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US Dollar vs CNY (USDCNY)

United States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
정렬 기준:
 검색 관련기사 보기:FX:USDCNY
2024/09/2415:23RTTF2Chinese Yuan Rises To 16-month High As China Steps Up StimulusFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/09/2415:19RTTF2German Ifo Business Confidence At 8-Month LowFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/04/1110:59RTTF2European Economic News Preview: ECB Policy Decision DueFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/04/1110:45RTTF2Chinese Yuan Slides To 8-day Low Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/04/1110:30RTTF2Amended: Chinese Yuan Falls To 8-day Low Of 7.2631 Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/03/1513:41RTTF2Yen Slips To 2-day Low Of 109.86 Against Canadian DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/03/1513:40RTTF2Yen Drops To 2-day Low Of 168.31 Against Swiss FrancFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/03/1513:40RTTF2Yen Slides To 1-week Low Of 189.67 Against PoundFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/03/1513:40RTTF2Yen Falls To 1-week Low Of 162.03 Against EuroFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/03/1513:35RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To 8-day Low Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/03/1512:29RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To 8-day Low Of 7.1965 Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/03/0111:05RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To 2-day Low Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/03/0110:48RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To 2-day Low Of 7.1972 Vs. U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/01/2911:41RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To 6-day Low Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2024/01/1509:50RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To More Than 1-month Low Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/12/2209:39RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To 9-day Low Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/12/2209:25RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To 9-day Low Of 7.1508 Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/11/0808:35RTTF2Chinese Yuan Rises To Near 2-month High Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/11/0807:57RTTF2Chinese Yuan Rises To Near 2-month High Of 7.2658 Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/11/0310:44RTTF2Malaysian Ringgit Rises To More Than 2-week High Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/11/0310:39RTTF2Malaysian Ringgit Rises To More Than 2-week High Of 4.3760 Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/11/0310:35RTTF2Chinese Yuan Rises To 9-day High Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/11/0310:19RTTF2Chinese Yuan Rises To 9-day High Of 7.3114 Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/10/1610:01RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To Near 3-week Low Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/10/1609:39RTTF2Chinese Yuan Falls To Near 3-week Low Of 7.3098 Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/10/0909:47KR Market News하마스의 이스라엘 공격으로 안전자산인 달러, 엔 상승FX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/10/0908:52RTTF2Chinese Yuan Rises To Near 2-week High Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/10/0908:37RTTF2Chinese Yuan Rises To Near 2-week High Of 7.2940 Against U.S. DollarFX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/09/2611:11KR Market News미국 수익률 급등에 달러는 10개월 최고치; 엔 하락FX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
2023/09/1817:47KR Market News中 국내 물가가 바닥 친 후 위안화는 안정 – 국영 언론FX:USDCNYUnited States Dollar vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi
 검색 관련기사 보기:FX:USDCNY