Confidential | ☐ |
Filer CIK | 0001393662 |
Filer CCC | ******** |
Filer Investment Company Type | |
Is this a LIVE or TEST Filing? | ☐ LIVE ☐ TEST |
Would you like a Return Copy? | ☐ |
Is this an electronic copy of an official filing submitted in paper format? | ☐ |
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Notify via Filing Website only? | ☐ |
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Series ID |
Class (Contract) ID |
a. Name of Registrant | Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund |
b. Investment Company Act file number for Registrant: (e.g., 811-______) | 811-22043 |
c. CIK number of Registrant | 0001393662 |
d. LEI of Registrant | UJGJ6DJQ6L11ZHIVZG65 |
e. Address and telephone number of Registrant: |
i. Street Address 1 | 1555 Peachtree St. |
ii. Street Address 2 | N.E. |
iii. City | Atlanta |
iv. State, if applicable | |
v. Foreign country, if applicable | |
vi. Zip / Postal Code | 30309 |
vii. Telephone number | 800-959-4246 |
a. Name of Series. | Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund |
b. EDGAR series identifier (if any). | |
c. LEI of Series. | UJGJ6DJQ6L11ZHIVZG65 |
a. Date of fiscal year-end. | 2022-02-28 |
b. Date as of which information is reported. | 2021-08-31 |
a. Does the Fund anticipate that this will be its final filing on Form N PORT? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Report the following information for the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries. |
a. Total assets, including assets attributable to miscellaneous securities reported in Part D. | 1129430348.71 |
b. Total liabilities. | 262510849.06 |
c. Net assets. | 866919499.65 |
a. Assets attributable to miscellaneous securities reported in Part D. | 0.00000000 |
b. Assets invested in a Controlled Foreign Corporation for the purpose of investing in certain types of instruments such as, but not limited to, commodities. | 0.00000000 |
c. Borrowings attributable to amounts payable for notes payable, bonds, and similar debt, as reported pursuant to rule 6-04(13)(a) of Regulation S-X [17 CFR 210.6-04(13)(a)]. |
Amounts payable within one year. | |
Banks or other financial institutions for borrowings. | 216000000 |
Controlled companies. | 0.00000000 |
Other affiliates. | 0.00000000 |
Others. | 0.00000000 |
Amounts payable after one year. | |
Banks or other financial institutions for borrowings. | 0.00000000 |
Controlled companies. | 0.00000000 |
Other affiliates. | 0.00000000 |
Others. | 0.00000000 |
d. Payables for investments purchased either (i) on a delayed delivery, when-issued, or other firm commitment basis, or (ii) on a standby commitment basis. |
(i) On a delayed delivery, when-issued, or other firm commitment basis: | 138437451.35000000 |
(ii) On a standby commitment basis: | 0.00000000 |
e. Liquidation preference of outstanding preferred stock issued by the Fund. | 0.00000000 |
f. Cash and cash equivalents not reported in Parts C and D. | 20827064.87000000 |
If the average value of the Fund's debt securities positions for the previous three months, in the aggregate, exceeds 25% or more of the Fund's net asset value, provide: |
a. Interest Rate Risk (DV01). For each currency for which the Fund had a value of 1% or more of the Fund’s net asset value, provide the change in value of the portfolio resulting from a 1 basis point change in interest rates, for each of the following maturities: 3 month, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and 30 years. |
b. Interest Rate Risk (DV100). For each currency for which the Fund had a value of 1% or more of the Fund’s net asset value, provide the change in value of the portfolio resulting from a 100 basis point change in interest rates, for each of the following maturities: 3 month, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and 30 years. |
Currency Metric Record | ISO Currency code | 3 month | 1 year | 5 years | 10 years | 30 years |
#1 | Euro Member Countries | |||||
Interest Rate Risk (DV01) | ||||||
-30.31896980 | -4771.96270492 | -8045.61481384 | -2635.50602294 | -205.22224238 | ||
Interest Rate Risk (DV100) | ||||||
153274.89436947 | -356614.40579585 | -931689.68475760 | -237858.39380739 | -2592.34472844 | ||
#2 | United Kingdom Pound | |||||
Interest Rate Risk (DV01) | ||||||
-585.53196222 | -769.75481042 | -2975.98485777 | -45.33502589 | 0.00000000 | ||
Interest Rate Risk (DV100) | ||||||
-58322.31649133 | -112909.82579653 | -393901.63365750 | -7502.87516986 | 0.00000000 | ||
#3 | United States Dollar | |||||
Interest Rate Risk (DV01) | ||||||
-78.47546296 | -1949.59270450 | -5975.02888321 | -1126.90594262 | 27.11517652 | ||
Interest Rate Risk (DV100) | ||||||
-18934.91745488 | -318949.46076806 | -943890.23925056 | -158991.42419046 | -2249.25063078 |
c. Credit Spread Risk (SDV01, CR01 or CS01). Provide the change in value of the portfolio resulting from a 1 basis point change in credit spreads where the shift is applied to the option adjusted spread, aggregated by investment grade and non-investment grade exposures, for each of the following maturities: 3 month, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and 30 years. |
Credit Spread Risk | 3 month | 1 year | 5 years | 10 years | 30 years |
Investment grade | -1.81603477 | -239.77947875 | -260.71168579 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |
Non-Investment grade | -1959.91935658 | -5376.54860918 | -22697.38412702 | -7311.41408494 | 0.00000000 |
For purposes of Item B.3., calculate value as the sum of the absolute values of: (i) the value of each debt security, (ii) the notional value of each swap, including, but not limited to, total return swaps, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps, for which the underlying reference asset or assets are debt securities or an interest rate; (iii) the notional value of each futures contract for which the underlying reference asset or assets are debt securities or an interest rate; and (iv) the delta-adjusted notional value of any option for which the underlying reference asset is an asset described in clause (i),(ii), or (iii). Report zero for maturities to which the Fund has no exposure. For exposures that fall between any of the listed maturities in (a) and (b), use linear interpolation to approximate exposure to each maturity listed above. For exposures outside of the range of maturities listed above, include those exposures in the nearest maturity. |
a. For each borrower in any securities lending transaction, provide the following information: |
Borrower Information Record | Name of borrower | LEI (if any) of borrower | Aggregate value of all securities on loan to the borrower |
— | — | — | — |
b. Did any securities lending counterparty provide any non-cash collateral? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months. If the Fund is a Multiple Class Fund, report returns for each class. Such returns shall be calculated in accordance with the methodologies outlined in Item 26(b) (1) of Form N-1A, Instruction 13 to sub-Item 1 of Item 4 of Form N-2, or Item 26(b) (i) of Form N-3, as applicable. |
Monthly Total Return Record | Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months | Class identification number(s) (if any) of the Class(es) for which returns are reported | ||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | ||
#1 | 0.71073600 | 0.23096500 | 1.62938500 |
b. For each of the preceding three months, monthly net realized gain (loss) and net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) attributable to derivatives for each of the following categories: commodity contracts, credit contracts, equity contracts, foreign exchange contracts, interest rate contracts, and other contracts. Within each such asset category, further report the same information for each of the following types of derivatives instrument: forward, future, option, swaption, swap, warrant, and other. Report in U.S. dollars. Losses and depreciation shall be reported as negative numbers. |
Asset category | Instrument type | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | |||
Monthly net realized gain(loss) | Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) | Monthly net realized gain(loss) | Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) | Monthly net realized gain(loss) | Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) | ||
Commodity Contracts | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Forward | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Future | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Option | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swaption | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swap | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Warrant | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Other | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Credit Contracts | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Forward | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Future | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Option | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swaption | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swap | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Warrant | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Other | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Equity Contracts | 0.00000000 | -340256.55000000 | 0.00000000 | -50939.40000000 | 0.00000000 | 11132.86000000 | |
Forward | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Future | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Option | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swaption | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swap | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Warrant | 0.00000000 | -340256.55000000 | 0.00000000 | -50939.40000000 | 0.00000000 | 11132.86000000 | |
Other | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Foreign Exchange Contracts | -7589727.23 | 17546812.53000000 | -622953.40 | 496537.47000000 | 10584714.29 | -8393554.89000000 | |
Forward | -7589727.23 | 17546812.53000000 | -622953.40 | 496537.47000000 | 10584714.29 | -8393554.89000000 | |
Future | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Option | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swaption | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swap | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Warrant | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Other | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Interest Rate Contracts | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Forward | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Future | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Option | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swaption | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swap | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Warrant | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Other | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Other Contracts | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Forward | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Future | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Option | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swaption | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Swap | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Warrant | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | |
Other | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |
c. For each of the preceding three months, monthly net realized gain (loss) and net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) attributable to investment other than derivatives. Report in U.S. dollars. Losses and depreciation shall be reported as negative numbers. |
Month | Monthly net realized gain(loss) | Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) |
Month 1 | -8351295.34 | -936229.67 |
Month 2 | 2166579.70 | -4314001.62 |
Month 3 | 277979.92000000 | 4800067.01 |
a. Provide the aggregate dollar amounts for sales and redemptions/repurchases of Fund shares during each of the preceding three months. If shares of the Fund are held in omnibus accounts, for purposes of calculating the Fund's sales, redemptions, and repurchases, use net sales or redemptions/repurchases from such omnibus accounts. The amounts to be reported under this Item should be after any front-end sales load has been deducted and before any deferred or contingent deferred sales load or charge has been deducted. Shares sold shall include shares sold by the Fund to a registered unit investment trust. For mergers and other acquisitions, include in the value of shares sold any transaction in which the Fund acquired the assets of another investment company or of a personal holding company in exchange for its own shares. For liquidations, include in the value of shares redeemed any transaction in which the Fund liquidated all or part of its assets. Exchanges are defined as the redemption or repurchase of shares of one Fund or series and the investment of all or part of the proceeds in shares of another Fund or series in the same family of investment companies. |
Month | Total net asset value of shares sold (including exchanges but excluding reinvestment of dividends and distributions) | Total net asset value of shares sold in connection with reinvestments of dividends and distributions | Total net asset value of shares redeemed or repurchased, including exchanges |
Month 1 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |
Month 2 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |
Month 3 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |
a. If applicable, provide the Fund's current Highly Liquid Investment Minimum. |
b. If applicable, provide the number of days that the Fund's holdings in Highly Liquid Investments fell below the Fund's Highly Liquid Investment Minimum during the reporting period. |
c. Did the Fund's Highly Liquid Investment Minimum change during the reporting period? | ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A |
For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the percentage of the Fund's Highly Liquid Investments that it has pledged as margin or collateral in connection with derivatives transactions that are classified among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]: |
(1) Moderately Liquid Investments |
(2) Less Liquid Investments |
(3) Illiquid Investments |
For purposes of Item B.8, when computing the required percentage, the denominator should only include assets (and exclude liabilities) that are categorized by the Fund as Highly Liquid Investments. |
Classification |
If the Fund is excepted from the rule 18f-4 [17 CFR 270.18f-4] program requirement and limit on fund leverage risk under rule 18f-4(c)(4) [17 CFR 270.18f-4(c)(4)], provide the following information: |
a. Derivatives exposure (as defined in rule 18f-4(a) [17 CFR 270.18f-4(a)]), reported as a percentage of the Fund’s net asset value. |
b. Exposure from currency derivatives that hedge currency risks, as provided in rule 18f-4(c)(4)(i)(B) [17 CFR 270.18f-4(c)(4)(i)(B)], reported as a percentage of the Fund's net asset value. |
c. Exposure from interest rate derivatives that hedge interest rate risks, as provided in rule 18f-4(c)(4)(i)(B) [17 CFR 270.18f-4(c)(4)(i)(B)], reported as a percentage of the Fund's net asset value. |
d. The number of business days, if any, in excess of the five-business-day period described in rule 18f-4(c)(4)(ii) [17 CFR 270.18f-4(c)(4)(ii)], that the Fund’s derivatives exposure exceeded 10 percent of its net assets during the reporting period. |
For Funds subject to the limit on fund leverage risk described in rule 18f-4(c)(2) [17 CFR 270.18f-4(c)(2)], provide the following information, as determined in accordance with the requirement under rule 18f-4(c)(2)(ii) to determine the fund’s compliance with the applicable VaR test at least once each business day: |
a. Median daily VaR during the reporting period, reported as a percentage of the Fund's net asset value. |
b. For Funds that were subject to the Relative VaR Test during the reporting period, provide: | |
i. As applicable, the name of the Fund’s Designated Index, or a statement that the Fund's Designated Reference Portfolio is the Fund’s Securities Portfolio. |
ii. As applicable, the index identifier for the Fund’s Designated Index. |
iii. Median VaR Ratio during the reporting period, reported as a percentage of the VaRof the Fund's Designated Reference Portfolio. |
c. Backtesting Results. Number of exceptions that the Fund identified as a result of its backtesting of its VaR calculation model (as described in rule 18f-4(c)(1)(iv) [17 CFR 270.18f-4(c)(1)(iv)] during the reporting period. |
For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public. |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 1 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Safe Fleet Holdings LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZCMGQ2DH2RZB13 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Safe Fleet Holdings LLC, Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78638JAJ3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SAFFLE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 429303.07000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 427156.55000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.049272919823 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-02-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 2 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Tribune Resources, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300IFWJYQ79PVEU45 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Tribune Resources, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | 1012723D US |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 376237.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 348019.23000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.040144353673 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 3 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB067S |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -177394.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.02046266811 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | 2IGI19DL77OX0HC3ZE78 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 24572355.56000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 17743104.02000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United Kingdom Pound
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -177394.86000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 4 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Valeo Foods (Jersey) Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 635400BBDQLZDVQCGQ78 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Valeo Foods (Jersey) Ltd., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | VALEO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2812585.69000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 3866903.16000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.446051007222 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-08-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.31950000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 5 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | American Commercial Barge Line Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | American Commercial Barge Line Holding Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00085Q142 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2599854 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 175150.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 55646.56000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.006418884339 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 6 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Domus Vi |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 9695001URJB6VUATPK20 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Domus Vi, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DMVIFR |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 623970.49000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 740621.41000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.085431393606 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 7 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Commercial Barge Line Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Commercial Barge Line Co., Series B, Pfd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00085Q605 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2444277 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 42058.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1356370.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.156458644723 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 8 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BCA Marketplace |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800XQDK86MM9NB619 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BCA Marketplace, Second Lien Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CONSTE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2874628.97000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 4018877.15000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.463581353473 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.55060000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 9 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Vivarte S.A.S. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Vivarte S.A.S. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 931QTQ900 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | FR0000130411 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1181133.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 774713.26000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.089363921369 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 10 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HSKBBVWH4 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -6934.43000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00079989318 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 6285955.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 721720.29000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -6934.43000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 11 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBB4DF6 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 112323.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.012956609009 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Citibank, National Association | E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 66361442.07000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 78489725.58000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 112323.37000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 12 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Bosphorus CLO VI DAC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 6354003QOK8LLEWEMR90 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Bosphorus CLO VI DAC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BCC2QV2Z0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2300341091 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2000000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2293031.33000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.264503374410 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2034-05-25 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.80000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 13 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Solera, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300F7JH48O4IYRX29 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Solera, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 73108RAD0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US73108RAD08 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1396861.06000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 1930086.60000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.222637349924 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.30060000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 14 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Trivium Packaging Finance B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 724500GMZWW3PVYET548 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Trivium Packaging Finance B.V. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 89686QAA4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US89686QAA40 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1.05000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000121118 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 15 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | KPEX Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300MP1C774T4UWC83 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | KPEX Holdings, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 84763NAB6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US84763NAB64 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 249419.70000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 240409.41000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.027731457199 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 16 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hoffmaster Group, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493007J8Q5BFWUO1B64 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hoffmaster Group, Inc., Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 43455JAT5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US43455JAT51 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3755579.16000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3618763.41000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.417427847852 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-11-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 17 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Safe Fleet Holdings LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZCMGQ2DH2RZB13 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Safe Fleet Holdings LLC, First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78638JAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US78638JAB08 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2009602.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1993455.31000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.229946991710 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-02-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 18 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300M4F4V4WFPNI116 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 81753HAG6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US81753HAG65 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3216604.40000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3074092.74000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.354599561002 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-08-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 0.08500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 19 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ALTICE FINCO SA ALTICE 4 3/4 01/15/28 |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300IGQP5SEZB5Z419 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ALTICE FINCO SA ALTICE 4 3/4 01/15/28 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | AP4431460 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS1577952283 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2932000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3377311.96000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.389576190334 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-01-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 20 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Consolidated Communications, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300WW675Y48HDVX34 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Consolidated Communications, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 20903XAF0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US20903XAF06 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 486000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 532170.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.061386322514 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-10-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 21 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aruba Investments, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aruba Investments, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 04317JAF5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US04317JAF57 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1458812.24000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1474005.77000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.170027986519 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-11-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 22 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ethypharm |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 969500TP61Y08TU11N50 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ethypharm, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | ETHYPM |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2270249.72000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 3108971.02000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.358622804222 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-04-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.54830000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 23 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Optiv, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300VZRXJMEDMZX746 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Optiv, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 68404XAB2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US68404XAB29 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 6490047.26000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 6398505.14000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.738073736094 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-02-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 24 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Mavenir Systems, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Q70CXM8TJLTD42 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Mavenir Systems, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 57767EAE2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US57767EAE23 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2229281.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2232993.22000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.257577920545 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-13 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 25 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aristocrat Technologies, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300FMN7FEICZ8D332 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aristocrat Technologies, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 04044PAH7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US04044PAH73 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 514452.77000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 515867.52000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.059505815731 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-10-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 26 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Gray Television, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900TM5726KDN7UU35 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Gray Television, Inc., Term Loan C |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 389376AY0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US389376AY03 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 17421.11000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 17330.78000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001999122179 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-01-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.59575000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 27 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Highline Aftermarket Acquisition LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900Q5W6G5KG3GHJ04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Highline Aftermarket Acquisition LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 43110HAC3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US43110HAC34 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2751057.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2763670.68000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.318792077132 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 28 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HMKBB64N9 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -21646.03000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00249689042 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Royal Bank of Canada | ES7IP3U3RHIGC71XBU11 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 2297166.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 2693022.83000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -21646.03000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 29 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Babson Euro CLO B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300D83T2O13OUPP03 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Babson Euro CLO B.V., Series 2021-1A, Class E |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BCC2R9ZM1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2322245411 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1023000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1206686.53000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.139192454488 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2034-04-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.05000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 30 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Brazos Delaware II LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300V1BTYXZRGYUU04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Brazos Delaware II LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 10620UAB8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US10620UAB89 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3523308.33000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3437744.79000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.396547175532 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-05-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.08788000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 31 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hilding Anders AB |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930054I2B3F0CNE428 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hilding Anders AB, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | HILAND |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 8978788.40000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 8900452.38000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.026675762120 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-11-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 32 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Lealand Finance Co. B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Lealand Finance Co. B.V. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N5200EAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAN5200EAB73 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 912937.54000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 413866.54000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.047739904358 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 1.08463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 33 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Southcross Energy Partners L.P. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300WNMFRZ945UFD66 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Southcross Energy Partners L.P. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SXE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 78225.40000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 76660.89000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008842907563 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 34 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Paragon Offshore Finance Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Paragon Offshore Finance Co., Class A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1454445 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2560.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 35 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Invictus US NewCo LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Invictus US NewCo LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 46184JAD1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US46184JAD19 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1136764.78000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1136946.66000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.131147893254 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-03-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.83463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 36 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Truck Hero, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930007KT5CX7XNSD31 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Truck Hero, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 89778PAG2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US89778PAG28 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 778610.78000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 776664.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.089588969946 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-01-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 37 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | NewStar Berkeley Fund CLO LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Y3CQMD8CSX2520 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | NewStar Berkeley Fund CLO LLC, Series 2016-1A, Class DR |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 65251XAU0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US65251XAU00 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1694000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1686280.44000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.194514074338 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-10-25 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.87525000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 38 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Generation Bridge LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 25490066N7XDZZBNGZ02 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Generation Bridge LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | GEBRID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1403958.24000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1386408.76000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.159923586972 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-09-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 39 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Neuraxpharm |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Neuraxpharm, Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | INVFAR |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 501016.02000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 593979.65000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.068516125227 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 40 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Haya Finance 2017 S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 959800DZPPAB9N57RN35 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Haya Finance 2017 S.A. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | AP9520101 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS1716821936 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4086000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 4157842.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.479611119795 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-11-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.12500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 41 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB7NS5 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 491464.60000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.056690915384 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | State Street Bank and Trust Company | 571474TGEMMWANRLN572 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 81051200.93000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 69041442.08000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Euro Member Countries
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 491464.60000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 42 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | E.W. Scripps Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300U1OW41QPKYW028 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | E.W. Scripps Co., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 26928BAM1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US26928BAM19 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 70096.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 70106.31000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008086830441 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 43 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Skillsoft Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800VSQFUE8K7NQK89 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Skillsoft Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 83066YAB8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US83066YAB83 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1824178.81000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1834448.94000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.211605453648 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 44 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CVC Cordatus Loan Fund XIV DAC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 635400UH3DTSYN3K2540 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CVC Cordatus Loan Fund XIV DAC, Series 14X, Class E |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BCC2J3U48 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS1964661422 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2225000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2640565.72000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.304591801322 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2032-05-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.90000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 45 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Arctic Glacier U.S.A., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300U4GC326QGP7Z68 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Arctic Glacier U.S.A., Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 03970JAD0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US03970JAD00 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 516929.93000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 494128.15000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.056998158444 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-03-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 46 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | New VAC US LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UJYMVEWJOVTC36 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | New VAC US LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 64911CAB3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US64911CAB37 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 653909.63000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 611405.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.070526213823 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-03-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 47 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Royal Caribbean Cruises |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | K2NEH8QNVW44JIWK7Z55 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Royal Caribbean Cruises, Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | RCL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1213046.77000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1125100.88000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.129781471111 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-04-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 1.80050000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 48 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | VC GB Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | VC GB Holdings, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3645902 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | GENBRD |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 565517.75000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 570466.03000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.065803806493 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-07-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 49 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBB1BWD |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 142849.64000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.016477843681 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC | I7331LVCZKQKX5T7XV54 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 66361442.08000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 78520251.86000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 142849.64000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 50 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300RUJYUKK5VULA96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corp., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 67611YAF2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US67611YAF25 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1147844.23000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1134575.15000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.130874337289 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-10-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 51 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Camelot Finance LP |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300U6VBJHQP2SFL81 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Camelot Finance LP, Incremental Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L2000AAD2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CCC |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 70096.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 70206.55000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008098393222 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 52 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | E2Open LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300WF2BZODU55DR56 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | E2Open LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 26826YAB8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US26826YAB83 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 37670.91000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 37612.14000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.004338596607 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 53 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kantar |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 984500NRF59D5DB9B654 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kantar, Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | KANGRP |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2500000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2479112.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.285968016753 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-06-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.60290000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 54 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Parques Reunidos |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Parques Reunidos, Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | PQRSM |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1441920.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1626171.51000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.187580451317 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-09-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 55 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Edelman Financial Center, LLC (The) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Z31KZXNP05U733 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Edelman Financial Center, LLC (The), Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 27943TAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US27943TAB52 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 207312.21000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 208624.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.024065037190 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-07-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.83463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 56 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Fieldwood Energy LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300KTQCELOBO6BF21 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Fieldwood Energy LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 31659HAN1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US31659HAN17 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4939016.22000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 551515.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.063617815751 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-04-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 57 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Mesa Airlines, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Mesa Airlines, Inc., Class B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 59048*AA8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623416 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Cadis_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1245029.14000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1392316.09000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.160605003182 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-07-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 58 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | IWH UK Midco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800195YCWGVO6OG02 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | IWH UK Midco Ltd., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G4700UAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | IWHMID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 7483499.75000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 8844981.93000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.020277192238 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 59 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Duran Group |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900OS9JBJ7YK5OX04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Duran Group, Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DURGRO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3423237.11000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3406120.92000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.392899331642 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-03-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 60 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZO77UNR6NRBR11 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00164DAQ6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00164DAQ60 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 603161.91000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 540080.22000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.062298774017 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.08925000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 61 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Great Canadian Gaming Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300T1YPGZ35J6JU13 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Great Canadian Gaming Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3639129 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | GCCN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 368058.37000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 369116.54000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.042577948719 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-11-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 62 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB076Z |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -171952.73000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.01983491316 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | The Toronto-Dominion Bank | PT3QB789TSUIDF371261 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 24107241.59000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 17408772.46000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United Kingdom Pound
