RNS Number : 4984U
National Grid PLC
15 May 2008
15 May 2008
National Grid plc
Results for the year ended 31 March 2008
· Very strong performance
· Earnings per share up 25%[1]
· 15% increase in full year dividend
· Delivering on strategy
· Acquisition of KeySpan and disposals of Wireless, Basslink, and Ravenswood
· £1,605m returned to shareholders via repurchase programme since 1 April 2007
· Capital investment of £3.1bn, up 30%, strong investment pipeline for organic growth
· Outlook for 2008/09 positive, trading in line with our expectations.
(£m, at actual exchange rate) Year ended 31 March
2008 2007 % change
Business performance1
Operating profit 2,595 2,031 28
Pre-tax profit 1,839 1,486 24
Earnings 1,253 1,042 20
Earnings per share 48.0p 38.3p 25
Statutory results
Operating profit 2,964 2,513 18
Pre-tax profit 2,192 1,751 25
Earnings 1,578 1,308 21
Earnings per share 60.5p 48.1p 26
Dividend per share 33.0p 28.7p 15
Steve Holliday, Chief Executive, said:
"National Grid has again delivered an excellent operational and financial performance. We have completed the acquisition of KeySpan and
realised substantial additional value for shareholders with the successful sales of our Wireless businesses, Basslink, and the agreed sale
of Ravenswood.
"Looking ahead, 2008/09 is about execution - building on our regulatory experience, disciplined delivery of our investment plans,
continued implementation of our global operating model - and I am confident that we will deliver significant further improvements that will
benefit both customers and shareholders. We are well positioned to deliver another year of good performance in 2008/09, and this is
reflected by our progressive dividend policy."
[1] Business performance results are the primary financial performance measure used by National Grid, being the results for continuing
operations before exceptional items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries. Remeasurements comprise gains or losses recorded in the
income statement arising from changes in the fair value of commodity contracts and of derivative financial instruments to the extent that
hedge accounting is not achieved or is not fully effective. Stranded cost recoveries are costs associated with historic generation
investment and related contractual commitments that were not recovered through the sale of those investments * these recoveries end in 2011.
Further details are provided in Note 3 on page 24. A reconciliation of Business performance to Statutory results is provided in the
consolidated income statement on page 17.
National Grid has continued to deliver its strategy on all fronts. We have again delivered a very strong financial performance, growing
operating profit - particularly in our Transmission and Gas Distribution businesses - growing earnings per share and delivering a step
increase in the full-year dividend.
On 24 August, we completed the acquisition of KeySpan, significantly growing our footprint in North America and positioning National
Grid as the second largest energy delivery company in the US (by customer numbers).
During the year we announced a series of planned disposals, generating total proceeds of around £4.6bn, and realising significant
* In April, we announced that we had sold our UK Wireless business for £2.5bn.
* In August, we completed the sale of our US Wireless business for £0.2bn, and the sale of Basslink, our interconnector in
Australia, for £0.5bn.
* In March, we agreed the sale of our Ravenswood generating station in New York City to TransCanada for $2.9bn (around £1.4bn)
cash, ahead of market expectations, and well within the three year period allowed by the New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC). The
sale is subject to regulatory approvals from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the NYPSC, and clearance under US anti-trust and
foreign investment laws - subject to these approvals, we expect to complete the sale by summer 2008.
We are making good progress with the implementation of our global operating model, and 6 months into this transformation have already
delivered improvements in customer service and reliability. We also maintain our continual focus on improving our safety and environmental
performance. Over time, we expect that this approach to running our business will create significant shareholder value. At the end of
March, we had reduced our regulated controllable cost base by around 1% in real terms, which includes KeySpan synergy savings at a run rate
of $38m. This is ahead of our target to achieve a $100m savings run rate by March 2009.
Our organic investment pipeline remains strong. In the UK electricity and gas markets, investment is being driven by changes in sources
of gas supply, the development of the UK Government's energy policy and the need for asset replacement. In the US electricity and gas
markets, investment is being driven by customer additions, reliability, and the emerging need for asset replacement.
Our baseline plans to invest a total of around £16bn in our priority markets over the six years to March 2012 are on track, and we
project that over the same period our total UK regulatory asset base and our total US rate base will have grown by over 35% and over 25%
In 2007/08, we invested £3.1bn - growing our UK and US rate bases by 11% and 6%[2] respectively. Investment under our plans now totals
£5.4bn since April 2006, leaving a balance of around £10.5bn of planned baseline investment over the next four years. This investment is
expected to be financed from internal cashflow and borrowings.
National Grid operates under 20 main regulatory controls and we believe that this regulatory portfolio leads to greater stability in our
operating profit.
In the UK, we have implemented new regulatory agreements in both our Transmission and Gas Distribution businesses. In April 2007, we
implemented our new five year UK Transmission Owner Price Controls in the UK - these agreements resulted in baseline real revenue increases
of 7% in electricity transmission and 17% in gas transmission. We also implemented our one year UK Gas Distribution Price Control, which
resulted in an 11% increase in allowed revenue. In December, we accepted Ofgem's final proposals for the UK Gas Distribution Price Controls
for the five years from 1 April 2008. In March, Ofgem announced a review into the regulatory approach for energy networks in the UK.
Industry and consumers now face very different challenges, particularly around issues such as security of supply, climate change, and
investment. We look forward to working closely with Ofgem through this review process to help deliver a stable and reliable regulatory
framework that meets these challenges and encourages the necessary investment.
[2] Representing growth in our US rate base excluding stranded assets of $1.4bn at 31 October 2007, and $1.7bn at 31 October 2006.
In the US, we are in discussion with state regulators on gas rate plan filings in New Hampshire and Rhode Island, and we expect to file
a new gas rate plan in upstate New York shortly. These networks are not currently earning their allowed returns and we expect these filings
to result in improved returns during 2009/10.
On 22 October, as agreed with the NYPSC, we filed a $1.47bn five year capital investment plan for electricity transmission and
distribution in upstate New York. These investments are largely targeted at enhancing customer service by improving the reliability of our
electricity system. In December, we filed with the NYPSC to recover a portion of this investment under our existing rate plan and a decision
from the NYPSC is expected shortly. We expect to make further filings for partial recovery of investment in each of the next three years,
recovering the balance as part of our next rate plan from 1 January 2012 at the latest. In February, we filed with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) to revise the wholesale Transmission Service Charge in our upstate New York business. We anticipate a decision
from the FERC around the end of the year.
We are committed to financing our business in a manner consistent with maintaining an efficient balance sheet and optimising our cost of
capital, and we aim to manage the long-term trend for interest cover within a range of around 3.0 - 3.5 times.
During 2007/08 we raised the equivalent of around £1.6bn[3] of long term debt. We experienced a widening in credit spreads through the
course of the year; however, underlying rates fell resulting in our debt finance costs remaining broadly similar to historic levels. Over
recent weeks the level of issuance activity in the investment grade corporate credit market has increased markedly. We are continuing our
normal Treasury operations to support our investment programme in 2008/09, and since 1 April 2008, we have raised £1.1bn of long term
Climate change
Climate change continues to be a key item on the political and regulatory agenda. We believe that minimising our impact on the
environment, while delivering safe, secure and economic supplies of energy to customers, should be at the heart of our operational decision
In April 2008, we raised our emissions reduction target to 80% by 2050, having already achieved a 38% reduction from our baseline. We
also announced our plans to adopt new carbon budgets across our operations, integrating them into our day-to-day management of our
electricity and gas networks, to help achieve this target. Adopting internal carbon budgets will ensure that National Grid is well prepared
for future legislation by properly accounting for the potential cost of emissions under a carbon tax or mandatory cap and trade scheme.
Our current regulatory arrangements in the UK and US already have a variety of features that support enhanced environmental performance.
These include, for example, incentive schemes targeted at reducing emissions associated with electricity and gas assets, gas distribution
mains replacement programmes, and replacement of certain gas transmission compressor units in the UK with more efficient electric drive
compressors. In the longer term, we expect ongoing emissions reductions and the use of more energy efficient plant and equipment to drive
down the life-cycle costs of our assets.
[3] National Grid issues debt in a variety of currencies, which are subsequently swapped into £ sterling or $US.
In January, we announced our updated dividend policy, which reflects the Board's confidence in National Grid's growth prospects. Our new
policy to grow dividends per ordinary share (expressed in sterling) has two components:
· a one-off increase of 15% in 2007/08; and
· a targeted increase of 8% in each of the four financial years through to 31 March 2012.
In line with this policy, the Board has recommended a final dividend of 21.3p per ordinary share ($2.0497 per American Depository share
(ADS)), bringing the full-year dividend to 33.0p per ordinary share ($3.2650 per ADS). The final dividend is to be paid on 20 August 2008
to shareholders on the register as at 6 June 2008.
Under our US rate plans, cash flows from stranded assets in our Electricity Distribution business are scheduled to end in 2011 and do
not form part of our core on-going business. We are returning these cashflows to shareholders via an on-market share repurchase programme
and therefore exclude them from our dividend policy. In May 2007, we extended this share repurchase programme to return £1.8bn of proceeds
from the sale of our Wireless businesses.
Since 1 April 2007 we have repurchased 213.9m shares at a value of £1,605m (as at 31 March 2008 200.1m shares had been repurchased, at
a value of £1,507.4m). This completes the return of the US stranded asset post-tax cash flows for 2007/08. We are on track to complete the
return of £1.8bn following the sale of our Wireless businesses within the next six months and this, together with the balance of stranded
asset post-tax cash flows for 2008/09, is expected to result in a share repurchase programme of around £600m during 2008/09.
Current trading remains in line with our expectations and our outlook for the year is positive.
