MMX MINERA��O E MET�LICOS S.A. ("MMX" or the "Company") (BOVESPA: MMXM3) (TSX: XMM), IRONX MINERA��O S.A. ("IronX") (BOVESPA: IRON3), and ANGLO AMERICAN PARTICIPA��ES EM MINERA��O LTDA. ("Anglo American"), in accordance with article 157 of Brazilian Law No. 6.404/76 and CVM Instruction No. 358/02, both as amended, and in furtherance to the information disclosed in the Notice to Investors published on July 28, 2008, hereby announce that, on the date hereof, Anglo American has acquired all shares of IronX directly owned by Mr. Eike Batista and certain other selling shareholders related to Mr. Eike Batista (the "Acquisition").

Anglo American is wholly-owned by Anglo American plc, being part of one of the world's largest mining and natural resource groups. With its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, it is a global leader in platinum group metals and diamonds, with significant interests in coal, base and ferrous metals, as well as in the industrial minerals business. The Anglo American Group is geographically diverse, with operations in Africa, Europe, South and North America, Australia and Asia.

As a result of the Acquisition, Anglo American purchased, in cash, from Mr. Eike Batista and the other selling shareholders, 193.462.160 common shares representing 63.3% of IronX's capital stock for an amount of approximately R$5.4billion, representing a price of R$28.147 per common share of IronX.

Once the Acquisition has resulted in the transfer of control of IronX, Anglo American will launch a tender offer for the common shares held by the remaining IronX shareholders, in accordance with the terms and conditions of article 254-A of the Brazilian Corporate Law, CVM Instruction No. 361 and item 8.1 of the Rules of the Novo Mercado issued by Bovespa (the "Tag-Along Offer"), at the same IronX price-per-share paid to Mr. Eike Batista and the other selling shareholders. The total purchase, including the Acquisition, for 100% of the outstanding shares of IronX, if the Tag-Along Offer is successful, will amount to approximately R$8.6 billion.

Furthermore, according to a formal communication filed by Anglo American at the headquarters of the Company on March 31st, 2008, Anglo American intends to implement, concurrently to the Tag-Along Offer, a public offer to delist IronX and to withdraw IronX from the Novo Mercado segment of the Bovespa (the "Delisting Offer"). If the valuation made according to the laws and regulations applicable to the Delisting Offer reaches an amount per-share that is higher than the per-share price paid to Mr. Eike Batista and the other selling shareholders, Anglo American will decide whether or not to proceed with the Delisting Offer. If Anglo American decides not to proceed with the Delisting Offer it will nevertheless maintain and implement the Tag-Along Offer.

To this extent, the current management of IronX has called an extraordinary shareholders' meeting to be held on August 18th, 2008, which will decide upon, amongst other things, the (i) delisting of IronX from the Novo Mercado segment, and the (ii) engagement of the financial institution or specialized firm responsible for the preparation of the valuation report of the economic value of the shares of the Company.

Further information may be obtained upon request to the following emails addresses: or

Nelson Jos� Guitti Guimar�es
CFO and Investor Relations Officer
MMX Minera��o e Met�licos S.A.

Luiz Rodolfo Landim Machado
Investor Relations Officer
IronX Minera��o S.A.

Anglo American Participa��es em Minera��o Ltda.

iShares MSCI Min Vol Eme... (TSX:XMM)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 iShares MSCI Min Vol Eme... 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
iShares MSCI Min Vol Eme... (TSX:XMM)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 iShares MSCI Min Vol Eme... 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.