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -171952.73000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 63 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Mav Acquisition Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Mav Acquisition Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 57767XAA8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US57767XAA81 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3536000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3527513.60000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.406902094303 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 64 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hyland Software, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hyland Software, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 44908XAV0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US44908XAV01 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 372419.52000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 377229.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.043513765713 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-07-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 65 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ensono, LP |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493002CCPGG18ED0Y68 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ensono, LP, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 29359DAB3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US29359DAB38 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 26124.16000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 26202.53000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.003022487094 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 66 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | USF S&H Holdco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | USF S&H Holdco LLC, Term Loan A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2597262 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1667130.60000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1667130.60000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.192305121833 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 15.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 67 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | MTN Infrastructure TopCo, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930040E6IYPRA4GM07 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | MTN Infrastructure TopCo, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 55377KAD6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US55377KAD63 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 306529.74000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 306836.27000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.035393859536 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-11-17 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 68 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ascend Learning LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300T466HKRLVCD610 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ascend Learning LLC, Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 02083JAD6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US02083JAD63 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 458091.59000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 459381.12000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.052990055038 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-07-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 69 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HAKBB5MG7 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 22675.80000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.002615675389 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 3000000.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 3565881.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 22675.80000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 70 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Finastra USA, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZB2RO6QC7YTK71 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Finastra USA, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 02034DAC1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US02034DAC11 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 742051.57000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 734122.75000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.084681766911 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-13 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 71 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | USF S&H Holdco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | USF S&H Holdco LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2625757 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 11046072.18000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 11046072.18000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.274175074439 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 72 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HNKBBWGV1 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 16914.65000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001951121183 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association | 7H6GLXDRUGQFU57RNE97 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 1852750.80000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 1582120.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Euro Member Countries
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 16914.65000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 73 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | APCOA Parking Holdings GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900H8FIYAOV5FUW68 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | APCOA Parking Holdings GmbH |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BQ4821774 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2366276835 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1040000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1249801.69000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.144165829757 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-01-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.62500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 74 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | IRIS Bidco GMBH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | IRIS Bidco GMBH, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | RODEGR |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2600469.64000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3079456.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.355218247050 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-25 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 75 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Peraton Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300EQPCK07ZW63836 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Peraton Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 71360HAB3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US71360HAB33 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 11342.10000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 11360.98000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001310499995 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 76 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Cimpress USA Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300IW5HMWD8APDH34 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Cimpress USA Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N2014AAE2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAN2014AAE28 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 70096.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 70155.03000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008092450340 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-04-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 77 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Thyssenkrupp Elevators |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300C2AFWPAYWS5574 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Thyssenkrupp Elevators, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | D9000BAD4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAD9000BAD47 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 304274.38000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 304507.15000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.035125193299 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-07-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 78 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | INDIGOCYAN Midco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800FQZTI1W79G8Q70 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | INDIGOCYAN Midco Ltd., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G4763LAB1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | INDICY |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 7860048.98000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 10590261.66000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.221596891554 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-23 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.81838000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 79 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Travelodge Hotels Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300DUQXE7VXG8YA50 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Travelodge Hotels Ltd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | AZ3223478 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2021486035 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4783000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 6288343.76000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.725366514715 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-07-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.45313000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 80 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Holding Socotec |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 969500TSHWNDZONA3M83 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Holding Socotec, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3615939 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SOCOTC |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 714862.31000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 715312.67000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.082512006050 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.39725000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 81 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZO77UNR6NRBR11 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00165CAN4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00165CAN48 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 703000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 754846.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.087072242613 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-04-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 10.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 82 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Pretium Packaging |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Pretium Packaging, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 74142KAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US74142KAB52 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 739515.46000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 740672.80000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.085437321492 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-14 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 83 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BCA Marketplace |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800XQDK86MM9NB619 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BCA Marketplace, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CONSTE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1054323.25000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 1450261.24000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.167289032094 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.80060000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 84 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Generation Bridge LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 25490066N7XDZZBNGZ02 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Generation Bridge LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | GEBRID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 29249.13000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 28883.52000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.003331741875 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-09-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 85 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Tackle Group S.a.r.l. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 222100DLH8KKOD63ZQ23 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Tackle Group S.a.r.l., Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | TACKLE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 740826.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 867750.29000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.100095832467 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-06-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 1.35000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 86 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | GEO Group, Inc. (The) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493003VOR6NTY465495 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | GEO Group, Inc. (The), Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 37252KAP7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US37252KAP75 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 108602.43000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 101719.75000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.011733471220 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-03-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 87 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Tempo Acquisition LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300VV0B2RPMHQGA61 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Tempo Acquisition LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | TEACLL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 582724.95000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 583453.36000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.067301907528 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 88 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 8XJ8KF85PBKK1TLMFN29 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L5137LAG0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL5137LAG04 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1176717.98000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1201723.24000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.138619934202 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2049-12-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 89 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Financiere CEP |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 894500A6RAFIQQXBIM15 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Financiere CEP, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | F4810PAD2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CIEDPR |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 345527.20000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 410072.31000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.047302236270 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-06-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 90 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | B&B Hotels SAS |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 969500OUD0VB2606MD53 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | B&B Hotels SAS, Term Loan B-3-A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | BBHOTL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5821444.91000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 6580580.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.759076283629 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-07-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.87500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 91 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Nidda Healthcare Holding AG |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Q89C4WAO6L0L19 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Nidda Healthcare Holding AG, Term Loan F |
d. CUSIP (if any). | D6001BAJ6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SAZGR |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1185252.62000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 1629829.90000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.188002450130 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.56850000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 92 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Proampac PG Borrower LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZI6LTXYFEY1578 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Proampac PG Borrower LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 74274NAG8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US74274NAG88 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1343390.13000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1345076.08000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.155155822489 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-11-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 93 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GLKBB97L8 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 1786.65000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000206091799 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC | I7331LVCZKQKX5T7XV54 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 313242.74000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 2718251.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 1786.65000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 94 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ION Trading Technologies S.a.r.l. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ION Trading Technologies S.a.r.l., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L5582BAV9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL5582BAV98 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1769041.37000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1772694.44000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.204482012541 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.91663000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 95 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Nemera (Financiere N BidCo) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300V74Q1K63NRJA81 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Nemera (Financiere N BidCo), Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | NEMERA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1086044.26000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1282347.26000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.147919992631 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-01-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 96 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Royal Caribbean Cruises |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | K2NEH8QNVW44JIWK7Z55 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Royal Caribbean Cruises, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78015EAM0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XA78015EAM05 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1136408.46000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1100418.40000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.126934323249 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-04-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 1.48790000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 97 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | MoneyGram International, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5299002DLX0Q04KC4156 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | MoneyGram International, Inc., First Lien Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 60935QAP1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US60935QAP19 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1149252.65000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1151551.16000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.132832536407 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-07-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 98 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hurtigruten |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800EVBYLGF87O9I05 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hurtigruten, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | R7809EAB4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | HRGNO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2369737.72000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2598930.35000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.299789121256 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-02-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 99 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Riverbed Technology, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | XWT9B0BASIY6FJ5R7M02 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Riverbed Technology, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 76857MAK1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US76857MAK18 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 6495634.82000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5816646.11000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.670955736068 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-12-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 100 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB22HW |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -7354.87000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00084839134 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 1412516.08000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 1661881.67000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -7354.87000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 101 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Barracuda Networks, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300CXGRZWNMPU8080 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Barracuda Networks, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 06832EAG5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US06832EAG52 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 199656.53000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 203088.63000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.023426469249 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-10-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 102 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Constant Contact |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Constant Contact, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 21031HAE1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US21031HAE18 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1513453.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1498318.55000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.172832489130 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-02-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 103 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hilding Anders AB |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hilding Anders AB, PIK Term Loan, 12.00% PIK Rate |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623393 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5440128.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 64234.34000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.007409493041 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 12.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 104 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 18452RAD7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US18452RAD70 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 6172653.77000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 6037626.97000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.696446091296 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.58440000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 105 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB068K |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 176027.20000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.020304907211 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | The Toronto-Dominion Bank | PT3QB789TSUIDF371261 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 17806617.74000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 24659932.62000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 176027.20000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 106 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Tegra118 Wealth Solutions, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Tegra118 Wealth Solutions, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 33774UAC2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US33774UAC27 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 836240.44000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 837156.12000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.096566765465 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-02-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.12450000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 107 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | NielsenIQ, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZVCBHQE0XHG367 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | NielsenIQ, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45674PAD6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45674PAD69 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2428190.92000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2880663.20000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.332287277095 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-06 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 108 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBB4H2K |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -86118.89000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00993389698 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 11085304.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 8000000.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United Kingdom Pound