During 2008/09, we expect continued good operating performance in our Transmission and Gas Distribution businesses. Gas Distribution
will reflect a full year of KeySpan ownership, although given the seasonality of its revenues, we expect our US gas distribution
profitability to remain heavily skewed to the second half. We expect the financial performance of our Electricity Distribution and
Generation business to be similar to 2007/08, due to a full year contribution from our transmission and distribution services and generation
operations on Long Island, reduced deferral account recoveries, increased reliability enhancement spending, and increased depreciation.
Net interest charges are expected to be significantly higher in 2008/09 due to the full year ownership of KeySpan, whilst our effective
tax rate should benefit from the reduction in the UK corporation tax rate.
Overall we are well positioned to deliver another year of solid performance, supporting our progressive dividend policy.
Unless otherwise stated, all financial commentaries are given on a business performance basis, at actual exchange rates. Business
performance represents the results for continuing operations before exceptional items, mark-to-market remeasurements of commodity contracts
and financial instruments that are held for economic hedging purposes but did not achieve hedge accounting, and US stranded cost recoveries.
Commentary provided in respect of results after exceptional items, mark-to-market remeasurements and US stranded cost recoveries is
described as 'statutory'.
Operating profit was £2,595m, up 28% on the prior year (up 29% on a constant currency basis[4]). This was primarily driven by strong
results in our Transmission and Gas Distribution businesses.
Net finance costs were £760m, 39% higher than the prior year, mainly as a result of the completion of the KeySpan acquisition, which
increased average net debt levels and reduced interest income as cash held on deposit was utilised in the transaction. Profit before tax was
up 24% to £1,839m. The tax charge on profit was £583m, £141m higher than the prior year, resulting in an effective tax rate for the year
of 31.7% (up from 29.7% in 2006/07).
Earnings were up 20% on the prior year at £1,253m. Earnings per share increased 25% from 38.3p last year to 48.0p, reflecting our
strong operating performance and the benefit of our share repurchase programme.
Exceptional items and remeasurements for continuing operations increased earnings by £96m after tax. These comprised a £170m deferred
tax credit arising from a reduction in the UK corporation tax rate, restructuring costs of £84m after tax, a commodity remeasurement gain
of £133m after tax, an environmental provisions of £72m after tax, and other items which had a net negative impact of £51m after tax.
Stranded cost recoveries, after tax, added £229m to earnings. After these items and minority interests, statutory earnings for continuing
operations attributable to shareholders were £1,578m. Statutory basic earnings per share from continuing operations increased 26% to 60.5p,
up from 48.1p in the prior year. Profit from discontinued operations was £1,618m after exceptional items and remeasurements, leading to
statutory basic earnings per share of 122.5p.
Operating cash flows from continuing operations, before exceptional items, remeasurements, stranded cost recoveries, and taxation, were
£175m higher than the prior year at £3,265m.
Organic investment in our continuing businesses increased by 30% to £3.1bn, primarily due to increased capital expenditure on new
electricity and gas transmission infrastructure in the UK.
Our net debt rose to £17.6bn at 31 March 2008 compared with £11.8bn at 31 March 2007, mainly reflecting the acquisition of KeySpan,
the increased level of capital investment and the return of £1,507m through our share repurchase programme. During the year we also
received proceeds of £3.1bn from the sale of our Wireless and Basslink businesses.
Our average return on equity[5],[6] was 11.8% over a three year period, compared with 12.0% previously. In 2007/08 the return was
12.2%, down on the prior year, mainly reflecting the sale of our Wireless businesses and movements in UK inflation. Interest cover[6] at 31
March 2008 was 3.2x, down as planned from 3.8x at 31 March 2007, mainly reflecting increased interest costs following the completion of the
KeySpan acquisition.
[4] *Constant currency basis* refers to the reporting of the actual results against the prior period results which, in respect of any US$
currency denominated activity, have been translated using the average US$ exchange rate for the year ended 31 March 2008, which was $2.01 to
£1.00. The average rate for the year ended 31 March 2007 was $1.91 to £1.00.
[5] The three year average return on equity reflects a reclassification between segments in prior years relating to the pension scheme
deficit in electricity transmission in the UK. This reclassification reduced the reported return on equity from 14.1% to 13.5% in 2006/07,
from 10.1% to 9.7% in 2005/06, and reduced the three year average to 2006/07 from 12.4% to 12.0%.
[6] A description of these metrics can be found on page 15.
Summary results Year ended 31 March
(£m) 2008 2007 % change
Revenue and other operating income 3,255 3,086 5
Operating costs (1,694) (1,639) (3)
Depreciation and amortisation (412) (393) (5)
Operating profit - actual exchange rate 1,149 1,054 9
Operating profit - constant currency 1,149 1,049 10
Operating profit by geographical segment Year ended 31 March
(£m, at constant currency) 2008 2007 % change
UK 1,021 946 8
US 128 103 24
Operating profit 1,149 1,049 10
Capital investment Year ended 31 March
(£m, at actual exchange rate) 2008 2007 % change
UK 1,600 1,235 30
US 111 108 3
Capital investment 1,711 1,343 27
Rate base*
2007/08 2006/07 % change
UK regulatory asset value (£m) 10,737 9,313 15
US rate base ($m)** 885 810 9
2007/08 2006/07
UK operational return (real)
Electricity transmission 4.6% 4.9%
Gas transmission 7.2% 7.3%
US regulatory return on equity** (nominal)
New England Power*** 11.9% 12.8%
* Rate base and returns are for the 12 months ended 31 March for both the UK and US.
** In New York, our electricity and gas, transmission and distribution activities (including our stranded cost recoveries) make a
combined regulatory filing each calendar year. The combined New York rate base and returns are reported in our Electricity Distribution and
Generation business line.
*** Based on New England Power common equity excluding goodwill.
Transmission delivered a very strong performance this year. Operating profit increased to £1,149m, up 9%. This was primarily driven
by a step up in UK regulated revenue following the five year Transmission Owner Price Controls which came into effect on 1 April 2007; this
was supported by a strong performance under our incentive schemes and resulted in a £176m increase in operating profit. US regulated
revenue increased by £27m, mainly as a result of increases in our New England rate base. As expected, demand for French interconnector and
LNG storage capacity returned closer to historical normal levels, resulting in a £62m decrease in revenues from those businesses.
Depreciation charges were higher than in the prior year by £19m as a result of increasing capital investment. Other items decreased
operating profit by a net £22m compared to the prior year. Movement in exchange rates had a £5m year-on-year negative impact on operating
Capital investment in Transmission increased by 27% on the prior period to £1,711m. Around 30% of this investment was in our South
Wales gas transmission pipeline project. At 316km in length, the pipeline connects the two LNG terminals under construction at Milford Haven
to the UK national gas transmission system; we completed commissioning of the second stage in January, providing around 570GWh/day of
capacity. The balance of investment was principally driven by new load related infrastructure and asset replacement on our electricity
transmission systems. These investments resulted in increases in our Transmission UK regulatory asset value and US rate base by 15%, and 9%
respectively, as compared to the prior year.
'Logging-up' mechanisms are a new and positive feature of the UK Transmission Owner Price Controls which came into effect on 1 April
2007. These mechanisms allow the recovery of specific uncertain operating costs and capital investments that may exceed baseline regulatory
allowances. In 2007/08, we 'logged-up' a total of £95m, of which £7m related to operating expense, and £88m related to capital
We measure the financial performance of our UK regulated business using an operational return metric. In our electricity transmission
business we achieved a 4.6% operational return, performing broadly in-line with regulatory assumptions. In our gas transmission business we
achieved a 7.2% operational return, significantly outperforming regulatory assumptions, mainly as a result of good incentive scheme
In the US we measure our financial performance against the allowed regulatory return on equity, the basis used by our regulators in the
US for setting rates. In New England Power we achieved a 11.9% regulatory return on equity, down from 12.8% in the prior year, mainly
reflecting the absence of a one-off benefit in 2006/07. Our New York electricity and gas, transmission and distribution businesses operate
under a single rate plan; this rate base and return are reported in our Electricity Distribution and Generation business line.
Looking ahead to 2008/09, we expect that an above inflation increase in UK regulated revenue will continue to be a major driver of
performance. However, this benefit will be partially offset by higher workload and inflation related costs, lower revenues from our French
interconnector and LNG storage businesses, and continued higher depreciation charges. Following the completion of our Milford Haven gas
transmission pipeline in South Wales, capital investment in Transmission in the year ahead is expected to return closer to 2006/07 levels,
and will continue to drive growth in our rate base and future earnings.
Summary results Year ended 31 March
(£m) 2008 2007 % change
Revenue and other operating income 4,236 1,822 132
Operating costs (2,977) (1,148) (159)
Depreciation and amortisation (272) (194) (40)
Operating profit - actual exchange rate 987 480 106
Operating profit - constant currency 987 477 107
Operating profit by geographical segment Year ended 31 March
(£m, at constant currency) 2008 2007 % change
UK 595 409 45
US 392 68 -
Operating profit 987 477 107
Capital investment Year ended 31 March
(£m, at actual exchange rate) 2008 2007 % change
UK capex 161 157 3
UK repex 353 333 6
US 188 36 -
Capital investment 702 526 33
Rate base*
2007/08 2006/07 % change
UK regulatory asset value (£m) 6,498 6,200 5
US rate base ($m) 6,934 - -
Returns*, **
2007/08 2006/07
UK operational return (real)
Gas distribution 5.1% 5.0%
* Rate base and returns are for the 12 months ended 31 March for the UK and 31 December for the US. The closing UK regulatory asset
value for 2006/07 was re-based as part of the five-year UK gas distribution price controls which came into effect on 1 April 2008. In New
York, our electricity and gas, transmission and distribution activities (including our stranded cost recoveries) make a combined regulatory
filing each calendar year. The combined New York rate base and returns are reported in our Electricity Distribution and Generation business
** National Grid acquired KeySpan on 24 August 2007. At this time, National Grid has not made any regulatory filings for a full rate
year under its ownership and therefore regulatory returns for the former KeySpan gas businesses have not been reported this year.
