RNS Number:3239M
Topnotch Health Clubs PLC
13 June 2003

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                        13 JUNE 2003

                            Topnotch health clubs plc
                         ("Topnotch" or  "the Company")

                                   Board Changes

The Board of Topnotch today announces that Alison Dungworth has decided to stand
down as Finance Director.

The Board would like to thank Alison for the valuable contribution she has made
to the company over the last two and a half years.

The Board is pleased to announce that Mark Green ACA, formerly with BDO Stoy
Hayward, has today been appointed as the new Finance Director.

The Company would also like to announce that Stephen Gilbert has today resigned
as a Director.

For further information:

Topnotch health clubs plc                                 020 7381 2229
Matthew Harris, Chief Executive

Beattie Financial                                         020 7381 7500
Brian Coleman Smith / Amanda Sheehy

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange