
dividend  of  14.52p makes a total of 36.3p for the year.   This  retains  the
total  at the same level as the previous year except for the 0.25p added  last
year as compensation for the delayed interim payment.

Water supply and related activities

Income  in  this area increased by 5.2% to #43.1m.  Water prices increased  by
their  permitted  maximum  of  just over 4%,  with  additional  revenue  being
generated from growth and from related activities.

Operating profits increased by 4.6% to #18.1m, after absorbing extra costs  in
respect  of  the supply incident at Kemsing, and our appeal to the Competition
Commission in respect of the Regulator's determination concerning prices.

The  Water  Company continued with its heavy investment programme  during  the
year,  the  gross  cash spent by the Group on tangible fixed  asset  additions
increasing from #20.8m to #26.0m, most of which related to the Water Company.

Related  activities continued to develop well, good progress being  made  with
our  plumbing  and  pipeworks operations.  Similarly, activities  relating  to
mains diversions, chiefly resulting from the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, and  to
new  housing  developments, have also increased, with our first  multi-utility
contract already under way.

Several months ago, I announced that the Water Company was concerned that  the
Regulator had given inadequate consideration to the particular demographic and
water  resource characteristics of its area, implying increased  risk  to  its
operations and to its customers in terms of continuity and quality of  supply,
and  had  therefore appealed to the Competition Commission against  its  final
price determination.  The results of this process are expected in August,  and
I  will ensure that you are kept informed.   Further costs in respect of  this
appeal will be incurred during the current year.

Continuing  efficiencies  within the Water Company have  enabled  the  further
release of now redundant operational properties, resulting in disposal profits
of #0.8m (1999 : #0.4m) in the year.

Scientific Services

Our  newly formed Eclipse Scientific Group has now completed a full year  with
all its acquisitions fully incorporated into a single integrated unit, managed
centrally from its principal offices in Chatteris near Cambridge.

Total  sales  have increased by 6.5% to #6.8m, which includes  the  full  year
effect  of  the  acquisition of Voelcker Science in  October  1998.  Sales  to
external  customers  have  increased to 88% (1999 :  82%)  of  the  Scientific
Group's activities.

Operating profits have declined marginally to #0.9m (1999 : #1.0m) due  partly
to an increase in competition affecting both prices and margins, and partly to
our  further investment in sales and marketing skills.  While the increase  in
competition  caused  a temporary loss of customers, it is pleasing  to  report
that  the  Scientific Group's policy of putting quality and service first  has
encouraged  a  return  of  a significant number of those  customers.   Volumes
increased markedly towards the end of the year.


At  the  beginning  of  November last year we acquired Inenco,  a  consultancy
specialising  in  utility tariff and cost control services to  industrial  and
commercial  clients.  Covering consultancy in electricity, gas, communications
and  water  consumption  together  with the  sale  of  diesel  fuel  to  fleet
operators,  it  has contributed #6.5m sales and #0.7m operating profit  (after
goodwill  write  off of #0.2m) in the five months since acquisition.   We  are
pleased  with  these  results  which are in line with  our  expectations,  and
additionally  we  have  already developed a number of interesting  synergistic
opportunities with other parts of the Mid Kent Group.

We are continuing to grow our engineering consultancy venture with Halcrow and
to  increase the proportion of third party work obtained.   For the first time
this  year,  and  in  order  to  give  more visibility  to  our  non-regulated
activities, we have shown the results of this enterprise separately as part of
our  consultancy activities.  The venture earned more than #3.0m fees  in  the
year and grew its operating profits by 34.6% to #0.3m.

Financing and outlook

As  I have already announced, the overall level of profit of the Group will be
reduced next year following the Regulator's imposed reduction in water prices,
against  which we have appealed to the Competition Commission.   Whatever  the
outcome of our appeal, the reduced profit in Mid Kent Water will necessitate a
reduction in dividend levels in order to maintain appropriate dividend  cover.
I  have  already announced an expected reduction of 25% next year  to  reflect

However your Company has a strong balance sheet with limited borrowings, which
positions  us  well  to  manage the significant further  investment  which  we
believe  will be required in the Water Company's infrastructure and  operating
plant.   For  the  present  we  propose to continue  to  finance  our  capital
expenditure requirements through our existing bank facilities.

It  is  also  pleasing to note that our policy of diversification  into  areas
which have a logical fit with our core business, or which can be linked to and
develop our core skills, is starting to bring in rewards.  Next year I  expect
our  operating  profit  from non-regulated activities   to  increase  both  in
absolute  terms  and as a proportion of the total, thus reducing  the  Group's
exposure  to regulation, and widening the scope for future profit and dividend

Our  announcement  of 27 April referred to discussions concerning  a  possible
restructuring  of  the  Company, subject to regulatory  consent,  designed  to
release  capital  to shareholders.  At the time of writing, these  discussions
continue, but whether or not they result in a transaction being completed,  we
will  persist  in our efforts to explore all possible avenues  for  maximising
shareholder value.