Operating profit from Gas Distribution more than doubled this year to £987m. Following the acquisition on 24 August, we have a seven
month contribution from the former KeySpan gas businesses during the winter heating period, which increased operating profit by £349m.
Revenue in our US gas business is linked to delivery volumes which results in a very strong seasonal bias with substantially higher revenue
recovery in the second half of the year. This year we had the first full year of operations in our Rhode Island gas business (following its
acquisition in August 2006), which, with significantly lower revenue recovery in the first half compared to the second half, resulted in a
£13m negative impact on operating profit compared to the prior year. Net formula income in the UK was up £165m mainly driven by a step up
in UK regulated revenue following the one year Gas Distribution Price Controls which came into effect on 1 April. The beneficial effect of
timing on recovery of income more than offset other items, mainly relating to pass-through costs, and together these items resulted in a net increase in operating profit of £9m. The
year-on-year movement in exchange rates reduced operating profit by £3m.
During the period, together with our gas distribution alliance partnerships, we have replaced over 1,835km of gas mains in the UK,
resulting in total replacement expenditure (repex) of £353m. In the US, in addition to investment in replacing ageing network
infrastructure, we have added around 30,000 new gas customers since August and are on track to achieve our target margin growth of around
$60m annually. Overall, our investment in network infrastructure projects in the UK and US resulted in total capital expenditure (including
repex) of £702m.
We measure the financial performance of our UK regulated business using an operational return metric. We achieved a 5.1% operational
return, performing broadly in-line with regulatory assumptions.
In the US, we are in discussion with state regulators on gas rate plan filings in New Hampshire and Rhode Island, and we expect to file
a new gas rate plan in upstate New York shortly. Features of these filings include (among other items): pension and employee benefit
reconciliation; cast iron and bare steel replacement programmes; rate design changes; proposals for decoupling of revenue from delivery
volumes; and full reconciliation of commodity related bad debts. These networks are not currently earning their allowed returns and we
expect these filings with the relevant state regulators to result in improved returns during 2009/10.
In 2008/09, we expect operating profit to be mainly driven by an above inflation increase in UK regulated revenue following the five
year regulatory price control which came into effect on 1 April 2008. In the US, an increase in revenue from our 'downstate' New York gas
businesses, following the new merger rate plans which came into effect on 1 January 2008, is expected to offset the negative impact of a
full first-half contribution from the former KeySpan gas businesses during the seasonally weaker summer period. Across Gas Distribution,
continued roll-out of our global operating model is expected to make a positive contribution to operating profit, by driving real reductions
in controllable costs. Capital investment in Gas Distribution is expected to increase significantly in both the UK and US and will continue
to drive growth in our rate bases and future earnings.
Summary results Year ended 31 March
(£m) 2008 2007 % change
Revenue and other operating income* 3,126 3,004 4
Operating costs (2,650) (2,513) (5)
Depreciation and amortisation (146) (127) (15)
Operating profit - actual exchange rate 330 364 (9)
Operating profit - constant currency 330 346 (5)
Operating profit by principal activities Year ended 31 March
(£m, at constant currency) 2008 2007 % change
Electricity distribution 305 346 (12)
Long Island transmission and distribution 9 - -
Long Island generation 16 - -
Operating profit 330 346 (5)
Capital investment Year ended 31 March
(£m, at actual exchange rate) 2008 2007 % change
Electricity distribution 244 218 12
Long Island generation 13 - -
Capital investment 257 218 18
Rate base**
2007/08 2006/07 % change
US rate base ($m)*** 7,389 7,335 1
2007/08 2006/07
US regulatory return on equity (nominal)
Upstate New York *** 8.4% 9.6%
Massachusetts Electric 9.5% 10.5%
* Excludes revenue from stranded cost recoveries.
** Rate base and returns are for the 12 months ended 31 October for upstate New York and 31 December for all other rate plans.
*** In New York, our electricity and gas, transmission and distribution activities (including our stranded cost recoveries) make a
combined regulatory filing each calendar year. The combined New York rate base and returns are reported here for the rate years ended 31
October. The New York rate base includes stranded assets of $1.4bn at 31 October 2007, and $1.7bn at 31 October 2006. The 8.4% return
for 2007/08 excludes certain one-off items relating to voluntary early retirement costs and write-offs in our New York 'deferral account'
balance - these items would reduce the reported return by 2%.
**** US returns are reported for our largest electricity rate plans. Details of returns and rate base for all rate plans can be found at
During the year, electricity distribution revenues (excluding pass-through commodity costs) increased, adding £15m to operating
profit, and a year-on-year reduction in storm costs led to a further increase of £33m. Despite these benefits, operating profit from
Electricity Distribution and Generation decreased by 9% during the year to £330m. Timing of rate adjustments for pass-through items led to
a year-on-year negative impact of £27m, mainly due to over recovery of commodity costs in 2006/07. Higher operational expenditure in our
reliability enhancement programme and an increase in bad debts, further impacted operating profit by £30m. A seven month contribution of
£25m from the former KeySpan generation and transmission and distribution services activities on Long Island was more than offset by other
items, principally one-off in nature, and together these items resulted in a net £7m decrease in operating profit. Movement in exchange
rates had a £18m year-on-year negative impact on operating profit.
Capital expenditure was up 18% on the prior year at £257m. On 22 October, as agreed with the NYPSC, we filed a detailed five year
capital investment plan for electricity transmission and distribution in upstate New York. This plan calls for a minimum investment of
$1.47bn and the potential to invest up to around $2.4bn. These investments are largely targeted at enhancing customer service by improving
the reliability of our electricity system.
We measure our US financial performance against the allowed regulatory return on equity, the basis used by our regulators in the US for
setting rates. In New York, the combined regulatory RoE includes electricity transmission and distribution, gas distribution, and US
stranded cost recoveries - for the rate year ending 31 October 2007 this was 8.4%, down from the prior year, principally reflecting the
increase in bad debts and higher spending in our reliability enhancement programme. This excludes one-off items relating to voluntary early
retirement costs and write-offs in our New York 'deferral account' balance - these items would reduce the reported return by 2%. In
Massachusetts, the RoE for the calendar year ending 31 December 2007 was 9.5%, lower than the prior year, principally as a result of an
increase in bad debt costs.
In accordance with our New York rate plan, we make biannual filings to recover amounts recorded in the 'deferral account' and over
calendar years 2006 and 2007 we recovered $300m. Following this reduction in the 'deferral account' balance we have filed to recover $128m
in each of calendar years 2008 and 2009. In 2008/09, we expect this, together with continued increases in operating expenditure under our
reliability enhancement plan and increased depreciation charges, to be offset by a positive year-on-year variance arising from a full year
contribution from our transmission and distribution services and generation operations on Long Island. Our overall financial performance in
this business is therefore expected to be similar to 2007/08.
Capital investment in Electricity Distribution and Generation is expected to continue to increase in 2008/09, principally driven by our
reliability enhancement programme. In December, we filed with the NYPSC for revenue recovery in respect of electricity transmission and
distribution investment that we expect to make in our upstate New York business during 2008. As filed, 50% of the revenue requirements on
this investment will be recovered as part of our 'deferral account' reset in 2010 and 2011; a decision from the NYPSC is expected shortly.
We expect to make further filings for partial recovery of investment in each of the next three years, recovering the balance as part of our
next rate plan from 1 January 2012. This results in a downward pressure on regulatory returns in the short term; however, in the medium
term we expect this investment will drive growth in our rate base and our future earnings.
Summary results Year ended 31 March
(£m) 2008 2007 % change
Revenue and other operating income 709 638 11
Operating costs (416) (348) (20)
Depreciation and amortisation (164) (157) (4)
Operating profit 129 133 (3)
Operating profit by principal activities Year ended 31 March
(£m, at actual exchange rate) 2008 2007 % change
Metering 104 103 1
Grain LNG 12 9 33
Property 93 86 8
Sub-total operating profit 209 198 6
Corporate and other activities (80) (65) (23)
Operating profit 129 133 (3)
Capital investment Year ended 31 March
(£m, at actual exchange rate) 2008 2007 % change
Metering 126 149 (15)
Grain LNG 221 94 135
Property 19 7 171
Other 17 8 113
Capital investment 383 258 48
Operating profit from our Non-regulated and other activities was broadly in line with the prior year at £129m, reflecting good
performance across our Metering, Grain LNG and Property businesses, and increased corporate and other costs.
Metering operating profit was flat at £104m. During the year, capital investment in this business was £126m, with 812,000 new meters
installed in our OnStream metering business. In February 2008, the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority's (GEMA) issued a decision that
National Grid has infringed the Competition Act in relation to a number of domestic metering contracts entered into with gas suppliers in
2004. These contracts were negotiated over a two year period, were voluntarily entered into by gas suppliers and delivered immediate and
substantial reductions in charges for meter services, saving customers around £120m over the four years of their operation. Ofgem was
consulted throughout this process of contract development and negotiation and has acknowledged that National Grid had no intention to breach
the Competition Act. We are convinced that the contracts do not infringe competition law and that the £41.6m fine is wholly inappropriate.
In April 2008, we issued a notice of appeal, and the case will now be heard by the Competition Appeal Tribunal.
