Unitronix Corporation’s Subsidiary, Aur Lake Exploration Inc., Reports Completion of Phase 1 of Its Gold Exploration Progra...
04 8월 2009 - 6:18AM
Business Wire
As previously reported, Unitronix and
certain investors exercised the right to acquire Aur Lake in the
fall of 2008. Aur Lake had two sixteen unit claims staked in the
Sturgeon Lake Gold Camp, Ontario, Canada; one centered on the
historic gold occurrence at Jessie Lake, and the other centered on
the historic gold occurrence at Jumping Lake. A 5-day program was
conducted to test the levels of gold mineralization on the claims
in September-October of 2008.
A 3-man crew spent 2 days on the Jessie Lake claim and 3 days on
the Jumping Lake claim. 38 grab samples were collected from the
occurrences and assayed for gold by Accurassay Lab of Thunder Bay,
Ontario. Most of the results revealed anomalous gold mineralization
on both properties. Anomalous assays at Jessie Lake ranged from 0.4
grams per ton to 3.58 grams per ton in the 16 grab samples taken
there. At Jumping Lake anomalous assays ranged from 0.3 grams per
ton to 81.5 grams per ton in 22 grab samples.
In light of these positive assay results and the number of
projects based on bulk tonnage models currently underway in
northwest Ontario, MIR Télédétection (MIR) of Longueuil, P.Q., was
retained to develop a preliminary geological structural analysis
covering both claims and the immediate surrounding area. MIR
analyzed high-definition aeromagnetic data, 2-meter Ikonos spectral
data, and regional Ontario Geological Survey reports and maps, but
in order to maintain objectivity specific data regarding the
location of either gold occurrence was withheld at the request of
MIR. MIR presented its report that included a preliminary
structural model in mid-April, 2009.
MIR concluded that 3 district-scale fault and shear zones
intersect one another on the Jumping Lake claim, and that one of
these extended northwest across stratigraphy to the Jessie Lake
occurrence. MIR also inferred from magnetic data that a significant
quartz feldspar porphyry intrusion (QFP Plug) exists on the Jumping
Lake claim and extending a little to the west and that it may be
much larger below grade. MIR further suggested that the QFP Plug
could also be significantly interactive with the above shear zone
to possibly produce systems of fracturing and veining in the
surrounding metabasalts in either a tensional brittle-ductile
system or a brittle fault deflection system.
Preparations for a stripping and general prospecting program for
May of 2009 on the Jumping Lake occurrence, based on the original
field results from the fall of 2008, were completed by Aur Lake
prior to receipt of the MIR report and the field trip was carried
out as planned with only minor modifications to add the preliminary
reconnaissance of the QFP Plug area referenced in the structural
analysis of MIR.
In May 2009 a hydraulic track hoe excavated along a gold- and
pyrite-bearing quartz-carbonate vein with an inferred overall
strike length of at least 175 meters. The vein presents at the
surface as 4 discreet segments, three of them closely co-linear,
interrupted by shears that intersect it at a high angle. 2 of these
sheared intersections were excavated to the safe limits of the
equipment without finding their bottoms. 16 grab samples were taken
along newly exposed parts of the vein. Anomalous assays of these
samples ranged from 0.1 grams per ton to 24 grams per ton.
The Jumping Lake occurrence was found to be open at the north
end (stratigraphic bottom) where a 0.5 meter wide gold-bearing
orange quartz vein can be seen running into a small lake, but
truncated at the south end (the stratigraphic top and where the
assay values were highest) by a shear pre-identified from spectral
data by MIR. Attempts made to locate continuity of the mineralized
structure assuming a dextral offset beyond this shear were
unsuccessful. More time will be required because of extensive
overburden in this topographically low area.
Prospecting in the area of the QFP plug found little rock
outcrop to the east but did find a 0.6 meter wide quartz contact
vein, with a strike length of at least 40 meters inferred from two
outcrops, at the stratigraphic bottom (north) of the intrusion. The
contact of the quartz vein and the metabasalt host rock showed
signs of systematic removal with hand tools, which is a common
sight at gold occurrences in an area that has been the subject of
gold exploration for about a century. (The Jumping Lake occurrence
had been found in a similar condition). Aur Lake was unable to
prospect to the upper stratigraphic contact of the QFP plug
intrusion due to a very late spring thaw and demands of the ongoing
stripping underway at the Jumping Lake occurrence.
On the basis of MIR’s structural analysis and the above
prospecting, Aur Lake undertook to stake 2 claims, 9 and 15 units
in size, to cover the area of the shear zone connecting Jessie Lake
to the QFP Plug in late May of 2009. This staking creates a
contiguous claim group in the area for Aur Lake of 56 claim units,
or about 896 hectares, covering both occurrences.
Following the review of data collected on site in May, MIR
presented a report in July containing recommendations for Phase 2
exploration on Aur Lake’s claim group. Aur Lake is considering
MIR’s recommendations and evaluating various technologies for
additional subsurface investigation. Aur Lake’s present plans are
to expand the known extent of the Jumping Lake occurrence and to
explore the perimeter of the QFP Plug. In the longer term Aur Lake
plans to prospect along the shear zone inferred by MIR as
connecting the two gold occurrences on the claim group, and to
further explore the Jessie Lake gold occurrence.
Unitronix recognizes that Phase 2 of the exploration program
will require substantial funding, however the company cannot
predict whether funding will be arranged or the cost associated, if
it is finalized.
Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward looking statements. Such
statements include without limitation, statements regarding future
results of operations, performance and achievements of the company
and its subsidiaries, including cost and results of proposed work
programs, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits,
geological interpretation, business and financing plans, business
trends and other numerous factors that can adversely impact the
business of mineral exploration.
Statements made are based on current expectations and involve
numerous factors that could cause the actual results to differ
materially from those stated and implied. Unitronix Corporation
expressly does not undertake to update such statements.
Unitronix (PK) (USOTC:UTRX)
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부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025
Unitronix (PK) (USOTC:UTRX)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025