RNS Number:7933L
European Exchange Traded Fnd Co PLC
30 May 2003

                         European Exchange-Traded Fund

                                  Company plc

            (an open-ended investment company with variable capital

                   with registered office in Dublin, Ireland)

                               HALF YEARLY REPORT

                            AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                     For the six months ended 31 March 2003


                               Table of Contents


General Information.................................................     2

Investment Managers' Report (Euro STOXX 50 LDRS and STOXX 50 LDRS)       3-4

Directors' Report...................................................     5-6

Statement of Assets and Liabilities  ...............................     7

Statement of Operations ............................................     8

Statement of Changes in Net Assets .................................     9

Notes to the Financial Statements...................................     10-17

Portfolio Listing (Euro STOXX 50 LDRS)..............................     18-19

Portfolio Listing (STOXX 50 LDRS)...................................     20-22

Statement of Significant Changes in Portfolio (Euro STOXX 50 LDRS)..     23-24

Statement of Significant Changes in Portfolio (STOXX 50 LDRS).......     25-26

                              General Information

European Exchange-Traded Fund Company plc (the "Company") was incorporated on 16
December 1999 as an open-ended investment company with variable capital under
the laws of Ireland as a public limited company pursuant to the Companies Acts,
1963 to 1999 and the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective
Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 1989, as amended.  The
Company's objective is the collective investment in transferable securities of
capital raised from the public and it operates on the principle of risk

Board of Directors:                                        Registered Office:
Mr. Peter Blessing (Ireland)                               Guild House
Mr. John Morgan (Ireland)                                  Guild Street
Mr. Carl O'Sullivan (Ireland)                              IFSC
Mr. Ronald Spencer (Isle of Man)                           Dublin 1
Mr. Bernard Hoey (Ireland) (Appointed 4 November 2002)     Ireland

Investment Manager: (appointed 31 December 2002)           Administrator:
Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, LLC                     AIB/BNY Fund Management (Ireland) Limited
800 Scudders Mill Road                                     Guild House
Wilmington                                                 Guild Street
Delaware 19801                                             IFSC
U.S.A.                                                     Dublin 1

Investment Manager: (resigned 31 December 2002)            Legal Advisers in Ireland:
Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited                  Arthur Cox
33 King William Street                                     Earlsfort Centre
London EC4R 9AS                                            Earlsfort Terrace
England                                                    Dublin 2
Regulated by the Financial Services Authority              Ireland

Custodian:                                                 Sponsoring Broker:
AIB/BNY Trust Company Limited                              J & E Davy
Guild House                                                Davy House
Guild Street                                               49 Dawson Street
IFSC                                                       Dublin 2
Dublin 1                                                   Ireland

Independent Auditors:                                      Registrar and Transfer Agent:
PricewaterhouseCoopers                                     Computershare Investor Services (Ireland) Limited
Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors                14 Upper Fitzwilliam Street
George's Quay                                              Dublin 2
Dublin 2                                                   Ireland

Company Secretary:                                         Sponsor:
Bradwell Limited                                           Merrill Lynch International
Arthur Cox Building                                        2 King Edward Street
Earlsfort Terrace                                          London EC1A 1HQ
Dublin 2                                                   England

         Investment Managers' Report for the period ended 31 March 2003

                               Euro STOXX 50 LDRS

Subscriptions & Redemptions

During the period under review Euro STOXX 50 LDRS ('the Fund') had two further
subscriptions for a total of 9,000,000 shares, bringing the total number of
shares in issue to 47.7 million.

As of the close of business 31 March 2003 the Administrator confirmed that the
Net NAV per share of the Fund was Euro20.39, giving rise to net funds under
management of  Euro972.6 million.


Performance to 31 March 2003 is as shown below:

                                      Capital Basis                             Net Basis

        Return              Fund        Index       Difference       Fund       Index      Difference
        Period              (%)          (%)            (%)          (%)         (%)           (%)

1 Month                    -4.90        -4.85          -0.05        -4.75       -4.73         -0.02

3 Months                   -14.69       -14.65         -0.04        -14.44     -14.42         -0.02

6 Months                   -7.66        -7.60          -0.06        -7.43       -7.23         -0.19

Year to Date               -14.69       -14.65         -0.04        -14.44     -14.42         -0.02

1 Year                     -46.20       -46.17         -0.03        -44.78     -45.08         0.30

Since Launch               -60.20       -60.20         0.00         -58.33     -58.39         0.06

   Source: Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited, AIB/BNY Fund Management
                               (Ireland) Limited

Capital NAV is compared to the price return of the Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 Index
                                 (the "Index")

              Net NAV is compared to the total return of the Index

Dealing Activity

The period under review also saw two quarterly revisions to the Fund as a result
of the scheduled quarterly reviews of the free-float factors, capping weights
and number of shares in issue by the Index, effective 23 December 2002 and 21
March 2003.

The Fund has no over-the-counter positions in place as at the date of this

Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, Llc
31 March 2003

   Investment Managers' Report for the period ended 31 March 2003 (continued)

                                 STOXX 50 LDRS

Subscriptions & Redemptions

During the period under review STOXX 50 LDRS ('the Fund') had one further
subscription for a total of 2,000,000 shares, bringing the total number of
shares in issue to 17.6 million.

As of the close of business 31 March 2003 the Administrator confirmed that the
Net NAV per share of the Fund was Euro20.97, giving rise to net funds under
management of Euro369 million.