Our Grain LNG business delivered an operating profit of £12m. During the year capital investment in this business more than doubled to
£221m, mainly reflecting construction of our Phase II capacity extension, which remains on track to be operational in late 2008, and the
commencement of Phase III construction which will add a further LNG tank and a second unloading jetty, with completion planned in 2010.
These investments are underpinned by long-term, take-or-pay contracts.
Sales of land and property surplus to our operational requirements were ahead of the prior year, delivering an operating profit of
£93m. In January, we announced that, after conducting a market testing exercise, we would retain our UK Property business and build on our
highly successful track record in individually remediating and selling our brown-field sites.
In February, following public, environmental and regulatory consultations, we gained the final consents required for BritNed, a 50/50
joint venture with TenneT (the Dutch electricity transmission owner) to construct an electricity interconnector between the electricity
transmission systems in the UK and the Netherlands. We have begun construction and expect to invest around £200m in total, with completion
of the link planned for 2010.
We are currently in discussions with Ofgem for consents for blue-ng, a 50/50 joint venture with geo-pressure company 2OC, to trial
environmentally sustainable electricity generation plant at pressure reduction stations on our gas networks. These plans will remove the
need for existing gas-fired pre-heaters and are expected to reduce emissions and costs. Our initial plans are to trial the technology at
eight sites in the UK, with the first two sites expected to commence operations during autumn 2009.
On 24 August 2007, we completed the acquisition of KeySpan, significantly growing our footprint in North America and positioning
National Grid as the second largest energy delivery company in the US (by number of customers).
The timing of the completion of this acquisition has benefited our reported results for 2007/08, and to provide a transparent view of
the continued underlying growth in our business, we have provided comparative results in the table below that illustrate the impact of the
KeySpan acquisition as if it had completed on 1 April 2007.
These adjustments are included for illustrative purposes only. They are prepared on a business performance basis, representing the
results for continuing operations before exceptional items, remeasurements, and US stranded cost recoveries.
Business performance Year ended 31 March
(£m, at actual exchange rate) 2008 adjustment 2008 2007
actua pro actua
l forma l
Transmission 1,149 - 1,149 1,054
Gas Distribution 987 +4 991 480
Electricity Distribution & Generation 330 +19 349 364
Non-regulated & other activities 129 +7 136 133
Operating profit 2,595 +30 2,625 2,031
Net finance costs (760) (154) (914) (547)
Share of post-tax joint ventures 4 +3 7 2
Pre-tax profit 1,839 (121) 1,718 1,486
Taxation (583) +40 (543) (442)
Minority interests (3) - (3) (2)
Earnings 1,253 (81) 1,172 1,042
Earnings per share 48.0p (3.1)p 44.9p 38.3p
On a pro forma basis, operating profit would have been £30m higher in 2007/08 had KeySpan been acquired on 1 April 2007. The main
adjustments are in our Gas Distribution and Electricity Distribution and Generation lines of business, reflecting an additional five months
of operations during the summer. In KeySpan's gas businesses, a seasonal bias towards the winter heating period results in significantly
lower revenue recovery during the summer, which only marginally offsets the operational costs incurred during those months; this would have
resulted in 2007/08 Gas Distribution operating profit £4m higher on a pro forma basis. The Long Island generation assets also have a
seasonal profile, with peak electricity demand occurring during the summer months as a result of increased air conditioning related load,
resulting in higher revenue during the first half of the year than during the winter. As a result, 2007/08 Electricity Distribution and
Generation operating profit would have been £19m higher on a pro forma basis. No adjustments have been made in respect of the sale of the Ravenswood generating station in New York City, as this plant
has been classified within discontinued operations since the completion of the acquisition.
Actual results for 2007/08 reflect seven months of net finance costs associated with KeySpan related debt, together with interest income
from cash held on deposit due to the pre-funding of the acquisition. An additional five months of acquisition related debt and the absence
of the interest income would together have resulted in 2007/08 net finance costs £154m higher, on a pro forma basis. Tax charges on a pro
forma basis would have been £40m lower, reflecting the net pro forma reduction in profit before tax, at the US marginal tax rate.
Together with other minor movements, these factors would have resulted in 2007/08 earnings per share 3.1p lower on a pro forma basis at
44.9p, representing an increase of 17% on the prior year.
Today, we are pleased to announce that Philip Aiken has joined the Board as a new Non-executive Director. Philip is Chairman of Robert
Walters plc, a Non-executive Director of Kazakhmys plc and was, until the end of 2006, Group President of BHP Billiton Energy. During the
year we also announced four other Board changes. As announced in March, Edward Astle stepped down from the Board as an Executive Director
and left National Grid on 30 April 2008. His responsibilities for the remaining Non-regulated businesses have been reallocated across the
existing management team. Robert B. Catell joined the Board on 25 September 2007, as Executive Director and Deputy Chairman. Robert was
previously Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of KeySpan Corporation. On 13 August 2007, Tom King joined the Board as an Executive
Director. Tom is based in the US and has responsibility for the Electricity Distribution and Generation business. Paul Joskow, one of our
Non-executive Directors, stepped down from the Board on 31 July 2007.
The financial metrics we have reported today are designed to give greater transparency on National Grid's relative performance and our
performance against regulatory contracts.
This metric captures the total operational and financial performance of the company.
Calculation: IFRS adjusted profit after tax divided by the equity base.
· IFRS adjusted operating profit after tax is as reported on a business performance basis, adjusted for: regulatory depreciation;
capitalisation, mainly relating to gas distribution mains replacement (repex) in the UK; pensions; indexation of our UK regulatory asset
value; and discontinued operations.
· Equity base is equal to the total UK regulatory asset value; plus total capital invested in our US businesses; plus net assets for
our non-regulated and other businesses; minus net debt as reported under IFRS.
(Transmission - UK; Gas Distribution - UK)
This metric is comparable to the "vanilla return" used by Ofgem.
Calculation: (IFRS adjusted operating profit minus current tax) divided by regulatory asset value
· IFRS adjusted operating profit is as reported on a business performance basis, adjusted for: regulatory depreciation; capitalisation
of gas distribution mains replacement (repex); and pensions.
· Current tax is the tax charge as reported on a regulatory basis.
(Transmission - US; Gas Distribution - US; Electricity Distribution & Generation)
This is a US GAAP metric as calculated annually (financial year to 31 March for New England Power; calendar year to 31 December in
Massachusetts; 12 month period to 31 October in New York) and reported to our regulators.
Calculation: Regulated net income divided by equity rate base.
· Regulated net income is adjusted for earned savings in New York.
· Equity rate base is as reported to our regulators. For New England Power the rate base applied is the common equity excluding
This is an IFRS metric and reflects the calculation used by our credit rating agencies. It is used as an indicator of balance sheet
Calculation: Adjusted funds from operations divided by adjusted interest expense.
Worked examples are available at www.nationalgrid.com.
National Grid:
David Rees +44 (0)20 7004 3170 +44 (0)7901 511322(m)
George Laskaris +1 718 403 2526 +1 917 375 0989(m)
Richard Smith +44 (0)20 7004 3172 +44 (0)7747 006321(m)
Victoria Davies +44 (0)20 7004 3171 +44 (0)7771 973447(m)
Clive Hawkins +44 (0)20 7004 3147 +44 (0)7836 357173(m)
Chris Mostyn +1 718 403 2747 +1 347 702 3740(m)
Brunswick:Paul Scott +44 (0)20 7396 5333 +44 (0)7974 982333(m)
An analyst presentation will be held at the London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS at 9:15am (UK time) today.
Live telephone coverage of the analyst presentation - password National Grid
UK dial in number +44 (0)20 3028 4488 US dial in number +1 866 966 5335
Telephone replay of the analyst presentation (available until 29 May 2008)
Dial in number +44 (0)20 8196 1998 US dial in number +1 866 583 1039
Account number 527949
A short video of Steve Holliday talking about these results is available on www.cantos.com. A live web cast of the presentation will
also be available at www.nationalgrid.com.
Photographs are available on www.newscast.co.uk.
You can view or download copies of our latest Annual Report or the Annual Review from our website at
www.nationalgrid.com/corporate/Investor+Relations/ or request a free printed copy by contacting investor.relations@ngrid.com.
This announcement contains certain statements that are neither reported financial results nor other historical information. These
statements are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements include information with respect to National Grid's financial condition,
National Grid's results of operations and businesses, strategy, plans and objectives. Words such as "anticipates", "expects", "intends",
"plans", "believes", "seeks", "estimates", "may", "will", "continue", "project" and similar expressions, as well as statements in the future
tense, identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of National Grid's future performance and
are subject to assumptions, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in or
implied by such forward-looking statements. Many of these assumptions, risks and uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond National Grid's ability to control or estimate precisely, such as
delays in obtaining, or adverse conditions contained in, regulatory approvals and contractual consents, unseasonable weather affecting the
demand for electricity and gas, competition and industry restructuring, changes in economic conditions, currency fluctuations, changes in
interest and tax rates, changes in energy market prices, changes in historical weather patterns, changes in laws, regulations or regulatory
policies, developments in legal or public policy doctrines, the impact of changes to accounting standards and technological developments.
