Roadkill XL Hits the Production Line.
Fernhill Beverage, Inc., Ticker Symbol OTC
Pink Sheets: FHBG is proud to announce the first
production of Roadkill XL has been completed.
Carlsbad, CA -- March 14, 2017 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire --
Roadkill XL is a branch line of the existing Vitamin Packed
Roadkill which is targeted toward the youth market of consumers.
Roadkill XL is targeting a slightly older consumer than its Little
Brother. Vitamin Packed Roadkill has found acceptance with the 6 to
12-year-old age group. Roadkill XL is designed to appeal to the 10
to 18-year-old demographic, allowing the brand a broader, larger
and much more lucrative audience.
While Roadkill is currently packaged in a narrow 12oz. bottle,
Roadkill XL is packaged in a larger 16oz. slim bottle. Roadkill XL
features colorful fruity flavors. Unlike its Little Brother,
Roadkill XL is carbonated making it more appealing to teens and
tweens. Keeping with the successful theme of the Gross and Icky,
which is the signature of Roadkill, Big Brother Roadkill XL
features fun, colorful and graphic labels that add humor to the
category. Roadkill XL is currently offered in 4 fun vitamin packed
flavors. Keeping with the Roadkill theme, the flavors are Blue
Raccoon Bits (raspberry), Purple Possum Parts (grape), Red Fox in a
Box (Fruit Punch) and Green Gopher Guts (green apple). Two new
flavors will be introduced as sales increase.
The initial production of Roadkill XL, which took place in
California, was a very successful test production. The Company will
be test marketing the new offering in the San Diego area throughout
the month of April, 2017. Retail price for Roadkill XL is $1.19 -
$1.29. Full production is scheduled for May, 2017. The Company has
secured agreements to expand distribution throughout the West Coast
and the East Coast during the second quarter of 2017.
The Company expects Roadkill XL to add as much as 50% to the
revenue top line immediately. The Company is targeting growth of
more than 100% before the end of the year with growing profits as
production increases.
Fernhill Beverage, Inc. is a beverage company that is focusing
on the youth market. The Company has experienced solid growth
throughout its first full year of operation. Fernhill Beverage,
Inc. will be working diligently to ensure exponential growth
through 2017 and 2018. Fernhill Beverage, Inc. will be actively
looking for opportunities to expand its brands as The Company
develops other fun, profitable brands that young people will
gravitate toward.
Fernhill Beverage, Inc.
Ticker Symbol OTC
Pink Sheets: FHBG
Contact: info@FernhillBev.com
Web Sight: www.FernhillBev.com
Phone: (760) 613-8828