IRI responds to Open Ratings Open Ratings Fails to Address
Financing Concerns and Inherent Conflict Of Interest Associated
with Antitrust Litigation CHICAGO, Oct. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/
-- Information Resources, Inc. (IRI) said today that it sent the
following letter to Stanford A. Smith, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Open Ratings, Inc. in response to a letter
that Open Ratings sent to IRI on October 28, 2003: October 29, 2003
Stanford A. Smith President and Chief Executive Officer Open
Ratings, Inc. 200 West Street Waltham, MA 02451 Dear Mr. Smith: The
IRI Board of Directors met again to consider your latest letter
dated October 28, 2003 in which you reiterate your interest in
acquiring all of the outstanding shares of IRI common stock. The
IRI Board is fully aware of its fiduciary responsibilities to IRI
shareholders and remains committed to maximizing shareholder value.
Accordingly, our Board, together with its financial and legal
advisors, has given full and thorough consideration to your most
recent indication of interest. The IRI Board must protect the best
interests of its shareholders, and in light of our fiduciary
duties, we cannot respond to an indication of interest unless the
indication could reasonably be expected to lead to a transaction of
superior value to Gingko's. After careful review of your letters
and our advisors' discussions with you, the IRI Board is unable to
find a basis on which to reasonably conclude that Open Ratings can
accomplish a transaction on the terms proposed. Based on the cash
component of your proposal, we believe that Open Ratings will need
to secure more than $130 million of equity and debt financing.
However, Open Ratings has failed to provide evidence of sufficient
financial resources to complete the transaction you propose. * Open
Ratings is an extremely small, early stage company, with little or
no experience in the consumer packaged goods or market research
industries. Indeed, you indicated to our financial advisors that
Open Ratings has less than $10 million of annual revenue and less
than $1 million of cash. * Your letter states that you have "strong
support" from your venture capital investors. However, you have not
shown us even a letter, a term sheet or anything else outlining
their proposed investment. * Your letter states that Open Ratings
has only had "initial discussions" with still unnamed sources of
debt financing. We believe that it is unlikely that financing could
be arranged on the terms Open Ratings outlines in its letters, as
your transaction would entail more leverage and less collateral
coverage than Gingko's transaction. * You have indicated to us that
the value of Open Ratings' proposal is based only on IRI's
historical revenue levels and that Open Ratings has not given any
consideration to IRI's underlying earnings or projections. This
implies to us that you have not had meaningful discussions with
your equity or debt financing sources about IRI's business and that
the per share price you have proposed, like your financing plan, is
speculative at best. Beyond our financing concerns, the IRI Board
also has concerns about the effect a transaction with Open Ratings
could have on IRI's ability to effectively prosecute the Company's
antitrust lawsuit and its ultimate outcome. We note that Open
Ratings states that it would structure a transaction such that IRI
shareholders could retain up to 100% of any net proceeds derived
from IRI's antitrust lawsuit. We do not believe that this cures
Open Ratings' inherent conflict of interest. * Under Open Ratings'
proposed structure, Open Ratings would have no financial incentive
to vigorously prosecute the litigation on behalf of IRI's
shareholders since Open Ratings would derive no financial benefit
from it. * Dun & Bradstreet is a co-defendant in IRI's
antitrust lawsuit, and at the same time, an owner and key strategic
business partner of Open Ratings. Open Ratings' relationship with
Dun & Bradstreet could be a serious disincentive to prosecuting
IRI's antitrust lawsuit and delivering to the IRI shareholders full
value for their investment, which includes both cash and
maximization of any potential lawsuit proceeds. * Your indication
of interest is further complicated by the fact that if IRI
ultimately prevailed in its antitrust lawsuit, IRI would have the
right to seek recovery from any one or more of the co-defendants in
the case. Given Open Ratings' relationship with Dun &
Bradstreet, it is difficult to imagine a scenario in which IRI,
owned by Open Ratings, would seek even partial recovery, let alone
full recovery, from Dun & Bradstreet. For these reasons and the
reasons announced in our October 25 press release, IRI's Board has
determined that Open Ratings' indication of interest cannot
reasonably be expected to lead to a superior offer to Gingko's. In
distinct contrast to Open Ratings' indication of interest, IRI
shareholders have an offer, certain and now, from Gingko
Acquisition Corp. Gingko has completed due diligence, and its offer
is fully funded and can be completed within the next few days.