Other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in this announcement include the ability to
integrate the businesses relating to announced or recently completed acquisitions with National Grid's existing business to realise the
expected synergies from such integration, the availability of new acquisition opportunities and the timing and success of future acquisition opportunities, the timing and success or other impact of the
sales of National Grid's non-core businesses, the failure for any reason to achieve reductions in costs or to achieve operational
efficiencies, the failure to retain key management, the behaviour of UK electricity market participants on system balancing, the timing of
amendments in prices to shippers in the UK gas market, the performance of National Grid's pension schemes and the regulatory treatment of
pension costs, and any adverse consequences arising from outages on or otherwise affecting energy networks, including gas pipelines owned or
operated by National Grid. For a more detailed description of some of these assumptions, risks and uncertainties, together with any other
risk factors, please see National Grid's filings with and submissions to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") (and in
particular the "Risk Factors" and "Operating and Financial Review" sections in its most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F). Except as may be required by law or regulation, National Grid undertakes no
obligation to update any of its forward-looking statements. The effects of these factors are difficult to predict. New factors emerge from
time to time and National Grid cannot assess the potential impact of any such factor on its activities or the extent to which any factor, or
combination of factors, may cause results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement.
for the years ended 31 March
Notes £m £m
=========== ===========
Revenue 2a 11,423 8,695
Other operating income 75 83
Operating costs (8,534) (6,265)
------------------ ------------------
Operating profit
- Before exceptional items, 2b 2,595 2,031
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries*
- Exceptional items, 3 369 482
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries*
Total operating profit 2c 2,964 2,513
Interest income and similar 4 1,275 1,144
Interest expense and other
finance costs
- Before exceptional items and 4 (2,035) (1,691)
- Exceptional items and 3 (16) (217)
4 (2,051) (1,908)
Share of post-tax results of 4 2
joint ventures and associates
------------------ ------------------
Profit before taxation
- Before exceptional items, 1,839 1,486
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries*
- Exceptional items, 3 353 265
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries*
Total profit before taxation 2,192 1,751
- Before exceptional items, 5 (583) (442)
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries*
- Exceptional items, 3 (28) 1
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries*
Total taxation (611) (441)
------------------ ------------------
Profit from continuing
operations after taxation
- Before exceptional items, 1,256 1,044
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries*
- Exceptional items, 3 325 266
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries*
Profit for the year from 1,581 1,310
continuing operations
Profit for the year from
discontinued operations
- Before exceptional items and 6 28 104
- Exceptional items and 6 1,590 (18)
1,618 86
------------------ ------------------
Profit for the year 3,199 1,396
=========== ===========
Attributable to:
- Equity shareholders of the 3,196 1,394
- Minority interests 3 2
------------------ ------------------
3,199 1,396
=========== ===========
Earnings per share from
continuing operations
- Basic 7a 60.5p 48.1p
- Diluted 7b 60.1p 47.8p
Earnings per share
- Basic 7a 122.5p 51.3p
- Diluted 7b 121.8p 50.9p
=========== ===========
Dividends per ordinary share: 8 29.5p 26.8p
paid during the year
Dividends per ordinary share: 33.0p 28.7p
approved or proposed to be
=========== ===========
*Comparatives have been adjusted to present items on a basis consistent with the current year classification.
31 March
Notes £m £m
=========== ===========
Non-current assets
Goodwill 3,838 1,480
Other intangible assets 272 144
Property, plant and equipment 24,333 18,895
Pension asset 846 37
Other non-current assets 255 36
Financial and other 251 137
Derivative financial assets 1,063 380
------------------ ------------------
Total non-current assets 30,858 21,109
------------------ ------------------
Current assets
Inventories and current 455 108
intangible assets
Trade and other receivables 2,269 1,236
Financial and other 2,095 2,098
Derivative financial assets 463 277
Cash and cash equivalents 174 1,593
------------------ ------------------
Total current assets 5,456 5,312
------------------ ------------------
Assets of businesses held for 1,508 1,968
------------------ ------------------
Total assets 37,822 28,389
------------------ ------------------
Current liabilities
Borrowings (3,882) (1,031)
Derivative financial (114) (235)
Trade and other payables (2,439) (1,852)
Current tax liabilities (298) (75)
Provisions (389) (167)
------------------ ------------------
Total current liabilities (7,122) (3,360)
------------------ ------------------
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings (17,121) (14,686)
Derivative financial (319) (184)
Other non-current liabilities (1,721) (1,475)
Deferred tax liabilities (3,407) (2,389)
Pensions and other (1,746) (1,282)
post-retirement benefit
Provisions (943) (427)
------------------ ------------------
Total non-current liabilities (25,257) (20,443)
------------------ ------------------
Liabilities of businesses held (63) (450)
for sale
------------------ ------------------
Total liabilities (32,442) (24,253)
------------------ ------------------
Net assets 5,380 4,136
=========== ===========
Called up share capital 294 308
Share premium account 1,371 1,332
Retained earnings 8,949 7,635
Other equity reserves (5,252) (5,150)
------------------ ------------------
Total parent company 5,362 4,125
shareholders' equity
Minority interests 18 11
------------------ ------------------
Total equity 10 5,380 4,136
=========== ===========
Net debt (net of related 12 17,641 11,788
derivative financial
instruments) included above
------------------ -----------------
for the years ended 31 March
£m £m
=========== ===========
Exchange adjustments (25) (179)
Actuarial net gain 432 365
Net (losses)/gains taken to (32) 47
equity in respect of cash flow
Transferred to profit or loss (7) (45)
on cash flow hedges
Net gains/(losses) taken to 6 (3)
equity on available-for-sale
Transferred to profit or loss - (1)
on sale of available-for-sale
Tax on items taken directly to (94) (81)
or transferred from equity
------------------ -------------------
Net income recognised directly 280 103
in equity
Profit for the year 3,199 1,396
------------------ -------------------
Total recognised income and 3,479 1,499
expense for the year
=========== ===========
Attributable to:
- Equity shareholders of the 3,476 1,498
- Minority interests 3 1
------------------ -------------------
3,479 1,499
=========== ===========
for the years ended 31 March
£m £m
=========== ===========
Cash flows from operating
Total operating profit 2,964 2,513
Adjustments for:
Exceptional items, (369) (482)
remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries
Depreciation and amortisation 994 871
Share-based payment charge 18 15
Changes in working capital and (155) 96
Changes in pensions and other (333) (125)
post-retirement benefit
Cash flows relating to (132) (86)
exceptional items
Cash flows relating to 278 288
stranded cost recoveries *
------------------ ------------------
Cash flows generated from 3,265 3,090
continuing operations
Cash flows relating to 10 181
discontinued operations
------------------ ------------------
Cash generated from operations 3,275 3,271
Tax paid - continuing (110) (310)
Tax paid - discontinued - (3)
------------------ ------------------
Net cash flow generated from 3,165 2,958
operating activities
------------------ ------------------
Cash flows from investing
Acquisition of subsidiaries (3,528) (269)
(net of cash acquired) and
other investments
Sale of investments in 55 19
subsidiaries and other
Purchases of intangible assets (45) (33)
Purchases of property, plant (2,832) (2,185)
and equipment
Disposals of property, plant 26 21
and equipment
Interest received * 206 216
Net movement in financial 45 (1,725)
------------------ ------------------
Cash flows used in continuing (6,073) (3,956)
operations - investing
activities *
Cash flows relating to
discontinued operations
- disposal proceeds 3,064 27
- other investing activities (14) (132)
and acquisition of
subsidiaries, net of cash
------------------ ------------------
Net cash flow used in (3,023) (4,061)
investing activities *
------------------ ------------------
Cash flows from financing
Proceeds from issue of 23 16
ordinary share capital and
sale of treasury shares
Increase in borrowings and 1,563 3,019
related derivatives
Interest paid (900) (813)
Exceptional finance costs on - (45)
the repayment of debt
Dividends paid to shareholders (780) (730)
Repurchase of share capital (1,498) (169)
and purchase of treasury
------------------ ------------------
Net cash flow (used (1,592) 1,278
in)/generated from financing
activities *
------------------ ------------------
Net (decrease)/increase in (1,450) 175
cash and cash equivalents
Exchange movements 4 (14)
Cash included within assets of 23 (23)
businesses held for sale
Net cash and cash equivalents 1,587 1,449
at start of year (i)
------------------ ------------------
Net cash and cash equivalents 164 1,587
at end of year (i)
=========== ===========
i) Net of bank overdrafts of £10m (2007: £6m).
* Comparatives have been adjusted to present items on a basis consistent with the current year classification for stranded cost
recoveries and interest received.
1. Basis of preparation and new accounting standards, amendments and interpretations
a) Basis of preparation
The financial information contained in this announcement, which does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985, has been derived from the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2008, which will be filed with the Registrar of
Companies in due course. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors'
reports on both these statutory accounts were unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act
The financial information included in this announcement has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies applicable for the
year ended 31 March 2008 as set out in National Grid's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2008. These accounting
policies are consistent with those that applied in the preparation of our accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007, except as set out
a) Following the acquisition of KeySpan Corporation ('KeySpan'), our activities now include electricity generation and our accounting
policies have been expanded to cover these activities. The primary change is to include an accounting policy for revenue from electricity
generation, which represents the sales value of energy and related services supplied to customers.
b) Business performance now excludes stranded cost recoveries and the amortisation of acquisition-related intangibles. Stranded cost
recoveries represent the recovery of historical generation-related costs in the US related to generation assets that are no longer owned.
Such costs are being recovered from customers as permitted by regulatory agreements. Prior year business performance results have been
adjusted to reflect the exclusion of stranded costs recoveries, consistent with the current year classification.
c) Interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ('IFRIC') that have been adopted during
the year, are as follows:
* IFRIC 8 Scope of IFRS 2 'Share-Based Payment'
* IFRIC 9 Reassessment of embedded derivatives
* IFRIC 10 Interim financial reporting and impairments
* IFRIC 11 Group and treasury share transactions
The adoption of these interpretations had no significant impact on the financial results or position of the Company and its subsidiary
undertakings for the year ended 31 March 2008 or for previous periods.
b) New accounting standards, amendments and interpretations
The following standards, amendments and interpretations have been issued by the International Accounting Standards Board or by the
IFRIC, and are expected to be adopted in future periods. None of these are expected to have a material impact on consolidated results or
assets and liabilities.
