Stu Sjouwerman on What Vista Equitys Buy Means for KnowBe4
CEO on How Going Private Will Accelerate KnowBe4s Journey From $300M to $1B in ARR
Michael Novinson January 13, 2023
Michael Novinson: Hello, this is Michael Novinson with Information Security Media Group. Im joined today by Stu Sjouwerman. He is the founder and
CEO of security awareness training vendor Knowbe4. Started the Company in 2010, took it public last year, theyre now under agreement to go private with Vista Equity Partners. Good afternoon. Stu, how are you?
Stu Sjouwerman: Great. Glad to be here.
Novinson: Thanks so much for making the time. Did want to start with that go private agreement that you signed with Vista Equity in October for upwards, a little above four and a half billion dollars. Wanted to get a sense from you of why you
thought that was the right move for your company, especially given how recently youd just gone public, why do you feel its better at this juncture to be privately owned?
Stu Sjouwerman: We decided that becoming part of a private equity group of portfolio companies was the right move at this moment in time. Theres
lots of market volatility. And we, frankly, were very interested in getting assistance in scaling up to a billion dollars in ARR. And we feel that Vista is a very good partner in doing that.
Michael Novinson: Got you, and love to hear a little bit about what Vista brings to the table. I know they have some other security investments,
Securonix, and as well as some other folks, but yeah, what in particular made them such a good fit?
Stu Sjouwerman: They are specialized
specifically in enterprise software. Thats the only thing they do. So they have a whole library of best practices that we can tap into and then grab for particular areas in our execution plans. And they have their Vista consulting group, more
than 100 we call them SMEs, you know, the specialists in particular areas, subject matter experts, and they are all at our disposal. So, we feel we have a valuable new partner that can help us grow.
Michael Novinson: Of course, and I know youd mentioned the market volatility there and I realize you went public in a very different economy. Why
is it easier to navigate market volatility being privately held versus being publicly held?
Stu Sjouwerman: Well, listen, what we felt as a public
company, we didnt really get credit for the very high quality stock that we really are. And so we saw the stock price go up and down, and we didnt necessarily feel we had much control over that. So for us at our stage, where we are still
growing very rapidly, we felt going private was actually the better choice.
Michael Novinson: Gotcha. And then from the standpoint of Vista, I
know you mentioned that goal of getting to a billion in ARR, how will Vista help you get there, and what are some of the key areas of priority areas for focus of investment in order to get to that one billion dollar figure?
Stu Sjouwerman: You know, when you are at roughly well over 300 in ARR, where we are today, you look back and you look at your existing processes, your
technology stack, and you do have to realize that what gets you there doesnt necessarily get you to that next level, which is three times more. And at that point in time, we said its actually a good idea to partner up with people who
have been there who have done that they know how this works, and they can guide you from your 3, 350, to that billion dollar so partnering up is actually a good idea.
Michael Novinson: Gotcha. And I know youre under agreement to be acquired but youve also over the past 24 months made some acquisitions of
your own. You bought Security Advisor, you bought MediaPro, have you been leveraging those in in recent months to strengthen your company?
Sjouwerman: Well, its good you asked because the Security Advisor team helped us rebuild and rebrand that to SecurityCoach, and that we just released four weeks ago, which was to some degree a somewhat soft release. We are going to promote
SecurityCoach big time during Q1 2023. However, the first results, the first feedback has been very, very positive. And were very happy that we were able to get that release roughly a year after the acquisition. Its fully integrated,
its fully part of the KnowBe4 platform, looks the same feels the same and provides some very exciting new functionality.
Michael Novinson:
Interesting, and SecurityCoach more recently announced an integration with Netskope around that capability. Whats the opportunity there? Specifically, NetSkope and then are you do you anticipate having some more third-party security
vendor integrations with SecurityCoach?