May 4,
2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Annual General
Meeting (the "AGM") adopted the presented income statements and
balance sheets as well as the remuneration report, and discharged
the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability towards the
company. In addition, the resolutions below were made.
Election of members of the Board of Directors and
remuneration to the Board of Directors
The AGM decided to re-elect Stefan
Brocker, Henrik Hallin,
Mats Jansson and Ulrika Laurin as members of the Board of
Directors, in accordance with the proposal of the Nomination
Committee. Stefan Brocker was
elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Further the AGM
decided that the remuneration to the members of the Board of
Directors elected by the AGM shall be the
- SEK 400,000 (400,000) to the
Chairman of the Board of Directors
- SEK 300,000 (225,000) to the
other members of the Board of Directors elected by the AGM
Election of auditor and fees to the auditor
Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as auditor of the
company. Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB has announced that the
authorised public accountant Fredrik Göransson will continue to be
principally responsible auditor. The remuneration to the auditor
shall be paid according to invoice approved by the company.
Distribution of dividend
The AGM decided that no distribution of dividend should be made for
the financial year of 2022.
Resolution regarding guidelines for remuneration to the
executive management
The AGM resolved on guidelines for remuneration to the executive
management in accordance with the proposal of the Board of
Directors. The new guidelines are substantially the same as the
guidelines adopted by the annual general meeting 2020. However, the
notice period for other executives, if notice of termination of
employment is made by the company, has been amended from a maximum
of six months to a maximum of one year. In addition, the maximum
fixed cash salary during the period of notice and severance pay for
other executives has been amended, to may not together exceed an
amount equivalent to the fixed cash salary for one year, instead of
as earlier stated six months.
The shareholders have also had the opportunity to exercise their
voting right at the AGM by postal voting in accordance with the
regulations in Concordia Maritime's Articles of Association.
For more information, please contact:
Erik Lewenhaupt
CEO, Concordia Maritime AB
Mobile: +46 704 855 188
E-mail: erik.lewenhaupt@concordiamaritime.com
The following files are available for download:
Concordia Maritime -
Resolutions at the AGM 2023
View original
SOURCE Concordia Maritime