Pursuant to IRI's obligations under its merger agreement with
Gingko, we informed Gingko of Open Ratings' latest indication of
interest. Gingko informed IRI that it will not respond to Open
Ratings' indication of interest with either an extension of its
tender offer beyond October 31, 2003, or with a change to the terms
of its offer. In conclusion, the IRI Board must do what it believes
is in the best interest of IRI shareholders and continues to
recommend that IRI shareholders tender their shares into Gingko's
offer. Sincerely, /s/ Joe Durrett Joe Durrett Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer Information Resources, Inc. Following is the
letter sent to IRI from Open Ratings on October 28, 2003: October
28, 2003 Joseph P. Durrett Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and
President Information Resources, Inc. 150 North Clinton Street
Chicago, IL 60661 Dear Mr. Durrett: We are disappointed in the
response of the IRI board of directors to our serious proposal to
acquire all the outstanding shares of IRI common stock at a price
well above that offered by Gingko. Furthermore, we disagree with
the IRI board's failure to conclude that our proposal could
reasonably be expected to lead to a binding offer superior to the
Gingko transaction. Contrary to the reasons formulated by the IRI
board as justification for its decision, we proposed a cash price
at least 13.6% higher than Gingko's tender offer price, indicated
the strong support of Ampersand Ventures and Atlas Venture -- each
of which is a highly respected and well-capitalized venture capital
firm -- to provide significant equity capital for the acquisition,
and informed you of our willingness to proceed rapidly.
Notwithstanding the IRI board's refusal to recognize the
seriousness of our superior proposal, we have taken steps to make
it even more attractive to the IRI shareholders. In addition to
reaffirming the superior cash component of our proposal, we now
also propose to structure the transaction so that the IRI
shareholders (directly or through a continuing IRI) can pursue the
antitrust litigation and retain up to 100% of any proceeds from
that litigation. We would also be prepared to discuss structuring
the acquisition in a manner that would permit IRI's net operating
losses to be retained for the benefit of its shareholders to offset
any income realized from that litigation, thereby increasing the
after tax return for IRI's shareholders. Open Ratings would retain
only that level of interest in the lawsuit necessary to recoup any
expenses it incurs in funding the litigation and to ensure that the
litigation is pursued in the best interests of both the IRI
shareholders and the business acquired by Open Ratings. In addition
to preserving markedly more of any proceeds from the lawsuit for
the IRI shareholders than that contemplated by the Gingko proposal,
this restructuring of our proposal will dispel any concerns IRI and
its shareholders may have about an alleged conflict of interest
arising from Dun & Bradstreet's small and passive investment
interest in Open Ratings or the license agreement between Open
Ratings and D&B. Open Ratings will have relinquished control of
the litigation and thereby eliminated all speculation about a
conflict of interest. The reasons given for the IRI board's
decision in response to our proposal set forth in my letter to you
dated October 21, 2003, are unpersuasive. First, the merger
agreement permits the board, consistent with its fiduciary duty, to
provide information to and to negotiate with a potential acquirer
whose proposal could reasonably be expected to lead to a binding
superior offer. By its terms, the merger agreement does not
contemplate that a proposal would be binding until the requisite
information is provided and a definitive agreement negotiated. It
therefore mischaracterizes our original proposal to say that it is
"non-binding" and subject to significant conditions. Second, we
indicated that we had strong equity support for financing the
acquisition, making any necessary debt support that much easier to
obtain, and that we have had positive initial discussions with
reputable sources of debt financing. The IRI board has prevented us
from solidifying those discussions by failing to provide us with
the information on which any binding commitment could be based.