* IFRS 8 Operating segments
* Amendment to IAS 23 Borrowing costs
* Amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements
* IFRS 3R Business combinations
* IAS 27R Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
* Amendment to IFRS 2 Share based payment
* Amendments to IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statement Puttable Financial
Instruments and Obligations Arising on Liquidation
* IFRIC 12 Service concession arrangements
* IFRIC 13 Customer loyalty programmes
* IFRIC 14 Defined benefit assets and minimum funding requirements
This announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 14 May 2008.
2. Segmental analysis
Segmental information is presented in accordance with the management responsibilities and economic characteristics, including
consideration of risks and returns, of business activities. The Company assesses the performance of its businesses principally on the basis
of operating profit before exceptional items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries. The primary reporting format is by business and
the secondary reporting format is by geographical area. The following table describes the main activities for each business segment:
Transmission UK High-voltage electricity transmission networks, the gas
transmission network in the UK,
UK liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage activities and the French
electricity interconnector
Transmission US High-voltage electricity transmission networks in New York and New
Gas Distribution UK Four of the eight regional networks of Great Britain's gas
distribution system
Gas Distribution US Gas distribution in New York and New England
Electricity Distribution & Electricity distribution in New York and New England and
Generation US electricity generation in New York
Other activities primarily relate to non-regulated businesses and other commercial operations not included within the above segments,
including UK-based gas metering activities; UK property management; a UK LNG import terminal; other LNG operations; unregulated US
transmission pipelines; US home services; US gas fields; together with corporate activities, including business development.
Discontinued operations comprise wireless infrastructure and communications operations in the UK and the US, an electricity
interconnector in Australia, the Ravenswood generation station in New York City, and the engineering and communications operations in the US
acquired as part of the KeySpan acquisition. The wireless infrastructure operations in the UK were sold on 3 April 2007; the US wireless
operations were sold on 15 August 2007; and the Basslink electricity interconnector in Australia was sold on 31 August 2007. The results of
discontinued operations are disclosed in note 6.
Our segments are unchanged from those reported in the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007, except for our former US
Electricity Distribution segment, which as a consequence of the acquisition of KeySpan on 24 August 2007 has been expanded to incorporate
the operations of KeySpan's generation business and is now reported as Electricity Distribution & Generation US. In addition, in line with
our management structure, the recovery of stranded costs from US electricity distribution customers as permitted by regulatory agreement is
no longer presented as a separate segment but is reported in Electricity Distribution & Generation US. Prior year comparatives have been
adjusted to conform with the current year classification.
Sales between businesses are priced having regard to the regulatory and legal requirements to which the businesses are subject.
a) Revenue
Years ended 31 March 2008 2007
£m £m
=========== ===========
Business segments - continuing
Transmission UK 2,956 2,816
Transmission US 299 270
Gas Distribution UK 1,383 1,193
Gas Distribution US 2,845 638
Electricity Distribution & 3,508 3,430
Generation US *
Other activities 642 567
Sales between businesses (210) (219)
------------------- -------------------
Revenue 11,423 8,695
=========== ===========
Total excluding stranded cost 11,041 8,269
Stranded cost recoveries 382 426
------------------- -------------------
11,423 8,695
=========== ===========
Geographical segments
UK 4,787 4,397
US 6,636 4,298
------------------- -------------------
Revenue 11,423 8,695
=========== ===========
* Comparatives have been adjusted to present items on a basis consistent with the current year classification.
2. Segmental analysis (continued)
b) Operating profit - before exceptional items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries
Years ended 31 March 2008
£m £m
=========== ===========
Business segments - continuing
Transmission UK 1,021 946
Transmission US 128 108
Gas Distribution UK 595 409
Gas Distribution US 392 71
Electricity Distribution & 330 364
Generation US *
Other activities 129 133
------------------- -------------------
Operating profit before exceptional 2,595 2,031
items, remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries *
=========== ===========
Geographical segments
UK 1,752 1,491
US 843 540
------------------- -------------------
Operating profit before exceptional 2,595 2,031
items, remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries
=========== ===========
* Comparatives have been adjusted to present items on a basis consistent with the current year classification.
c) Operating profit - after exceptional items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries
Years ended 31 March 2008 2007
£m £m
=========== ===========
Business segments - continuing
Transmission UK 1,013 936
Transmission US 122 107
Gas Distribution UK 574 412
Gas Distribution US 487 67
Electricity Distribution & 696 859
Generation US *
Other activities 72 132
------------------- -------------------
Operating profit after exceptional 2,964 2,513
items, remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries
=========== ===========
Geographical segments
UK 1,667 1,482
US 1,297 1,031
------------------- -------------------
Operating profit after exceptional 2,964 2,513
items, remeasurements and stranded
cost recoveries
=========== ===========
* Comparatives have been adjusted to present items on a basis consistent with the current year classification.
3. Exceptional items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries
Exceptional items, remeasurements, and stranded cost recoveries are items of income and expenditure that, in the judgment of management,
should be disclosed separately on the basis that they are material, either by their nature or their size, to an understanding of our
financial performance and significantly distort the comparability of financial performance between periods. Items of income or expense that
are considered by management for designation as exceptional items include such items as significant restructurings, write-downs or
impairments of non-current assets, significant changes in environmental or decommissioning provisions, integration of acquired businesses
and gains or losses on disposals of businesses or investments.
Remeasurements comprise gains or losses recorded in the income statement arising from changes in the fair value of commodity contracts
and of derivative financial instruments to the extent that hedge accounting is not achieved or is not effective.
Stranded cost recoveries represent the recovery of historical generation related costs in the US related to generation assets that are
no longer owned. Such costs can be recovered from customers as permitted by regulatory agreements.
Years ended 31 March 2008 2007
£m £m
============ ============
Exceptional items - restructuring (133) (22)
costs (i)
Exceptional items - environmental (92) -
related provisions (ii)
Exceptional items - gain on 6 -
disposal of subsidiary (iii)
Exceptional items - other (iv) (23) -
Remeasurements - commodity 232 81
contracts (v)
Stranded cost recoveries (vi) * 379 423
Total exceptional items, 369 482
remeasurements and stranded cost
recoveries included within
operating profit
Exceptional items - debt - (45)
restructuring costs (vii)
Remeasurements - commodity (9) (19)
contracts (v)
Remeasurements - net losses on (7) (153)
derivative financial instruments
Total exceptional items and (16) (217)
remeasurements included within
finance costs
------------------- -------------------
Total exceptional items, 353 265
remeasurements and stranded cost
recoveries before taxation
============ ============
Exceptional tax item - deferred tax 170 -
credit arising from reduction in UK
tax rate (ix)
Tax on exceptional items - 49 12
restructuring costs (i)
Tax on exceptional items - 20 -
environmental related provisions
Tax on exceptonal items - gain on (4) -
disposal of subsidiary (iii)
Tax on exceptional items - other 5 -
Tax on remeasurements - commodity (90) (25)
contracts (v)
Tax on exceptional items - debt - 14
restructuring costs (vii)
Tax on remeasurements - derivative (28) 169
financial instruments (viii)
Tax on stranded cost recoveries (150) (169)
(vi) *
------------------- -------------------
Tax on exceptional items, (28) 1
remeasurements and stranded cost
============ ============
Total exceptional items, 325 266
remeasurements and stranded cost
============ ============
Total exceptional items after (2) (41)
Total commodity contract 133 37
remeasurements after taxation
Total derivative financial (35) 16
instrument remeasurements after
Total stranded cost recoveries 229 254
after taxation
------------------- -------------------
Total exceptional items, 325 266
remeasurements and stranded cost
recoveries after taxation*
============ ============
* Comparatives have been adjusted
to present items on a basis
consistent with the current year
3. Exceptional items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries (continued)
i) Restructuring costs relate to planned cost reduction programmes in our UK and US businesses. For the year ended 31 March 2008,
restructuring costs included pension related costs of £83m arising as a result of redundancies (2007: £10m).
ii) The environmental charge for the year ended 31 March 2008 includes a charge of £44m resulting from revised cost estimates in the
UK and £48m in the US. Costs incurred with respect to US environmental provisions are substantially recoverable from customers.
iii) The gain on disposal of subsidiary relates to the sale of Advantica.
iv) A cost of £15m was incurred during the year ended 31 March 2008 relating to the potential disposal of National Grid*s property
business which we subsequently decided not to proceed with. In addition, there was a £4m amortisation charge on acquisition-related
intangibles and a £4m increase in nuclear decommissioning provisions.
v) Remeasurements * commodity contracts represent mark-to-market movements on certain commodity contract obligations, primarily
indexed-linked swap contracts, in the US. Under the existing rate plans in the US, commodity costs are fully recovered from customers,
although the pattern of recovery may differ from the pattern of costs incurred. These movements are comprised of those impacting operating
profit which are based on the change in the commodity contract liability and those impacting finance costs as a result of the time value of
vi) Stranded cost recoveries capture the recovery of some of our historical investments in generating plants that were divested as part
of the restructuring and wholesale power deregulation process in New England and New York during the 1990*s. These recoveries are no longer
considered to be part of our core business. Stranded cost recoveries on a pre-tax basis consist of revenue of £382m (2007: £426m) and
operating costs of £3m (2007:£3m).
vii) Debt restructuring costs in the year ended 31 March 2007 represented debt redemption costs related to the restructuring of our debt
viii) Remeasurements - net losses on derivative financial instruments comprise losses arising on derivative financial instruments reported
in the income statement. These exclude gains and losses for which hedge accounting has been effective, which have been recognised directly
in equity or offset by adjustments to the carrying value of debt. These remeasurements include a loss of £3m relating to pre-tax losses on
investment related derivative financial instruments that offset on a post-tax basis (2007: £126m). The tax charge in the year ended 31
March 2008 includes an £11m adjustment in respect of prior years (2007: £56m credit).
ix) The exceptional tax credit in the period of £170m arose from a reduction in the UK corporation tax rate from 30% to 28% included in
the Finance Act 2007. This resulted in a reduction in deferred tax liabilities.