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -86118.89000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 109 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | KPEX Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300MP1C774T4UWC83 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | KPEX Holdings, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 84763NAF7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US84763NAF78 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 229692.70000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 211699.72000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.024419766781 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 110 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BASF Construction Chemicals |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900TIPQ0RBM2WVJ30 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BASF Construction Chemicals, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3571058 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | BACOSO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 646332.31000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 646872.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.074617308788 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-09-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 111 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Peraton Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300EQPCK07ZW63836 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Peraton Corp., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 71360HAG2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US71360HAG20 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2043751.51000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2064189.03000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.238106194500 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-02-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 112 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Weber-Stephen Products LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300XU8TJBBGLK8V26 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Weber-Stephen Products LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 94767KAN1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US94767KAN19 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 57692.17000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 57794.29000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.006666627065 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 113 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | NAS LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | NAS LLC, Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2624774 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 919515.79000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 924113.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.106597368080 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 0.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 114 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Women's Care Holdings, Inc., LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Women's Care Holdings, Inc., LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 97815UAE4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US97815UAE47 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 431237.05000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 431776.10000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.049805789369 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-01-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 115 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ICP Group Holdings, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900UFA4AMH3PZZW32 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ICP Group Holdings, LLC, First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12656UAB1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12656UAB17 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1695960.24000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1695604.09000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.195589566353 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-01-14 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 116 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | American Rock Salt Co. LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300FBKBNV4GSVVR46 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | American Rock Salt Co. LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 02932JAP2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US02932JAP21 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1102201.91000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1107712.92000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.127775753163 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-25 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 117 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kirk Beauty One GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kirk Beauty One GmbH, Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2809719 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 308931.76000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 362796.08000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.041848877565 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 118 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 18453H106 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US18453H1068 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 466987.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1228175.81000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.141671263652 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 119 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Acrisure, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300R0Z1Q47XRTGO22 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Acrisure, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00488PAL9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00488PAL94 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2266638.90000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2238668.58000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.258232578792 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.60700000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 120 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Herens Midco Sarl |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 222100BJH5XPZD1JHF79 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Herens Midco Sarl |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BP2693748 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2340137426 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3345000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3808905.43000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.439360913157 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-05-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 121 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Project Accelerate Parent LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Project Accelerate Parent LLC, First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 74339RAC1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US74339RAC16 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2106238.96000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2072012.58000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.239008648535 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-01-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 122 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Douglas GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5299009RL189JFHRYU70 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Douglas GmbH |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2326498289 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5244000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 6271327.88000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.723403716554 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 123 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB41RQ |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -473274.14000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.05459262828 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 69041442.08000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 81116237.97000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -473274.14000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 124 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Lonza Solutions |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2221002FZ55AMAUX4G64 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Lonza Solutions, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | LNZING |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3005529.48000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3559870.26000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.410634466226 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 125 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | IAP Worldwide Services, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 44928PAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623399 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1444403.17000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1444403.17000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.166613298072 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-07-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 0.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 126 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Alliant Holdings Intermediate LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493006Q26653NF8SI73 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Alliant Holdings Intermediate LLC, Term Loan B-3 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 01881UAH8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US01881UAH86 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2875344.64000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2880922.81000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.332317223359 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 127 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crown Finance US, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crown Finance US, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 22834KAH4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US22834KAH41 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 562995.65000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 694930.87000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.080160945771 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-05-23 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 128 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ThermaSys Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ThermaSys Corp., Series A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1990185 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 208860.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 6265.80000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000722766070 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☒ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 129 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Daseke Cos., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300CUSFIOX5Q3VA53 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Daseke Cos., Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 23752RAJ1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US23752RAJ14 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 507624.95000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 508789.95000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.058689411208 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-09 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 130 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crossmark Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crossmark Holdings, Inc., Wts., expiring July 26, 2024 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2170074 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5101.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 981942.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.113268013973 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 131 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB7NQ0 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -490603.54000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.05659159128 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | State Street Bank and Trust Company | 571474TGEMMWANRLN572 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 69041442.08000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 81098908.57000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -490603.54000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 132 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Reedy Industries, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Reedy Industries, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | RDYIND |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 196944.49000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 197436.85000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.022774530977 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 133 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Winter Park Intermediate, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Winter Park Intermediate, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 96289EAG4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US96289EAG44 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2863630.77000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2869358.03000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.330983214838 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-11-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 134 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | AI PLEX AcquiCo GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900TDB6090VCVJG31 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | AI PLEX AcquiCo GmbH, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | D8354KAE6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAD8354KAE64 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1702472.86000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2020246.59000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.233037391685 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-07-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 135 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Micro Holding, L.P. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Micro Holding, L.P., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45567YAL9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45567YAL92 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2137581.51000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2143310.23000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.247232901193 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-09-13 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 136 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kantar |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 984500NRF59D5DB9B654 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kantar, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | KANGRP |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5421057.83000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 6432921.12000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.742043652564 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-12-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 137 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Telesat LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Telesat LLC, Term Loan B-5 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 87951YAU5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XA87951YAU57 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4182462.74000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3884985.08000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.448136774125 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-12-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.86000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 138 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | UnitedLex Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900IJ4XQXC5YWDN28 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | UnitedLex Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 88830YAC0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | TITINV |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 954009.14000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 958779.19000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.110596103835 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-03-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.88488000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 139 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Atlas CC Acquisition Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 6HHLXIOGCDNZ4IRAIW26 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Atlas CC Acquisition Corp., Term Loan C |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 04921TAC8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US04921TAC80 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 228876.99000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 229910.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.026520382814 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 140 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | EG Finco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2138003OUK4UQHRJLT65 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | EG Finco Ltd., Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G2903JAC9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | OPTFIN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1176462.31000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1379558.29000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.159133378653 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-02-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 141 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Neustar, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Neustar, Inc., Term Loan B-5 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 64127UAY3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US64127UAY38 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 982133.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 965250.97000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.111342629896 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-08-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 142 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Tribune Resources, Inc., Wts., expiring April 3, 2023 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 933WMF906 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1627756 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 97410.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2435.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000280908435 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Tribune Resources LLC | 549300IFWJYQ79PVEU45 |
ii. Type, selected from among the following (put, call). Respond call for warrants. | ☐ Put ☒ Call |
iii. Payoff profile, selected from among the following (written, purchased). Respond purchased for warrants. | ☐ Written ☒ Purchased |
3. The reference instrument is neither a derivative or an index (28) |
Name of issuer. | Tribune Resources LLC |
Title of issue. | Tribune Resources, Inc. |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available). | 1012723D US |
iv. Number of shares or principal amount of underlying reference instrument per contract. |
Number of shares. | 1.00000000 |
v. Exercise price or rate. | 0.01000000 |
vi. Exercise Price Currency Code |
United States Dollar
vii. Expiration date. | 2023-04-03 |
viii. Delta. | XXXX |
ix. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -5628.35000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 143 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BCPE Max Dutch Bidco BV |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300QHIYIRIMCM2345 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BCPE Max Dutch Bidco BV, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N0914PAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DSPPHA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1327980.64000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1566908.30000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.180744382913 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 144 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kirk Beauty SUN GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 9845005056B369360745 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kirk Beauty SUN GmbH |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2326508186 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 962000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1127424.17000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.130049464852 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 145 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Dedalus Finance GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 391200XH4I9QLL23DB49 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Dedalus Finance GmbH |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3638667 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DEDFIN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1549454.14000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1830945.71000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.211201352690 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-05-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 146 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Waterlogic USA Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Waterlogic USA Holdings, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 94155XAC7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US94155XAC74 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1314537.74000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1314544.31000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.151633953386 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 147 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Domtar Personal Care |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Domtar Personal Care, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 48114NAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US48114NAB73 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1570947.10000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1576846.01000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.181890707342 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 148 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Petroleum GEO-Services ASA |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800T66DRTE6O6BV87 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Petroleum GEO-Services ASA, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 71659MAH9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US71659MAH97 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 7509265.91000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 6886635.13000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.794380001001 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-03-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.64725000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 149 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CNT Holdings I Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CNT Holdings I Corp., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12656AAE9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12656AAE91 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 711746.97000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 725537.07000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.083691400446 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-10-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 150 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Thyssenkrupp Elevators |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900K869UN2ZWVB351 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Thyssenkrupp Elevators |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BK2987398 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2199597886 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1187000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1420773.07000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.163887543257 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-07-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 151 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Fort Dearborn Holding Co., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493002ILC473KY69M10 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Fort Dearborn Holding Co., Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 34721HAE9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US34721HAE99 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 230733.70000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 231310.53000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.026681892620 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-10-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 152 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | NAC Aviation 8 Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | NAC Aviation 8 Ltd., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623472 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3245566.12000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2534787.14000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.292390140148 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2021-12-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.58600000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 153 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Global Medical Response, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZFWD4ZFCEJCQ87 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Global Medical Response, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00169QAF6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00169QAF63 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2693089.62000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2707955.47000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.312365273949 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 154 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Paragon Offshore Finance Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Paragon Offshore Finance Co., Class B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1454446 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1280.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 9996.80000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001153140516 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 155 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Transocean Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900QO4W5DQGBGEF32 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Transocean Ltd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | H8817H100 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | CH0048265513 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 232965.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 829355.40000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.095666944893 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 156 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Dynasty Acquisition Co., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300WM2IKMXZ5LGL49 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Dynasty Acquisition Co., Inc., Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 26812CAF3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US26812CAF32 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1840389.43000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1796965.44000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.207281695788 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.64725000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 157 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crown Finance US, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crown Finance US, Inc., Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 22834KAJ0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US22834KAJ07 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 375522.91000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 403687.13000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.046565699602 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-05-23 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 158 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Herens Holdco Sarl |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2221002FZ55AMAUX4G64 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Herens Holdco Sarl |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 427169AA5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US427169AA59 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 577000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 579786.91000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.066878978986 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 159 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Merlin Entertainments PLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Merlin Entertainments PLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L6526BAD6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | MERLLN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 349724.98000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 335954.56000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.038752682358 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-11-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.39725000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 160 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aqua Drill International LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aqua Drill International LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | Y0271K100 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2914979 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 94427.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3071238.18000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.354270284754 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 161 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Monitronics International, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | SCAKOG18M6QWWML8YF46 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Monitronics International, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | MONINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5859166.06000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5901879.38000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.680787475928 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-08-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 162 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Corialis Group, Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Corialis Group, Ltd., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CORGRP |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 677494.13000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 933446.21000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.107673920171 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.55050000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 163 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Imperva, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300204GJIBLPF1S81 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Imperva, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45321NAB2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45321NAB29 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1614552.33000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1619936.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.186861278429 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-01-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 164 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Revere Power LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930012KEYV3CY10P78 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Revere Power LLC, Term Loan C |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 76148CAD8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US76148CAD83 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 80697.44000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 76007.30000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008767515326 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-03-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.33463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 165 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Infinite Electronics |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Infinite Electronics, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45674KAF2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45674KAF21 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 552278.66000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 557801.45000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.064342934981 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-03-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 166 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Xella |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900O6UUYRRZZ5I689 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Xella, Term Loan B-4 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | XELLA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2979206.24000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3522096.27000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.406277200065 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 167 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CSC Holdings, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 3HG2WD2W22M120IUNG49 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CSC Holdings, LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 64072UAE2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US64072UAE29 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3068.51000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3030.97000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000349625311 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-07-17 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.34513000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 168 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GOKBBZ24C |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -1919.53000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00022141963 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association | 7H6GLXDRUGQFU57RNE97 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 4077376.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 470624.50000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -1919.53000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 169 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Newday Bondco PLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800J8EWKKXHTQC490 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Newday Bondco PLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | AM1725374 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS1554448867 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 10895000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 15271726.74000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.761608401491 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-02-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.37500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 170 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Adtalem Global Education Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Z467EZLMODV621 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Adtalem Global Education Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3448190 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | ATGE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1783048.93000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1787952.31000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.206242022554 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 171 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBB40XT |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 16447.34000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001897216524 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 65370972.80000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 77224037.59000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 16447.34000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 172 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Nobina Europe AB |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300MBXCR8ZQJIFP95 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Nobina Europe AB |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | SE0007185418 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3432135.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Sweden Krona
e. Value. (4) | 31482296.30000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 8.62945000 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 3.631513227319 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 173 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HUKBBZ18D |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -504.74000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00005822224 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Bank of America, National Association | B4TYDEB6GKMZO031MB27 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 354985.51000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 3058033.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -504.74000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 174 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Engineered Machinery Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493008AR0NPSLW8EW07 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Engineered Machinery Holdings, Inc., First Lien Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 26658NAH2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US26658NAH26 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 94981.95000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 95278.77000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.010990497968 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-07-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 175 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HRKBB0PJS |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -2115.16000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00024398574 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association | 7H6GLXDRUGQFU57RNE97 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 943633.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 1295369.94000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -2115.16000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 176 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kirk Beauty One GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kirk Beauty One GmbH, Term Loan B-3 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2809720 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 406313.38000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 477156.84000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.055040501475 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 177 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Vistra Operations Co. LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZH5GKBTJZ7NM23 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Vistra Operations Co. LLC, Rts. expiring 12/31/2046 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 92840M110 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623440 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 422054.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 555634.09000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.064092927915 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 178 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Invictus Media S.L.U. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UHNTWQ62CHRT96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Invictus Media S.L.U., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | IMAMED |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3196484.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2433221.85000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.280674486037 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-12-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 179 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Mayfair Mall LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300HU605JTRKFFI65 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Mayfair Mall LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | LLMAYC |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1257894.80000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1108519.79000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.127868826395 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-04-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.25 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 180 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HTKBBW4WC |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -845.59000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00009753962 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 3058033.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 353635.18000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -845.59000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 181 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Constant Contact |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Constant Contact, Delayed Draw Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 21031HAF8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US21031HAF82 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 761595.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 759215.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.087576281339 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 182 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HAKBCC25F |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 2334.46000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000269282211 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 4756939.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 553635.86000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 2334.46000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 183 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Sabre GLBL, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | F2TJC7HPPHLHU1AQMP98 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Sabre GLBL, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78571YBG4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US78571YBG44 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 664909.36000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 661584.81000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.076314445605 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-17 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 184 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | RealPage, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493001RSFZX4122A604 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | RealPage, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 75605VAD4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US75605VAD47 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 723719.50000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 720419.34000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.083101065357 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 185 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Lake at Las Vegas Joint Venture LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Lake at Las Vegas Joint Venture LLC, Class B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623358 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 27.78000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 186 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 8XJ8KF85PBKK1TLMFN29 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A., Term Loan B-5 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L5137LAH8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL5137LAH86 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2181276.68000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2226603.61000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.256840872872 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-01-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.62500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 187 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Solera, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300F7JH48O4IYRX29 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Solera, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 73108RAC2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US73108RAC25 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3563885.09000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 4222534.68000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.487073445885 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 188 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Checkout Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493000F1R60SFVQY311 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Checkout Holding Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2017139 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 8573.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 27148.12000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.003131561812 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 189 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, First Lien Term Loan B-5 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 371707.92000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 437797.06000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.050500312909 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 190 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Sandvine Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Sandvine Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SVCCN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 321685.40000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 318468.55000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.036735654248 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-11-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.08463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 191 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | iHeartMedia, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | iHeartMedia, Inc., Class B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45174J608 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45174J6082 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 42.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1008.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000116273771 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☒ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 192 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | NexTier Oilfield Solutions, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900L27H2D4QT0IT24 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | NexTier Oilfield Solutions, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 65290C105 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US65290C1053 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 46442.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 167191.20000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.019285666093 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 193 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | RJO Holdings Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300YNQA38HHOO8322 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | RJO Holdings Corp., Class B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623370 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3333.33000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 33.33000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000003844647 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 194 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Safe Fleet Holdings LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZCMGQ2DH2RZB13 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Safe Fleet Holdings LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78638JAG9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US78638JAG94 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 297396.82000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 292489.77000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.033738976931 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-02-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 195 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Global Medical Response, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZFWD4ZFCEJCQ87 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Global Medical Response, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 37960BAA3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US37960BAA35 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 531000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 548257.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.063242031148 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 196 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Alliance Laundry Systems LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300YBOGK6MBI5ND34 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Alliance Laundry Systems LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 01862LAW8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US01862LAW81 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 31287.36000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 31342.74000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.003615415273 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-09-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 197 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Invictus Media S.L.U. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UHNTWQ62CHRT96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Invictus Media S.L.U., Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | IMAMED |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1602955.73000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1823285.75000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.210317768920 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 198 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | RJO Holdings Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300YNQA38HHOO8322 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | RJO Holdings Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623367 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2144.06000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2144.06000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000247319387 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 199 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Renaissance Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UKKEC0Y6TXNF09 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Renaissance Holding Corp., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 75972JAE4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US75972JAE47 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 632365.39000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 635397.58000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.073293723379 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-05-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.11960000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 200 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 8XJ8KF85PBKK1TLMFN29 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A., DIP Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L5137LAK1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL5137LAK16 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1456668.31000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1469865.72000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.169550427760 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2021-07-13 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 201 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Maverick Bidco, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Maverick Bidco, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 57767KAC2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | MITTEH |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 851350.17000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 851563.01000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.098228614115 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 202 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Avaya, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | J6LB5QIFSP2MFEFG4U76 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Avaya, Inc., Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 05349UBD3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | AVYA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 487499.88000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 488379.82000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.056335083037 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.09550000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 203 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ThermaSys Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ThermaSys Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00189AAC4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00189AAC45 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 119.46000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 89.89000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000010368898 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☒ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-10-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.18780000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 204 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Advantage Sales & Marketing, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300T4O24KQDED1182 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Advantage Sales & Marketing, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00775PAA5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00775PAA57 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 877000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 917561.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.105841574721 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-11-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 205 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Anastasia Parent LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Anastasia Parent LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 03275UAB1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US03275UAB17 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 557060.21000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 463752.62000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.053494311777 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-08-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.89725000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 206 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Diamond Sports Holdings, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493002K6DHWNZH8YA34 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Diamond Sports Holdings, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 25277BAB4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US25277BAB45 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4031972.09000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2540142.42000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.293007876858 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.34000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 207 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Transdigm Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 88Q84GB3X55CF5OC7582 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Transdigm Inc., Term Loan E |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 89364MBQ6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US89364MBQ69 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 111081.57000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 109463.67000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.012626739858 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-05-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.33463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 208 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Waystar |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300BIRBTAWWHCSZ09 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Waystar, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 63939WAG8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US63939WAG87 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 404925.55000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 404674.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.046679593683 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-23 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.09200000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 209 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | US FT Holdco, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | US FT Holdco, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 91204HAB1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2737504 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1186581.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1216245.61000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.140295103581 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 210 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Form Technologies LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | X7KHAIMGSSPZ1XIJIL51 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Form Technologies LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 34634FAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DYNCST |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2597468.21000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2599091.63000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.299807725059 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-07-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 211 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HLKBB23FN |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 5013.87000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000578354737 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 408547.01000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 3567705.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 5013.87000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 212 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ImageFirst |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ImageFirst, Delayed Draw Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45249TAK8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45249TAK88 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 170718.33000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 170718.33000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.019692523938 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-04-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 213 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | USIC Holding, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493009ZYUWB7X699U62 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | USIC Holding, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 90290HAR3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US90290HAR30 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 324781.65000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 328232.46000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.037861930678 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-05-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 214 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Charter NEX US, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300KRNU8RNVGYXG75 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Charter NEX US, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 16125TAJ1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US16125TAJ16 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1661327.04000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1664176.22000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.191964331252 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 215 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | My Alarm Center LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | My Alarm Center LLC, Class A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2933099 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 30582.65000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4235697.03000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.488591735646 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☒ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 216 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Maverick Bidco, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Maverick Bidco, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 57767KAF5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | MITTEH |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 91957.27000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 92646.95000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.010686914994 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-04-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 217 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Lightstone Holdco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300VXK6UGDG7H3G98 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Lightstone Holdco LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 53226GAG6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US53226GAG64 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4310617.19000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3229773.04000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.372557433683 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-01-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 218 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ideal Standard International S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5299004EW24BCHXOHD09 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ideal Standard International S.A. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BQ6338256 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2369021022 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1828000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2105854.52000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.242912348937 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-07-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.37500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 219 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Windstream Services LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300KT9GVEBYCD2N29 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Windstream Services LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 97381JAE3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US97381JAE38 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3664241.72000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3687729.51000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.425383153970 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 220 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crown Subsea Communications Holding, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493003AYLUE132FIO27 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crown Subsea Communications Holding, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 22860EAE2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US22860EAE23 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1660087.62000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1675310.62000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.193248695026 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-04-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 221 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | RJO Holdings Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300YNQA38HHOO8322 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | RJO Holdings Corp., Class A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623369 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1142.28000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1142.28000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000131763099 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 222 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Tackle Group S.a.r.l. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 222100DLH8KKOD63ZQ23 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Tackle Group S.a.r.l., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3613744 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | TACKLE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2587532.29000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3055428.54000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.352446627539 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 223 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB077V |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -177040.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.02042173466 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC | I7331LVCZKQKX5T7XV54 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 24572000.70000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 17743104.02000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United Kingdom Pound
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -177040.00000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 224 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | iHeartMedia, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | iHeartMedia, Inc., Class A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45174J509 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45174J5092 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 198273.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4933032.24000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.569030024355 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 225 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GRKBB8SMR |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 2064.09000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000238094771 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 7475190.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 868394.88000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 2064.09000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 226 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Klockner Pentaplast of America, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900XJNR9VFZXAOS85 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Klockner Pentaplast of America, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 49865NAU4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US49865NAU46 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2070396.45000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2446491.70000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.282205176027 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-03-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 227 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Q6D2JN1G0T8E41 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, First Lien Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL2361295 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3589202.42000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3541340.41000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.408497030165 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 228 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Adagio V CLO DAC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 6354009XYAVGD2ZFCM19 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Adagio V CLO DAC, Series V-X, Class E |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BCC2HUUY4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS1879607627 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 263000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 305129.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.035196966975 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2031-10-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.15000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 229 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aernnova Aerospace S.A.U. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 95980020140005473208 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aernnova Aerospace S.A.U., Delayed Draw Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | AERSPC |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 183298.86000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 207063.12000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.023884930502 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 230 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Envigo RMS Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Envigo RMS Holding Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2180148 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 12126.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 151817.52000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.017512297284 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 231 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | S2P Acquisiton Borrower, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2138009YGPT15LRTY307 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | S2P Acquisiton Borrower, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78431EAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US78431EAB02 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 939481.48000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 936940.18000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.108076952978 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-14 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.08463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 232 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Oberthur Technologies of America Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493008QGYPD024OYL95 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Oberthur Technologies of America Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | OBETEC |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1586576.13000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1590542.57000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.183470618741 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-01-09 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 233 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ventia Deco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ventia Deco LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | Q5642FAE1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAQ5642FAE15 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2471158.19000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2481203.45000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.286209209851 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-05-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 234 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kirk Beauty One GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kirk Beauty One GmbH, Term Loan B-4 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2809721 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 944111.22000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1108723.34000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.127892306084 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 235 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | MLN US HoldCo LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300QKU7NPW6O86862 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | MLN US HoldCo LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 55292HAE3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US55292HAE36 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1959191.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1279597.18000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.147602768252 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-11-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.83925000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 236 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Forgital |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forgital, Series XR |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 30191BAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US30191BAB71 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5735000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5938248.40000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.684982677445 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.37500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 237 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | H-Food Holdings, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300JY2LK0EQ95YT44 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | H-Food Holdings, LLC, Incremental Term Loan B-3 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 40422KAE1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US40422KAE10 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 294412.29000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 295425.07000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.034077566615 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-05-23 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 238 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Brush |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Brush, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2922018 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3620998.31000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 4853871.78000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.559898788983 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-09 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 239 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB067R |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 177704.93000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.020498434984 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC | I7331LVCZKQKX5T7XV54 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 17792746.50000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 24642537.55000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 177704.93000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 240 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900HYSM9MD1C1LG96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, Term Loan B-3 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1735.22000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2043.74000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000235747379 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 241 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Perstorp Holding AB |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ES84TRW7EWGU35 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Perstorp Holding AB, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | PERHOL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1915281.17000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2262532.01000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.260985248447 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-02-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 242 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB0752 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 178050.12000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.020538252983 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | 2IGI19DL77OX0HC3ZE78 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 17792746.51000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 24642882.75000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 178050.12000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 243 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Goodman Networks, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UMUT10TOBP5N08 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Goodman Networks, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 38239H105 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US38239H1059 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 101108.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 244 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBB00LC |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 181174.89000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.020898698215 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 19858132.93000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 27484084.91000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 181174.89000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 245 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | LogMeIn |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300D12V5KRBV00592 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | LogMeIn, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 54142KAD3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US54142KAD37 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5665974.36000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5654897.38000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.652297864136 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-08-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.84650000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 246 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Reedy Industries, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Reedy Industries, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | RDYIND |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 842196.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 844302.34000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.097391088831 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 247 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Checkout Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493000F1R60SFVQY311 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Checkout Holding Corp., PIK Term Loan, 9.50% PIK Rate, 2.72% Cash Rate |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 14886MAN1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US14886MAN11 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 669772.94000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 371723.98000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.042878719437 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-08-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 248 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Caesars Resort Collection, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300V3UCT773B1KR38 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Caesars Resort Collection, LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12769LAD1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12769LAD10 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 750068.14000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 752685.88000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.086823041851 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.58463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 249 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Shearer's Foods LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300AQWIJSYS2CIH04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Shearer's Foods LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SHEARE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 223208.34000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 223208.34000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.025747297193 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-09-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 250 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Imagina Media Audiovisual S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UHNTWQ62CHRT96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Imagina Media Audiovisual S.A., Term Loan A-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | IMAMED |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 581996.52000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 661993.31000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.076361566473 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 251 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HRKBB07F3 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -5142.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00059323385 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 4926830.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 565964.94000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -5142.86000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 252 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB31XH |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -405816.60000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.04681133601 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 68010972.79000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 79965941.59000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -405816.60000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 253 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | AnaCap Financial Europe S.A. SICAV-RAIF |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2221001M75L4SO9QJ626 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | AnaCap Financial Europe S.A. SICAV-RAIF |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS1649046957 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 6586000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 7394444.66000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.852956319818 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-08-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 254 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Lightstone Holdco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300VXK6UGDG7H3G98 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Lightstone Holdco LLC, Term Loan C |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 53226GAH4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US53226GAH48 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 243125.62000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 182164.30000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.021012827612 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-01-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 255 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aimbridge Acquisition Co., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300SPGKLVE9WYCQ20 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aimbridge Acquisition Co., Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00900YAE6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00900YAE68 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1828861.74000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1816288.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.209510608624 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-02-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 256 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Covia Holdings Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800IE4YGTGVTQ1806 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Covia Holdings Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 22305CAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US22305CAB54 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1492977.01000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1479249.09000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.170632808536 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-07-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 257 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Potters Industries LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Potters Industries LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 73813HAB2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US73813HAB24 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 775281.49000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 776979.36000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.089625318188 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-14 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 258 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Goodman Networks, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UMUT10TOBP5N08 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Goodman Networks, Inc., Series A-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 38239H204 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US38239H2040 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 120295.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 259 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Acrisure, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300R0Z1Q47XRTGO22 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Acrisure, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00488PAN5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00488PAN50 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1224756.26000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1214811.24000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.140129647619 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.85230000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 260 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GMKBBV217 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 5451.73000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000628862310 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 565539.05000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 4926830.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 5451.73000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 261 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Veritas US, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300RFUWCPWS8FQ104 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Veritas US, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G9341JAP5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAG9341JAP57 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4255710.19000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 5062945.38000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.584015630291 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-09-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 262 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | APLP Holdings Ltd. Partnership |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493007KQL803F6BK452 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | APLP Holdings Ltd. Partnership, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 88636CAB6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US88636CAB63 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1325545.65000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1329687.98000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.153380790319 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-04-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 263 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | McAfee Enterprise |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | McAfee Enterprise, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 55910RAB9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US55910RAB96 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4208189.93000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4202950.73000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.484814418374 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 264 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Deuce Finco Plc |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 9845007DA2BC863E8437 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Deuce Finco Plc |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BP8782644 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2351480723 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1247000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1470003.19000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.169566285058 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-06-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 265 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Natel Engineering Co., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Natel Engineering Co., Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 63229BAD0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US63229BAD01 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3778863.23000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3656050.18000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.421728912716 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 266 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB31ZN |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 406664.81000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.046909177860 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 79918946.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 68010972.79000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Euro Member Countries
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 406664.81000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 267 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | American Trailer World Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900WNYWX3HF6TKT69 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | American Trailer World Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 03028BAB3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US03028BAB36 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3930812.87000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3894295.62000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.449210753890 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 268 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Global Healthcare Exchange LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300DSS2JT4D8XDT30 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Global Healthcare Exchange LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 36172KAC5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US36172KAC53 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 275151.13000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 275323.10000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.031758784998 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 269 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crown Finance US, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crown Finance US, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 22834KAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US22834KAB70 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 524675.30000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 411153.93000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.047427002180 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-02-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 270 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBBXTR8 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 179330.07000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.020685896449 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Citibank, National Association | E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 19858132.94000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 27482240.10000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 179330.07000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 271 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kirk Beauty One GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kirk Beauty One GmbH, Term Loan B-5 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2809722 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 210471.17000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 247168.23000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.028511093602 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 272 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | My Alarm Center LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | My Alarm Center LLC, Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2912116 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1078869.50000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1084263.85000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.125070880334 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 273 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Garda World Security Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZF1NDXLMCHNO20 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Garda World Security Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | C4000KAD6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | GWCN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 285630.88000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 285555.19000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.032939066443 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.34000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 274 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900HYSM9MD1C1LG96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, Term Loan B-4 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 108984.45000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 128361.73000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.014806649296 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 275 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Revint Intermediate II, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Revint Intermediate II, LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 76150KAB9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US76150KAB98 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2360369.82000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2376609.16000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.274144157670 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 276 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | McDermott International, Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | McDermott International, Ltd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2745079 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1017283.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 661233.95000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.076273973565 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☒ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 277 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | HGIM Corp., Wts. expiring 07/02/2043 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1790894 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 15803.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 73752.60000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008507433507 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | HGIM Corp | 549300W0Q0ZDXP0FKI37 |
ii. Type, selected from among the following (put, call). Respond call for warrants. | ☐ Put ☒ Call |
iii. Payoff profile, selected from among the following (written, purchased). Respond purchased for warrants. | ☐ Written ☒ Purchased |
3. The reference instrument is neither a derivative or an index (28) |
Name of issuer. | HGIM Corp |
Title of issue. | HGIM Corp. |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available). | 0876675D US |
iv. Number of shares or principal amount of underlying reference instrument per contract. |
Number of shares. | 1.00000000 |
v. Exercise price or rate. | 0 |
vi. Exercise Price Currency Code |
United States Dollar
vii. Expiration date. | 2022-01-06 |
viii. Delta. | XXXX |