Performance to 31 March 2003 is as shown below:

                                      Capital Basis                             Net Basis

        Return              Fund        Index       Difference       Fund       Index      Difference
        Period              (%)          (%)            (%)          (%)         (%)           (%)

1 Month                    -3.10        -3.07          -0.02        -2.58       -2.59         0.01

3 Months                   -12.85       -12.82         -0.03        -12.05     -12.04         -0.01

6 Months                   -9.34        -9.33          -0.01        -8.47       -8.34         -0.14

Year to Date               -12.85       -12.82         -0.03        -12.05     -12.04         -0.01

1 Year                     -43.20       -43.20         0.00         -41.85     -41.81         -0.04

Since Launch               -57.75       -57.73         -0.02        -55.81     -55.28         -0.52

   Source: Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited, AIB/BNY Fund Management
                               (Ireland) Limited

Capital NAV is compared to the price return of the Dow Jones STOXX 50 Index (the

              Net NAV is compared to the total return of the Index

Dealing Activity

The period under review also saw two quarterly revisions to the Fund as a result
of the scheduled quarterly reviews of the free-float factors, capping weights
and number of shares in issue by the Index, effective 23 December 2002 and 21
March 2003.

The Fund has no over-the-counter positions in place as at the date of this

Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, Llc
31 March 2003

              Directors' Report for the period ended 31 March 2003

The Directors submit their half-yearly report together with the unaudited
financial statements for the period ended 31 March 2003.

Directors' responsibilities

The European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable
Securities, "UCITS") Regulations, 1989, as amended requires the Directors to
prepare unaudited financial statements on a half-yearly basis for each financial
year. Irish company law requires financial statements which give a true and fair
view of the state of affairs of the Company and of its results of operations for
that year. In those financial statements the directors are required to:

*     select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

*     make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and

*     prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis unless it is
      in appropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper books of account which disclose
with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and
to enable them to ensure that the financial statements are prepared in
accordance with accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland and comply
with the Companies Acts, 1963 to 2001 and the European Communities (Undertakings
for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 1989, as
amended.  They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company
and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud
and other irregularities.

The measures taken by the Directors to secure compliance with the Company's
obligations to keep proper books of account include the use of appropriate
systems and procedures and employment of competent persons. The books of account
are retained at Guild House, Guild Street, IFSC, Dublin 1.

Principal activities and review of the business

The Company has been formed to provide investors with an opportunity to purchase
shares in two Funds whose investment objectives are to replicate so far as
possible the price and yield performance of a selected equity index (the "Index
") thereby allowing investors to obtain market exposure to the companies
comprising the Index in an easily tradeable form. Each Fund will hold a
portfolio of transferable securities that consists of substantially all of the
component securities of the Index in substantially the same weighting as the
Index. Each Fund's ability to replicate the yield performance of the Index will
be affected by the operating expenses incurred by the Fund and by capital
changes in the Index.

Assets, profits and dividends

At the period-end Euro STOXX 50 LDRS' net assets amounted to Euro972,658,023 (30
September 2002: Euro854,398,425) with net income before expenses for the period of
Euro4,457,335 (31 March 2002: Euro1,765,420) whilst STOXX 50 LDRS' net assets amounted
to Euro369,007,266 (30 September 2002: Euro360,869,758) with net income before
expenses for the period of Euro4,443,272 (31 March 2002: Euro2,532,415).

The Directors intend to declare a dividend in respect of each Fund twice a year
within two months of 31 March and 30 September, respectively. Any dividend
declared will be paid out of each Fund's net income less expenses.

Important events during the period

On 26 September 2002 the Directors decided to reduce the total fee charged to
each Fund from 0.50 per cent of the net asset value of each Fund to 0.35 per
cent of the net asset value of each Fund effective from 1 November 2002.  This
resulted in a reduction in the Annual Expenses from 0.30 per cent to 0.25 per
cent of the net asset value of each Fund and a reduction in the Promotional
Expenses from 0.20 per cent to 0.10 per cent of the net asset value of each

         Directors' Report for the year ended 31 March 2003 (continued)

Post Balance Sheet Events

These were no significant post balance sheet events.

Directors, Secretary and their interests

Neither the Directors and their families nor the Secretary had any beneficial
interests in the shares of the Company at 31 March 2003.


The Articles of Association, the Prospectus, and the annual and semi-annual
statements of the Company can be obtained free of charge from the relevant agent
for each country.

            Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31 March 2003

                                                   31 March          31 March          31 March      30 September
                                                       2003              2003              2003              2002
                                                 EURO STOXX             STOXX          Combined          Combined
                                                    50 LDRS           50 LDRS
                                  Notes                   Euro                 Euro                 Euro                 Euro
Investments at Market Value        2(e)         972,218,632       368,946,675     1,341,165,307     1,214,707,795
Cash                                4             2,723,489         1,380,410         4,103,899        27,873,642
Other Receivables                   3             3,952,853         2,641,503         6,594,356         1,192,903

Total Assets                                    978,894,974       372,968,588     1,351,863,562     1,243,774,340

Annual Expenses                     10            (682,487)         (237,979)         (920,466)       (2,349,298)
Promotion Expenses                  10            (673,509)         (203,343)         (876,852)       (1,427,859)
Distributions Payable               7           (2,385,000)       (3,520,000)       (5,905,000)      (24,729,000)
Securities Purchased Payable                    (2,495,955)                 -       (2,495,955)                 -

Total Liabilities                               (6,236,951)       (3,961,322)      (10,198,273)      (28,506,157)

Net Assets                                      972,658,023       369,007,266     1,341,665,289     1,215,268,183

Shareholders' Funds                             972,658,023       369,007,266

Shares in issue                     5            47,700,000        17,600,000

Net Asset Value per Share                             20.39             20.97

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.

