Wilmington Capital Management Inc. ("Wilmington" or the "Corporation") (TSX:WCM.A)(TSX:WCM.B) today announced a net loss for the three months ended June 30, 2012 of $262,000 or ($0.02) per share compared to a net loss of $87,000 or ($0.01) per share for the same period in 2011. For the six months ended June 30, 2012, the net loss amounted to $660,000 or ($0.05) per share compared to net income of $20.2 million or $2.55 per share for the same period in 2011.

To view a full copy of the Corporation's unaudited condensed financial results for the period ended June 30, 2012 including the Corporation's unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements and accompanying MD&A, please refer to the SEDAR website www.sedar.com.


2012 is a formative year for Wilmington and during the second quarter the Corporation continued to take steps in solidifying the foundation of its three newly formed operating platforms - self storage facilities, private equity funds and natural gas assets.

Real Storage Private Trust (46.15% owned) continued to show operational improvements across its portfolio of 17 self-storage facilities containing 648,978 square feet of rentable area and one development site. The five properties located in western Canada, which were acquired in February, 2011, are performing well and expected to reach stabilized occupancy levels in 2012. The majority of the western facilities are newly constructed and in the initial lease-up stage. Overall occupancy for the three months ended June 30, 2012 averaged 77% across the portfolio as compared to 73% for the same period in 2011. Operating margins for the three months ended June 30, 2012 increased to 55%, up from 47% achieved for the comparable period in 2011.

On the private equity front, Network Capital Management Inc. (50% owned) successfully closed its $22.3 million 2012 fund. Network's funds under management now total $50.3 million and Network continues to see good opportunities to deploy available capital in junior oil and gas companies. Wilmington committed $8 million of capital to the 2012 fund.

The natural gas assets owned through the Shackleton Partnership (59% owned) are proving to be of high quality and present good opportunities for growth and future development once we reach a more favorable natural gas pricing environment. The weighted average price realized during the quarter amounted to $1.92 per mcf and operating netbacks averaged $0.82 per mcf. Natural gas production volumes averaged 5,346 mcf per day (891 boepd) for the second quarter. Estimated proved plus probable reserves attributable to the Shackleton assets as evaluated by GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. with an effective date of December 31, 2011 were 24,392 MMcf. The outlook for natural gas pricing has improved significantly and a better pricing environment will be beneficial to the future operating performance of the Shackleton assets.


In 2011, the Corporation took significant steps to put in place the foundation for achieving future growth by investing in three operating platforms - the Real Storage Private Trust, Network Capital Management Inc. and the Shackleton Partnership. In 2012 and in the years ahead, the Corporation expects to add scale to these operating platforms, improve valuations and earn attractive cash flow and total returns for shareholders.

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                                        
As reported under International Financial Reporting Standards               
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME                                           
Unaudited             Three months ended June 30   Six months ended June 30 
(Thousands of                                                               
 Canadian Dollars,                                                          
 except per share                                                           
 amounts)                      2012         2011         2012          2011 
Natural gas sales       $       934  $       ---  $     2,064   $       --- 
Royalties                      (170)         ---         (362)          --- 
Natural gas revenue             764          ---        1,702           --- 
Income from                                                                 
 investment property            301          285          593           577 
Investment and other                                                        
 income                          97           79          136           161 
Foreign exchange gain           ---            9            1            16 
                              1,162          373        2,432           754 
Petroleum operations            376          ---          978           --- 
Interest                        375          285          745           578 
General and                                                                 
 administrative                 298          131          599           196 
 depreciation and                                                           
 amortization                   402          ---          841           --- 
Stock compensation               41          ---           82           --- 
Foreign exchange loss            10          ---          ---           --- 
                              1,502          416        3,245           774 
Income (loss) before                                                        
 gain on sale, share                                                        
 of net loss from                                                           
 equity accounted                                                           
 investment and                                                             
 income tax expense                                                         
 (benefit)                     (340)         (43)        (813)          (20)
Gain on sale of                                                             
 investment in                                                              
 Parkbridge Lifestyle                                                       
 Communities Inc.               ---          ---          ---        23,581 
Share of net income                                                         
 (loss) from Real                                                           
 Storage Private                                                            
 Trust                           77          (64)         (47)         (254)
Share of net loss                                                           
 from Network Capital                                                       
 Management Inc.                (20)         ---           (4)          --- 
Share of net loss                                                           
 from Network 2012                                                          
 Fund                          (103)         ---         (103)          --- 
Income (loss) before                                                        
 income taxes                  (346)        (107)        (873)       23,307 
Income tax expense                                                          
 (benefit)                      (84)         (20)        (213)        3,066 
Net Income (Loss)       $      (262) $       (87) $      (660)  $    20,241 
Net income (loss)                                                           
 attributable to:                                                           
  Owners of the                                                             
   Corporation                 (139) $       (87) $      (463)  $    20,241 
   interest                    (123) $       ---  $      (197)          --- 
                               (262)         (87)        (660)  $    20,241 
  Net income (loss)                                                         
   per share - basic    $     (0.02) $     (0.01) $     (0.05)  $      2.55 
  Net income (loss)                                                         
   per share -                                                              
   diluted              $     (0.02) $     (0.01) $     (0.05)  $      2.55 
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                  
                                                       June 30, December 31,
Unaudited (Thousands of Canadian Dollars)                  2012         2011
Non-current assets                                                          
Investment property                                   $  18,842  $    18,933
Investment in Real Storage Private Trust                  7,143        7,096
Investment in Network Capital Management Inc.             1,752        1,755
Investment in Network 2012 Fund                           4,935          ---
Natural gas properties and equipment                     18,595       19,436
Deferred tax asset                                          ---          135
                                                         51,267       47,355
Current assets                                                              
Loan to Network Capital Management Inc.                      50           50
Receivables and other assets                              1,039          923
Cash and cash equivalents                                 9,509       18,688
                                                         10,598       19,661
Total assets                                          $  61,865  $    67,016
Non-current liabilities                                                     
Secured debt                                          $  19,307  $    19,403
Loan payable                                              1,648        1,615
Asset retirement obligations                                729          708
Deferred tax liabilities                                    106          ---
                                                         21,790       21,726
Current liabilities                                                         
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                  1,046        1,481
Revolving loan facility                                   7,250        7,830
Income taxes payable                                        ---        3,336
                                                          8,296       12,647
Total liabilities                                        30,086       34,373
Shareholders' equity                                     27,778       28,445
Non-controlling interest                                  4,001        4,198
Total liabilities and equity                          $  61,865  $    67,016
                                        Three months             Six months 
Unaudited                              ended June 30          ended June 30 
(Thousands of Canadian Dollars)         2012    2011        2012       2011 
Net income (loss)                     $ (262) $  (87) $     (660) $  20,241 
Foreign currency translation              12     (37)         (5)      (36) 
Fair value increment of available for                                       
 sale securities                         ---     ---         ---   (23,414) 
Share of other comprehensive loss from                                      
 Network 2012 Fund                      (281)    ---        (281)       --- 
Future income taxes on above items       ---     ---         ---      3,285 
Other comprehensive income (loss)       (269)    (37)       (286)  (20,165) 
Comprehensive income (loss)           $ (531) $ (124) $     (946) $      76 
Comprehensive income (loss)                                                 
 attributable to:                                                           
  Owners of the Corporation           $ (408) $ (124) $     (749) $      76 
  Non-controlling interest              (123)    ---        (197)       --- 
                                      $ (531) $ (124) $     (946) $      76 

Executive Officers of the Corporation will be available at 403-800-0869 to answer any questions on the Corporation's financial results.

This news release contains forward-looking statements concerning the Corporation's business and operations. The Corporation cautions that, by their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty and the Corporation's actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Reference should be made to the most recent Annual Information Form for a description of the major risk factors.

Boe Conversion: Certain natural gas volumes have been converted to barrels of oil equivalent ("boe") whereby 6,000 cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas is equal to 1 barrel (bbl) of oil. This conversion ratio (6:1) is based on an energy equivalency conversion applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.

Contacts: Wilmington Capital Management Inc. (403) 800-0869

Wilmington Capital Manag... (TSX:WCM.A)
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부터 8월(8) 2024 으로 9월(9) 2024 Wilmington Capital Manag... 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Wilmington Capital Manag... (TSX:WCM.A)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Wilmington Capital Manag... 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.