4. Finance income and costs
Years ended 31 March 2008 2007
£m £m
=========== ===========
Interest income on financial 211 218
Expected return on pension and 1,064 926
other post-retirement benefit
plan assets (i)
------------------- -------------------
Interest income and similar 1,275 1,144
=========== ===========
Interest expense on financial (1,112) (871)
Exceptional items - debt - (45)
restructuring costs
Interest on pension and other (1,001) (869)
post-retirement benefit plan
obligations (i)
Unwinding of discounts on (41) (21)
Less: interest capitalised 119 70
------------------- -------------------
Interest expense (2,035) (1,736)
Net losses on derivative (16) (172)
financial instruments and
commodity contracts
------------------- -------------------
Interest expense and other (2,051) (1,908)
finance costs
=========== ===========
Net finance costs (776) (764)
=========== ===========
Net finance costs excluding (760) (547)
exceptional items and
Exceptional items and (16) (217)
remeasurements (note 3)
------------------- -------------------
(776) (764)
=========== ===========
i) The difference between actual and expected investment return on pension assets and interest on pension obligations is reported as an
actuarial gain or loss within the statement of recognised income and expense.
5. Taxation
Years ended 31 March 2008 2007
£m £m
=========== ===========
Taxation before exceptional 583 442
items, remeasurements and
stranded cost recoveries *
------------------- -------------------
Exceptional tax item - deferred (170) -
tax credit arising from the
reduction in UK tax rate
Taxation on other exceptional 198 (1)
items, remeasurements and
stranded cost recoveries *
------------------- -------------------
Taxation on total exceptional 28 (1)
items, remeasurements and
stranded cost recoveries (note 3)
------------------- -------------------
Total taxation 611 441
=========== ===========
Taxation as a percentage of % %
profit before taxation:
Before exceptional items, 31.7 29.7
remeasurements and stranded cost
recoveries *
After exceptional items, 27.9 25.2
remeasurements and stranded cost
=========== ===========
2008 2007
The tax charge for the year can £m £m
be analysed as follows:
=========== ===========
United Kingdom
Corporation tax at 30% (2007: 214 66
Corporation tax adjustment in (156) (28)
respect of prior years (i)
Deferred tax 42 168
Deferred tax adjustment in 67 9
respect of prior years (ii)
------------------- -------------------
167 215
=========== ===========
Corporate tax 213 109
Corporate tax adjustment in 31 (149)
respect of prior years
Deferred tax 191 207
Deferred tax adjustment in 9 59
respect of prior years
------------------- -------------------
444 226
=========== ===========
Total tax charge 611 441
=========== ===========
* Comparatives have been adjusted to present items on a basis consistent with the current year classification.
i) The UK corporation tax adjustment in respect of prior years includes a £9m charge (2007: £51m credit) that relates to exceptional
items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries.
ii) The UK deferred tax adjustment in respect of prior years includes a £2m charge (2007: £5m credit) that relates to exceptional
items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries. 6. Discontinued operations
Discontinued operations are businesses that have been sold, or which are held for sale. They include our former wireless infrastructure
operations in the UK and US, and the Basslink electricity interconnector in Australia, that were classified as businesses held for sale
during the year ended 31 March 2007. Businesses held for sale at 31 March 2008 comprised the Ravenswood generation station in New York City
(representing our merchant electricity generation operations), and the communications and the engineering operations that were acquired with
KeySpan on 24 August 2007.
The wireless infrastructure businesses in the UK and US were sold on 3 April 2007 and 15 August 2007 respectively, while the Basslink
electricity interconnector business was sold on 31 August 2007. The sale of the Ravenswood generation station was agreed on 31 March 2008
for consideration of $2.9 billion cash. Completion of the sale is dependent upon regulatory approval and is expected by summer of 2008. We
anticipate completing the disposals of the KeySpan communications and engineering operations within a year from the date of the acquisition.
Results of discontinued operations
Years ended 31 March 2008 2007
£m £m
=========== ===========
Revenue 201 383
Operating costs (166) (321)
------------------- -------------------
- Operating profit before 35 117
exceptional items and
- Exceptional items and - (55)
remeasurements (i)
Total operating profit from 35 62
discontinued operations
Net finance costs before - (2)
remeasurement finance income
Remeasurement finance income (ii) 8 37
------------------- -------------------
Profit before tax from 43 97
discontinued operations
Taxation (7) (11)
------------------- -------------------
Profit after tax from 36 86
discontinued operations
------------------- -------------------
Gains on disposals of UK and US 1,506 -
wireless infrastructure
Gain on disposal of Basslink 80 -
------------------- -------------------
Gain on disposal of discontinued 1,586 -
operations before tax
Taxation (4) -
------------------- -------------------
Gain on disposal of discontinued 1,582 -
------------------- -------------------
Total profit for the year from
discontinued operations
- Before exceptional items and 28 104
- Exceptional items and 1,590 (18)
1,618 86
=========== ===========
i) The exceptional item for the year ended 31 March 2007 reflects an impairment of goodwill relating to US wireless infrastructure
ii) Remeasurement finance income for the year ended 31 March 2008 comprised £8m of mark-to-market gains on financial instruments
(2007: £13m) and for the year ended 31 March 2007 an additional £24m relating to the recognition of gains on the termination of a hedging
7. Earnings per share
a) Basic earnings per share
Years ended 31 March 2008 2008 2007 2007
Earnings Earnings per share Earnings
£m pence Earnings £m per share
========== ========== ========== ==========
Adjusted earnings - continuing 1,253 48.0 1,042 38.3
operations *
Exceptional items after (2) (0.1) (41) (1.5)
Commodity contract 133 5.1 37 1.3
remeasurements after taxation
Derivative financial (35) (1.3) 16 0.6
instrument remeasurements
after taxation
Stranded cost recoveries after 229 8.8 254 9.4
taxation *
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Earnings - continuing 1,578 60.5 1,308 48.1
========== ========== ========== ==========
Adjusted earnings - 28 1.1 104 3.8
discontinued operations
Gains on disposal of 1,582 60.6 - -
operations after taxation
Other exceptional items and 8 0.3 (18) (0.6)
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Earnings - discontinued 1,618 62.0 86 3.2
========== ========== ========== ==========
Basic earnings 3,196 122.5 1,394 51.3
========== ========== ========== ==========
millions millions
========== ==========
Weighted average number of 2,609 2,719
shares - basic
========== ==========
b) Diluted earnings per share
Years ended 31 March 2008 2008 2007 2007
Earnings Earnings per share Earnings
£m pence Earnings £m per share
========== ========== ========== =========
Adjusted diluted earnings - 1,253 47.8 1,042 38.1
continuing operations *
Exceptional items after (2) (0.1) (41) (1.5)
Commodity contract 133 5.0 37 1.3
remeasurements after taxation
Derivative financial (35) (1.3) 16 0.6
instrument remeasurements
after taxation
Stranded cost recoveries after 229 8.7 254 9.3
taxation *
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
Diluted earnings - continuing 1,578 60.1 1,308 47.8
========== ========== ========== ==========
Adjusted diluted earnings - 28 1.1 104 3.8
discontinued operations
Gains on disposal of 1,582 60.3 - -
operations after taxation
Other exceptional items and 8 0.3 (18) (0.7)
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
Diluted earnings - 1,618 61.7 86 3.1
discontinued operations
========== ========== ========== ==========
Diluted earnings 3,196 121.8 1,394 50.9
========== ========== ========== ==========
millions millions
========== ==========
Weighted average number of 2,624 2,737
shares - diluted
========== =========
The difference between the basic and diluted weighted average number of shares for the years presented relates solely to the effect of
dilutive potential ordinary shares related to employee share plans.
* Comparatives have been adjusted to present items on a basis consistent with the current year classification. 8. Dividends
The following table shows the dividends paid to equity shareholders:
Years ended 31 March 2008 2008 2007 2007
(pence £m (pence £m
per ordinary per ordinary
share) share)
========== ========== ========= ==========
Ordinary dividends
Interim dividend for the year 11.7 300 - -
ended 31 March 2008
Final dividend for the year 17.8 480 - -
ended 31 March 2007
Interim dividend for the year - - 10.9 297
ended 31 March 2007
Final dividend for the year - - 15.9 433
ended 31 March 2006
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
29.5 780 26.8 730
========== ========== ========= ==========
The Directors are proposing a final dividend for 2008 of 21.3p per share that will absorb approximately £531m of shareholders' equity.
It will be paid on 20 August 2008 to shareholders who are on the register of members on 6 June 2008.
9. Acquisitions
On 24 August 2007, the acquisition of KeySpan was completed, with 100% of the shares acquired for a total cash consideration of £3.8bn,
including acquisition costs of £25m. The provisional amount of goodwill that arose on the acquisition was £2.3bn, however this is subject
to change as the exercise of establishing fair values of the assets and liabilities acquired is not final at this stage. Provisional
goodwill principally relates to the market and regulatory position and retail customer relationships of the acquired operations, the
opportunity to make future capital investment, expected synergies and opportunities for further cost improvements in the future, to the
assembled workforce and to the potential for future growth. The fair values of the assets and liabilities acquired have been updated from
the provisional fair values reported in our half year results for the six months ended 30 September 2007.