     Statement of Operations for the six months period ended 31 March 2003

                                                        2003             2003       Six months        Six months
                                                  EURO STOXX            STOXX     period ended      period ended
                                                     50 LDRS          50 LDRS    31 March 2003          31 March
                                                                                      Combined          Combined
                                      Notes                Euro                Euro                Euro                 Euro
Gross Dividend Income                  2(d)        5,726,231        4,964,086       10,690,317         4,907,913
Less: Withholding Tax                  2(d)        (624,544)        (581,229)      (1,205,773)         (779,121)

Net Dividend Income                                5,101,687        4,382,857        9,484,544         4,128,792

Interest Income                        2(d)           70,971           18,995           89,966            54,043
Stock Lending Income                    8            194,677           21,420          216,097                 -
Equalisation                           2(f)        (910,000)           20,000        (890,000)           115,000

Net Income                                         4,457,335        4,443,272        8,900,607         4,297,835

Less: Annual Expenses                   10       (1,320,714)        (574,485)      (1,895,199)       (1,614,707)
Promotional Expenses                    10         (673,509)        (178,535)        (852,044)       (1,180,135)
Stamp Duty                                                 -        (207,770)        (207,770)          (94,499)
Total Expenses                                   (1,994,223)        (960,790)      (2,955,013)       (2,889,341)

Income Available for Distribution                  2,463,112        3,482,482        5,945,594         1,408,494

Net Realised losses on Securities and  2(b)
Currencies                                      (12,189,369)      (1,438,070)     (13,627,439)       (6,723,662)

Historical Cost (Losses)/ Gains for
the Period                                       (9,726,257)        2,044,412      (7,681,845)       (5,315,168)

Net Unrealised (Losses)/ Gains on
Securities and Currencies                       (83,589,145)     (41,546,904)    (125,136,049)       141,721,327

Total Recognised (Losses) / Gains               (93,315,402)     (39,502,492)    (132,817,894)       136,406,159

Distributions paid/proposed             7        (2,385,000)      (3,520,000)      (5,905,000)       (1,540,000)

Recognised (Losses)/Gains for the Period
Retained                                        (95,700,402)     (43,022,492)    (138,722,894)       134,866,159

Each Fund's income, expenses, gains and losses arose from continuing activities.
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.

Statement of Changes in Net Assets for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

                                                       2003              2003       Six months        Six months
                                                 EURO STOXX          STOXX 50     period ended      period ended
                                                    50 LDRS           50 LDRS    31 March 2003          31 March
                                                                                      Combined          Combined
                                                          Euro                 Euro                Euro                 Euro

Value of Funds at beginning of the period       854,398,425       360,869,758    1,215,268,183       920,748,933

Creation of Shares                              213,960,000        51,160,000      265,120,000       410,820,000

Redemption of Shares                                      -                 -                -                 -

Recognised (Losses) / Gains for the            (95,700,402)      (43,022,492)    (138,722,894)       134,866,159
Period Retained

Value of Funds at end of the period             972,658,023       369,007,266    1,341,665,289     1,466,435,092

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.

 Notes to the Financial Statements for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

1.      Establishment

European Exchange-Traded Fund Company plc (the "Company") was established as an
umbrella fund offering separate classes of shares, each representing interests
in a Fund comprising a distinct portfolio of investments.  The following Funds
have been established and approved by the Central Bank of Ireland with the
following investment objectives and policies:


The investment objective of Euro STOXX 50 LDRS is to track closely the Dow Jones
EURO STOXX 50 Index, thereby allowing investors to obtain market exposure to the
companies comprising the Index through the holding of shares in the Fund.


The investment objective of STOXX 50 LDRS is to track closely the Dow Jones
STOXX 50 Index, thereby allowing investors to obtain market exposure to the
companies comprising the Index through the holding of shares in the Fund.

2.      Significant Accounting Policies

(a)    Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting
standards generally accepted in Ireland and Irish statute comprising the
Companies Act, 1963 to 2001, and the European Communities (Undertakings for
Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 1989, as amended.
Accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland in preparing financial
statements giving a true and fair view are those published by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in Ireland and issued by the Accounting Standards Board.

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
except that investments in securities are stated at close of business prices at
the Statement of Assets and Liabilities date.

In order to present a true and fair view of the state of affairs and results of
the Company, the Directors believe that the following departures from the
formats and historical cost rules set out in the schedule to the Companies
(Amendment) Act, 1986 and FRS 3 "Reporting Financial Performance", are necessary
because of the Company's business as an investment fund.

The Profit and Loss account has been presented in the format of a Statement of
Operations. The Company has availed of the exemption permitted to open-ended
investment funds under FRS 1, not to prepare a cash flow statement.

(b)   Realised gains and losses

All realised gains and losses are recognised in the Statement of Operations.

(c)    Expense recognition

All expenses are recognised in the Statement of Operations on an accruals basis.

(d)   Income recognition

Interest and dividends are credited to Investment Income in the Statement of
Operations on an accruals basis. Income is shown gross of non-recoverable
withholding taxes which is disclosed separately in the Statement of Operations,
net of tax credits.

 Notes to the Financial Statements for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

2.      Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

(e) Valuation of securities

Listed investments are valued at mid-market price at the official close of
business price on the principal regulated market, which in the opinion of the
Administrator, constitutes the main market for such investments.

Unlisted investments, if any, are valued at their probable realisation value
determined by the Administrator, approved for the purpose by the Custodian.

Exchange-traded derivative instruments, if any, are valued on each Dealing Day
at the settlement price for such instruments on such market. In the event that
such price is unavailable, the probable realisation value estimated by the
Administrator will be used if approved by the Custodian. Over-the-counter
derivative instruments are valued on each Dealing Day at the settlement price as
provided by the counterparty.

(f)     Equalisation

Equalisation is the accrued dividend attributable to Shareholders of each Fund
(dividends and interest earned less fees and expenses incurred since the
previous distribution) on subscription or redemption in the Fund's shares.

