27 January 2012 
                            Discovery Metals Limited 
                          QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REPORT 
                         1 October to 31 December 2011 
Boseto Copper Project Development 
  * Boseto project construction continues on schedule for commissioning and 
    commencement of copper-silver concentrate production in the June half of 
  * Mining commenced at the Zeta Pit in December 2011. 
  * Zeta Underground Definitive Feasibility Study has been completed by the 
    consultants and is being reviewed. 
  * Boseto Zone (targeting production expansion / mine life extension) 
      * Further encouraging drilling results were announced at Plutus 
        identifying potential for underground mining. 
      * Maiden Selene Inferred Mineral Resource of 15.95Mt @ 1.0% Cu & 15.9 g/t 
        Ag was announced in early January 2012.  Selene is located approximately 
        20 km from the Boseto concentrator and has the potential to add further 
        life or contribute to the up-scaling of Boseto. 
      * New zone of copper-silver mineralisation was confirmed at Zeta North 
        East, with drill results including 6.9m @ 2.8% Cu & 5 g/t Ag and 5.9m @ 
        1.9% Cu & 42 g/t Ag.  This Prospect is approximately 7 km from the 
        current Zeta pit. 
      * Copper-silver mineralisation confirmed along 20 km of approximately 
        36km of prospective strike horizon at the Mango Prospect. 
  * Mid Kalahari Zone (targeting new standalone mining operation) 
      * Drilling commenced along the Gaia 60 km prospective horizon. 
  * South West Kalahari Zone (targeting new standalone mining operations) 
      * Soil sampling was completed at the Hermes target. 
  * Major global asset management group Blackrock Investment Management 
    (Australia) Limited, became a substantial shareholder in the Company by 
    increasing their holding to approximately 53 million shares or 12%. 
  * Discovery Metals had US$98.7 million in cash and had drawn down 
    US$150 million of Boseto project financing by 31 December 2011. 
1.                    Boseto Copper Project ('Boseto' or 'the Project') 
a)                Boseto Construction 
The Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to construct the 3 
million tonnes per annum Boseto processing plant and related works commenced in 
September 2010.  Activities in the December 2011 quarter included finalisation 
of off-site engineering and procurement with most items of plant, equipment and 
infrastructure having now been delivered to site.  The construction timeline 
remains on schedule to enable commencement of commissioning of the process plant 
in first half of 2012.  Boseto project progress for the quarter was: 
o   Engineering and procurement nearing completion; 
o   Toteng permanent housing construction continued; 
o   Delivery of mine mobile equipment (including spare parts and tyres) 
o   Open pit mining operations commenced at Zeta; 
o   Erection of structural steelwork for the process plant completed; 
o   Installation of plant, equipment, piping and electrical works nearing 
o   Construction of the mine offices completed and workshops continued; 
o   Pipe and power lines for the Project's water supply completed; 
o   Five of the eight 2.5 megawatt diesel powered generators are on site and 
being installed; and 
o   Fuel storage tanks delivered and installation in progress. 
Construction of the process plant is nearing completion.  Photographs included 
in this release show that work has continued to construct the Run of Mine (ROM) 
ore pad up to the primary crusher, mining is progressing in the Zeta pit, the 
power plant and fuel farm have progressed and the first batch of Toteng 
permanent housing is nearing completion. 
The latest estimate to complete the Boseto capital works project show that the 
project is expected to be completed within the US$175 million approved budget. 
The separate estimate of US$75 million for the procurement and delivery of the 
mobile mine equipment is also in line with budget estimates.  The Company has 
maintained progress in line with the schedule set in August 2010. 
Additional photographs and monthly progress of the Boseto construction can be 
tracked pictorially on the Company's website (www.discoverymetals.com). 
b)               Boseto Operations 
Mining operations commenced during the quarter with approximately 1 million 
tonnes of material mined.  Run of Mine (ROM) stockpile pad fill material was 
sourced from the nearby Plutus pit.  From the Zeta pit, free-dig calcrete 
material at surface was removed and applied to haul-road construction or sent to 
waste dumps.  Calcrete was mined from the tailings dam footprint for haul-road 
construction, and for ROM stockpile pad construction.  The ROM stockpile pad was 
substantially complete at the end of December 2011.  The first blast was fired 
in the Zeta pit on 16 December 2011 and included ore and waste. 
The remaining mobile plant is on schedule for delivery and commissioning in 
early 2012, except for the final Liebherr 350 tonne excavator, scheduled as 
planned for commissioning in July 2012.  Two 120 tonne excavators hired from 
Liebherr are being used to provide additional excavation capacity while Liebherr 
supply and commission the remaining excavators. 
Recruitment and induction of mining mobile plant operators and support staff 
continues in alignment with the fleet delivery schedule. 
Recruitment of process plant operators is progressing and the first operators 
are expected to commence training in February 2012 in readiness for the 
commencement of commissioning in the first half of 2012. 
The site support services team continues with recruiting activities, regular 
consultation with the community, setting up environmental systems and 
establishment of the Toteng accommodation village. 
2.                    Sustainability 
The Company is developing systems to comply with the requirements of the Global 
Reporting Initiative and the Minerals Council of Australia 'Enduring Value - The 
Australian Minerals Industry Framework for Sustainable Development'. 
a)                Safety and Health 
Intensive risk management workshops were conducted with Boseto staff to further 
identify and assess risks, and to refine risk treatments and implement controls, 
with this risk management system now implemented.  The Company is committed to 
compliance with IS0 18001 (Safety and Health) and ISO 31000 (Risk Management). 
b)               Environment 
The Company's Boseto Project environmental obligations to the Government of 
Botswana are embodied in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which formed 
part of the approved Environmental Impact Assessment and the Boseto Mining 
Licence approval.  These obligations are comprehensive and are subject to annual 
review and reporting to the Government of Botswana. 
In addition, the Company has adopted best practice environmental standards in 
accordance with the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and ISO 
During the quarter, the network of environmental monitoring sites was extended 
to include the tailings dam, pollution control pond and waste treatment plants, 
and to allow for monitoring of other environmental, production and regional 
rancher bores. 
A Biodiversity Management and Monitoring Plan has been developed and implemented 
and dry season monitoring completed. 
c)                Community Relations 
The Company has continuous engagement with the local communities and leaders to 
design the community programmes for the operations phase of the Boseto 
operations.  The first project, in co-operation with the Botswana Department of 
Water Affairs, has been completed and involved the upgrade of two water 
treatment plants which supply potable water to six communities in the district 
including the town of Toteng in which many of our employees will reside in 
Company accommodation.  Further community development programmes are expected to 
follow as discussions with our community continue. 
These community programmes are in addition to the benefits accruing to the local 
communities from employment (including apprenticeships and trainees) and 
supplying goods and services to the Boseto site and Boseto employees. 
3.                    Zeta Underground Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) 
Snowden Mining Industry Consultants (Snowden) completed an upgrade of the 
Mineral Resources for the Zeta Deposit incorporating 54 new infill holes drilled 
earlier in 2011.  The Mineral Resources at Zeta increased by 9 million tonnes 
(25%) to 44.1 million tonnes and this resource model has formed the basis of the 
Zeta Underground DFS. 
The DFS for underground mining of the Zeta Mineral Resource was completed by 
Mining Plus Pty Ltd (Mining Plus), and is currently being reviewed by 
During the quarter, Mining Plus completed the mine access design and evaluated 
several options for the surface ore haulage between Zeta and the Boseto plant. 
Geotechnical work was completed and recommendations made for a ground support 
regime for haulage development and production areas.  Stope design was completed 
together with mine sequencing, production scheduling and the capital and 
operating cost estimates.  A metallurgical test work programme on samples of 
Zeta underground material confirmed the similarity of the Zeta underground ore 
with Zeta open pit material. 
The Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment (PEIA) report for Boseto 
underground mining has been accepted by the Department of Environmental Affairs 
(DEA).  It has been agreed that an addendum to the Boseto Environmental and 
Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) will be sufficient to grant permission to 
proceed with underground operations.  This will ensure that the Environmental 
Management Plan is comprehensive for the entire scope of the Boseto operations. 
 An environmental consultancy company has been appointed and the necessary 
community liaison meetings with Affected and Interested Parties have been 
scheduled to commence in late January 2012. 
4.                    Boseto Coal Fired Power Station 
The due diligence process for the selection of an EPC partner for a coal fired 
power station on site at Boseto has been completed.  Subsequently a letter of 
intent to award a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) contract has been issued 
to EICS Power Services of Chennai, India.  The FEED process will not be 
initiated until the Company is satisfied that the permitting required by the 
Government of Botswana is in place or imminent.  A coal fired power station is 
an integral part of the published Boseto Development Plan and will allow 
replacement of the diesel power for the project bringing significant operating 
cost savings and reduce the Boseto Project's dependence on imported oil 
products.  It will also deliver more jobs in Botswana and increase income for 
both shareholders of Discovery Metals and the Government of Botswana.  The 
funding of the coal fired power station capital costs is currently planned from 
operating cash flows with the commencement of operation of the coal fired power 
station currently scheduled for the second half of 2014. 
5.                    Kalahari Copperbelt Exploration 
Discovery Metals holds 14 prospecting licences covering 8,877 square kilometres 
in the Kalahari Copperbelt of north-west Botswana. 
The entire tenement package extends from 60 kilometres south-west of Maun 
through to the Namibian border, a distance of over 280 kilometres.  The 
tenements contain approximately 1,300 strike kilometres of favourable geology 
with the potential to host copper-silver mineralisation.  Approximately 40% of 
this prospective horizon's strike has been explored (soil sampled) by Discovery 
Metals, and approximately 16% has been drill-tested to date. 
The seven north-eastern tenements, located in Ngamiland, have been renewed until 
September 2012, and the seven south-western tenements, located in the Ghanzi 
District, were renewed in July for another two years, until 30 June 2013. 
Exploration in the Kalahari Copperbelt during the quarter included continuation 
of the regional soil geochemical sampling and drilling continued at six areas, 
utilising four drill rigs as follows: 
o   Shallow drilling (RAB and rotary hammer) at Selene, Nexus and Zeta NE; 
o   RC Drilling at SW Mango; 
o   Diamond core drilling at SW Mango, NE Mango, Zeta NE and Gaia. 
Assay results were received from drilling at Zeta NE, NE Mango and SW Mango. 
a)                Boseto Zone - targets additional resources for Boseto 
Within the Boseto Zone (Figure 1), exploration in the December quarter focused 
on the Zeta, Mango, Nexus and Selene areas.  Diamond core and RC drilling, aimed 
at intersecting the base of the mineralisation at depths below 50 metres was 
conducted at the Zeta North-east (Zeta NE) and, the NE and SW Mango prospects. 
Shallow RC and RAB drilling, aimed at identifying the position of the target 
horizon beneath up to 45 metres of sand and calcrete cover was undertaken in the 
SW Mango and Selene areas.  Soil sampling was conducted over the Ngwako Pan 
Formation and basement at Zeta, exploring for footwall mineralisation, and over 
the Dekar Formation at Plutus, exploring for hanging wall mineralisation. 
Zeta NE - A 12 hole diamond core drilling programme was completed in Q4, with 
the final two holes being drilled.  The program tested 5.5 kilometres of strike 
length of the prospective horizon, with all drill holes intersecting 
mineralisation.  Intercepts of greater than five metres drilled thickness and 
1% Cu were made in 10 drill holes over a strike length of three kilometres and 
to a vertical depth of 120 metres. 
Significant diamond drilling intercepts included: 
o   GDDD1331  6.9 m @ 2.8% Cu & 5 g/t Ag; 
o   GDDD1335  7.6 m @ 1.4% Cu & 27 g/t Ag; 
o   GDDD1336  3.3 m @ 1.8% Cu & 22 g/t Ag; 
o   GDDD1337  5.9 m @ 1.9% Cu & 42 g/t Ag. 
A follow-up drill programme of 12 drill holes will begin in the March quarter of 
2012, with the intention of proving sufficient mineralisation to allow the 
preparation of a JORC compliant inferred mineral resource. 
Mango - Following on from the identification of mineralisation in Q2 and Q3 of 
2011 at Mango, drilling resumed at the north-eastern and south-western ends of 
the 36 kilometres of strike length of the prospective horizon within this area. 
To assist reporting, and reflecting the different mineralisation styles, Mango 
has been divided into the NE and SW Mango prospects. 
At NE Mango, diamond core drilling resumed in Q4 of 2011, following on from the 
successful initial diamond core drill programme, which intersected 
mineralisation over a one kilometre strike length, and a RAB drilling programme 
which returned bottom-of-hole Cu assays of up to 10,450 ppm Cu over a strike 
length of 10 kilometres.  The aims of the programme were to: 
o   test the prospective horizon in the areas with anomalous RAB drilling 
results; and 
o   reduce the drill hole spacing in the area of the known mineralisation to 
allow the preparation of a JORC compliant inferred mineral resource. 
Nine of 12 planned diamond core holes have been drilled for a total of 1,102 
metres, extending the drilling southwest of the known mineralisation for a 
strike length of eight kilometres.  Results of this drilling are expected to be 
available for reporting in Q1 of 2012.  Drilling intended to fulfil the second 
aim is anticipated to begin in Q1 of 2012. 
At SW Mango, 108 shallow holes were drilled, aiming to identify the position of 
the prospective horizon beneath up to 23 metres of Kalahari Sands and calcrete. 
Bottom-of-hole assay results, using a bench-top XRF, returned Cu assays of up to 
13,341 ppm Cu.  Three of the eight lines drilled have at least one drill hole 
with above 1,000 ppm Cu.  Average cover depth is 15 metres. 
Four RC holes were drilled in Q4 for 334 metres to complete a programme of 11 
holes.  All drill holes intersected copper-silver mineralisation.  The best 
intercept reported in Q4 was 4.0 m @ 1.8% Cu and 144 g/t Ag. 
A programme of 14 diamond core holes was completed in Q4, for 1,416 metres 
drilled.  These holes were aimed at twinning the RC holes on eight sections, 
with the remainder drilled on intermediate sections to test the continuity of 
mineralisation.  The best result reported in Q4 was 4.4 m @ 3.2% Cu and 561 g/t 
Ag in a hole that twinned the best RC result (see above).  The results from the 
remaining programmes are expected to be reported in Q1 of 2012. 
Selene- A RAB drilling programme of 227 holes was completed in Q4, with the 
drilling of 96 holes for 3,349 metres.  The programme identified two lines of 
the prospective horizon, on both limbs of a syncline.  The southeastern limb is 
along strike from the Zeta and Zeta NE mineralisation and the northwestern limb 
is along strike from the known Selene mineralisation, reported in Q3 of 2011. 
Bottom-of-hole assays returned a highest Cu assay of 938 ppm Cu, south-west of 
the known mineralisation at Selene.  The full results of this programme are 
expected to be reported in Q1 of 2012. 
Work on the maiden Selene Mineral Resource was completed in Q4 of 2011 and 
announced in January 2012 as follows: 
|Inferred Mineral Resource|15.95 Mt @ 1.0% Cu and 15.9 g/t Ag                  | 
|TOTAL MINERAL RESOURCE   |15.95 Mt @ 1.0% Cu and 15.9 g/t Ag, at a cut-off    | 
|                         |grade of 0.6% Cu.                                   | 
Nexus and Zeta NE - A RAB drilling programme of 32 holes, for 706 metres, aimed 
at identifying the position of the prospective horizon between known 
mineralisation at Nexus and Selene, and north-east of Zeta NE.  The position of 
the horizon was successfully identified under up to 20 metres of Kalahari Sand 
and calcrete, on both limbs of the syncline.  Bottom-of-hole samples returned a 
best Cu assay, by bench-top XRF, of 36 ppm Cu. 
Plutus - Assay results for three diamond drill holes at the Plutus Deposit were 
reported during the quarter. These holes were planned to confirm the continuity 
of mineralisation between the base of the planned open pit and a series of 
deeper holes that intersected mineralisation at a vertical depth of 
approximately 350 metres below surface, and which were report to the ASX in June 
The results of these infill holes suggest a zone of high grade copper-silver 
mineralisation with potential for economic underground mining is present at 
depth over a long strike length of at least 1,400 metres at the Plutus Deposit. 
The Company intends to leverage off the results of the Zeta Definitive 
Feasibility Study for underground mining to better assess the economic potential 
for an underground mining operation at Plutus. 
Soil Sampling - 368 soil samples were collected in the Zeta area, targeting a 
possible repetition of the prospective horizon south-west of the Zeta deposit, 
interpreted from the aeromagnetic survey image, flown in Q3.  In the Plutus 
area, 487 soil samples were collected north of the Plutus deposit, testing the 
potential of hanging wall mineralisation.  Results of the soil sampling are 
expected to be reported in Q1 of 2012. 
b)               Mid Kalahari Zone - targets new standalone open pit project 
Exploration in the Mid Kalahari Zone (Figure 1) consisted of soil sampling in 
the Ophion, Kronus, Ourea, Gaia and Coeus areas.  Drilling began in the Gaia 
area, targeting soil anomalism identified in the previous quarter. 
Diamond core drilling commenced with the first five holes of an initial 12 hole 
programme being completed for a total of 649 metres.  The initial programme is 
intended to test about 11 kilometres of strike length of the prospective 
horizon, from a total strike length of 61 kilometres within the Gaia area. 
Drilling is adjacent to and along strike length to the five kilometre zone held, 
drilled and reported by MOD Resources showing grades of up to 3.87% Cu and 106 
g/t Ag.  No assay data is available at the time of writing but logging indicates 
that all holes intersected copper sulphide mineralisation. 
Soil Sampling was conducted in the Coeus, Ourea and Ophion areas within the Mid 
Kalahari Zone.  At Coeus, 2,614 soil samples were collected, following up zinc 
(Zn) in soil anomalism.  At Ourea, 1,345 soil samples were collected around the 
limbs and north-east hinge of the Ourea Anticline.  At Ophion, 2,531 soil 
samples were collected targeting footwall mineralisation. They identified Cu + 
Zn + Pb in soil anomalism over a strike length of eight kilometres, with a 
highest Cu assay of 66 ppm Cu. 
A ground magnetic survey of 559 line kilometres was undertaken over the Ngwako 
Pan Formation in the Ophion area.  It was intended to provide structural 
information over an area that had returned Cu + Zn + Pb in soil anomalism with 
the Ngwako Pan Formation and the basement.  It showed that the soil geochemical 
anomalies with the Ngwako Pan Formation are above a single magnetic unit sitting 
an estimated 100 metres above the basement contact.  The planned drilling 
programme for 2012 will test this horizon. 
c)                South West Kalahari Zone - targets underground resources 
An additional 223 soil samples were collected from the Hermes area, within the 
South West Kalahari Zone (Figure 1).  These were the final soil samples 
collected to follow up weak Cu in soil anomalism centred on a complex magnetic 
feature within what is interpreted to be Dekar Formation.  The highest Cu assay 
from the initial survey is 36 ppm Cu, and the highest Cu assay from the follow 
up assays is 20 ppm Cu, with the samples being assayed by a bench top XRF.  A 
broad but regionally low magnitude Cu in soil anomaly has been defined over the 
magnetic feature, which is planned for follow up exploration in 2012. 
6.                    Manganese Prospects, South Botswana (Discovery Metals 
Sixteen prospecting licences, covering 14,425 square kilometres in southern 
Botswana were granted to Discovery Metals in January 2011.  This area, known as 
the Kanye Basin in Botswana, is underlain by rocks of the Transvaal Supergroup. 
This Transvaal Supergroup strata extends south east into the Griqualand West 
Basin of South Africa, where it hosts the Kalahari Manganese Field (KMF) 
deposits.  The Supergroup also occurs in the Eastern Transvaal Basin in south- 
east Botswana where it hosts a number of smaller manganese mines. 
To date, in excess of 8,000 water boreholes drilled by farmers have been 
reviewed by Discovery to provide additional geological and regolith thickness 
information.  The majority of the bore holes did not intersect the targeted 
Transvaal Supergroup strata as they ranged from surface to 60 metres below.  The 
information from the boreholes indicated that the regolith cover is thicker than 
initially thought.  In the western areas of the tenements some holes have 
penetrated greater than 120 metres below surface without intersecting the 
targeted rock strata. 
Re-processing of the aeromagnetic data was also completed.  Data from the 
Kalahari Manganese Field in South Africa was acquired and compiled to assist the 
interpreting of the Botswana data.  There are no obvious KMF type signatures. 
Detailed interpretation and understanding of the magnetics is being hampered by 
the extensive, thick sand cover. 
Landsat has been used successfully to detect manganese bearing formations in 
areas of low cover thickness in the KMF.  Landsat anomalies were ground 
checked.  Some of the anomalies were due to surface accumulation of various 
minerals not related to manganese mineralisation and warrant follow up 
Re-interpretation of the regional aeromagnetic data from the Botswana Government 
archives was completed.  The resultant maps identified the regional geological 
elements of the area overlain by the tenements.  While this information was not 
detailed enough to select drill targets, it was used to identify the relevant 
target stratigraphy. 
No work has been conducted on three of the 16 prospecting licences, due to the 
Geological Survey instructing the Company to cease activities and await further 
advice relating to issues of possible overlap with pre-existing licences.  The 
Company has secured an additional prospective area of 920 square kilometres at 
the western extent of the current held prospecting licences. 
The focus over the next coming months will be on reviewing our tenement holdings 
in this area to ensure an optimum holding land position.  Evaluation of 
opportunities on Prospecting Licences in the Eastern Transvaal Basin will also 
be completed in the next few months. 
7.                    Dikoloti Nickel Project (Discovery Metals 40% and 
In line with the Company's application to the Botswana Government, the Company 
has been granted a prospecting licence extension for part of the prospecting 
licences previously held.  The reduced licence areas cover all the areas of 
interest to the Company.  The Dikoloti Nickel Project now comprises three 
prospecting licences covering an area of 273 square kilometres surrounding the 
nickel operations of BCL Limited in the Selebi-Phikwe region of north-east 
The Company manages the Joint Exploration Agreement with The Japan Oil, Gas and 
Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) and JOGMEC have funded the $3 million 
exploration programme over the past two years.  JOGMEC will also provide funding 
for the future two year exploration programme and therefore Discovery Metals' 
share of the project is expected to continue to dilute as it continues to focus 
on the development and potential expansion of the Boseto Copper Project. 
8.                    Corporate Activities 
The Boseto debt syndicate project finance documents were executed with the first 
draw down of project debt in July 2011.  The Company completed the expenditure 
of the US$80 million equity portion of the Boseto project cost in June 2011. 
The remaining project costs are being debt financed.  The Project budget is 
US$175 million for the Boseto processing plant and other infrastructure and 
US$75 million for the Boseto mine mobile fleet with Caterpillar being the 
largest supplier. 
In addition to debt funding of US$180 million, the banking syndicate provides a 
US$25 million overrun and working capital facility plus hedging lines for both 
copper and silver production. 
At the end of the December 2011, Discovery Metals held US$98.7 million in cash 
and had drawn Boseto project debt of US$150 million. 
Issued capital 
The Company conducted its Annual General Meeting in November with all agenda 
items supported by shareholders. 
The Company welcomes the asset management group, Blackrock Investment Management 
(Australia) Limited, as a significant shareholder and thanks Macquarie Bank for 
their support during the early stages of development of the Company.  Blackrock 
increased its holding in Discovery Metals to approximately 53 million shares or 
12%, through the purchase of a substantial portion of the Macquarie Bank 
Three million director and executive incentive options were exercised during the 
quarter for approximately US$1.4 million.  Only 1.35 million unlisted director 
and executive incentive options remain to be exercised. 
Boseto Hedging Summary 
In July 2011, Discovery Metals entered into a commodity price protection 
strategy by hedging approximately 40% of forecast copper and 65% of forecast 
silver production (for the scheduled period of the loan repayment through to 
March 2015).  The hedge contracts provide downside price protection for a 
portion of the Boseto production.  Approximately 60% of the copper production 
will be sold at spot market prices.  The total hedged quantities are 40,000 
tonnes of copper and 1,850,000 ounces of silver. 
The average future strike prices attained for these hedge contracts are US$4.01 
per pound (/lb) for copper and US$36.07 per ounce (/oz) for silver.  These 
compare very favourably to the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) prices of 
US$3.00/lb for copper and US$17/oz for silver and the projected "C1" cash costs 
of US$1.24/lb.  At quarter end, the hedge book value represented an unrealised 
gain of US$65 million in excess of end of quarter commodity market prices. 
Discovery Metals will cash settle or receive payment from the hedging banks 
based on the difference between the average monthly London Metal Exchange (LME) 
copper price and the following contracted hedge prices.  The positive market to 
market value (MTM) for each hedge period and total is also shown below. 
|     Hedge     |Copper|Copper|Copper| Silver  |Silver|  Copper  |  Silver  | 
|    Period     |Hedge |Price |Hedge |  Hedge  |Hedge | Mark to  | Mark to  | 
|               |Tonnes|USD/t |Price | Ounces  |Price |  Market  |  Market  | 
|               |      |      |USc/lb|         |US$/oz|   US$    |   US$    | 
|Jul to Sep 2012|3,000 |9,208 | 4.18 | 141,489 |36.32 |4,749,428 |1,202,664 | 
|Oct to Dec 2012|3,759 |9,148 | 4.15 | 183,240 |36.29 |5,705,699 |1,556,614 | 
|Jan to Mar 2013|3,681 |9,069 | 4.11 | 160,890 |36.24 |5,301,091 |1,360,020 | 
|Apr to Jun 2013|3,621 |8,995 | 4.08 | 161,079 |36.19 |4,981,752 |1,350,747 | 
|Jul to Sep 2013|3,939 |8,918 | 4.05 | 195,759 |36.13 |5,163,256 |1,627,669 | 
|Oct to Dec 2013|4,352 |8,845 | 4.01 | 218,679 |36.08 |5,454,775 |1,804,938 | 
|Jan to Mar 2014|3,879 |8,762 | 3.97 | 180,408 |36.02 |4,601,013 |1,480,980 | 
|Apr to Jun 2014|3,663 |8,678 | 3.94 | 167,961 |35.95 |4,102,320 |1,373,637 | 
|Jul to Sep 2014|3,370 |8,597 | 3.90 | 140,370 |35.88 |3,565,975 |1,143,304 | 
|Oct to Dec 2014|3,240 |8,511 | 3.86 | 136,140 |35.82 |3,212,516 |1,105,377 | 
|Jan to Mar 2015|3,496 |8,424 | 3.82 | 163,985 |35.75 |3,230,161 |1,326,845 | 
|Total/ Average |40,000|8,834 | 4.01 |1,850,000|36.07 |50,067,986|15,332,794| 
Based on spot prices of US$7,589.67/t or US$3.44/lb for copper and US$27.75/oz 
for silver. 
Mineral Resources & Ore Reserves 
The total Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves for the Boseto Copper Project, 
reported in accordance with The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration 
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code, 2004 Edition), at a 
cut-off of 0.6% Cu, are: 
|   Mineral   |        ZETA        |   PLUTUS & PETRA   |        TOTAL         | 
|  Resources  +----+------+--------+----+------+--------+-----+------+---------+ 
|             | Mt |Cu (%)|Ag (g/t)| Mt |Cu (%)|Ag (g/t)| Mt  |Cu (%)|Ag (g/t) | 
|  Measured   |4.6 | 1.6  |  23.5  |0.1 | 1.3  |  11.4  | 4.7 | 1.6  |  23.2   | 
|  Indicated  |12.4| 1.5  |  26.1  |11.5| 1.4  |  14.1  |23.9 | 1.5  |  20.3   | 
|Subtotal M&I |17.0| 1.5  |  25.4  |11.6| 1.4  |  14.1  |28.6 | 1.5  |  20.8   | 
|  Inferred   |27.1| 1.2  |  20.0  |55.8| 1.4  |  14.8  |82.9 | 1.3  |  16.5   | 
|Total Mineral|44.1| 1.3  |  22.1  |67.4| 1.4  |  14.7  |111.5| 1.4  |  17.6   | 
|  Resources  |    |      |        |    |      |        |     |      |         | 
|        Mineral Resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.6% Cu.         | 
|                            Please refer to Competent Persons Statement       | 
| High Grade  |        ZETA        |   PLUTUS & PETRA   |        TOTAL         | 
|Ore Reserves +----+------+--------+----+------+--------+----+------+----------+ 
|             | Mt |Cu (%)|Ag (g/t)| Mt |Cu (%)|Ag (g/t)| Mt |Cu (%)| Ag (g/t) | 
|   Proved    |4.0 | 1.6  |  22.1  |0.2 | 1.3  |  11.7  |4.2 | 1.6  |   21.6   | 
|  Probable   |6.5 | 1.5  |  23.5  |11.1| 1.3  |  13.7  |17.6| 1.4  |   17.3   | 
| High Grade  |10.5| 1.5  |  23.0  |11.3| 1.3  |  13.7  |21.8| 1.4  |   18.2   | 
|Ore Reserves |    |      |        |    |      |        |    |      |          | 
|High Grade Reserves reported at a cut-off grade of 0.6% Cu                    | 
|                        Please refer to Competent Persons Statement           | 
|                       |       SELENE        | 
|   Mineral Resources   +-----+------+--------+ 
|                       | Mt  |Cu (%)|Ag (g/t)| 
|       Inferred        |15.95| 1.0  |  15.9  | 
|Total Mineral Resources|15.95| 1.0  |  15.9  | 
|        Mineral Resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.6% Cu.         | 
|                            Please refer to Competent Persons Statement       | 
Competent Persons Statements 
The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on 
information compiled by Mr Fred Nhiwatiwa who is a Member of the Australasian 
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM) and Mr Wallace Mackay who is a 
Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG).  Mr Nhiwatiwa and Mr 
Mackay are full-time employees of Discovery Metals Limited.  Messrs Nhiwatiwa 
and Mackay have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of 
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which 
they are undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 
Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral 
Resources and Ore Reserves" (JORC Code). 
The information in this report as it relates to the Zeta, Plutus and Petra 
Mineral Resources for the Boseto Copper Project was reviewed by David Arnott, 
who is a MAusIMM.  Mr Arnott is employed fulltime by Snowden Mining Industry 
Consultants Pty Ltd (Snowden).  Mr Arnott has sufficient experience which is 
relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration 
and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as 
defined in the JORC Code. 
The information in this report as it relates to the Ore Reserves is based on 
information reviewed by Mr Peter Myers, who is a MAusIMM and a fulltime employee 
of Snowden.  Mr Myers has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style 
of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the preparation 
of mining studies to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC Code. 
The information in this report as it relates to the Dikoloti Mineral Resource 
was reviewed by Mr Stefan Mujdrica of Xstract Mining Consultants Pty Ltd.  At 
the time of reviewing the reported Mineral Resource, Mr Mujdrica was employed by 
Snowden.  Mr Mujdrica is a MAusIMM and has sufficient experience which is 
relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration 
and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as 
defined in the JORC Code. 
The information in this report as it relates to the Selene Mineral Resource 
estimate for the Boseto Copper Project has been compiled by Mr Matthew Readford, 
who is a MAusIMM.  Mr Readford is employed fulltime by Xstract Mining 
Consultants Pty Ltd.  Mr Readford has sufficient experience which is relevant to 
the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the 
activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in 
the JORC Code. 
Messrs Nhiwatiwa, Mackay, Arnott, Myers, Mujdrica and Readford consent to the 
inclusion in this report of the matters based on information provided by them 
and in the form and context in which it appears. 
Forward Looking Statements 
This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking 
statements".  All statements in this discussion, other than statements of 
historical facts, that address future activities and events or developments that 
Discovery Metals expects, are forward-looking statements.  Although Discovery 
Metals believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements 
are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of 
future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from 
those in the forward-looking statements.  Factors that could cause actual 
results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include 
market prices, continued availability of capital and financing, and general 
economic, market or business conditions.  Investors are cautioned that any such 
statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or 
developments may differ materially from those projected in forward-looking 
DISCOVERY METALS LIMITED                            AIM Listing: 
ABN 29 104 924 423                                  AIM Nominated Advisor & AIM 
Web site:  www.discoverymetals.com                  Fairfax I.S. PLC 
Email: info@discoverymetals.com                     Contact:  Ewan Leggat 
                                                    Tel: +44 20 7460 4389 
Investor information contacts:                      Contact:  Laura Littley 
Brad Sampson                                        Tel: +44 20 7460 4387 
Managing Director 
Tel: +61 7 3218 0222                                United Kingdom investor 
Email:  brad@discoverymetals.com                    information: 
or                                                  Tavistock Communications 
Paul Fulton                                         Contact:  Jos Simson/Emily 
Chief Financial Officer                             Fenton 
Tel: +61 7 3218 0218                                Tel:  +44 207 920 3150 
Email: paul.fulton@discoverymetals.com              Mobile:  +44 7788 554 035 
Shareholder enquiries:                              Stock exchange listings 
Queries related to share registry matters should be Australian Stock Exchange - 
directed to:                                        ASX Code:  DML 
Computershare Investor Services                     Botswana Stock Exchange - 
117 Victoria Street                                 BSE Code:  DML 
West End, Queensland 4101                           Alternate Investment Market 
Tel:  1300 552 270 or +61 7 3237 2100               - London Stock Exchange 
Fax:  +61 7 3237 2152                               AIM Code:  DME 
Web site: www.computershare.com 
                                                    Issued capital 
Registered Office                                   At 31 December 2011 ordinary 
Level 20, 333 Ann Street, Brisbane,                 issued capital of Discovery 
Queensland 4000, Australia                          Metals was 442,128,231 
Tel:  +61 7 3218 0222                               ordinary shares and 
Fax:  +61 7 3218 0233                               1,350,000 director and 
                                                    executive unlisted options. 
Botswana Country Office 
Plot 21314, Sebele Station Road, Phakalane          Directors 
Gaborone, Botswana                                  Gordon Galt  - Chairman 
Tel: +267 318 0751                                  Brad Sampson  - Managing 
Fax:  +267 318 0752                                 Director 
                                                    Morrice Cordiner - Non- 
                                                    Executive Director 
                                                    Ribson Gabonowe - Non- 
                                                    Executive Director 
                                                    Jeremy Read  - Non-Executive 
                                                    John Shaw - Non-Executive 
                                                    Company Secretary - Greg 
Further information on the Company including Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 
            is available on its website:   www.discoverymetals.com 
                                                                     Appendix 5B 
                                  Appendix 5B 
                   Mining exploration entity quarterly report 
Introduced 01/07/96  Origin Appendix 8  Amended 
01/07/97, 01/07/98, 30/09/01, 01/06/10, 17/12/10 
  Name of entity 
| Discovery Metals Limited | 
  ABN                  Quarter ended ("current quarter") 
+----------------+   +-----------------------------------+ 
| 29 104 924 423 |   | 31 December 2011                  | 
+----------------+   +-----------------------------------+ 
Consolidated statement of cash flows 
                                            |Current quarter| Year to date (3  | 
Cash flows related to operating activities  |   $USD'000    |     months)      | 
                                            |               |     $USD'000     | 
1.1  Receipts from product sales and related|               |                  | 
     debtors                                |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.2  Payments for     (a)  exploration &    |    -2,187     |      -7,163      | 
     evaluation                             |    -49,453    |     -125,326     | 
                                  (b)       |               |                  | 
     development                            |    -2,051     |      -4,376      | 
                                  (c)       |               |                  | 
     production                             |               |                  | 
                                  (d)       |               |                  | 
     administration                         |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.3  Dividends received                     |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.4  Interest and other items of a similar  |      97       |       299        | 
     nature received                        |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.5  Interest and other costs of finance    |    -2,296     |      -8,000      | 
     paid                                   |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.6  Income taxes paid                      |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.7  Other (provide details if material) -  |      736      |      2,172       | 
     GST/VAT                                |               |                  | 
                                            |    -55,154    |     -142,394     | 
     Net Operating Cash Flows               |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
     Cash flows related to investing        |               |                  | 
     activities                             |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.8  Payment for purchases of:   (a)        |               |                  | 
     prospects                              |               |                  | 
                                  (b)       |               |                  | 
     equity investments                     |               |                  | 
                                  (c)  other|               |                  | 
     fixed assets                           |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.9  Proceeds from sale of:          (a)    |               |                  | 
     prospects                              |               |                  | 
                                  (b)       |               |                  | 
     equity investments                     |               |                  | 
                                  (c)  other|               |                  | 
     fixed assets                           |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.10 Loans to other entities                |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.11 Loans repaid by other entities         |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.12 Other (provide details if material)    |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
     Net investing cash flows               |               |                  | 
1.13 Total operating and investing cash     |    -55,154    |     -142,394     | 
     flows (carried forward)                |               |                  | 
1.13 Total operating and investing cash     |    -55,154    |     -142,394     | 
     flows (brought  forward)               |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
     Cash flows related to financing        |               |                  | 
     activities                             |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.14 Proceeds from issues of shares,        |     1,094     |      2,250       | 
     options, etc.                          |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.15 Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.16 Proceeds from borrowings               |    35,000     |     150,000      | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.17 Repayment of borrowings                |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.18 Dividends paid                         |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.19 Other (provide details if material)    |               |                  | 
     Net financing cash flows               |    36,094     |     152,250      | 
                                            |               |                  | 
     Net increase (decrease) in cash held   |    -19060     |      9,856       | 
                                            |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.20 Cash at beginning of quarter/year to   |    117,723    |      88,807      | 
     date                                   |               |                  | 
                                            |               |                  | 
1.21 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20 |               |                  | 
1.22 Cash at end of quarter                 |    98,663     |      98,663      | 
Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors 
Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related 
                                                               |Current quarter| 
                                                               |    USD'000    | 
                                                               |               | 
1.23 Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in   |      58       | 
     item 1.2                                                  |               | 
                                                               |               | 
1.24 Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item |               | 
     1.10                                                      |               | 
1.25 Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions 
    |                                                                          | 
    |                                                                          | 
    |                                                                          | 
    |                                                                          | 
Non-cash financing and investing activities 
2.1 Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material 
    effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not involve cash 
   |                                                                           | 
   |                                                                           | 
   |                                                                           | 
   |                                                                           | 
2.2 Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their 
    share in projects in which the reporting entity has an interest 
   |                                                                           | 
   |                                                                           | 
   |                                                                           | 
   |                                                                           | 
Financing facilities available 
Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position. 
                                   | Amount available | Amount used | 
                                   |     USD'000      |   USD'000   | 
 3.1   Loan facilities             |     180,000      |   150,000   | 
                                   |                  |             | 
 3.2   Credit standby arrangements |      25,000      |      o      | 
                                   |                  |             | 
Estimated cash outflows for next quarter 
                                  | USD'000 | 
 4.1   Exploration and evaluation |  7,318  | 
                                  |         | 
 4.2   Development                | 60,565  | 
                                  |         | 
 4.3   Production                 |         | 
                                  |         | 
 4.4   Administration             |  2,608  | 
                                  |         | 
                                  |         | 
       Total                      | 70,491  | 
Reconciliation of cash 
Reconciliation of cash at the end of the      |Current quarter|Previous quarter| 
quarter (as shown in the consolidated         |    USD'000    |    USD'000     | 
statement of cash flows) to the related items |               |                | 
in the accounts is as follows.                |               |                | 
5.1 Cash on hand and at bank                  |    98,663     |    117,723     | 
5.2 Deposits at call                          |               |                | 
5.3 Bank overdraft                            |               |                | 
5.4 Other (provide details)                   |               |                | 
    Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22) |    98,663     |    117,723     | 
Changes in interests in mining tenements 
                      |   Tenement    |  Nature of  | Interest at |Interest at | 
                      |   reference   |  interest   |beginning of |   end of   | 
                      |               | (note (2))  |   quarter   |  quarter   | 
6.1 Interests in      |               |             |             |            | 
    mining tenements  |               |             |             |            | 
    relinquished,     |               |             |             |            | 
    reduced or lapsed |               |             |             |            | 
                      |               |             |             |            | 
                      |               |             |             |            | 
6.2 Interests in      |PL147/2011     |Holder       | 0%          |    100%    | 
    mining tenements  |               |             |             |            | 
    acquired or       |               |             |             |            | 
    increased         |               |             |             |            | 
                      |               |             |             |            | 
                      |               |             |             |            | 
Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter 
Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights 
together with prices and dates. 
                       |Total number|Number quoted|Issue price   |Amount paid  | 
                       |            |             |per security  |up per       | 
                       |            |             |(see note 3)  |security (see| 
                       |            |             |(cents)       |note 3)      | 
                       |            |             |              |(cents)      | 
7.1  Preference        |            |             |              |             | 
     +securities       |            |             |              |             | 
     (description)     |            |             |              |             | 
7.2  Changes during    |            |             |              |             | 
     quarter           |            |             |              |             | 
                       |            |             |              |             | 
     (b)  Decreases    |            |             |              |             | 
     through returns of|            |             |              |             | 
     capital, buy-     |            |             |              |             | 
     backs, redemptions|            |             |              |             | 
7.3  +Ordinary         |442,128,231 |442,128,231  |              |             | 
     securities        |            |             |              |             | 
                       |            |             |              |             | 
7.4  Changes during    |            |             |              |             | 
     quarter           |            |             |              |             | 
                       |1,000,000   |1,000,000    |35 cents      |35 cents     | 
                       |            |             |(option       |             | 
                       |            |             |exercise)     |             | 
                       |            |1,000,000    |              |50 cents     | 
                       |1,000,000   |             |50 cents      |             | 
                       |            |             |(option       |             | 
     (b)  Decreases    |            |1,000,000    |exercise)     |55 cents     | 
     through returns of|            |             |              |             | 
     capital, buy-backs|1,000,000   |             |55 cents      |             | 
                       |            |             |(option       |             | 
                       |            |             |exercise)     |             | 
7.5  +Convertible debt |            |             |              |             | 
     securities        |            |             |              |             | 
     (description)     |            |             |              |             | 
7.6  Changes during    |            |             |              |             | 
     quarter           |            |             |              |             | 
     (a)  Increases    |            |             |              |             | 
     through issues    |            |             |              |             | 
     (b)  Decreases    |            |             |              |             | 
     through securities|            |             |              |             | 
     matured, converted|            |             |              |             | 
7.7  Options           |            |             |Exercise price|Expiry date  | 
     (description and  |            |             |              |             | 
     conversion factor)|100,000     |             |37.5 cents    |1 November   | 
                       |            |             |              |2012         | 
                       |1,000,000   |             |35 cents      |             | 
                       |            |             |              |1 November   | 
                       |250,000     |             |37.5 cents    |2013         | 
                       |            |             |              |             | 
                       |            |             |              |1 November   | 
                       |            |             |              |2013         | 
7.8  Issued during     |            |             |              |             | 
     quarter           |            |             |              |             | 
7.9  Exercised during  |1,000,000   |             |35 cents      |12 December  | 
     quarter           |            |             |              |2011         | 
                       |1,000,000   |             |50 cents      |             | 
                       |            |             |              |12 December  | 
                       |1,000,000   |             |55 cents      |2011         | 
                       |            |             |              |             | 
                       |            |             |              |1 February   | 
                       |            |             |              |2013         | 
7.10 Expired during    |            |             |              |             | 
     quarter           |            |             |              |             | 
7.11 Debentures        |            |             | 
     (totals only)     |            |             | 
7.12 Unsecured notes   |            |             | 
     (totals only)     |            |             | 
                       |            |             | 
Compliance statement 
1                 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies 
which comply with accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act or 
other standards acceptable to ASX (see note 5). 
2                 This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters 
Sign here: 
............................................................    Date: 27 January 
Company Secretary 
Print name:           Gregory Seeto 
1                 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market 
how the entity's activities have been financed for the past quarter and the 
effect on its cash position.  An entity wanting to disclose additional 
information is encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this report. 
2                 The "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options 
in respect of interests in mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during 
the reporting period.  If the entity is involved in a joint venture agreement 
and there are conditions precedent which will change its percentage interest in 
a mining tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and 
conditions precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2. 
3                 Issued and quoted securities  The issue price and amount paid 
up is not required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities. 
4                 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 6: Exploration for 
and Evaluation of Mineral Resources and AASB 107: Statement of Cash Flows apply 
to this report. 
5                 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of 
International Financial Reporting Standards for foreign entities.  If the 
standards used do not address a topic, the Australian standard on that topic (if 
any) must be complied with. 
Attachment: Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report: 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Discovery Metals Limited via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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