R S Leigh

Year ended 31 March
                                                           2000           1999
                                                           #000           #000
Existing operations                                      49,846         46,665
Acquisitions                                              6,502              -
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                         56,348         46,665
Operating costs                                          36,331         28,080
                                                     ----------     ----------
Operating profit                                                              
Existing operations                                      19,292         18,585
Acquisitions                                                725              -
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                         20,017         18,585
Profit on sale of fixed assets                              838            387
                                                     ----------     ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                                                 
  before interest                                        20,855         18,972
Interest receivable                                           -             51
Interest payable and similar charges                     (1,302)         (759)
                                                      ----------    ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                                                 
  before taxation                                        19,553         18,264
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                      4,862          2,499
                                                     ----------     ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                                                 
  after taxation                                         14,691         15,765
Minority interests                                          161             16
                                                     ----------     ----------
Profit for the year                                      14,530         15,749
Ordinary dividends                                        6,263          6,332
                                                     ----------     ----------
Retained profit for the year                              8,267          9,417
                                                     ----------     ----------
Earnings per ordinary share
Adjusted                                                   80.0p         76.2p
                                                      ----------    ----------
Basic                                                      84.0p         91.2p
                                                      ----------    ----------
Diluted based on unadjusted                                                   
  profit for the year                                      83.5p         89.3p
                                                      ----------    ----------
Dividends per ordinary share                              36.30p        36.55p
                                                      ----------    ----------

All  recognised gains and losses are included in the profit and  loss  account
for the year.

At 31 March

                                                            2000          1999
                                                            #000          #000
Fixed assets                                                                  
Goodwill                                                  10,886           279
Tangible assets                                          129,060       114,567
Investments                                                  701           458
                                                      ----------    ----------
                                                         140,647       115,304
                                                      ----------    ----------
Current assets                                                                
Stocks                                                     1,962           582
Debtors                                                   11,137         7,757
Investments                                                    3             9
Cash at bank and in hand                                       2           209
                                                      ----------    ----------
                                                          13,104         8,557
Creditors: amounts falling due                                                
  within one year                                         53,227        32,116
                                                      ----------    ----------
Net current liabilities                                  (40,123)     (23,559)
                                                       ----------   ----------
Total assets less current liabilities                    100,524        91,745
Creditors: amounts falling due after                                          
  more than one year                                       4,988         4,817
                                                      ----------    ----------
Net assets                                                95,536        86,928
                                                      ----------    ----------

Capital and reserves                                                          
Attributable to equity interests                                              
  Called up share capital                                 17,421        17,352
  Share premium account                                   10,332        10,108
  Capital redemption reserve                               7,000         7,000
  Profit and loss account                                 60,618        52,351
                                                      ----------    ----------
Shareholders' funds                                       95,371        86,811
Minority interests                                           165           117
                                                      ----------    ----------
Capital employed                                          95,536        86,928
                                                      ----------    ----------

Year ended 31 March
                                                            2000          1999
                                                            #000          #000
Net cash inflow from                                                          
  operating activities                                    28,948        24,851
Returns on investments and                                                    
  servicing of finance                                    (1,059)        (698)
Taxation                                                  (3,965)      (3,334)
Capital expenditure                                      (17,076)     (16,246)
Acquisitions and disposals                               (11,979)        (965)
Equity dividends paid                                     (8,824)      (3,424)
                                                       ----------   ----------
Cash (outflow)/inflow before                                                  
  use of liquid resources and financing                  (13,955)          184
Management of liquid resources                                 -         1,000
Financing                                                 12,233           209
                                                      ----------    ----------
(Decrease)/increase in cash                               (1,722)        1,393
                                                       ----------   ----------

Liquid resources were term deposits with under one year maturity.


1.  Basis of preparation
    (i)  The  financial  information included within this statement  has  been
    prepared  on  the basis of accounting policies consistent with  those  set
    out  in the Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 1999, with the
    exception that, in accordance with FRS15, the Group has adopted  a  policy
    of  non-capitalisation of interest. Interest capitalised in previous years
    is not considered to be material.
    (ii)  The information shown for the years ended 31 March 2000 and 31 March
    1999  does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section
    240  of  the  Companies  Act 1985 and has been  extracted  from  the  full
    accounts   for  the  years  ended  31  March  2000  and  31   March   1999
    respectively.  The  reports  of  the  auditors  on  those  accounts   were
    unqualified  and did not contain a statement under either  Section  237(2)
    or  Section  237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. The accounts for  the  year
    ended  31 March 1999 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The
    accounts  for  the  year  ended 31 March 2000 will  be  delivered  to  the
    Registrar of Companies in due course.
    (iii)  The  financial information included in this statement was  approved
    by the Board on 5 June 2000.