(g)   Foreign currency

Assets and liabilities arising in foreign currencies have been translated into
Euro at rates of exchange ruling at 31 March 2003.  Transactions in foreign
currencies are translated into Euro at the exchange rates ruling at the dates of
the transactions.  Exchange differences arising on transactions during the
period have been recognised in the Statement of Operations.

(h)   Stock Lending Income

Income from stock lending is received monthly and is credited to investment
income in the Statement of Operations.

3.      Other Receivables
                             Euro STOXX 50              STOXX 50             31 March 2003            30 September 2002
                                      LDRS                  LDRS                  Combined                     Combined
                                         Euro                     Euro                         Euro                            Euro

Reclaims Receivable                      -                     -                         -                       13,322
Accrued Income Receivable        1,461,555             2,641,503                 4,103,058                    1,179,581
Securities Sold Receivable       2,491,298                     -                 2,491,298                            -

                                 3,952,853             2,641,503                 6,594,356                    1,192,903

4.   Credit Institutions

The Company's cash balances are maintained with the Sub-Custodian, the Bank of
New York, Brussels.

 Notes to the Financial Statements for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

5.      Share Capital

The authorised share capital of the Company is Stg #40,000 divided into 40,000
Subscriber Shares of no par value, and 500 billion Participating Shares of no
par value.

Subscriber Shares

There are 7 Subscriber Shares in issue as at 31 March 2003. The Subscriber
Shares' entitlement shall be limited to the amount subscribed and any accrued
income thereon. The Subscriber Shares are not included in the calculation of the
NAV per share.

Participating Shares

Each of the Participating Shares of the Funds entitles the Shareholder to attend
and vote at all meetings held by the Company, as well as participate equally on
a pro rata basis in the dividends and net assets of the Company.

                                       31 March                   31 March                30 September     30 September
                                                                                                  2002             2002 
                                           2003                       2003
                                  Euro STOXX 50                   STOXX 50               Euro STOXX 50         STOXX 50
                                           LDRS                       LDRS                        LDRS             LDRS
                                              Euro                          Euro                           Euro                Euro

Shares in issue at beginning
of period                            38,700,000                 15,600,000                  19,000,000        8,800,000
Subscription for period               9,000,000                  2,000,000                  23,500,000        7,200,000
Redemption for period                         -                          -                 (3,800,000)        (400,000)

Shares in issue at end of            47,700,000                 17,600,000                  38,700,000       15,600,000

Transaction Fee

The Prospectus refers to a Transaction Fee which may be payable to the
Administrator on subscriptions for and/or redemptions of shares. The Transaction
Fee can only be levied in respect of in-specie subscriptions for and/or
redemptions of shares and is charged to cover the costs of the in-specie
subscription and/or redemption.

6.      Taxation

Under current law and practice, the Company qualifies as an investment
undertaking as defined in Section 739B of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997, as
amended.  It is not chargeable to Irish tax on its income or capital gains.
However, Irish tax can arise on the happening of a "chargeable event" in the
Company.  A chargeable event includes any distribution payments to shareholders
or any encashment, redemption or transfer of shares.  No tax will arise in
respect of chargeable events in respect of a shareholder who is an Exempt Irish
Investor (as defined in Section 739D of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997, as
amended) or who is neither Irish resident nor ordinarily resident in Ireland for
tax purposes at the time of the chargeable event, provided, in each case, that
an appropriate valid declaration in accordance with Schedule 2B of the Taxes
Consolidation Act, 1997 (as amended) is held by the Company.

Capital gains, dividends, and interest received by the Company may be subject to
withholding taxes imposed by the country of origin and such taxes may not be
recoverable by the Company or its Shareholders.

 Notes to the Financial Statements for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

7.      Distributions

Interim Dividend of Euro0.05 per share declared on 31 March 2003                                           2,385,000

Interim Dividend of Euro0.20 per share declared on 31 March 2003                                           3,520,000

                                          31st March 2003        31st March        Six months          Six months
                                            Euro STOXX 50          STOXX 50      period ended        period ended
                                                     LDRS              LDRS     31 March 2003            31 March
                                                                                     Combined            Combined
                                                        Euro                 Euro                 Euro                   Euro

Dividends payable at beginning of period       19,737,000         4,992,000        24,729,000          10,620,000
Interim Dividend                                2,385,000         3,520,000         5,905,000           1,540,000
Dividends paid                               (19,737,000)       (4,992,000)      (24,729,000)        (10,620,000)

Dividends payable at end of period              2,385,000         3,520,000         5,905,000           1,540,000

8.      Efficient Portfolio Management

The Company may employ investment techniques and instruments for efficient
portfolio management purposes. During the year the Company engaged in
stock-lending for efficient portfolio management purposes only, subject to the
conditions and within the limits from time to time laid down by the Central Bank
of Ireland.

The stock-lending agent appointed pursuant to the stock-lending agreement is the
Bank of New York.

Euro STOXX 50 LDRS Fund had the following stocks on loan to JP Morgan Chase, CS
First Boston, Morgan Stanley, Salomon Smith Barney and Fortis Investment
Securities at 31 March 2003:

Description                                                                     Value             Collateral
                                                                                    Euro                      Euro
Ahold                                                                         617,446                742,039
Bayerische Hypo und Vereinsbank                                             2,100,498              2,356,017
France Telecom                                                              6,448,225              6,978,586
LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton                                            5,393,835              6,249,678
San Paolo IMI                                                               2,528,716              2,800,393

Euro STOXX 50 LDRS earned stock lending income of Euro194,677 (31 March 2002: Nil)
during the period.

STOXX 50 LDRS had no stock on loan to counter-parties at 31 March 2003.

STOXX 50 LDRS earned stock lending income of Euro21,420 (31 March 2002: Nil) during
the period.

 Notes to the Financial Statements for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

9.      Soft Commissions

There are no soft commission arrangements entered into in respect of the

10.  Significant Agreements and Related Party Transactions

The Company has engaged AIB/BNY Trust Company Limited (the "Custodian") in the
provision of trustee and custodial services. The Custodian receives custody fees
based on the Net Asset Value of the Funds, in addition to transaction fees.  The
Company has entered into a custodian agreement with the Custodian under which
the Custodian receives a custodian fee payable by the Investment Manager out of
the Annual Expenses.

The Company has delegated the performance of the investment management functions
in respect of the Company to Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, Llc (the "
Investment Manager"), the administrative functions to AIB/BNY Fund Management
(Ireland) Limited (the "Administrator"), and had engaged the Custodian in the
provision of trustee and custodial services to the Company.

Merrill Lynch International (the "Sponsor") has been appointed by the Company as
sponsor of the Company and as distributor of the shares.  The Company shall pay
the Sponsor a promotional fee of 0.10% of the Net Asset Value of each Fund.  The
Sponsor shall bear its own out of pocket expenses, incurred by it in connection
with its duties as sponsor.

The Company shall pay the Investment Manager 0.25% of the Net Asset Value of
each Fund in respect of the Annual Expenses.  The Investment Manager shall take
its own fees and expenses from this amount and shall discharge the Annual
Expenses.  The Sponsor absorbs any Annual Expenses of each Fund over 0.25% per
annum of the Net Asset Value of each Fund. No expenses have been absorbed by the
Sponsor for the half  year ended 31 March 2003.

The residue of the Annual Expenses below 0.25% per annum of the Net Asset Value
of each Fund is transferred to the Sponsor by the Investment Manager.  Annual
Expenses include all fees, costs and expenses connected with the management and
operation of the Company and each Fund, including the fees and reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses of the Investment Manager, the Administrator, the
Registrar and Transfer Agent, the Custodian and any Sub-custodians and STOXX and
all other fees and expenses, but excluding any taxation, commissions and
brokerage fees incurred with respect to the Funds' investments.

The Investment Manager discharged audit fees of Euro19,947 (2002: Euro20,168) and
Directors' fees of Euro14,960. (2001: Euro15,124) across both Funds.

The Company has entered into an investment management agreement with the
Investment Manager under which the Investment Manager receives an investment
management fee and reasonable out of pocket expenses out of the Annual Expenses.

The Company has entered into an administration agreement with the Administrator
under which the Administrator receives an administration fee and reasonable out
of pocket expenses payable by the Investment Manager out of the Annual Expenses.

 Notes to the Financial Statements for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

10.  Significant Agreements and Related Party Transactions (continued)

Related Parties

The Manager, the Investment Manager and the Sponsor are deemed related to the


The following Directors are related to the Company:

*         Bernard Hoey is Chief Financial Officer of Merrill Lynch Capital
Markets Bank Limited in Dublin and

*         Carl O'Sullivan is a partner in the firm of Arthur Cox, the Irish
legal adviser to the Company. Fees paid to Arthur Cox amounted to Euro9,974 for the
period ended 31 March 2003.

11.  Financial Instruments Disclosures

In pursuing its investment objectives referred to in Note 1, each Fund holds
financial instruments.  Each Fund has availed of the exemption contained in FRS
13 to exclude all short term debtors and creditors from the definition of
financial instruments, and therefore considers that the only financial
instruments held at the Statement of Assets and Liabilities date were its
investments as disclosed in the Portfolio Listings.

The main risks arising from each Fund's financial instruments are market price,
interest rate, credit, liquidity, index, counterparty and foreign currency

(a)    Market price risk

Market risk arises mainly from uncertainty about future prices of financial
instruments held.  It represents the potential loss each Fund may suffer through
holding market positions in the face of price movements.

(b)   Interest rate risk

The majority of the financial assets held by each Fund are equity shares and
other investments which neither pay interest nor have a maturity date.

(c)    Credit risk

Each Fund will be exposed to credit risk on parties with whom it trades and will
also bear the risk of settlement default.  Each Fund shall minimise
concentrations of credit risk by undertaking transactions with a large number of
customers and counterparties on recognised and reputable exchanges.

(d)   Liquidity risk

Each Fund's assets comprise mainly realisable securities which can be readily
sold.  The main liabilities of each Fund are the redemption of any shares that
investors wish to sell and the distributions payable. Each Fund's financial
liabilities mature within one year.

(e)   Index risk

There is no assurance that each index will continue to be calculated and
published on the basis described in the Prospectus or that they will not be
amended significantly. The past performance of each index is not necessarily a
guide to future performance.

(f)     Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities

All financial assets and financial liabilities are held at fair value.

(g)   Counterparty risk

There is a risk that counterparties may not perform their obligation and that
settlement may not occur.

 Notes to the Financial Statements for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

11.  Financial Instruments Disclosures (continued)

(h)   Foreign currency risk

Each Fund's investments may be acquired in a variety of currencies depending on
the denomination of the securities that comprise the relevant index. It is
unlikely the Funds will choose to minimise exposure to currency fluctuation
risks by the use of hedging. However, a substantial portion of the net assets of
each Fund are denominated in Euro with the effect that the Statement of Assets
and Liabilities and Statement of Operations would not be significantly affected
by currency movements.

