5 December 2011 
Discovery Metals Limited 
Mango Prospect defined over 36 kilometres of strike length 
 ·             New zone of higher grade copper-silver mineralisation intersected 
at the south west extension of the recently discovered Mango Prospect. 
 ·             Copper-silver mineralisation now confirmed along 20 strike 
kilometres of the 36 kilometre prospective horizon at the Mango  Prospect. 
 ·             Significant intercepts from 11 drill holes include: 
o             MGDD1387 - 4.4 m @ 3.2% Cu & 561 g/t Ag; 
o             MGRC1677 - 6.0 m @ 1.0% Cu & 153 g/t Ag. 
 ·             Higher silver grades intersected including an intercept of 561 g/t 
over 4.4 metres. 
 ·             Drilling programme continues with further results anticipated in 
the first quarter of 2012. 
Discovery Metals Limited ('Discovery Metals' or 'Company') reports further 
highly encouraging results from the ongoing drill programme at the recently 
discovered Mango Prospect.  Mango is situated within the Company's 100% owned 
Prospecting Licences in the Kalahari Copperbelt in north-west Botswana (Figure 
1), and is located within the Boseto Zone (Figure 2) approximately 30 kilometres 
south of the concentrator at the Boseto Copper Project. 
Discovery Metals' Managing Director, Brad Sampson said, "These higher grade 
intersections at South West Mango further demonstrate the prospectivity of the 
Kalahari Copperbelt and encourages us that multiple mineralised areas may exist 
that can contribute to a larger and longer life Boseto Copper Project. 
Boseto Zone - South West Mango Prospect Drilling Programme 
Results for 11 drill holes located at the south-western end of the Mango 
Prospect have been received covering a strike length of approximately 10 
kilometres (Figure 3). 
The most southerly drill hole MGDD1387, returned a higher grade intercept 
comprising 4.4 m @ 3.2% Cu and 561 g/t Ag from 53.0 m to 57.4 m (Figure 4). 
Approximately 10 kilometres to the north east, drill hole MGRC1677 intersected 
6.0m @ 1.0% Cu and 153 g/t Ag. The remaining drill holes are spaced 
approximately 1.6 kilometers apart along this 10 kilometres of strike length. 
The portion of South West Mango reported here is approximately 36 kilometres 
south-west of the north-eastern end of the Mango Prospect, where Discovery 
Metals announced mineralisation over a one kilometre strike length on 27 
September 2011 (Figure 5). 
All higher grade intercepts will require further follow up infill drilling given 
the broad spacing of these initial drill holes and all higher grade zones 
currently remain open along strike and down dip. 
Further, aeromagnetic data has been obtained over the trend, with a number of 
anomalies identified that potentially relate to higher grade zones of 
mineralisation, which the Company intends to investigated with further drilling. 
The Company intends to drill test the entire 36 kilometres of prospective strike 
length at Mango over the next six months, with the intention of identifying 
areas of copper silver mineralisation that may support either open pit or 
underground mining or both. 
The drilling programme along the Mango Prospect continues and further results 
are anticipated within the first quarter of 2012. 
Table 1: SW Mango Prospect drilling results. 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       | Geochemical | 
|        |       | Northing/  |          | Total  | Min. |       |Results over | 
| HoleID |Section|            | Dip/Azi  | Depth  | From |Min. To|  down hole  | 
|        |       |Easting (m) |          |  (m)   | (m)  |  (m)  |  thickness  | 
|        |       |WGS84 SUTM34|          |        |      |       |(0.3% Cu cut-| 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |    off)     | 
|        |       |            |          |        |53.0  |57.4   |4.4 m @ 3.2% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 561 g/t | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |  7693112   |          |        |      |       |             | 
|MGDD1387|16800N |            |-60 to 320|  65.9  |      |       |including    | 
|        |       |   701384   |          |        |      |       |             | 
|        |       |            |          |        |54.0  |57.4   |3.4 m @ 4.0% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 723 g/t | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |  7693399   |          |        |      |       |No           | 
|MGDD1389|17300N |            |-60 to 315|  71.7  |48.0  |71.0   |significant  | 
|        |       |   701792   |          |        |      |       |intercepts   | 
|        |       |            |          |        |87.0  |88.0   |1.0 m @ 0.4% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 30 g/t  | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |            |          |        +------+-------+-------------+ 
|        |       |            |          |        |94.6  |97.4   |2.8 m @ 0.9% | 
|        |       |  7693073   |          |        |      |       |Cu & 179 g/t | 
|MGDD1392|16800N |            |-60 to 320| 113.8  |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |   701409   |          |        |      |       |             | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |including    | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |             | 
|        |       |            |          |        |96.1  |97.4   |1.3 m @ 1.8% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 317 g/t | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |  7694059   |          |        |89.0  |132.0  |No           | 
|MGDD1667|18300N |            |-60 to 320| 134.9  |      |       |significant  | 
|        |       |   702567   |          |        |      |       |intercepts   | 
|        |       |            |          |        |49.0  |53.0   |4.0 m @ 1.8% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu @ 144 g/t | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |  7693112   |  -60 to  |        |      |       |             | 
|MGRC1368|16800N |            |  319.5   |  60.0  |      |       |including    | 
|        |       |   701381   |          |        |      |       |             | 
|        |       |            |          |        |50.0  |53.0   |3.0 m @ 2.2% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 183 g/t | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |  7694061   |  -60 to  |        |      |       |No           | 
|MGRC1373|18300N |            |  314.5   | 160.0  |18.0  |160.0  |significant  | 
|        |       |   702569   |          |        |      |       |intercepts   | 
|        |       |  7694087   |  -60 to  |        |      |       |No           | 
|MGRC1374|18300N |            |  314.5   |  61.0  |4.0   |61.0   |significant  | 
|        |       |   702538   |          |        |      |       |intercepts   | 
|        |       |  7695217   |  -60 to  |        |      |       |2.0 m @ 0.6% | 
|MGRC1386|20000N |            |  314.5   |  90.0  |77.0  |79.0   |Cu & 32 g/t  | 
|        |       |   703779   |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |            |          |        |59.0  |62.0   |3.0 m @ 1.3% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 65 g/t  | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |  7696289   |          |        |      |       |             | 
|MGRC1390|21550N |            |-60 to 320|  85.0  |      |       |including    | 
|        |       |   704943   |          |        |      |       |             | 
|        |       |            |          |        |60.0  |62.0   |2.0 m @ 1.7% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 91 g/t  | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |  7698629   |  -60 to  |        |      |       |1.0 m @ 0.5% | 
|MGRC1671|24950N |            |  319.5   |  76.0  |60.0  |61.0   |Cu & 22 g/t  | 
|        |       |   707374   |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |            |          |        |87.0  |93.0   |6.0 m @ 1.0% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 153 g/t | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |             | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Including    | 
|        |       |  7699737   |  -60 to  |        |      |       |             | 
|MGRC1677|26500N |            |  319.5   | 106.0  |88.0  |90.0   |2.0 m @ 1.8% | 
|        |       |   708507   |          |        |      |       |Cu & 312 g/t | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
|        |       |            |          |        +------+-------+-------------+ 
|        |       |            |          |        |97.0  |99.0   |2.0 m @ 0.5% | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Cu & 71 g/t  | 
|        |       |            |          |        |      |       |Ag           | 
Competent Persons Statement 
The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on 
information compiled by Mr Wallace Gordon Mackay who is a Member of the 
Australian Institute of Geoscientists.  Mr Mackay is a full-time employee of 
Discovery Metals Limited.  Mr Mackay has sufficient experience which is relevant 
to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to 
the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined 
in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration 
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'.  Mr Mackay consents to the 
inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and 
context in which it appears. 
Discovery Metals Background 
Discovery Metals is an ASX/AIM/BSE listed copper exploration and development 
company focused on the emerging Kalahari Copperbelt in northwest Botswana.  The 
Company is a near-term copper producer currently developing its 100% owned 
Boseto copper project towards production in the first half of 2012. 
The Kalahari Copperbelt sediment-hosted mineralisation of the Boseto copper 
project is similar in style to the well-known and large deposits of the Central 
African Copperbelt of Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 
Discovery Metals has prospecting licences covering 8,877 km2 along the Kalahari 
Further information on the Company including Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 
is available on our website:  www.discoverymetals.com 
Forward looking statements 
This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking 
statements".  All statements in this discussion, other than statements of 
historical facts, that address future activities and events or developments that 
Discovery Metals expects, are forward-looking statements.  Although Discovery 
Metals believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements 
are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of 
future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from 
those in the forward-looking statements.  Factors that could cause actual 
results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include 
market prices, continued availability of capital and financing, and general 
economic, market or business conditions.  Investors are cautioned that any such 
statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or 
developments may differ materially from those projected in forward-looking 
For further information contact: 
Discovery Metals Limited 
Brad Sampson 
Managing Director 
Tel: +617 3218 0222 
Fairfax I.S. PLC 
Ewan Leggat / Laura Littley 
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 5368 
Jos Simson/Emily Fenton 
Tel: +44 (0) 207 9203150 
Mobile: +44 (0)7899 870 450 
Further information on the Company is available on its website: 
Attachment: Mango Prospect defined over 36 kilometres of strike length: 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Discovery Metals Limited via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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