Shoal Point Provides Update on 3K39 Well, and Reports Results of Technical Studies and Volumetric Estimates from Previous Wells
21 4월 2011 - 1:15AM
Marketwired Canada
Shoal Point 3K39 well update
Shoal Point Energy Ltd. (CNSX:SHP) reports that the 3K39 well is currently being
logged in advance of potential open hole testing, and a 5 1/2" (140 mm) casing
string will be run in anticipation of completion for production. 50 metres of
cores collected in the well have been shipped for analysis. The well was
deviated to an average angle of 56 degrees and lies within 100 metres of the
previously drilled 2K39 well. Further results are expected to be released in
May, 2011.
Shoal Point 2K39 and Long Point M-16
Shoal Point Energy Ltd. reports that it has received the results of geological
and technical studies carried out by independent consultants on data from its EL
1070 property in western Newfoundland. Principle among these are petrophysical
(log analysis) studies on pre-existing wells by NuTech Energy Alliance of
Humble, Texas. In these studies, digital data sets from open hole and cased hole
logging runs were provided to NuTech, who specialize in the analysis of bypassed
pay and unconventional reservoirs. For locations of the 2K-39 and M-16 wells,
please refer to the attached map.
Executive Summary: 2K-39 and M-16
-- Shoal Point 2K-39 well, Green Point Formation petrophysics (NuTech)
Gross interval: 915 metres (true vertical depth)
Net pay: 915 metres (true vertical depth)
Oil-in-place: 380 million barrels per section (sq. mile)/ 593 thousand
barrels per acre
Intervals recommended for completion: 3
-- Long Point M-16 well, Green Point Formation petrophysics (NuTech)
Gross interval: 2147 metres
Net pay: 887 metres
Oil-in-place: 930 million barrels per section/ 1.454 million barrels per
Intervals recommended for completion: 10
-- Source rock analysis, 2K39: Green Point mature for oil
-- Mineralogy (XRD) study, 2K39: Quartz-rich zones correspond to best
hydrocarbon shows in well
Detailed Description of Results
NuTech Petrophysical Analysis: Shoal Point 2K-39 (drilled in 2008)
In this well, the Green Point Formation was analyzed over a true vertical depth
(TVD) interval of 915 metres below the surface casing which was set at 600
metres. The combination of the open-hole log data (655 - 940 metres MD) and the
cased hole log data (940 - 2710 metres MD) shows a very thick interval of net
Based on analysis of the Green Point Shale interval, the following pay intervals
are identified:
(guide to column abbreviations: PAYFT=pay in meters; RANK is NuTech's internal
reservoir quality ranking system, lower numbers are better; VCLAY=clay volume
expressed as a decimal; PHIE=porosity; SW=water saturation; PERMSH=permeability
in microdarcies; HydPorFT=porosity x thickness, expressed as Porosity-meters;
PERMSHFT=permeability x thickness, expressed as microdarcy-meters.)
meter meter RANK dec dec SW dec udarcies Por-meter ud-meter
600-942 122.7 2.86 0.448 0.080 0.695 0.107 9.582 36.708
942-1296 106.8 2.99 0.415 0.097 0.738 0.053 10.931 18.628
1296-1515 103.2 3.00 0.344 0.101 0.639 0.076 9.283 16.594
Based on the above, NuTech has recommended that the following intervals are
worthy of a completion:
meter meter RANK udarcies Por-meter ud-meter COMMENTS
600-942 122.7 2.86 0.11 9.58 36.71 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
942-1296 106.8 2.99 0.05 10.93 18.63 Hydrocarbon with low
1296-1515 103.2 3.00 0.08 9.28 16.59 Hydrocarbon with low
Log summary displays of these individual intervals state that the upper interval
600-942 metres TVD is expected to produce oil at a low to fair rate, while the
lower two intervals are expected to produce hydrocarbons at low rates; it is
noted that the evaluation is based only on the cased hole gamma ray and neutron
logs, and as further discussed below, is considered conservative. The report
also states that all intervals would benefit from fracture stimulation.
Volumetric Summary and Average Reservoir Parameters, 2K39:
This gross interval contains 332.7 metres of net pay, with a storage capacity of
380 million barrels oil-in-place per section (square mile), or approximately 593
thousand barrels oil-in-place per acre. The average reservoir parameters for
this interval are: 9% effective porosity, 70% water saturation, 0.077
microDarcies permeability, 40% VClay, and 1.6% TOC. It should be noted, however,
that only the upper interval between 655 - 940 metres measured depth (600 - 780
metres true vertical depth) were open-hole logged, and this data set shows a
better overall reservoir quality in two key aspects: higher, up to 3.3
microDarcies permeability, and lower water saturations (30-30% range), meaning
higher storage capacity and less bound water.
Because the majority of the lower Green Point section was not logged open hole,
the overall lower average parameters are thought to be related to the absence of
a full logging suite, and therefore the volumetric oil-in-place estimates are
considered to be conservative.