The following table sets out each Fund's total exposure to foreign currency risk
at period end:

                                31 March 2003        31 March 2003     30 September 2002      30 September 2002
Currency                        Euro STOXX 50             STOXX 50         Euro STOXX 50               STOXX 50
                                         LDRS                 LDRS                  LDRS                   LDRS
                                            Euro                    Euro                     Euro                      Euro

Euro                              972,658,023          150,490,131           854,398,425            146,493,900
Pound Sterling                              -          161,890,744                     -            153,604,435
Swiss Franc                                 -           56,626,391                     -             60,771,423
Net Assets                        972,658,023          369,007,266           854,398,425            360,869,758

12. Comparative Table

                                   Euro STOXX 50     Euro STOXX 50 LDRS             STOXX 50            STOXX 50
                                                                                        LDRS                LDRS
                                             NAV          NAV per Share                  NAV       NAV per Share
                                               Euro                      Euro                    Euro                   Euro

31 March 2003                        972,658,023                  20.39          369,040,245               20.97

30 September 2002                    854,398,425                  22.08          360,869,758               23.13

31 March 2002                      1,060,384,267                  37.87          406,050,825               36.91

30 September 2001                    625,255,491                  33.01          293,493,442               33.35

13. Exchange Rates

The following are the exchange rates used to translate foreign currency assets
and liabilities to base currency as at 31 March 2003:

Euro1 = CHF 1.4749

Euro1 = GBP 0.6899

14.  Cross Liability

The assets of each Fund may be exposed to the liabilities of other funds within
the Company. The Directors are not aware of any such existing or contingent
liability as at 31 March 2003.

 Notes to the Financial Statements for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

15.       Comparatives

The comparative figures cover the period ended 30 September 2002 for the
Statement of Assets and Liabilities and the six month period ended 31 March 2002
for the Statement of Operations and Statement of Changes.

16.  Post Balance Sheet Events

There were no significant post balance sheet events.

17.  Approval of Financial Statements

The Directors approved the financial statements on 28 May 2003.

           Portfolio Listing as at 31 March 2003 - Euro STOXX 50 LDRS

       Nominal     Investment                                                            Value        % of Net
                                                                                             Euro          Assets

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange listing

     1,133,130     Fortis                                                           13,404,928            1.38

     4,715,377     Nokia                                                            59,696,673            6.13

        99,294     Air Liquide                                                      12,064,221            1.24
     1,137,060     Alcatel                                                           7,129,366            0.73
       681,069     Aventis                                                          27,399,406            2.82
     1,428,290     AXA                                                              15,454,098            1.59
       829,370     BNP Paribas                                                      30,437,879            3.13
       561,907     Carrefour Supermarche                                            19,503,792            2.01
       335,845     Compagnie de Saint Gobain                                         8,506,954            0.87
       559,589     France Telecom                                                   10,458,718            1.08
       128,492     Groupe Danone                                                    14,866,524            1.53
       312,936     L'Oreal                                                          17,367,948            1.79
       130,867     Lafarge                                                           6,713,477            0.69
       221,378     LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton                                  8,005,028            0.82
       403,553     Sanofi Synthelabo                                                18,607,829            1.91
       423,281     Societe Generale                                                 20,029,657            2.06
       918,602     Suez                                                              9,783,111            1.01
       676,781     Total Fina Elf                                                   78,506,596            8.06
     1,054,333     Vivendi Universal                                                12,841,776            1.32
                   Total France                                                    317,676,380           32.66

       192,958     Allianz                                                           8,760,293            0.90
       510,070     BASF                                                             17,398,488            1.79
       676,697     Bayer                                                             8,451,946            0.87
       322,379     Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank                                  2,217,968            0.23
       807,944     Daimlerchrysler                                                  21,644,820            2.23
       581,813     Deutsche Bank                                                    22,399,801            2.30
     2,365,977     Deutsche Telecom                                                 23,920,027            2.46
       590,399     E.On                                                             22,305,274            2.29
       108,956     Muenchener Rueckver                                               5,720,190            0.59
       390,267     RWE                                                               8,000,474            0.82
       818,135     Siemens                                                          30,925,503            3.18

     Portfolio Listing as at 31 March 2003 - Euro STOXX 50 LDRS (continued)

        Nominal     Investment                                                              Value       % of Net
                                                                                                Euro         Assets
                    Equities (continued)
                    Germany (continued)
        217,054     Volkswagen                                                          6,337,977           0.65
                    Total Germany                                                     178,082,761          18.31

      1,085,139     Assicurazioni Generali                                             20,487,424           2.11
      1,895,267     Enel                                                                9,912,246           1.02
      2,548,371     ENI                                                                31,192,061           3.20
      1,226,406     San Paolo IMI                                                       7,640,509           0.79
      2,333,989     Telecom Italia                                                     14,750,810           1.52
      3,641,457     TIM                                                                13,619,049           1.40
      4,232,879     Unicredito Italiano                                                14,772,748           1.51
                    Total Italy                                                       112,374,847          11.55

      1,390,886     ABN Amro                                                           18,637,872           1.92
      1,242,262     Aegon                                                               8,546,763           0.88
        916,938     Ahold                                                               2,796,661           0.29
      1,724,829     ING Groep                                                          18,265,939           1.88
      1,256,650     Philips Electronics                                                18,083,194           1.86
      2,051,937     Royal Dutch Petroleum                                              76,557,769           7.86
        562,918     Unilever                                                           30,707,177           3.16
                    Total Netherlands                                                 173,595,375          17.85

      3,147,436     Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria                                    24,014,937           2.47
      4,696,163     Banco Santander Central Hispano                                    27,472,554           2.82
        990,475     Endesa                                                             11,043,796           1.14
        985,944     Repsol YPF                                                         13,034,180           1.34
      4,706,002     Telefonica                                                         40,330,437           4.15
                    Total Spain                                                       115,895,904          11.92