Finally, while we regret we could not make our proposal earlier, we
only recently became aware of the strategic opportunity offered by
IRI and the troubled nature of the Gingko offer. Open Ratings is
confident that its core analytics and large-scale data management
capabilities would provide a massive technology advantage for IRI's
business and allow for both significant market share gain and
revenue upside due to increased business value delivered. In any
case, the timing of our proposal should not be a basis for excusing
the IRI board from fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities or for
depriving the IRI shareholders of the opportunity to realize
increased value. By its action to date, the IRI board has deprived
us of the information necessary to proceed with our proposal and
potentially justifying an even higher price for the IRI
shareholders. As a result, the IRI board is depriving the IRI
shareholders of the opportunity to realize full value for their
shares. We are in receipt of multiple inquiries from substantial
IRI shareholders regarding the status of our proposal and the IRI
board's response. Based on these communications, we believe that
our proposal is attractive to many of these shareholders. We would
anticipate moving forward with further due diligence in cooperation
with IRI immediately upon receipt of the information we have
requested. As noted in our initial proposal, we remain willing to
enter into a confidentiality agreement in the form previously
furnished to you and effective upon the IRI Board's determination
to provide us with that information. As is customary, our proposal
remains subject to, among other things, the negotiation and
execution of definitive transaction documentation satisfactory to
the parties, which we anticipate could be done promptly, and the
termination of your merger agreement with Gingko, in accordance
with its terms. We urge the IRI board to reconsider its decision,
giving due consideration to the information we have already
provided as well as our improved proposal. The board will be acting
in the best interests of the IRI shareholders by providing us with
the information regarding IRI provided to Gingko and others and by
allowing the IRI shareholders to decide whether they would realize
potentially higher value from our proposal. We look forward to
hearing from you promptly. Sincerely, OPEN RATINGS, INC. /s/
STANFORD A. SMITH Stanford A. Smith President and Chief Executive
Officer Following is the letter sent to IRI from Open Ratings on
October 22, 2003: October 21, 2003 Joseph P. Durrett Chairman,
Chief Executive Officer and President Information Resources, Inc.
150 North Clinton Street Chicago, Illinois 60661 Dear Mr. Durrett:
I am pleased to submit the enclosed proposal to acquire IRI on
behalf of Open Ratings or a new company to be formed for the
purpose by Open Ratings and its investors. We are impressed with
the business you and your management team have developed and are
excited about the substantial strategic benefits and significant
synergies to be achieved from a combination of IRI and Open
Ratings. We see these benefits as enabling us to maximize the value
that can be realized by your shareholders and as providing
advantages for your customers and other constituencies. We believe
a transaction between IRI and Open Ratings would provide
demonstrably superior value to your shareholders compared with the
transaction with Gingko. To that end, based on the publicly
available information we have analyzed to date, we contemplate an
acquisition of all outstanding IRI common stock at a price of at
least $3.75 per share payable in cash, together with contingent
value rights and certain commitments to fund the antitrust
litigation along the lines of those being offered by Gingko. The
proposed price represents a 13.6% premium over the cash price being
offered by Gingko. Should our analysis of the information about IRI
that you furnish to us indicate that a higher price is justified,
we would be open to considering that. To effect the transaction, we
would commence an exchange offer for all of IRI's outstanding
common stock followed by a merger at the same per share price and
consideration. We expect that the transaction could be consummated
within six to eight weeks of the execution of definitive
transaction documentation. We are prepared to begin discussions
with you as early as tomorrow. We plan to finance the cash portion
of the transaction through equity or combination equity and debt
financing. Our principal venture fund investors, Atlas Venture and
Ampersand Ventures, are highly supportive of a transaction with
IRI. Both Atlas and Ampersand are highly respected and
knowledgeable venture capital funds with significant experience
leading these type investments and securing co-investors. Atlas and
Ampersand manage $2.1 billion and $600 million, respectively, in
committed capital. Our proposal is clearly superior for your
shareholders to the proposed transaction involving Gingko because
it provides higher absolute value for each IRI share with a high
degree of certainty. To date, Open Ratings has conducted limited
due diligence with respect to IRI, based on publicly available
information. We would anticipate moving forward with conducting
further due diligence in cooperation with IRI. As is customary, our
proposal is subject to, among other things, our completion of a due
diligence review to our satisfaction, the negotiation and execution
of definitive transaction documentation satisfactory to the
parties, and the termination of your merger agreement with Gingko,
in accordance with its terms. As you know, it is necessary to
convey our proposal in this written communication because of the
"no solicitation" provisions of your agreement with Gingko.
However, we prefer to work collaboratively with you and your Board
of Directors to complete a negotiated transaction that helps IRI
realize its full potential value. We believe that time is of the
essence, and are prepared to move forward expeditiously by
committing all necessary resources to promptly complete a
transaction. We have so instructed Palmer & Dodge LLP, our
legal counsel. We and our advisors are ready to meet with you and
your advisors to discuss all aspects of a proposed transaction with
you, and to answer any questions you or they may have. Accordingly,
we would like to commence review of other available information
regarding IRI, including non-public information furnished to Gingko
and other potential acquirers and undertake confirmatory due
diligence as soon as possible. We are also prepared to enter into a
customary and reasonable confidentiality agreement no less
favorable to IRI than the one between IRI and Gingko, and in this
connection we have enclosed a form of confidentiality agreement
based on the one between IRI and Gingko made publicly available, as
well as a copy marked to show changes against that agreement. The
Board of Open Ratings has unanimously approved our submitting this
proposal and proceeding as outlined in this letter. We are very
excited about the prospect of completing a transaction with IRI,
and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, OPEN RATINGS, INC.