In addition, there was a consistent series of gas shows across the entire Green
Point interval from 600 - 1515 metres TVD with a maximum reading of
approximately 600 units. Detailed sample analysis of cuttings showed live liquid
hydrocarbon shows over almost the entire 915 metre interval.
Despite the tectonized nature of the Green Point Formation within the Humber Arm
Allochthon, NuTech's Fracture ID (FIV) analysis revealed few fractures over the
upper 350 metre (MD) interval, with only 6.5 frac-metres of total interval being
identified. A moderate to high average VClay (clay volume) value of 47.7% over
this interval may indicate a relatively high ductility. If a formation is too
ductile, it can prove difficult to generate a large fracture network necessary
to produce the reservoir at commercial rates. However, cuttings analysis reveal
the ubiquitous presence of slickensides in the rocks, which indicate these
shales may have a tendency to break on micro-slippage planes along which the
rock was deformed during its emplacement as an allochthon (transported unit).
Further understanding of this issue will be one of the objectives of core
analysis from the current 3K39 well, where 50 meters of core over five gross
intervals was collected. In outcrop around the periphery of Port au Port Bay,
Green Point shales are seen to be highly fractured and rubbly.
NuTech cautions that although the permeability cutoff used for pay analysis is
similar to that used in the Eagle Ford Shale, and is rooted in thousands of
shale log analyses in basins worldwide, it lacks local calibration for this
formation in western Newfoundland. Shoal Point reiterates that one of the
objectives of the current 3K39 well is the collection of rock data from core
that can be used as an input to calibrate petrophysical data from the new 3K39
NuTech Petrophysical Analysis: Long Point M-16 (drilled in 1995)
The M-16 well is close to being a vertical borehole with only minor deviation.
Over 2140 metres of Green Point interval was encountered in the wellbore, and it
is assumed that this section is repeated due to structural imbrication and
stacking within the Humber Arm Allochthon. Based on the NuLook(TM) Shale
analysis of the Green Point Shale interval, the following pay intervals are
meter meter RANK dec dec SW dec udarcies Por-meter ud-meter
855-1055 146.4 2.30 0.432 0.138 0.537 0.616 13.140 123.276
1055-1255 42 2.68 0.489 0.095 0.788 0.139 4.934 27.719
1255-1455 21.6 2.88 0.506 0.066 0.846 0.052 2.587 10.302
1455-1655 94.2 2.52 0.458 0.103 0.648 0.295 8.046 59.008
1655-1855 93.9 2.53 0.316 0.112 0.645 0.377 9.024 75.491
1855-2055 48 2.65 0.479 0.085 0.741 0.153 5.082 30.546
2055-2255 105.9 2.62 0.476 0.096 0.620 0.287 7.896 57.520
2255-2455 122.7 2.66 0.378 0.088 0.549 0.327 8.626 65.402
2455-2655 76.8 2.76 0.489 0.081 0.722 0.159 5.257 31.706
2655-2855 92.1 2.81 0.413 0.065 0.626 0.161 5.853 32.190
2855-3002 43.5 2.89 0.453 0.056 0.741 0.080 2.670 11.746
NuTech has recommended that the following intervals are worthy of a completion:
meter meter RANK udarcies Por-meter ud-meter COMMENTS
855-1055 146.4 2.30 0.62 13.14 123.28 Hydrocarbon with fair
1055-1255 42 2.68 0.14 4.93 27.72 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
1455-1655 94.2 2.52 0.29 8.05 59.01 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
1655-1855 93.9 2.53 0.38 9.02 75.49 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
1855-2055 48 2.65 0.15 5.08 30.55 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
2055-2255 105.9 2.62 0.29 7.90 57.52 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
2255-2455 122.7 2.66 0.33 8.63 65.40 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
2455-2655 76.8 2.76 0.16 5.26 31.71 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
2655-2855 92.1 2.81 0.16 5.85 32.19 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
2855-3002 43.5 2.89 0.08 2.67 11.75 Hydrocarbon with low
to fair Perm
Log summary displays of these individual intervals state that the intervals are
expected to produce hydrocarbons at low to fair rates, with the exception of the
upper interval between 855-1055 metres, which is expected to produce hydrocarbon
at a fair rate. The report states that all intervals would benefit from fracture
Volumetric Summary and Average Reservoir Parameters: M-16
The 2147 metre gross interval contains 887 metres of net pay, with a storage
capacity of 930 million barrels oil-in-place per section (square mile), or
approximately 1,454 thousand barrels oil-in-place per acre. The average
reservoir parameters for this interval are: 9% effective porosity, 67.7% water
saturation, 0.244 microDarcies permeability, 44.4% VClay, and 1.26% TOC.