        414,379     France Telecom Rights 09/04/2003                                    1,491,764           0.15

                    Total Investments (cost Euro1,537,200,073)                           972,218,632          99.95

                    Other Net Assets                                                      439,391           0.05

                    Net Assets                                                        972,658,023         100.00

             Portfolio Listing as at 31 March 2003 - STOXX 50 LDRS
     Nominal    Investment                                                            Value             % of
                                                                                          Euro     Net Assets

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing

     236,704    Fortis                                                            2,800,208             0.76

     984,849    Nokia                                                            12,468,188             3.38

     298,058    AXA                                                               3,224,987             0.88
     173,250    BNP Paribus                                                       6,358,275             1.72
     117,180    Carrefour Supermarche                                             4,067,318             1.10
      65,370    L'Oreal                                                           3,628,035             0.98
     192,014    Suez                                                              2,044,949             0.55
     141,305    Total Fina Elf                                                   16,391,380             4.45

                Total France                                                     35,714,944             9.68

      40,277    Allianz                                                           1,828,576             0.50
     106,602    BASF                                                              3,636,194             0.99
     141,359    Bayer                                                             1,765,574             0.48
     168,747    Daimlerchrysler                                                   4,520,732             1.22
     121,438    Deutsche Bank                                                     4,675,363             1.27
     494,245    Deutsche Telecom                                                  4,996,817             1.35
     123,199    E.On                                                              4,654,458             1.26
      22,759    Muenchener Rueckver                                               1,194,848             0.32
     170,915    Siemens                                                           6,460,587             1.75

                Total Germany                                                    33,733,149             9.14

     226,674    Assicurazioni Generali                                            4,279,605             1.16
     533,310    ENI                                                               6,527,714             1.77
     487,561    Telecom Italia                                                    3,081,386

                Total Italy                                                      13,888,705             3.76

       Portfolio Listing as at 31 March 2003 - STOXX 50 LDRS (continued)

     Nominal    Investment                                                              Value             % of
                                                                                            Euro     Net Assets
                Equities (continued)
     290,297    ABN Amro                                                            3,889,980             1.06
     259,501    Aegon                                                               1,785,367             0.48
     359,820    ING Groep                                                           3,810,494             1.03
     262,504    Philips Electronics                                                 3,777,432             1.02
     428,697    Royal Dutch Petroleum                                              15,994,685             4.33
     117,590    Unilever                                                            6,414,535             1.75

                Total Netherlands
                                                                                   35,672,493             9.67

     657,477    Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria                                     5,016,549             1.36
     981,015    Banco Santander Central Hispano                                     5,738,938             1.56
     983,067    Telefonica                                                          8,424,884             2.28

                Total Spain                                                        19,180,371             5.20

     244,794    Credit Suisse                                                       3,900,303             1.06
      81,464    Nestle                                                             14,774,718             4.00
     510,017    Novartis                                                           17,306,866             4.69
     144,540    Roche Holdings                                                      7,928,048             2.15
      66,256    Swiss Re                                                            2,978,300             0.81 
     244,024    UBS                                                                 9,513,276             2.57

                Total Switzerland                                                  56,401,511            15.28

                United Kingdom
     334,856    Astrazeneca                                                        10,467,892             2.84
     463,923    Aviva                                                               2,366,680             0.64
   1,351,846    Barclays                                                            7,151,071             1.94
   4,603,829    BP                                                                 26,772,273             7.26
   1,783,893    BT Group                                                            4,059,004             1.10
     646,828    Diageo                                                              6,083,934             1.65
   1,240,676    Glaxosmithkline                                                    20,012,648             5.42
     776,887    HBOS                                                                7,312,873             1.98
   1,944,167    HSBC                                                               18,286,445             4.96
   1,148,625    Lloyds TSB                                                          5,360,251             1.45
     412,128    Prudential                                                          1,842,631             0.50

       Portfolio Listing as at 31 March 2003 - STOXX 50 LDRS (continued)

     Nominal    Investment                                                              Value             % of
                                                                                            Euro       Net Assets
                Equities (continued)
                United Kingdom (continued)
     564,812    Royal Bank of Scotland Group                                       11,664,598             3.16
   1,989,091    Shell Transport & Trading                                          11,026,485             2.99
 1,440,523      Tesco                                                               3,721,352             1.01
  14,019,190    Vodafone                                                           22,958,969             6.21

                Total United Kingdom                                              159,087,106            43.11

                Total Investments (Cost Euro567,897,326)                             368,946,675            99.98

                Other Net Assets                                                       60,591             0.02  

                Net Assets                                                        369,007,266           100.00

  Statement of Significant Changes in Portfolio for the six month period ended
                                 31 March 2003

                               Euro STOXX 50 LDRS
Significant Purchases                                                                      Nominal                 Cost
Security Description                                                                                                  Euro