/s/ STANFORD A. SMITH Stanford A. Smith President and Chief
Executive Officer As previously announced, IRI has entered into a
definitive merger agreement with Gingko, under which Gingko has
commenced a tender offer for all the outstanding shares of IRI for
$3.30 in cash for each IRI share plus a registered and tradable
Contingent Value Right (CVR), entitling the CVR holders to share in
the proceeds, if any, from IRI's antitrust suit pending against
ACNielsen Company, The Dun & Bradstreet Corp. and IMS
International, Inc. Specifically, the CVR holders are entitled to
68% of any potential litigation proceeds under $200 million, and
75% of any such proceeds in excess of $200 million, in each case
subject to adjustments for taxes, contingencies and certain other
items. Gingko's tender offer for IRI is set to expire at 12:00
midnight, New York City time, on October 31, 2003. For more
information on the tender offer, visit the IRI web site at or contact
MacKenzie Partners, Inc., the Information Agent for the Gingko
tender offer, at (800) 322-2885. William Blair & Company,
L.L.C. is serving as financial advisors to IRI and Winston &
Strawn LLP is serving as legal counsel. About IRI IRI is a leading
provider of UPC scanner- and panel-based business solutions to the
consumer packaged goods and healthcare industries, offering
services in the U.S., Europe and other international markets. IRI
supplies CPG and pharmaceutical manufacturers, retailers, and
brokers with information and analysis critical to their sales,
marketing, and supply chain operations. IRI provides services
designed to deliver value through an enhanced understanding of the
consumer to a majority of the Fortune 500 companies in the CPG
industry. More information is available at
Certain Additional Information for Stockholders Gingko Acquisition
Corp.'s solicitation and offer to purchase Information Resources,
Inc. common stock is only made pursuant to the Offer to Purchase
dated September 8, 2003 and related materials (including the
Registration Statement on Form S-4 and preliminary prospectus dated
September 8, 2003 of Information Resources, Inc. Litigation
Contingent Payment Rights Trust), each as amended from time to
time. Stockholders should read these materials carefully because
they contain important information, including the terms and
conditions of the tender offer. Stockholders can obtain the Offer
to Purchase and related materials at no cost from the SEC's website
at or from MacKenzie Partners, the Information
Agent for the Gingko tender offer. Forward-Looking Statements This
document contains certain forward-looking statements about IRI
and/or the Antitrust Lawsuit and the Gingko transaction. When used
in this document, the words "anticipates," "may," "can,"
"believes," "expects," "projects," "intends," "likely," and similar
expressions as they relate to IRI, its Antitrust Lawsuit or the
Gingko transaction are intended to identify those assertions as
forward-looking statements. In making any such statements, the
person making them believes that its expectations are based on
reasonable assumptions. However, any such statement may be
influenced by factors that could cause actual outcomes and results
to be materially different from those projected or anticipated.
These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and
uncertainties. There are various important factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those in any such
forward-looking statements, many of which are beyond the control of
IRI including: the impact of general economic conditions in regions
in which IRI currently does business, industry conditions,
including competition, data availability and cost and the ability
to renew existing customer contracts and relationships;
fluctuations in exchange rates and currency values; capital
expenditure requirements; legislative or regulatory requirements,
changes in the tax laws, interest rates; access to capital markets;
and the timing of and any value to be received in connection with
the Antitrust Lawsuit and the CVRs. The actual results or
performance by IRI and the actual proceeds (if any) to be received
by IRI in respect of the Antitrust Lawsuit or the CVRs, could
differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these
forward-looking statements. Accordingly, no assurances can be given
that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking
statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what
impact they will have on the results of operations and financial
condition of IRI or the outcome of the Antitrust Lawsuit or the
proceeds to be received in respect of the CVRs. DATASOURCE:
Information Resources, Inc. CONTACT: Kristin Van of IRI,
+1-312-474-3384, ; or Barrett Godsey of Joele Frank, Wilkinson
Brimmer Katcher, +1-212-355-4449 Web site:
Information Resources (NASDAQ:IRIC)
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Information Resources (NASDAQ:IRIC)
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