U.S. Online Holiday Spending Reaches $16 Billion for First 36 Days of the November-December Shopping Season
09 12월 2009 - 5:04AM
PR Newswire (US)
28 Percent of Holiday Shoppers Say Social Media has Influenced
Holiday Purchases RESTON, Va., Dec. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
comScore (NASDAQ:SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world,
today reported holiday season retail e-commerce spending for the
first 36 days of the November - December 2009 holiday season. For
the holiday season-to-date, nearly $16 billion has been spent
online, marking a 3-percent increase versus the corresponding days
last year. The most recent week ending December 6 reached $4.6
billion in holiday spending, heavier than any individual spending
week in 2008 but still below two individual weeks in 2007. The week
began with strong weekday spending, led by $887 million on Cyber
Monday, but ended on a softer note with negative year-over-year
growth rates during the weekend. (Logo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20080115/COMSCORELOGO) 2009
Holiday Season To Date vs. Corresponding Days* in 2008 Non-Travel
(Retail) Spending Excludes Auctions and Large Corporate Purchases
Total U.S. - Home/Work/University Locations Source: comScore, Inc.
Millions ($) ------------ Percent 2008 2009 Change ---- ----
------- November 1 - December 6 $15,473 $15,977 3%
------------------------ ------- ------- --- Thanksgiving Day (Nov.
26) $288 $318 10% -------------------------- ---- ---- --- Black
Friday (Nov. 27) $534 $595 11% ---------------------- ---- ---- ---
Cyber Monday (Nov. 30) $834 $887 5% ---------------------- ----
---- --- Week Ending Dec. 6 (Nov. 30 - Dec. 6) $4,449 $4,601 3%
----------------------------- ------ ------ --- *Corresponding days
based on corresponding shopping days (November 2 thru December 7,
2008) "After a strong beginning to the week, we saw growth rates
decelerate over the weekend to put this past week of holiday
shopping in line with our 3 percent growth forecast for the
season," said comScore chairman Gian Fulgoni. "We are anticipating
heavy spending for the current week, making it an important
determinant for how the holiday season as a whole will perform.
Hopefully, we'll see a return to the growth rates we observed
during the earlier part of this past week and that the weekend
softness was just a temporary hiccup." Social Media Influencing
Holiday Purchases In the comScore weekly holiday survey, comScore
asked respondents about the influence of social media on their
holiday shopping behavior. According to the most recent survey,
conducted on Dec. 4-7, 2009, 28 percent of those who have begun
their holiday shopping this season indicated that social media has
influenced their purchases. Of the types of specific social media
cited, reading a consumer-generated product review was the most
common form of social media that had influenced holiday purchases
(13 percent of respondents), followed by an expert product review
(11 percent). Seven percent of respondents indicated they have
followed a fan page on Facebook to take advantage of special offers
and deals, while 6 percent said they have been influenced by a
friend's Facebook status update referring to a particular product.
Five percent of respondents indicated they had followed a company
on Twitter to take advantage of special offers and deals, while 3
percent said that a friend's "tweet" about a product influenced
their purchase behavior. Social Media Influence on U.S. Holiday
Shopping Behavior Dec. 4-7, 2009; n = 425 Total U.S. -
Home/Work/University Locations Source: comScore 2009 Holiday
Shopping Survey Percent of Respondents Who Have Begun their How
Social Media Influenced Purchase Holiday Shopping
------------------------------------ ---------------- Social media
has influenced my holiday purchases 28%
-------------------------------------- --- Reading a
consumer-generated review about a product online (including
personal blogs) influenced me to purchase it 13%
----------------------------------- --- Reading an expert review
about a product online influenced me to purchase it 11%
-------------------------------- --- I have followed a company Fan
Page on Facebook to take advantage of special offers/deals 7%
-------------------------------------- --- A friend's status update
about a product on Facebook influenced me to purchase it 6%
------------------------------------- --- Watching a related video
online influenced me to purchase a product 5%
------------------------------------ --- I have followed a company
on Twitter to take advantage of special offers/ deals 5%
--------------------------------------- --- A tweet about a product
on Twitter influenced me to purchase it 3%
---------------------------------- --- Other 2% ----- --- "Social
media really appears to be emerging as an important marketing
channel this holiday season," added Mr. Fulgoni. "On the one hand,
its emergence is being driven by increased consumer adoption of
these technologies and the exponential growth in digital
word-of-mouth that is occurring over this medium. On the other
hand, having a social media marketing strategy makes sense for
retailers in this environment because it's cost-effective and shows
an effort to get closer to one's customers. I think we are getting
our first real glimpse at the impact social media will play on
commerce as we enter the next decade." Weekly Online Holiday Retail
Sales Please follow this link to view the graph:
Season About comScore comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCOR) is a global
leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of
digital marketing intelligence. For more information, please visit
http://photoarchive.ap.org/ DATASOURCE: comScore, Inc. CONTACT:
Andrew Lipsman of comScore, Inc., +1-312-775-6510, Web Site: