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RespireRx Pharmaceuticals Inc (CE)

RespireRx Pharmaceuticals Inc (CE) (RSPI)

( 0.00% )
업데이트: 09:00:00

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.

주요 통계 및 세부정보

0.00 일간 변동폭 0.00
0.0002 52주 범위 0.0069
전일 종가
최근 거래 시간
마지막 거래 시간
재정 규모
평균 볼륨(3m)
발행 주식

RespireRx Pharmaceuticals Inc (CE) 정보

RespireRX Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of novel drug therapies for the treatment of sleep apnea, ADHD, spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions. RespireRX Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of novel drug therapies for the treatment of sleep apnea, ADHD, spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions.

Pharmaceutical Preparations
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
RespireRx Pharmaceuticals Inc (CE) is listed in the Pharmaceutical Preparations sector of the OTC 시장 with ticker RSPI. The last closing price for RespireRx Pharmaceuticals (CE) was US$0. Over the last year, RespireRx Pharmaceuticals (CE) shares have traded in a share price range of US$ 0.0002 to US$ 0.0069.

RespireRx Pharmaceuticals (CE) currently has 471,740,000 shares in issue. The market capitalisation of RespireRx Pharmaceuticals (CE) is US$943,480 . RespireRx Pharmaceuticals (CE) has a price to earnings ratio (PE ratio) of 0.00.

RSPI 최신 뉴스

기간변동변동 %시가고가저가평균 일일 거래량VWAP


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EHVVFEhave Inc (CE)
US$ 0.0006
SDCCQSmileDirectClub Inc (CE)
US$ 0.0003
RENORenovare Environmental Inc (CE)
US$ 0.0001
MNGGMining Global Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0001
CGSICGS International Inc (CE)
US$ 0.0001
BLSPBlue Sphere Corporation (CE)
US$ 0.000001
MLBEF5G Networks Ltd (PK)
US$ 0.0006
RAHGFRoan Holdings Group Company Ltd (CE)
US$ 0.0002
RNVARennova Health Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
SHOMSouthern Home Medical Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
SPQSSportsQuest Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0003
US$ 0.0003
RNVARennova Health Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
RDARRaadr Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0005
US$ 0.0002

RSPI Discussion

게시물 보기
THall THall 25 분 전
Nothing new with this worthless pump and dump pile of shit RSPI I see. Current bag holders got trapped by the long gone pump crew once again.
LTListener LTListener 1 시간 전
Absolutely. When you invest and conduct due diligence (essentially a true long position) the more information you gather and continue to gather helps paint that picture you need.

Clearly there has been a plan in place for some time as to accomplishing financing and finishing up these filings alongside a vision of how that will unfold. It will be interesting now that this is on the EM, how this will respond to filings starting to hit in the future and further updates. Unless they drop all the filings at once and are off the EM in a few days after, but sounds like this all could be a process and could test the nature of the EM market as sophisticated investors would want a piece of the pie given the following..

Given the backdrop of a key phase 2 trial upcoming for SCI funded by the DOD and this likely leads into ADHD trials ALONG WITH grant funding likely early in 2025 for getting KRM-ll-81 into epilepsy human clinicals... well this is BIG. Either platform individually into human clinicals is a huge pharma deal, but combined wow! There is no doubt money is at the door now, these are two huge opportunities and is a no brainer. At this point the question likely becomes structure. Will they spin out either or both platforms as part of whatever financing is in the works?? IF so, will that be done before or after leaving the EM?

It could get very interesting into EOY and certainly in 2025. Hard to really think of this as an OTC stock. The pipeline is representitive of a mid major pharma trading on the nasdaq. Being on the EM with zero otc liquidity adds to that flavor. Heavy equity related investment by insiders, only sophisticated and institutional can really acquire now on the EM, those longs who have held have significantly tightened the share supply. Kinda like a "private" company waiting to IPO.... No reason to give away shares for peanuts... GLTA
bigtalan bigtalan 2 시간 전
No problem , most are here helping with DD and other information that is helpful to all investing in this company. I am glad that the responds had info on how things were going and the main thing of the filings were being worked on. GLTA
This part is promising:

we have also prepared about 85% of the March 31, 2024 Quarterly Report on Form ?10-Q which will be provided to our auditors at or near the time we provide the 10-K. Similarly, ?the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q as of June 330, 2024 will follow shortly after that and the ?September 30, 2024 shortly after that.
LTListener LTListener 4 시간 전
The combined power of observation and logic can be a cool thing.

I am quite confident some are going to be kicking themselves and the funny thing is all the due diligence is right there in the filings and press releases and company activities....
LTListener LTListener 4 시간 전
Thanks for posting that.

Reminds me of a famous phrase... "A picture paints 1000 words"... If that is true, then the opposite holds true as well where 1000 words paint a picture...

Your response was much more deep rooted than the questions. Coupled with the filiings in 2024, clearly there is a plan in motion and the picture is coming into focus.... This is going to be special, glad to be invested.
Menace212 Menace212 14 시간 전
That’s for the Australian exchange who knows how many shares are available on the market when they get listed. We are at 983m if they list at 100m there will be a price discrepancy which we will have to do the math to see where we land in comparison. However 25m osa valuation alone puts us right below 03c with their other compounds realistically gets us to a dime. 100m valuation in total. But of course BP or fda approval or success in human trials will all play a part and vary in our SP.
Dyno89 Dyno89 15 시간 전
.90 cents per share USD sounds good to me lol. I’ll take it. Let’s hope these guys make it happen.
👍️ 1
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 15 시간 전
TY that is some reply seems to me things are looking good

Here is the reply I got , GLTA

The investor I (Paul Franklin – Primary Markets) mentioned on our call has the
following questions:-
“As a future investor why should I invest in the company after seeing them enter
the Expert market? The company was fully reporting for years and now that they
received DOD funding, appear to be moving forward, they now are behind in SEC
filing , non-audited as of now. As an investor this is a flaming red flag and a major
reason not to invest. Can this be a question that can be answered by them.
I would not like to hear that they have a conflict with the accounting firm over
payment, and this is the reason they could not produce SEC filings and were
downgraded to the EM. Again, this is not a good look to a future investor. I saw
that in one of their filings as a reason.
I do understand my statements are about RespireRx the parent company, but
this all is tied together, and when the parent company is trading at .002 and
you’re asking for an investment of 10k based on a 1.35 share conversion it seems
a little hard to understand what is going on with the two companies.”
-------------------------- by Jeff Margolis – Respirerx and Resolu7onRx - Sept 26, 2024---------------
Thank you for sending along this very savvy prospec7ve investor’s thoughts. While we have no
illusions about changing his/her/they(their) mind, answering them is important nonetheless.
We have always been very transparent, probably one of, if not the most transparent ultramicrocap company today.
I will divide this response into three sec7ons, RespireRx and Resolu7onRx and then the asset
This investor has stated that they would not like to hear that there is a conflict over payment
with the auditors. While there is no conflict or dispute involving the amount of any payment,
and there is no conflict involving accoun7ng issues, we did not have the funds to remit to the
accountants sufficient to keep them independent. The Annual Report on Form 10-K was
complete in draT form, the suppor7ng workpapers were complete and the audit work itself was
par7ally complete when we paused the process. As 7me goes by, there is a need to con7nue
upda7ng the draT 10-K, which we have done (things like the subsequent events note needs
upda7ng, the principal stockholders table needs upda7ng since it is to be completed as of the
nearest date possible to the audit opinion date and certain other informa7on is as of a current
date). We have done that so that when we are able to bring our account with our auditors
current, the process of comple7ng the audit work and filing the report will be efficient.
Internally, we have also prepared about 85% of the March 31, 2024 Quarterly Report on Form
10-Q which will be provided to our auditors at or near the 7me we provide the 10-K. Similarly,
the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q as of June 330, 2024 will follow shortly aTer that and the
September 30, 2024 shortly aTer that.
When the current BOD and management became involved with RespireRx (at that 7me the
company was named Cortex Pharmaceu7cals) on March 22, 2013, it inherited a company about
three-hours from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, an accoun7ng system without the password and
a company that was, at the 7me deficient in its SEC filings (beginning with the non-filing of the
September 30, 2012 Quarterly Report of Form 10-Q).
The con7nuing members of today’s BOD and management believed that the quality of the
assets warranted the effort to save the company and s7ll feels that way today.
Records needed to be recreated; SEC filings needed to be brought current; finance needed to be
raised; one core asset license agreement that had been cancelled days before (unbeknownst to
management un7l the end of the next weekend) needed to be renego7ated. All of those things
and more were accomplished.
One can see the beginning of the SEC reports to “catch up” with the filing on July 30, 2014, of
the September 30, 2012 Form 10-Q. That was following by 10-Q filings on November 24th, 2
filings on December 15th 2014 and one on January 6, 2015 (the December 31, 2013 Annual
Report on Form 10-K) and 10-Qs again on February 10th, 24th and March 9th, 2015. The filing of
the 10-K for December 31, 2014 on March 30, 2015, finally brought the company current again.
Financially, between then and now, raising capital, high quality, “s7cky” capital has been very
difficult. A supposedly well networked CEO with a track record was brought in. He didn’t work
out and eventually resigned, but not before bringing in an investment banker promising
investments not only by their own execu7ves but also those who would follow those execu7ves
if only we did a reverse split. We did the reverse split and then neither the execu7ves nor their
investors invested. That did not work out well. Then another reverse split was done merely to
maintain an OTC QB lis7ng and that did not work out well in the long term. Finding any
investment banker to sponsor a penny stock/OTC company, especially one that was OTC Pink
Market was impossible. The Company had to resort to “toxic” capital, conver7ble debt, which
upon conversion, crashed the stock. But the company stayed alive. And then needed to get
crea7ve. And we did.
Management and the BOD’s belief in the underlying assets in incontrover7ble, as can be seen in
the paragraph below.
Management has accrued, but not taken cash salary since day one for 11 and a half years (other
than a very short period of 7me at minimum wage to try to meet certain tests to apply for a NJ
program to sell tax NOLs, which we were unable to qualify for – which then caused us to stop
taking any cash compensa7on again – the total, if my memory is correct, was salary taken of less
than US$ 30,000 across all execu7ves and non-execu7ves and that was one 7me). Since day
one, management has, episodically and in very large amounts (in the aggregate, in the millions
of US dollars) exchanged accrued unpaid compensa7on for equity or equity-linked instruments,
including common stock, op7ons, warrants, Series H Preferred Stock (converted to common
stock) and Series J Preferred Stock (not conver7ble). Certain BOD members and execu7ves have
wrilen checks to purchase stock (Series G Preferred later converted to common stock and
Series I Preferred (not conver7ble) and made loans to the Company (all of the above disclosed
in detail in SEC filings). These amounts are well in excess of a million US dollars.
In short, what this management has done is to NOT use investor money to pay themselves.
We men7oned earlier that we needed to get crea7ve.
We brought in an addi7onal synergis7c asset (our GABAkines program).
We created a subsidiary in Australia (see Resolu7onRx below) to develop one of our three
We had an independent valua7on done of the asset(s) contributed by license and sublicence to
We were able to advance all three of our assets on very limited financial resources and con7nue
to do so today (Resolu7onRx’s dronabinol program, our AMPAkines program and our GABAkines
We published voluminously in peer-reviewed scien7fic and medical journals establishing
ourselves as thought leaders, par7cularly in the AMAPkines and GABAkines space.
We created a Series I and a Series J Preferred Stock, neither of which are conver7ble to common
stock. We did so for a number of reasons. One of those reasons was to create a security that is
completely uncorrelated to our stock price and the biotech sector and the stock market in
general. Those securi7es are not even dependent on our stock trading at all. They are instead
7ed to the ability of the company to do one or more strategic deals (common in the biotech
industry) and behave more like a debt instrument than an equity instrument. The algorithm for
the Series I provides for a fixed 13x payout (12x profit) in the event of a strategic deal yielding
the company US$ 15 million, in the aggregate, in any consecu7ve 12 month period that need
not be a calendar year from any of its assets individually or in combina7ons. We also needed to
create instruments for which we did not need to reserve or issue our available authorized but
unissued common shares, keeping those for the future.
We applied for grants directly or indirectly through collaborators and advanced our programs
with non-dilu7ve finance.
Resolu7onRx Ltd was created as a wholly-owned subsidiary in Australia. This was done for a
number of reasons:
1. By taking a lesson from an ins7tu7onal biotech specific investor – “Please don’t diversify
my porqolio for me; I can do it myself.” So, we isolated one asset (so far) in a separate
company to try to alract investment to that asset.
2. We nego7ated a second amendment to the license agreement with the University of
Illinois-Chicago with respect to our dronabinol OSA asset, later contributed to
Resolu7onRx, which amendment among other things pushed annual obliga7ons into the
future and pushed milestone obliga7ons outward toward later more relevant milestone
3. Create a cleaner balance sheet.
4. Exist in a lower cost of capital environment
5. Exist in a friendly environment for the technology
6. Take advantage of the Australian government’s research and development tax credit,
which in our case is 43.5% of qualified R&D and is in the form of a cash rebate.
7. Obtain an independent valua7on report.
8. Contract with service providers/partners (contract research organiza7on (CRO) and
9. Create an ability to repatriate to the US, funds raised in a lower cost of capital market
back to the US (through a master intercompany services agreement)
10. Take advantage of term sheets from lead investors
a. Binding term sheet (condi7ons precedent s7ll to be met) for a US private equity
firm to purchase Series A Preference Shares at the current offering price for 25%
of the clinical trial R&D costs up to US$3.125 million
i. This term sheet triggered the current offering terms. While nego7a7ng
this term sheet, which was prior to our receipt of the independent
valua7on report, we agreed to 90% of the lesser of the valua7on report
or US$ 25 million. The valua7on report came in at mul7ples of US$ 25
million so we priced at 90% x 25 million or US$ 22.5 mm
1. The $1.35 that the investor referred to is Australian dollars, not US
and equates to US$ 0.90/share.
b. Term sheet from an Australian debt lender to finance ahead of receipt from the
Australian government, 80% of the 43.5% rebate, collateralized only by the
The Assets:
Dronabinol for obstruc7ve sleep apnea. Our most mature asset in a massive, very underserved market. It is the re-purposing of a drug approved in the US in 1985 and is well know to
the FDA. This makes for a risk reduced, reduced cost, efficient development program. Two
Phase 2 sta7s7cally significant successful human clinical trials completed. We have advanced
the program primarily by crea7ng new improved proprietary formula7ons to improve the
product profile, improve the pa7ent experience and provide for the ability to file new patents
which we did and which if issued will extend patent life through at least 2042.
AMPAkines are our next most mature asset and is being developed for spinal cord injury
ini7ally and later other indica7ons. CX1739 is the lead compound. As pointed out by the
investor, this is the subject of the ~1.8 million US dollar grant to conduct Phase clinical trial(s).
CX1739 and its sister compound CX717 have been in mul7ple successful human clinical trials in
opioid induced respiratory depression which we now consider to be trials showing proof of
target engagement. OIRD is on the back burner for now. ADHD is also on the list of targeted
indica7ons as we have a sta7s7cally significant Phase 2 study of CX717 for that. AMPAkines (and
GABAkines) are in a division we call EndeavourRx which is being considered for the possible
establishment of another subsidiary (for similar reasons as Resolu7onRx).
GABAkines for treatment resistant epilepsy and pain (and other indica7ons later) is our
earliest stage asset but very promising. Our lead drug candidate is KRM-II-81 and has been in
over 20 animal models of treatment resistant epilepsy and various models of pain. It has been
successful in every model. The NIH has been tes7ng it in its HEAL PSPP program. We press
released that and 8-K’d it on February 13, 2024. The epilepsy indica7on with KRM-II-81 is the
subject of a recent NIH grant applica7on filed with the assistance of our consultants Alien
Technology Transfer. We have not, and do not expect to hear back about the grant for several
months. Our GABAkines program is also in our EndeavourRx division.
Menace212 Menace212 16 시간 전
‘The valua7on report came in at mul7ples of US$ 25
million so we priced at 90% x 25 million or US$ 22.5 mm
1. The $1.35 that the investor referred to is Australian dollars, not US
and equates to US$ 0.90/share.’