Fair values of assets and liabilities remain provisional and are subject to further adjustment within one year of the acquisition dates.
The principal items outstanding include the fair values of tax liabilities, contingent and unrecorded liabilities, and businesses held for
The majority of the acquired operations relate to gas distribution, and electricity distribution and generation activities, and so are
presented within the Gas Distribution US and Electricity Distribution & Generation US segments. Certain acquired activities, principally
the Ravenswood generation station and KeySpan's communications and engineering operations are disclosed as discontinued operations in the
income statement as we plan, and expect, to dispose of these activities within one year of the acquisition date.
The KeySpan acquired activities contributed revenue of £2,498m to our continuing operations; contributed a profit from continuing
operations after taxation of £225m; and reported an adjusted profit (before exceptional items, remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries)
from continuing operations after taxation of £174m for the period from 24 August 2007 to 31 March 2008. Exceptional items, remeasurements
and stranded cost recoveries included pre-tax costs of £53m relating to restructuring costs and pre-tax gains on remeasurement of £138m.
Pro forma information
The following summary presents the consolidated results as if KeySpan had been acquired on 1 April 2007. The pro forma information
includes the results of KeySpan for the year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 as adjusted for the estimated effect of accounting policies
adopted by National Grid and the impact of provisional fair value accounting adjustments (e.g. amortisation of intangible assets) together
with the recognition of the impact on pro forma net interest expense as a result of the acquisition. All of the pre-tax pro forma
adjustments have been taxed (where appropriate) at the rate of tax pertaining to the jurisdiction in which the pro forma adjustment arose.
The pro forma information is provided for comparative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the actual results that would have
occurred, nor is it necessarily indicative of future results of operations of the enlarged National Grid.
2008 2008
Actual Pro forma
£m £m
=========== ===========
Revenue 11,423 12,345
Operating profit before exceptional items, 2,595 2,625
remeasurements and stranded cost recoveries
Total operating profit 2,964 2,901
Profit from continuing operations after taxation 1,256 1,175
before exceptional items, remeasurements and
stranded cost recoveries
Profit for the year from continuing operations 1,581 1,443
Profit for the year 3,199 3,087
=========== ===========
9. Acquisitions (continued)
IFRS Provisional fair value
book value at
£m £m
=========== ===========
Intangible assets 42 135
Property, plant and equipment 3,152 3,282
Financial and other 129 129
investments - non-current
Inventories and current 505 505
Trade and other receivables 767 748
Financial and other 33 33
investments - current
Cash and cash equivalents 260 260
Assets of businesses held for 472 1,487
Borrowings - current (545) (545)
Trade and other payables (713) (749)
Borrowings - non-current (1,852) (1,934)
Other non-current liabilities (169) (169)
Deferred tax liabilities (132) (591)
Pensions and other (440) (440)
post-retirement benefit
Provisions (649) (643)
Liabilities of businesses held (73) (73)
for sale
Minority interest (8) (8)
------------------- -------------------
Net assets acquired 779 1,427
Goodwill arising on 2,335
Total consideration 3,762
10. Reconciliation of movements in total equity
Years ended 31 March 2008 2007
£m £m
========== ==========
Opening total equity 4,136 3,493
Changes in total equity for the year
Total recognised income and expense 3,479 1,499
Equity dividends (780) (730)
Issue of ordinary share capital 13 16
B shares converted to ordinary shares 27 -
Repurchase of share capital and (1,522) (169)
purchase of treasury shares (i)
Other movements in minority interests 4 (1)
Share-based payment 18 15
Issue of treasury shares 10 -
Tax on share-based payment (5) 13
----------------- -----------------
Closing total equity 5,380 4,136
========== ==========
i) From 30 May 2007 to 31 March 2008, the Company repurchased under its share repurchase programme 200.1 million ordinary shares for
aggregate consideration of £1,516m including transaction costs. The shares repurchased have a nominal value of 1117/43 pence each and
represented 8% of the ordinary shares in issue as at 31 March 2008. Included within total equity is a deduction of £570m for treasury
shares (2007: £nil). Further purchases of shares relating to employee share schemes were made for an aggregate consideration of £6m.
11. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Years ended 31 March 2008 2007
£m £m
=========== ===========
(Decrease)/increase in cash and (1,450) 175
cash equivalents
(Decrease)/increase in financial (45) 1,725
Increase in borrowings and (1,563) (3,019)
related derivatives (i)
Net interest paid 694 597
------------------ ------------------
Increase in net debt resulting (2,364) (522)
from cash flows
Changes in fair value of (133) 331
financial assets and liabilities
and exchange movements
Net interest charge (901) (655)
Borrowings of subsidiary (2,446) (48)
undertaking acquired
Amounts related to businesses 17 (42)
held for sale
Other non-cash movements (26) (2)
------------------- -------------------
Increase in net debt (net of (5,853) (938)
related derivative financial
instruments) in the year
Net debt at start of year (11,788) (10,850)
------------------- -------------------
Net debt (net of related (17,641) (11,788)
derivative financial instruments)
at end of year
=========== ===========
i) The increase in borrowings and related derivatives for the year ended 31 March 2008 comprised proceeds from loans received of
£1.6bn, and net movement in short-term borrowings of £0.6bn, less payments to repay loans of £0.6bn.
12. Net debt
At 31 March 2008
£m £m
=========== ===========
Cash and cash equivalents 174 1,593
Bank overdrafts (10) (6)
------------------- -------------------
Net cash and cash equivalents 164 1,587
Financial investments 2,095 2,098
Borrowings (excluding bank (20,993) (15,711)
------------------- -------------------
(18,734) (12,026)
Net debt related derivative 1,526 657
financial assets
Net debt related derivative (433) (419)
financial liabilities
------------------- -------------------
Net debt (net of related (17,641) (11,788)
derivative financial instruments)
=========== ===========
13. Commitments and contingencies
At 31 March 2008
£m £m
=========== ===========
Future capital expenditure contracted for but not 1,097 1,554
provided for
Commitments under non-cancellable operating 737 800
Energy purchase commitments (i) 4,753 3,731
Guarantees (ii) 925 229
Other commitments and contingencies (iii) 462 308
=========== ===========
i) Commodity contracts that do not meet the normal purchase, sale or usage criteria and hence are accounted for as derivative contracts
are recorded at fair value and incorporated in trade and other payables and other non-current liabilities were £316m (31 March 2007:
ii) Details of the guarantees entered into by the Company or its subsidiary undertakings at 31 March 2008 are shown below:
a) guarantees of a subsidiary company*s obligations under a membership interest and stock purchase agreement amounting to £282m.
These will expire on closing the agreement;
b) a letter of support of obligations under a shareholders* agreement relating to the interconnector project between Britain and the
Netherlands amounting to approximately £227m. This expires in 2010;
c) a guarantee amounting to approximately £105m of half of the obligations of the interconnector project between Britain and the
Netherlands. This expires in 2010;
d) guarantees of certain obligations in respect of the UK Grain LNG Import Terminal for which the maximum annual liability amounts to
£86m. These run for varying lengths of time, expiring between 2019 and 2028;
e) guarantees of £59m relating to certain property obligations of subsidiary undertakings. The majority of these expire by December
f) a guarantee of £50m in respect of liabilities under a meter operating contract that runs until May 2008;
g) an uncapped guarantee, for which the maximum liability is estimated at £40m, to The Crown Estates in support of the transfer of
the interconnector between France and England to National Grid Interconnectors Limited as part of the Licence to Assign Lease. This is
h) letters of credit in support of gas balancing obligations amounting to £25m, lasting for less than one year;
i) collateral of £15m to secure syndicate insurance obligations which are evergreen;
j) guarantees in respect of a former associate amounting to £14m, the majority of which relates to its obligations to supply
telecommunications services. These are open-ended; and
k) other guarantees amounting to £22m arising in the normal course of business and entered into on normal commercial terms. These
guarantees run for varying lengths of time.
iii) Includes commitments largely relating to gas purchasing and property remediation of £432m (31 March 2007 £198m).
The Company has entered into an agreement with a stockbroker to repurchase the Company's shares, which is cancellable at any time other
than during a close period. The Company entered a close period on 1 April 2008, at which point authority existed for the repurchase of
shares up to a maximum value of £248m. The close period ends following the full year results announcement on 15 May 2008. During the period
between 1 April and 14 May 2008 share repurchases amounted to £97.8m.
On 25 February 2008 the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (GEMA) imposed a £41.6m fine on National Grid for infringement of the
Competition Act 1998 in relation to a number of metering contracts entered into with gas suppliers in 2004. We believe that the contracts do
not infringe competition law, they were entered into voluntarily by gas suppliers, and Ofgem was consulted throughout the process of
contract development and negotiation. Therefore, we have lodged an appeal with the Competition Appeal Tribunal. GEMA has suspended the fine
pending the outcome of the appeal and no provision has been made in the accounts.
We remain convinced that National Grid has not breached the Competition Act 1998 and that our position will be upheld and the fine
reversed on appeal.
14. Exchange rates
The consolidated results are affected by the exchange rates used to translate the results of its US operations and US dollar
transactions. The US dollar to sterling exchange rates used were:
31 March 2008 2007
=========== ===========
Closing rate applied at period end 1.98 1.97
Average rate applied for the period 2.01 1.91
=========== ===========
15. Related party transactions
There were no significant changes in the nature and size of related party transactions for the year to those disclosed in the financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2007.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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