2. Segmental analysis by class of business

                                             amorti-    Operating          Net
                       Turnover     Profit    sation       profit       assets
                           #000       #000      #000         #000         #000
Year ended                                                                    
31 March 2000

Water supply                                                                  
and related                                                                   
activities               43,146     18,127        (1)      18,126       91,167
                        -------    -------    -------     -------      -------
Scientific services       6,784        900       (14)         886        2,742
                        -------    -------    -------     -------      -------
- Utilities               6,502        946      (221)         725        1,042
- Engineering             3,031        280          -         280          585
                        -------    -------    -------     -------      -------
                          9,533      1,226      (221)       1,005        1,627
                        -------    -------    -------     -------      -------
Inter-segment           (3,115)          -          -           -            -
                        -------    -------    -------     -------      -------
                         56,348     20,253      (236)      20,017       95,536
                        -------    -------    -------     -------      -------
Year ended                                                                    
31 March 1999

Water supply                                                                  
and related                                                                   
activities               41,029     17,333          -      17,333       83,915
Scientific services       6,369      1,050        (6)       1,044        2,695
- Engineering             2,590        208          -         208          318
Inter-segment            (3,323)         -          -           -            -
                        -------    -------    -------     -------      -------
                         46,665     18,591        (6)      18,585       86,928
                        -------    -------    -------     -------      -------

Sales outside the United Kingdom were not material.

The  reported segments have been revised in order to show the results  of  the
Group's  consultancy businesses as a separate activity. The results of Inenco,
which  was  acquired  during the year, have been shown  as  part  of  the  new
Consultancies segment, against the description "Utilities".

3. Corporation tax
                                                          Year ended 31 March
                                                          2000           1999
                                                          #000           #000
Corporation tax at 30% (1999: 31%)                       4,875           4,803
Advance corporation tax previously                                            
  written off, recovered                                     -         (2,207)
Over provision in previous years                           (13)           (97)
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                         4,862           2,499
                                                    ----------      ----------

The  change in the effective tax rate from the prior year is mainly due to the
full recovery last year of all remaining advance corporation tax available for

4. Dividends

A  final dividend of 21.78p per ordinary share is proposed in respect  of  the
year  ended  31  March 2000. The dividend will be paid on  3  August  2000  to
shareholders  on  the  register on 14 July 2000.  The  final  dividend  is  in
addition  to the interim dividend of 14.52p, already paid, making a  total  of
36.30p  for the year. This compares with a final dividend last year of  21.78p
and an interim dividend of 14.77p, which included 0.25p enhancement in respect
of its delayed payment, making a total of 36.55p for that year.

5. Acquisition

On  5  November 1999, the Company acquired the entire share capital of  Inenco
Limited. The consideration, including fees and amounts contingent upon trading
performance  during  the  period  from 1  May  1999  to  31  March  2002,  was
#11,260,000.  The directors' provisional assessment of the fair value  of  the
assets  acquired  was #433,000 (see below). No accounting  policy  adjustments
were made.

                                        Book value    Fair value          Fair
                                                      adjustment         value
                                              #000          #000          #000
Tangible fixed assets                        2,123             -        2,123
Stocks & Work in progress                      881             -          881
Debtors                                      2,704          (47)        2,657
                                          --------      --------       -------
                                            5,708           (47)        5,661
Creditors                                  (5,228)            -        (5,228)
                                          --------      -------        -------
Net assets                                    480           (47)          433
                                          --------      --------
Goodwill arising on acquisition                                        10,827
Discharged by:                                                               
Cash                                                                    9,768
Costs associated with acquisition                                         230
Unsecured loan notes                                                      962
Deferred consideration                                                    300

Goodwill arising on the acquisition has been capitalised and will be amortised
over  its  useful  economic life, which is considered by the directors  to  be
twenty years.

6. Earnings per ordinary share

Earnings per ordinary share are calculated as follows:
                                                          Year ended 31 March

                                                           2000           1999
                                                           #000           #000
Profit for the year                                      14,530        15,749
Competition Commission referral costs                       205             -
Related tax effect                                          (62)            -
Profit on the sale of fixed assets                         (838)         (387)
Effect of non-recurring advance                                               
  corporation tax write back                                  -        (2,207)
                                                     ----------     ----------
Adjusted earnings                                        13,835        13,155
                                                     ----------    ----------
                                                         Number        Number
                                                            000           000
Weighted average number of                                                   
  ordinary shares in issue                               17,300        17,265
Dilutive effect of options and warrants                      98           368
                                                     ----------    ----------
Average number of potential shares outstanding           17,398        17,633
                                                     ----------    ----------
Adjusted                                                   80.0p         76.2p
Basic                                                      84.0p         91.2p
Diluted based on unadjusted                                                   
 profit for the year                                       83.5p         89.3p
                                                      ----------    ----------

An adjusted  earnings per share is presented to provide a consistent  view  of
underlying earnings trends.

7. Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cashflow
                                                         Year ended 31 March

                                                           2000           1999
                                                           #000           #000
Operating profit                                         20,017         18,585
Depreciation charge                                       7,056          6,250
Amortisation of goodwill                                    236              6
Increase in stocks                                         (500)          (59)
Increase in debtors                                      (1,051)       (1,434)
Increase in creditors                                     3,190          1,503
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                         28,948        24,851
                                                     ----------    ----------

8. Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in cash flow statement
                                                         Year ended 31 March

                                                           2000           1999
                                                           #000           #000
Returns on investments and servicing                             
  of finance
Interest received                                             -             51
Interest paid                                            (1,036)         (724)
Interest element of finance lease                                             
  rental payments                                           (21)          (24)
Dividends paid to minority interests                         (2)           (1)
                                                      ----------    ----------
                                                         (1,059)         (698)
                                                      ----------    ----------
Capital expenditure                                              
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                       (26,010)      (20,832)
Contributions to infrastructure assets                    7,409          4,159
Sale of tangible fixed assets                             1,525            427
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                        (17,076)      (16,246)
                                                      ----------    ----------
Acquisitions and disposals                                       
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                      (9,998)         (588)
Overdraft acquired with                                                      
  subsidiary undertaking                                 (1,950)            -
Cash acquired with subsidiary undertaking                     -             3
Purchase of shares from minority interest                   (31)           (3)
Closure of business                                           -          (377)
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                        (11,979)         (965)
                                                      ----------    ----------
Issue of ordinary share capital                             293            262
Capital element of finance                                                    
  lease rental payments                                     (60)          (53)
Increase in unsecured loans                              12,000              -
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                         12,233            209
                                                     ----------     ----------
Inenco utilised #119,000 of the Group's net operating cash flows, paid #63,000
in  respect  of  net  returns  on investment and servicing  of  finance,  paid
#477,000  in  respect of taxation and utilised #31,000 for capital expenditure
in the year.

9. Analysis of net debt

                         At                        Other                    At
                    1 April                     non-cash              31 March
                       1999   Acquisition   transactions  Cashflow        2000
                       #000          #000           #000      #000        #000
Cash in                                                                       
hand and                                                                      
at bank                 209             -              -      (207)          2
Overdrafts          (2,305)             -              -    (1,515)    (3,820)
                    -------       -------        -------    -------    -------
                    (2,096)             -              -    (1,722)    (3,818)
loans                     -             -              -   (12,000)   (12,000)
leases                (238)         (182)              -        60       (360)
loan notes                -             -          (962)         -       (962)
stock               (4,461)             -              -         -     (4,461)
                    -------       -------        -------   -------     -------
                    (6,795)         (182)          (962)   (13,662)   (21,601)
                    -------       -------       --------    -------    -------

10. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
                                                         Year ended 31 March

                                                           2000          1999
                                                           #000          #000
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year                  (1,722)        1,393
Cash inflow from change in                                                    
  liquid resources                                            -        (1,000)
                                                     ----------     ----------
                                                         (1,722)          393
Cash inflow from unsecured loans                        (12,000)            -
Cash outflow from lease repayments                           60            53
                                                     ----------    ----------
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows            (13,662)          446
Finance leases acquired with subsidiary                    (182)          (14)
Unsecured loan notes issued                                (962)            -
                                                      ----------   ----------
Movement in net debt in the year                        (14,806)          432
Net debt at 1 April 1999                                 (6,795)       (7,227)
                                                      ----------    ----------
Net debt at 31 March 2000                               (21,601)       (6,795)
                                                      ----------    ----------

Part of the consideration for the acquisition of Inenco Limited comprised
unsecured loan notes. Further details are given in note 5.

11. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 11.30 am on
Wednesday 26 July 2000 at the Hop Farm Country Park, Paddock Wood, Kent.

Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts of the Company for the year ended 31
March 2000 will be posted to shareholders on 26 June 2000. Further copies will
be available from the Company's registered office at Snodland, Kent, ME6 5AH.



Mid Kent Wtr4% (LSE:48HO)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Mid Kent Wtr4% 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Mid Kent Wtr4% (LSE:48HO)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Mid Kent Wtr4% 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.