Read that in the 8-k back in august 2023. Checks out. The entirety of their response seems sincere and genuine. Also the respondent equates our current situation back to their 2014 situation where they didn’t achieve current status due to miss flings in June. And was able to update their fillings by December. So one can conclude by December or early next year fillings should be released especially if they have them ready like they say.

However now we know this was not a strategy or a tactic to enter into EM to potentially reassert their assets. They really did not have money lol. I must say I’m bit frustrated at that point, however management not taking salary clearly shows their deepened investment into the actualization of their research into real products. That is indeed endearing especially noting the fact they been working on this for a better part of 10 years.
👍️ 2
bigtalan bigtalan 17 시간 전
Here is the reply I got , GLTA

The investor I (Paul Franklin – Primary Markets) mentioned on our call has the
following questions:-
“As a future investor why should I invest in the company after seeing them enter
the Expert market? The company was fully reporting for years and now that they
received DOD funding, appear to be moving forward, they now are behind in SEC
filing , non-audited as of now. As an investor this is a flaming red flag and a major
reason not to invest. Can this be a question that can be answered by them.
I would not like to hear that they have a conflict with the accounting firm over
payment, and this is the reason they could not produce SEC filings and were
downgraded to the EM. Again, this is not a good look to a future investor. I saw
that in one of their filings as a reason.
I do understand my statements are about RespireRx the parent company, but
this all is tied together, and when the parent company is trading at .002 and
you’re asking for an investment of 10k based on a 1.35 share conversion it seems
a little hard to understand what is going on with the two companies.”
-------------------------- by Jeff Margolis – Respirerx and Resolu7onRx - Sept 26, 2024---------------
Thank you for sending along this very savvy prospec7ve investor’s thoughts. While we have no
illusions about changing his/her/they(their) mind, answering them is important nonetheless.
We have always been very transparent, probably one of, if not the most transparent ultramicrocap company today.
I will divide this response into three sec7ons, RespireRx and Resolu7onRx and then the asset
This investor has stated that they would not like to hear that there is a conflict over payment
with the auditors. While there is no conflict or dispute involving the amount of any payment,
and there is no conflict involving accoun7ng issues, we did not have the funds to remit to the
accountants sufficient to keep them independent. The Annual Report on Form 10-K was
complete in draT form, the suppor7ng workpapers were complete and the audit work itself was
par7ally complete when we paused the process. As 7me goes by, there is a need to con7nue
upda7ng the draT 10-K, which we have done (things like the subsequent events note needs
upda7ng, the principal stockholders table needs upda7ng since it is to be completed as of the
nearest date possible to the audit opinion date and certain other informa7on is as of a current
date). We have done that so that when we are able to bring our account with our auditors
current, the process of comple7ng the audit work and filing the report will be efficient.
Internally, we have also prepared about 85% of the March 31, 2024 Quarterly Report on Form
10-Q which will be provided to our auditors at or near the 7me we provide the 10-K. Similarly,
the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q as of June 330, 2024 will follow shortly aTer that and the
September 30, 2024 shortly aTer that.
When the current BOD and management became involved with RespireRx (at that 7me the
company was named Cortex Pharmaceu7cals) on March 22, 2013, it inherited a company about
three-hours from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, an accoun7ng system without the password and
a company that was, at the 7me deficient in its SEC filings (beginning with the non-filing of the
September 30, 2012 Quarterly Report of Form 10-Q).
The con7nuing members of today’s BOD and management believed that the quality of the
assets warranted the effort to save the company and s7ll feels that way today.
Records needed to be recreated; SEC filings needed to be brought current; finance needed to be
raised; one core asset license agreement that had been cancelled days before (unbeknownst to
management un7l the end of the next weekend) needed to be renego7ated. All of those things
and more were accomplished.
One can see the beginning of the SEC reports to “catch up” with the filing on July 30, 2014, of
the September 30, 2012 Form 10-Q. That was following by 10-Q filings on November 24th, 2
filings on December 15th 2014 and one on January 6, 2015 (the December 31, 2013 Annual
Report on Form 10-K) and 10-Qs again on February 10th, 24th and March 9th, 2015. The filing of
the 10-K for December 31, 2014 on March 30, 2015, finally brought the company current again.
Financially, between then and now, raising capital, high quality, “s7cky” capital has been very
difficult. A supposedly well networked CEO with a track record was brought in. He didn’t work
out and eventually resigned, but not before bringing in an investment banker promising
investments not only by their own execu7ves but also those who would follow those execu7ves
if only we did a reverse split. We did the reverse split and then neither the execu7ves nor their
investors invested. That did not work out well. Then another reverse split was done merely to
maintain an OTC QB lis7ng and that did not work out well in the long term. Finding any
investment banker to sponsor a penny stock/OTC company, especially one that was OTC Pink
Market was impossible. The Company had to resort to “toxic” capital, conver7ble debt, which
upon conversion, crashed the stock. But the company stayed alive. And then needed to get
crea7ve. And we did.
Management and the BOD’s belief in the underlying assets in incontrover7ble, as can be seen in
the paragraph below.
Management has accrued, but not taken cash salary since day one for 11 and a half years (other
than a very short period of 7me at minimum wage to try to meet certain tests to apply for a NJ
program to sell tax NOLs, which we were unable to qualify for – which then caused us to stop
taking any cash compensa7on again – the total, if my memory is correct, was salary taken of less
than US$ 30,000 across all execu7ves and non-execu7ves and that was one 7me). Since day
one, management has, episodically and in very large amounts (in the aggregate, in the millions
of US dollars) exchanged accrued unpaid compensa7on for equity or equity-linked instruments,
including common stock, op7ons, warrants, Series H Preferred Stock (converted to common
stock) and Series J Preferred Stock (not conver7ble). Certain BOD members and execu7ves have
wrilen checks to purchase stock (Series G Preferred later converted to common stock and
Series I Preferred (not conver7ble) and made loans to the Company (all of the above disclosed
in detail in SEC filings). These amounts are well in excess of a million US dollars.
In short, what this management has done is to NOT use investor money to pay themselves.
We men7oned earlier that we needed to get crea7ve.
We brought in an addi7onal synergis7c asset (our GABAkines program).
We created a subsidiary in Australia (see Resolu7onRx below) to develop one of our three
We had an independent valua7on done of the asset(s) contributed by license and sublicence to
We were able to advance all three of our assets on very limited financial resources and con7nue
to do so today (Resolu7onRx’s dronabinol program, our AMPAkines program and our GABAkines
We published voluminously in peer-reviewed scien7fic and medical journals establishing
ourselves as thought leaders, par7cularly in the AMAPkines and GABAkines space.
We created a Series I and a Series J Preferred Stock, neither of which are conver7ble to common
stock. We did so for a number of reasons. One of those reasons was to create a security that is
completely uncorrelated to our stock price and the biotech sector and the stock market in
general. Those securi7es are not even dependent on our stock trading at all. They are instead
7ed to the ability of the company to do one or more strategic deals (common in the biotech
industry) and behave more like a debt instrument than an equity instrument. The algorithm for
the Series I provides for a fixed 13x payout (12x profit) in the event of a strategic deal yielding
the company US$ 15 million, in the aggregate, in any consecu7ve 12 month period that need
not be a calendar year from any of its assets individually or in combina7ons. We also needed to
create instruments for which we did not need to reserve or issue our available authorized but
unissued common shares, keeping those for the future.
We applied for grants directly or indirectly through collaborators and advanced our programs
with non-dilu7ve finance.
Resolu7onRx Ltd was created as a wholly-owned subsidiary in Australia. This was done for a
number of reasons:
1. By taking a lesson from an ins7tu7onal biotech specific investor – “Please don’t diversify
my porqolio for me; I can do it myself.” So, we isolated one asset (so far) in a separate
company to try to alract investment to that asset.
2. We nego7ated a second amendment to the license agreement with the University of
Illinois-Chicago with respect to our dronabinol OSA asset, later contributed to
Resolu7onRx, which amendment among other things pushed annual obliga7ons into the
future and pushed milestone obliga7ons outward toward later more relevant milestone
3. Create a cleaner balance sheet.
4. Exist in a lower cost of capital environment
5. Exist in a friendly environment for the technology
6. Take advantage of the Australian government’s research and development tax credit,
which in our case is 43.5% of qualified R&D and is in the form of a cash rebate.
7. Obtain an independent valua7on report.
8. Contract with service providers/partners (contract research organiza7on (CRO) and
9. Create an ability to repatriate to the US, funds raised in a lower cost of capital market
back to the US (through a master intercompany services agreement)
10. Take advantage of term sheets from lead investors
a. Binding term sheet (condi7ons precedent s7ll to be met) for a US private equity
firm to purchase Series A Preference Shares at the current offering price for 25%
of the clinical trial R&D costs up to US$3.125 million
i. This term sheet triggered the current offering terms. While nego7a7ng
this term sheet, which was prior to our receipt of the independent
valua7on report, we agreed to 90% of the lesser of the valua7on report
or US$ 25 million. The valua7on report came in at mul7ples of US$ 25
million so we priced at 90% x 25 million or US$ 22.5 mm
1. The $1.35 that the investor referred to is Australian dollars, not US
and equates to US$ 0.90/share.
b. Term sheet from an Australian debt lender to finance ahead of receipt from the
Australian government, 80% of the 43.5% rebate, collateralized only by the
The Assets:
Dronabinol for obstruc7ve sleep apnea. Our most mature asset in a massive, very underserved market. It is the re-purposing of a drug approved in the US in 1985 and is well know to
the FDA. This makes for a risk reduced, reduced cost, efficient development program. Two
Phase 2 sta7s7cally significant successful human clinical trials completed. We have advanced
the program primarily by crea7ng new improved proprietary formula7ons to improve the
product profile, improve the pa7ent experience and provide for the ability to file new patents
which we did and which if issued will extend patent life through at least 2042.
AMPAkines are our next most mature asset and is being developed for spinal cord injury
ini7ally and later other indica7ons. CX1739 is the lead compound. As pointed out by the
investor, this is the subject of the ~1.8 million US dollar grant to conduct Phase clinical trial(s).
CX1739 and its sister compound CX717 have been in mul7ple successful human clinical trials in
opioid induced respiratory depression which we now consider to be trials showing proof of
target engagement. OIRD is on the back burner for now. ADHD is also on the list of targeted
indica7ons as we have a sta7s7cally significant Phase 2 study of CX717 for that. AMPAkines (and
GABAkines) are in a division we call EndeavourRx which is being considered for the possible
establishment of another subsidiary (for similar reasons as Resolu7onRx).
GABAkines for treatment resistant epilepsy and pain (and other indica7ons later) is our
earliest stage asset but very promising. Our lead drug candidate is KRM-II-81 and has been in
over 20 animal models of treatment resistant epilepsy and various models of pain. It has been
successful in every model. The NIH has been tes7ng it in its HEAL PSPP program. We press
released that and 8-K’d it on February 13, 2024. The epilepsy indica7on with KRM-II-81 is the
subject of a recent NIH grant applica7on filed with the assistance of our consultants Alien
Technology Transfer. We have not, and do not expect to hear back about the grant for several
months. Our GABAkines program is also in our EndeavourRx division.
meixatech meixatech 19 시간 전
Hmmm... I seemed to have mixed DS-II-73 with GL-II-73... Silly me!

GL-II-73, a Positive Allosteric Modulator of a5GABAA Receptors, Reverses Dopamine System Dysfunction Associated with Pilocarpine-Induced Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Alexandra M. McCoy,1,2 Thomas D. Prevot,3,4 Dishary Sharmin,5 James M. Cook,5 Etienne L. Sibille,3,4,6 and Daniel J. Lodge1,2,*
Go to:
Although seizures are a hallmark feature of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), psychiatric comorbidities, including psychosis, are frequently associated with TLE and contribute to decreased quality of life. Currently, there are no defined therapeutic protocols to manage psychosis in TLE patients, as antipsychotic agents may induce epileptic seizures and are associated with severe side effects and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions with antiepileptic drugs. Thus, novel treatment strategies are necessary. Several lines of evidence suggest that hippocampal hyperactivity is central to the pathology of both TLE and psychosis; therefore, restoring hippocampal activity back to normal levels may be a novel therapeutic approach for treating psychosis in TLE. In rodent models, increased activity in the ventral hippocampus (vHipp) results in aberrant dopamine system function, which is thought to underlie symptoms of psychosis. Indeed, we have previously demonstrated that targeting a5-containing ?-aminobutyric acid receptors (a5GABAARs), an inhibitory receptor abundant in the hippocampus, with positive allosteric modulators (PAMs), can restore dopamine system function in rodent models displaying hippocampal hyperactivity. Thus, we posited that a5-PAMs may be beneficial in a model used to study TLE. Here, we demonstrate that pilocarpine-induced TLE is associated with increased VTA dopamine neuron activity, an effect that was completely reversed by intra-vHipp administration of GL-II-73, a selective a5-PAM. Further, pilocarpine did not alter the hippocampal a5GABAAR expression or synaptic localization that may affect the efficacy of a5-PAMs. Taken together, these results suggest augmenting a5GABAAR function as a novel therapeutic modality for the treatment of psychosis in TLE.

meixatech meixatech 20 시간 전
Biomolecules. 2023 Jan; 13(1): 56.
Published online 2022 Dec 27. doi: 10.3390/biom13010056
Diversity of AMPA Receptor Ligands: Chemotypes, Binding Modes, Mechanisms of Action, and Therapeutic Effects
Elena A. Golubeva, Mstislav I. Lavrov, Eugene V. Radchenko, and Vladimir A. Palyulin*

AMPA receptors, like other ionotropic glutamate receptors, have attracted considerable attention for several decades and remain the subject of intense research. They play a key role in providing synaptic plasticity, which is one of the mechanisms of learning and memory formation, and can also act as targets for the creation of new drug classes for the treatment or significant correction of a number of serious neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases. At the same time, this potential and the enormous effort expended by many researchers around the world have so far been embodied in specific drugs used in clinical practice only to a very limited extent. In part, this may be due to the complexity of the human nervous system and, in particular, the glutamatergic system, as many aspects of its operation are revealed only gradually. Nevertheless, the vast factual and theoretical material accumulated in recent years, as well as the successes of structural biology, neurobiology, molecular modeling, and medicinal chemistry, allow us to expect significant progress in this area in the near future.
meixatech meixatech 20 시간 전
Posted this before:

Oncolytic Properties of Ampakines In Vitro
Daniel P Radin 1, Richard Purcell 2, Arnold S Lippa 2

DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.12217
…” Our results demonstrated for the first time that concentrations of the Class I ampakine CX614, which increase AMPAR agonist binding affinity, possess oncolytic activity as a sole agent and synergistically reduce GBM viability when paired with FLX. FLX also demonstrates a dose-dependent induction of apoptosis in cancer cells originating outside the CNS that overexpress calcium-permeable AMPARs. Likewise, CX614 inhibits cancer cell viability in a dose-dependent fashion and its combination with FLX synergistically reduces cell viability. These effects of CX614 were not seen with the Class II ampakines, CX717 and CX1739.”

Is CX614 also playing into all this? This paper was published in 2018. Glioblastoma is another huge indication. I have had two fiends/associates die from glioblastoma.
eyeownu eyeownu 23 시간 전
my rspi bag is looking good. when is this thing going to trade
LTListener LTListener 23 시간 전
Wouldnt it be lovely if someone vacuumed all the crumbs up and this went off the EM at a few pennies and shot to a dime on updates about clinical trials?


What is the value of the ampakine platform nearing phase 3 for SCI/ADHD and a premier preclinical gabakine likely to get grant funding into human clinicals for epilepsy and pain?
👍️ 3 🤞 2
LTListener LTListener 23 시간 전
Not exactly sure I understand what that implies, but at this point they need to keep is simple...

Get your filings current like all reputable public companies
Communicate strategies and pipeline updates to stakeholders
Fix that awful website and update with current information to attract investors interest in pipeline
Execute on the clinical trials in the works on multiple platforms
Build out your resources and investor base
Continue communication

Reputable financiers and BP surely see the value of all of the above, so lingering in this swamp muddies the water for everyone.
👍️ 1
10,000 0.002
600,000 0.0004
LTListener LTListener 23 시간 전
I am wondering if CX1739 completes this SCI trial successfully, will this then supplant CX717 in all studies? Meaning will this be the lead they take into ADHD trials as well? And with both molecules similar, (yet maybe CX1739 superior) will they be able to go directly into a phase 3, with safety and efficacy already proven with these molecules?

I think they will need BP for phase 3 as regardless of market valuation at any given time (peanuts or billions) they have done nothing to gather the resources and capabilities required to move through a phase 3. Patent life does expire, so kinda wondering if there isnt a deal in the works to bring this ampakine platform into phase 3 ASAP after this phase 2 next quarter (which Q4 begins next week!)...

Maybe BP licenses the platform or acquires it with milestones. Although maybe they also need/want a phase 2b or something for ADHD or start a trial on orphan indications to add value before sale? A few years ago they were looking at a funding round of 7.5 million. Maybe this type of funding is in play again and enough to initiate some final clinicals before ampakine sale AND support the initial clinicals for gabakine program. If that is the case, there could be some huge interest in jumping aboard a funding cycle with prospects of 2 platforms getting deep into clinicals (ampa) and showing preclinical superiority (gaba)...
loanranger loanranger 23 시간 전
Just because something is in an 8-k (which one, by the way?) doesn't mean it makes sense.
Why don't YOU tell me what it means?

‘As previously described in several filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, ResolutionRx entered into a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with Cantheon Capital (“Cantheon”) on May 18, 2023 that describes an intended investment of US$3,125,000 in Series A Preference Shares to be issued by ResolutionRx. According to the LOI, the issuance price was designated to be US$0.90 per Series A Share, which assumes 90% of a US$25 million maximum value’
Menace212 Menace212 24 시간 전
Idiot that’s in a 8-k learn how to read ‘finance guy’
loanranger loanranger 24 시간 전
LTListener LTListener 24 시간 전
Since they are still looking for funds for OSA and the gabakine is in the hands of a consultant to manage grant funding likely to enter, then logically the recent illogical missing of filings and lack of communication must be related to the amapkine platform and likely the DOD phase 2 trial upcoming.
meixatech meixatech 24 시간 전
Looks to me like there is a whole new aspect to RSPI. With the "molecular docking" technology it appears that 1) Ampakines in RSPI's library will be identified as neuroactive, but have been previously determined to have no activity. and 2) new molecules are created, based on RSPI's patented molecules that have clinical activity above that base molecule. For the latter, I wonder if we have the makings of lawsuits.
bigtalan bigtalan 1 일 전
Hopefully they get an answer that can clear it up , but I think we will only get a light answer. Will update when they respond GLTA
bigtalan bigtalan 1 일 전
The info I posted earlier is from the investment company currently handling fund raising. Link is provided on an earlier post, the investment buy is at 10k.
bigtalan bigtalan 1 일 전
***Keep in mind this is for investing in ResolutionRx and what your A perference shares ***

ResolutionRx is eligible to participate in the Australian R&D tax credit, a refund, in our case, expected to be
43.5% of qualified research and development expenditures.
• Radium Capital has agreed to provide a debt facility to finance 80% of ResolutionRx’s Australian research and
development tax incentives.
• Based on an independent pre-money net asset value of A$33.75M, ResolutionRx has mandated PrimaryMarkets
Pty Limited as its non-exclusive advisor to raise A$18M through the sale of Series A Preference Shares at a per
share price of A$1.35.
• ResolutionRx has entered into a binding Letter of Intent with Cantheon Capital for an intended investment of
US$3,125,000 in the Series A Preference Shares which is 25% of the clinical trial research and de
meixatech meixatech 1 일 전
You know, LT, I am beginning to wonder if RSPI will need a big pharma to conduct phase 3 trials. Perhaps they are waiting to see the market response (i.e., suddenly becoming a multibillion USD company) when they emerge from EM with all the incredible molecules in their library?

As for CX717 and CX1739, I was wondering that myself. Considering the FDA has long since lifted the hold on CX717, then finding even better molecules (e.g., CX739) has delayed going into phase 3 for CX717? But up to now a big pharma has not be willing to fund., especially after the debacle with Servier.
I am not a molecular biologist - I am only now becoming acquainted with the lingo to better understand the recent articles. I do not understand "backup molecules." Wouldn't such molecules also have to go through the clinical phases?

LTListener LTListener 1 일 전
Question for you.

Is CX-1739 essentially a superior version of CX-717? I thought I read somewhere that preclinical results indicated that.

Anyhow, since all this "quietness" and disregarding filing obligations seemed to happen in relation to the DOD funding the SCI trial, I am wondering if there isnt an ADHD trial being readied directly after this SCI trial? Maybe waiting to check the box of phase 2 success with CX-1739 and could they then move directly into a phase 3 for SCI and ADHD with this compound then or would they still need a phase 2 for CX-1739 ADHD even though CX-717 already had a successful phase 2?

It is only logical then that there might be BP swimming in the waters here...
👍️ 1
LTListener LTListener 1 일 전
Looks like that article is referencing DS-ll-73 as the backup to KRM-ll-81.
meixatech meixatech 1 일 전
Molecular docking* is a computational technique that predicts the binding affinity of ligands to receptor proteins. It has developed into a formidable tool for drug development.
* A key (recently developed software) tool – Appears to explain the surge of neurologically active molecules in RSPI’s control. So for KRM-II-81, GL-II-73 based on the molecular docking procedure is predicted to have a similar activity. So new molecules developed using, for instance KRM-II-81, will be “owned” by RSPI? IF so, my mind is again boggled!!!
👍 1
LTListener LTListener 1 일 전
It is always nice when pharma companies clearly define their pipeline, the status: whether preclinical or phase 1,2,3 and targeted medical indications as well as potential milestones to look forward to....

Wonder when we will get that with RSPI?
👍 1
meixatech meixatech 1 일 전
RE: GL-II-73 (Hmmmm.... not previously on my list!)

New Imidazodiazepine Analogue, 5 (8-Bromo-6-(pyridin-2- yl) 4H benzo[f]imidazo[1,5 a][1,4]diazepin-3-yl)oxazole, Provides a Simplified Synthetic Scheme, High Oral Plasma and Brain Exposures, and Produces Antiseizure Efficacy in Mice, and Antiepileptogenic Activity in Neural Networks in Brain Slices from a Patient with Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Dishary Sharmin,* Branka Divovic,´ Xingjie Ping, Rok Cerne, Jodi L. Smith, Sepideh Rezvanian, Prithu Mondal, Michelle Jean Meyer, Molly E. Kiley, Leggy A. Arnold, Md Yeunus Mian, Kamal P. Pandey, Xiaoming Jin, Jelena R. Mitrovic, ´ Djordje Djorovic,´ Arnold Lippa, James M. Cook, Lalit K. Golani, Petra Scholze, Miroslav M. Savic,´ and Jeffrey M. Witkin
University of Vienna
ACS Chemical Neuroscience Jan 2024
Recommendations *si Supporting Information ABSTRACT: KRM-II-81 (1) is an imidazodiazepine GABAA receptor (GABAAR) potentiator with broad antiseizure efficacy and a low sedative burden. A brominated analogue, DS-II-73 (5), was synthesized and pharmacologically characterized as a potential backup compound as KRM-II-81 moves forward into development. The synthesis from 2-amino-5-bromophenyl)(pyridin-2yl)methanone (6) was processed in five steps with an overall yield of 38% and without the need for a palladium catalyst. GABAAR binding occurred with a Ki of 150 nM, and only 3 of 41 screened binding sites produced inhibition ≥50% at 10 µM, and the potency to induce cytotoxicity was ≥240 mM. DS-II-73 was selective for a2/3/5- over that of a1-containing GABAARs. Oral exposure of plasma and brain of rats was more than sufficient to functionally impact GABAARs. Tonic convulsions in mice and lethality induced by pentylenetetrazol were suppressed by DS-II-73 after oral administration and latencies to clonic and tonic seizures were prolonged. Cortical slice preparations from a patient with pharmacoresistant epilepsy (mesial temporal lobe) showed decreases in the frequency of local field potentials by DS-II-73. As with KRM-II-81, the motor-impairing effects of DS-II-73 were low compared to diazepam. Molecular docking studies of DS-II-73 with the a1ß3?2L configured GABAAR showed low interaction with a1His102 that is suggested as a potential molecular mechanism for its low sedative side effects. These findings support the viability of DS-II-73 as a backup molecule for its ethynyl analogue, KRM-II-81, with the human tissue data providing translational credibility
👍 1
aheadofthecurve aheadofthecurve 1 일 전
LTListener LTListener 1 일 전
"but had been in compliance up to this year"

Yep. That is the question, what changed? What is keeping them from completing their most basic responsibility to investors while doing a disservice to the pipeline assets and all the past efforts to get to this point of human clinicals along multiple paths/platforms?
LTListener LTListener 1 일 전
Keep in mind that the OSA platform is spun out to an Australian unlisted company, ResolutionRx.

Different share structure, and all is quiet on that front, so no idea what the hold up is to progress with that platform.
Menace212 Menace212 2 일 전

Eoy or early next year they should at least submit their fda application for their Dronabinol program.

‘Company future believes that it’s repurposing strategy would only require approval by the fda of a new drug application (NDA) an efficient regulatory pathway that allows the use of publicly available data.’

It depends tho how their pharmacokinetics study’s are going. I haven’t seen a update on it
Menace212 Menace212 2 일 전

‘As previously described in several filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, ResolutionRx entered into a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with Cantheon Capital (“Cantheon”) on May 18, 2023 that describes an intended investment of US$3,125,000 in Series A Preference Shares to be issued by ResolutionRx. According to the LOI, the issuance price was designated to be US$0.90 per Series A Share, which assumes 90% of a US$25 million maximum value’
Menace212 Menace212 2 일 전
In the 8-k the an investment firm valued the Australian subsidiary at .90 cents for 25m evaluation. That one compound alone puts us right below 3c a share and that’s excluding the rest of the line up
meixatech meixatech 2 일 전
$1.35 /share? Wowzers , dare I dream?
bigtalan bigtalan 2 일 전
Yes along with a few more related to trials updates and or starting timeline if ava. Also asked about the 10k buy in and a value of 1.35 per share. How can the parent company be on EM at .002 and have no filed SEC for awhile which caused the listing to EM, but had been in compliance up to this year, but the new startup is trying to value 1.35 share when converted and not even trading. . That was one of the questions
👍️ 1
LTListener LTListener 2 일 전

"The questions are very legitimate and we acknowledge that the look is not good"... Not knowing your questions but assuming the "look" comment is in relation to this so called Expert Market "trading"/lack of filings...
👍️ 1
Menace212 Menace212 2 일 전
Lol below my average at 0022
bigtalan bigtalan 2 일 전
This is what I just recieved back from the questions I asked . Will see what they reply back in a day or so

They have acknowledged the questions you referred (see response below) and will respond hopefully today.

I will be happy to respond to the questions today/tomorrow. The questions are very legitimate and we acknowledge that the look is not good. While we have seen these questions before, the reactions to our responses are varied. We’ll respond as transparently and completely as we have always been and see if it takes us anywhere. Thank you for introducing this to us.

I’ll revert at the soonest.

Best Regards,


Paul Franklin – ECM & Equities Trading Manager
👍️ 1
0.002 is still very cheap.
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 2 일 전
Stickied your post meixatech

I have come a long way in understanding just what is going on in RSPI over the last few months. Years ago, I heavily invested in Cortex and lost big time! I understood the extraordinary potential of ampakines but I was obviously premature in investing. RSPI has taken the Cortex's ampakine pipeline and made many of the neurologically active molecules available to neurology-studying groups all over the world and reaped the benefits. This month I am blow away!!! There are so many paths now open with so many molecules it is absolutely ASTOUNDING that we are still sub penny! I have been investing in biotech for many years and have never seen anything like RSPI - not even close! IMO RSPI has to be worth billions. I think the best route for RSPI is partnering with a mega pharmaceutical and not selling their pipeline. It will be when RSPI announces a deal is when we will skyrocket.
ajd ajd 2 일 전
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with the wealth of information you explain for the laymen !! Would be GREAT to have one of THOSE that go to dollars !!!! GLTA RSPI
👍️ 1
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 2 일 전
Thanks for your insight on this subject


I have come a long way in understanding just what is going on in RSPI over the last few months. Years ago, I heavily invested in Cortex and lost big time! I understood the extraordinary potential of ampakines but I was obviously premature in investing. RSPI has taken the Cortex's ampakine pipeline and made many of the neurologically active molecules available to neurology-studying groups all over the world and reaped the benefits.

This month I am blow away!!! There are so many paths now open with so many molecules it is absolutely ASTOUNDING that we are still sub penny! I have been investing in biotech for many years and have never seen anything like RSPI - not even close! IMO RSPI has to be worth billions. I think the best route for RSPI is partnering with a mega pharmaceutical and not selling their pipeline. It will be when RSPI announces a deal is when we will skyrocket.
👍 4 💪 1
LTListener LTListener 2 일 전
It depends on how the ampakine platform is valued.

If there is interest by BP in acquiring now, it surely would not fetch as much money as it would if they completed this phase 2 SCI successfully and maybe another phase 2 for ADHD and maybe initiate trials or studies for various other orphan indications. Maybe they license out for specific medical indications too. Either way though this summarizing of all the past efforts related to ampakines appears prepatory for eventual sale or such. Logically these guys do not have the resources to go much beyond phase 2. Phase 3 and beyond requires more extensive financial, marketing plan, business end resources that is not in the wheel house of this team. Examine the lacking website and that is quite clear! They mention in their filings essentially upfront cash payment events as something they may be seeking out.

However, this is not a 1 trick pony and they need some level of financing to support KRM-ll-81 heading into clinical trials with grant funding and possibily multiple clinical trials being planned for 2025 would make sense. I think that candidate drug rises exponentially in value with any successful phase 1.

Feels like there needs to be an intermediate step here. Raise significant funding to support both of these platforms through an initial round of human clinicals. SCI, ADHD, Pain/Epilepsy. BP could get involved in establishing an equity stake in some initial funding possibly. Update the website with current info, grow your investor base, and build awareness to the possibilities of both these platforms that may yield additional partnerships that strengthen the pool of resources to add value to both the pipeline and the corporation. Current status is just wasting time in this regards.

The only benefit I see of this "Expert Market" is it boiled the shareholder base down to those who truly invested for the long haul. There are only crumbs of shares floating around and with 2025 setting up to be potentially a huge year for this pipeline, I only see this investor base strengthening as some "experts" absorb these crumbs at higher valuations as we approach clinical efforts.
👍️ 2
10K 0.002
10K 0.0004
👍️ 2