Total Fina Elf                                                                             131,698           18,145,346
Royal Dutch Petroleum                                                                      405,605           17,346,100
Nokia                                                                                      913,412           13,603,014
ENI                                                                                        541,443            7,903,475
Telefonica                                                                                 877,843            7,532,781
Aventis                                                                                    132,805            7,467,337
Unilever                                                                                   108,774            6,565,636
ING Groep                                                                                  410,933            6,236,833
Siemens                                                                                    158,475            6,167,040
BNP Paribas                                                                                159,992            5,971,934
Carrefour Supermarche                                                                      141,025            5,785,464
Sanofi Synthelabo                                                                           93,568            5,434,682
Daimlerchrysler                                                                            155,894            5,366,478
E.On                                                                                       118,289            5,279,395
Societe Generale                                                                           103,272            5,274,286
Banco Santander Central Hispano                                                            907,445            5,200,617
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria                                                            610,560            5,199,691
Deutsche Bank                                                                              114,733            5,033,266
Deutsche Telekom                                                                           457,182            4,674,368
L'Oreal                                                                                     60,469            4,396,604
ABN Amro                                                                                   299,815            4,235,291
AXA                                                                                        326,633            4,162,052
Philips Electronics                                                                        242,677            3,997,387
Vivendi Universal                                                                          278,222            3,866,188
Assicuraz Generali                                                                         207,631            3,798,202
BASF                                                                                       101,371            3,707,704
Allianz                                                                                     41,499            3,673,794
Fortis                                                                                     218,956            3,526,402
Unicredito Italiano                                                                        928,686            3,421,999
Telecom Italia                                                                             450,992            3,327,269
Tim                                                                                        703,643            3,131,813
Suez                                                                                       188,822            3,125,901
Groupe Danone                                                                               24,977            3,033,194
Repsol                                                                                     228,814            2,868,231
Aegon                                                                                      240,002            2,838,503
RWE                                                                                         97,694            2,710,000
Air Liquide                                                                                 19,185            2,561,136
Muenchener Rueckver                                                                         21,011            2,546,028
Bayer                                                                                      130,758            2,470,917

 Significant Changes in Portfolio for the six month period ended 31 March 2003

                               Euro STOXX 50 LDRS

Significant Sales                                                                   Nominal           Proceeds
Security Description                                                                                         Euro

Total Fina Elf                                                                       23,322          3,062,907
ENI                                                                                 229,085          2,976,312
E.On                                                                                 40,481          1,636,691
Deutsche Bank                                                                        31,426          1,435,195
Royal Dutch Petroleum                                                                32,805          1,276,142
BASF                                                                                 15,214            576,707
Groupe Danone                                                                         4,266            521,150
Suez                                                                                 37,614            455,006
Siemens                                                                               8,145            342,332
Telefonica                                                                           35,679            321,743
Enel                                                                                 55,471            287,424
ABN Amro                                                                             18,869            287,017
Unilever                                                                              4,267            240,527
BNP Paribas                                                                           5,630            229,453
Banco Santander Central Hispano                                                      35,609            218,392
Repsol Ypf                                                                           15,418            203,471
Compagnie de Saint Gobain                                                             7,454            202,736
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria                                                      23,836            200,214
Deutsche Telekom                                                                     17,941            192,261
Daimlerchrysler                                                                       5,898            174,780

  Statement of Significant Changes in Portfolio for the six month period ended
                            31 March 2003 (continued)

                                 STOXX 50 LDRS

Significant Purchases                                                               Nominal               Cost
Security Description                                                                                         Euro

BP                                                                                  537,715          3,460,136
Glaxosmithkline                                                                     147,761          2,820,540
Vodafone                                                                          1,685,599          2,736,171
HSBC                                                                                233,768          2,606,051
Novartis                                                                             64,486          2,474,043
Total Fina Elf                                                                       17,062          2,363,020
Royal Dutch Petroleum                                                                52,198          2,274,010
Nestle                                                                                9,793          2,110,210
Nokia                                                                               124,509          2,104,285
Royal Bank of Scotland                                                               83,400          1,949,602
Shell Transport & Trading                                                           236,426          1,521,045
Astrazeneca                                                                          38,766          1,449,017
UBS                                                                                  29,841          1,432,063
Roche Holdings                                                                       17,376          1,236,799
Lloyds TSB                                                                          138,099          1,169,725
Telefonica                                                                          113,667          1,085,878
Barclays                                                                            156,328          1,081,049
HBOS                                                                                 93,511          1,032,484
Siemens                                                                              20,312            964,989
ENI                                                                                  68,009            956,507
ING Groep                                                                            61,349            946,908
Carrefour                                                                            21,399            926,650
Unilever                                                                             14,134            909,292
Diageo                                                                               78,016            880,744
BNP Paribas                                                                          20,913            841,152
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria                                                      79,567            763,888
Banco Santander Central Hispano                                                     117,928            732,322
Daimlerchrysler                                                                      20,863            715,429
AXA                                                                                  48,397            696,412
Deutsche Telekom                                                                     59,414            688,626
E.On                                                                                 15,034            679,949
Deutsche Bank                                                                        14,677            647,233
ABN Amro                                                                             42,431            633,483
BT Group                                                                            214,521            613,006
L'Oreal                                                                               7,858            588,466
Credit Suisse                                                                        29,605            573,575
Philips Electronics                                                                  31,742            573,344
Allianz                                                                               5,942            569,575
Fortis                                                                               30,914            559,093
Swiss Re                                                                              7,964            552,988

  Statement of Significant Changes in Portfolio for the six month period ended
                            31 March 2003 (continued)

                                 STOXX 50 LDRS

Significant Sales                                                                   Nominal           Proceeds
Security Description                                                                                         Euro

Novartis                                                                             32,918          1,219,802
UBS                                                                                  12,897            625,438
Total Fina Elf                                                                        4,036            536,761
ENI                                                                                  39,319            511,147
Diageo                                                                               31,380            319,965
E.On                                                                                  7,518            304,689
Deutsche Bank                                                                         5,743            264,165
Royal Dutch Petroleum                                                                 2,455             95,377
BASF                                                                                  1,958             74,424
Suez                                                                                  5,675             68,668
Glaxosmithkline                                                                       3,429             60,021
ABN Amro                                                                              2,626             40,307
Fortis                                                                                2,359             36,721
Daimlerchrysler                                                                         603             18,083
Astrazeneca                                                                             443             14,678
Shell Transport & Trading                                                             1,520              8,661
Siemens                                                                                 109              4,594

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange