Featured Stocks on Today's Edition of The Analyst's Review: XOM, COP, CVX, SUN, VLO
20 12월 2007 - 12:14AM
PR Newswire (US)
An exclusive interview with George Drazenovic, Chief Financial
Officer for Sun Cal Energy, Inc. (OTCBB: SCEY) is also available
now at WallSt.net (www.wallst.net) NEW YORK, Dec. 19 /PRNewswire/
-- The Analyst's Review is a daily podcast hosted by WallSt.net
editor, Henry Truc that airs every morning at 9 a.m. EST on
http://radio.wallst.net/profile.asp?id=193. The show features
informative interviews with Wall Street analysts on a wide range of
topics including actively traded stocks, market movers, various
industries, and macro economic trends affecting the market. On
today's show, Fadel Gheit, Senior Vice President for Oppenheimer
& Co., Inc. discussed Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM;
http://www.exxonmobil.com/), ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP;
http://www.conocophillips.com/), (Chevron Corp. (NYSE: CVX;
http://www.chevron.com/), Sunoco, Inc. (NYSE: SUN;
http://www.sunocoinc.com/), and Valero Energy Corp. (NYSE: VLO;
http://www.valero.com/). "Basically, we try to tell investors at
this point you don't want to make a bet on gas prices," Gheit said.
"I've been in the business 30 years, and I can tell you no one has
ever predicted oil and gas prices accurately and consistently."
Hear what Gheit had to say about today's featured stocks by
visiting http://radio.wallst.net/. Click on "The Analyst's Review -
Stocks in Focus: XOM, COP, CVX, SUN, VLO" to hear the podcast in
its entirety. A December 12 interview with George Drazenovic, Chief
Financial Officer for Sun Cal Energy, Inc. (OTCBB: SCEY)
(http://www.suncaloil.com/) is also available now at
http://www.wallst.net/. Sun Cal Energy Inc. is an independent oil
and gas exploration company with headquarters in Calgary, Alberta,
and an operational office in San Francisco, California. Sun Cal
Energy aims to secure and develop a portfolio of oil and gas
properties throughout America. The company is strategically placed
in the Southern San Joaquin Valley of California, the Anadarko
Basin of Oklahoma, the Breton Sound of Louisiana and Green River
Basin in Wyoming. Interview highlights include detailed discussions
on the following topics: -- Wyoming pipeline initiatives, and how
they have "major positive implications" for the company's growth --
Why investors should expect Q1 2008 to be a "very active" quarter
for the company -- Global industry trends bolstering the company's
growth prospects -- Historical success rate of drilling in Wyoming
-- What the company is focused on achieving in 2008 -- Upcoming
milestones for investors to watch for To hear the interview in its
entirety, and to read an in-depth report on the company, visit
About WallStRadio.com WallStRadio.com is owned and operated by
WallStreet Direct, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Financial
Media Group, Inc. (http://www.financialmediagroupinc.com/). The Web
site offers free access original content, and more than 150
business and finance podcasts from well-known business news
personalities and organizations. WallStreet Direct, Inc. also owns
and operates WallSt.net (http://www.wallst.net/), a leading
provider of timely business news, executive interviews, multimedia
content, and research tools. Financial Media Group, Inc. also owns
http://www.mywallst.net/, a financial social network for investors,
and Financial Filings Corp. (http://www.financialfilings.com/), a
provider of media and compliance solutions to publicly traded
companies. The investment professional featured in this podcast
and/or their firm may own securities in the companies mentioned in
this podcast. We have received thirteen thousand one hundred forty
five dollars from Sun Cal Energy, Inc. for media and advertising
services. To read our full disclaimer, and for a complete list of
our advertisers, and advertising relationships, visit
http://www.wallst.net/disclaimer/disclaimer.asp. Contact: Henry
Truc WallStRadio.com 1-800-4-WallSt DATASOURCE: WallStreet Direct,
Inc. CONTACT: Henry Truc of WallStRadio.com , 1-800-4-WallSt Web
site: http://www.wallst.net/