It is of note that these reservoir totals are significantly better than those
seen in the 2K39 well; this may reflect better reservoir quality in some
measure, but it is also likely related to the higher proportion of open-hole
logs run in the M-16 well. Histogram plots of reservoir parameters versus depth
for this well reveal patterns reflecting the geology encountered in the
wellbore. In particular, porosity, permeability, clay volume and water
saturation values together display seven or more cycles which show an upward
improvement in reservoir quality within each cycle. These patterns suggest a
stratigraphic control to reservoir quality, but because of the interpretation of
fault boundaries separating some of these cycles, a structural control, related
to imbrication of strata, may play a role as well. These observations may
provide an early glimpse into how discreet pay zones may be targeted for optimum
results during the completion stage.
As in 2K39, there are very few fractures identified on NuTech's Fracture ID
analysis, and future efforts to understand this geomechanical character within a
highly tectonized (slickensided) unit will be tied to detailed dipmeter
Other Studies
X-Ray Diffraction Mineralogy Analysis: Shoal Point 2K39 (CoreLabs)
Preliminary analysis of mineralogy of cuttings was carried out over the interval
1200-1700 metres (MD) in 2K39 and shows variations in mineralogy with magnitude
of hydrocarbon shows. Between 1310 and 1450 metres MD the highest proportion of
quartz (maximum 50%) relative to clay minerals (minimum 25%) was found; this
interval corresponds to the highest gas readings in the well, with a peak near
600 units, and the best live oil (fluorescence) shows. This may reflect
reservoir quality, or may indicate the liberation of larger amounts of
hydrocarbons while turbo-drilling through this more brittle part of the section.
Source Rock Analysis: TOC, Rock-Eval and Maturity Testing (GeoMark Research
Ltd., Humble, TX);
Shoal Point 2K39
A total of 51 samples from cuttings over the Green Point section were submitted
for analysis, and a summary of geochemical data was provided by Dan Jarvie of
Worldwide Geochemistry LLC. , highlights of which are as follows:
Fair to good TOC values average 1.36%, while thermal maturity is middle to late
oil window with an average Tmax of 448 C. Remaining generation potentials are
fair to excellent with an average S2 value of 5.13, and a range of 0.94 to 14.33
mg HC/g rock. Hydrogen indices are high, averaging 348, with a range of values
form 202 to 564 mg hydrocarbons per gram TOC. Oil content is good and typical of
oil window thermal maturity with an average value of 28 mg hydrocarbon per gram
of TOC.
Technical Summary
The Green Point Formation is a Lower Paleozoic, organic-rich, mature-for-oil
formation which appears to have been structurally thickened within the Humber
Arm Allochthon of western Newfoundland to create very thick potential pay zones.
Petrophysics by NuTech Energy Alliance from two existing wells in the southern
and northern sectors of Exploration License 1070, respectively, provide a range
of oil-in-place numbers from 380 million barrels OIP per section at Shoal Point
2K-39, to 930 million barrels OIP per section at Long Point M-16. Other studies
from the wells including source rock analysis and cuttings mineralogy further
support the presence of a thick pay interval.
About NuTech Energy Alliance Ltd.:
NuTech is a privately owned company founded in 1998 by ex-Schlumberger and Numar
(now Halliburton) executives who pioneered Nuclear Magnetic Research (NMR)
research and development. Headquartered in Humble, TX, with over 80 employees,
NuTech has five technical offices in the US and seven offices worldwide. The
Company provides advanced petrophysical, geological and engineering solutions to
oil and gas companies worldwide while using proprietary software and modeling
processes to offer the following service lines: NuLook(TM), NuStim(TM), and
NuView(TM). NuTech has evaluated over 40,000 wells while working for more than
500 oil and gas companies worldwide. For more information see
Other Business
Shoal Point also announces that it intends to complete a financing of
approximately 6,000,000 common share units comprised of (1) non flow through
units at $0.45 together with a half warrant whereby a full warrant entitles the
holder to acquire an additional common share at a price of $0.60 for 18 months,
and (2) flow through units at $0.50 together with a half warrant at $0.60
whereby a full warrant entitles the holder to acquire an additional common share
at $0.60 for 18 months. The proceeds from this financing which is expected to be
approximately $3 million will be used for completion and testing of well 3K-39
and for general corporate purposes.
The Company has granted 350,000 options to certain consultants at a price of
$0.50 per share for a term of three years.
About Shoal Point Energy Ltd.
Shoal Point Energy Ltd is a public company earning an 80.75% interest in
Exploration Licence #1070 in the Province of Newfoundland comprising
approximately 150,000 acres of oil-in-shale and the right to earn a net 48%
interest in approximately 67,285 acres in Exploration Licence #1120.
In addition, Shoal Point has a 6 - 14% interest in a gas prospect in the
Province of New Brunswick.
Shoal Point currently has 159,826,637 common shares issued and outstanding.
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Except for historical information contained herein, this news release contains
forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results
may differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of
factors and risks. The forward looking statements contained in this press
release are made as of the date hereof and Shoal Point Energy Ltd. undertakes no
obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or
information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise,
unless so required by applicable securities laws.
Shoal Point Energy (CSE:SHP)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025
Shoal Point Energy (CSE:SHP)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025