ix. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -1321163.15000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 278 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Autokiniton US Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Autokiniton US Holdings, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 05278HAB2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US05278HAB24 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2612145.15000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2621535.81000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.302396682859 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 279 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ICP Group Holdings, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900UFA4AMH3PZZW32 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ICP Group Holdings, LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 44931VAH6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US44931VAH69 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 304372.32000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 307416.04000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.035460736564 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-01-14 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 280 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hyland Software, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hyland Software, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 44908XAT5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US44908XAT54 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 116828.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 117066.99000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.013503790149 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-07-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 281 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Haya Finance 2017 S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 959800DZPPAB9N57RN35 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Haya Finance 2017 S.A. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | AP9519988 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS1716821340 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1336000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1353085.71000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.156079741030 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-11-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 282 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Revere Power LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930012KEYV3CY10P78 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Revere Power LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 76148CAC0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US76148CAC01 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 741166.53000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 698089.93000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.080525346388 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-03-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.33463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 283 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HGKBB2WP3 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 33771.26000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.003895547396 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 4100000.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 5671226.60000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 33771.26000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 284 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | California Resources Corp., Wts., expiring October 27, 2024 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 13057Q123 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US13057Q1233 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1358.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 10320.80000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001190514229 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | California Resources Corp | 5493003Q8F0T4F4YMR48 |
ii. Type, selected from among the following (put, call). Respond call for warrants. | ☐ Put ☒ Call |
iii. Payoff profile, selected from among the following (written, purchased). Respond purchased for warrants. | ☐ Written ☒ Purchased |
3. The reference instrument is neither a derivative or an index (28) |
Name of issuer. | California Resources Corp |
Title of issue. | California Resources Corp. |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- CUSIP. | 13057Q305 |
iv. Number of shares or principal amount of underlying reference instrument per contract. |
Number of shares. | 1.00000000 |
v. Exercise price or rate. | 36.00000000 |
vi. Exercise Price Currency Code |
United States Dollar
vii. Expiration date. | 2024-10-27 |
viii. Delta. | XXXX |
ix. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -364546.46000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 285 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Stiphout Finance LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300OQGSM5ZJ8UFS62 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Stiphout Finance LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G9445HAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAG9445HAB50 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 223537.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 224095.92000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.025849680401 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 286 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Blucora, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5299001IO03J69IP6L77 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Blucora, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 09522UAD5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US09522UAD54 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 719345.13000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 722042.67000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.083288318037 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-05-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 287 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Sabre GLBL, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | F2TJC7HPPHLHU1AQMP98 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Sabre GLBL, Inc., Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78571YBF6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US78571YBF60 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1059905.02000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1054605.49000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.121649759917 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-17 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 288 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900HYSM9MD1C1LG96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4644145.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 5469867.97000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.630954543323 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 289 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Fieldwood Energy LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300KTQCELOBO6BF21 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Fieldwood Energy LLC, DIP Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FIEENE |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2930889.14000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3048124.71000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.351604123708 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2021-08-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 290 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Lonza Solutions |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Y0CIXN5D40L888 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Lonza Solutions, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L4780EAC8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | LNZING |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 772237.60000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 773616.04000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.089237355984 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-04-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 291 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Engineered Machinery Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493008AR0NPSLW8EW07 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Engineered Machinery Holdings, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 26658NAP4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US26658NAP42 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 791897.49000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 790535.43000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.091189023931 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 292 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Fieldwood Energy LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300KTQCELOBO6BF21 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Fieldwood Energy LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 31660T102 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US31660T1025 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 36438.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 366.20000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000042241523 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 293 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Spin Holdco Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300QAS44U2GUXGK45 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Spin Holdco Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 84850XAK8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US84850XAK81 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4807125.76000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4818254.26000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.555790273715 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 294 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | West Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493005Z5DB0O5S30R71 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | West Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 68162RAC5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US68162RAC51 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1095297.73000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1060713.70000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.122354347829 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-10-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 295 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Mascot Bidco Oy |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 7437004VPYN53GU01U11 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Mascot Bidco Oy, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | X6000CAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | ANTSPL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2548971.11000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3019736.16000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.348329477098 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-03-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 296 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Bicent Power, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300QFOPQA45T3MK52 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Bicent Power, LLC, Series A, Wts. expiring 08/21/2022 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623371 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2024.30800000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 297 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Covia Holdings Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800IE4YGTGVTQ1806 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Covia Holdings Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2758164 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 148186.02000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1472598.57000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.169865664642 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 298 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Werner FinCo L.P. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Werner FinCo L.P., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 95075EAC3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US95075EAC30 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1976615.86000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1979086.63000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.228289550621 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-07-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 299 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GJKBBXSM9 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 1502.73000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000173341354 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association | 7H6GLXDRUGQFU57RNE97 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 510419.93000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 4417157.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 1502.73000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 300 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kantar |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 984500NRF59D5DB9B654 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kantar, Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | KANGRP |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1383564.84000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1383571.76000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.159596336287 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-12-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 301 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HOKBB22DN |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 15769.69000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001819048943 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 712885.14000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 6285956.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 15769.69000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 302 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Altice Financing S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300DIYGW8HVDF7Q17 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Altice Financing S.A. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 02154CAF0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US02154CAF05 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 360000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 360230.40000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.041552923904 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-01-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 303 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Vertical Holdco GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2549008GCHWX9EEMIS56 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Vertical Holdco GmbH |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 92537VAA8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US92537VAA89 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 622000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 674484.36000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.077802421132 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.62500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 304 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aimbridge Acquistion Co., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300SPGKLVE9WYCQ20 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aimbridge Acquistion Co., Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00900YAD8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | AIMBRI |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1587211.97000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1544222.33000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.178127534404 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-02-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.83463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 305 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Superior Industries International, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930065O5ZIQD1F8U04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Superior Industries International, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 86816XAG5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US86816XAG51 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1448519.28000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1449721.55000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.167226778332 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-05-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.08463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 306 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | OCM System One Buyer CTB, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | OCM System One Buyer CTB, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 67114AAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US67114AAB52 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1337951.78000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1341296.66000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.154719862748 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 307 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Endo LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 222100B15VY0VVCTG251 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Endo LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L2968EAE2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL2968EAE22 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3521870.50000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3430636.44000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.395727220507 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 308 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | B&B Hotels SAS |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | B&B Hotels SAS, Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2785400 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2618791.82000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3072040.74000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.354362860823 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 309 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | AF Global, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300T5I2LOKUMVKN83 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | AF Global, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623520 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 409.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 818.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000094357088 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 310 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Libbey Glass, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | A7JTTZYG0P336HI4K290 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Libbey Glass, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 52989XAB9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US52989XAB91 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1268385.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1322818.23000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.152588358034 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-11-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 311 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | McAfee Enterprise |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | McAfee Enterprise, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 55910RAE3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US55910RAE36 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1137531.28000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1136820.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.131133319813 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-05-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 312 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Bally's Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300NS4D5IK406VT62 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Bally's Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 05875B106 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US05875B1061 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 134154.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 6739896.96000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.777453611635 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 313 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Orbcomm Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900PSC8WVCY267I23 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Orbcomm Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 68558RAB9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US68558RAB96 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 685592.06000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 687093.51000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.079256898740 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 314 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Invictus Media S.L.U. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UHNTWQ62CHRT96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Invictus Media S.L.U., Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | IMAMED |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1079338.30000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1210580.29000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.139641603457 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 315 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Southcross Energy Partners L.P. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Southcross Energy Partners L.P., Series B, Pfd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2326716 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 76114.31000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 154131.48000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.017779214801 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 316 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Windstream Escrow LLC / Windstream Escrow Finance Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Windstream Escrow LLC / Windstream Escrow Finance Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 97382WAA1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US97382WAA18 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1758000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1818448.83000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.209759825535 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 317 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Boxer Parent Co. Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493006T045HLTF7YX04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Boxer Parent Co. Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 05988HAF4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US05988HAF47 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1196217.88000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1418049.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.163573347995 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 318 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Constant Contact |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Constant Contact, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 21031HAC5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US21031HAC51 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2834829.01000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2825970.17000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.325978383360 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 319 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | HGIM Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300W0Q0ZDXP0FKI37 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | HGIM Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 40419BAM8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US40419BAM81 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1480324.40000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1104692.08000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.127427296357 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-07-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 320 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493006PK6I4I2OOT688 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc., Term Loan B-4 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 65336RAW8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US65336RAW88 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 601.92000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 599.85000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000069193275 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-09-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.59575000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 321 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BrightPet |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BrightPet, Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2623185 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 600969.24000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 603974.09000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.069668993515 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 322 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Toys 'R' Us-Delaware, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Toys 'R' Us-Delaware, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2178618 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 13.74900000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 34372.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.003964901010 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☒ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 323 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | FlexSys, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | FlexSys, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLXSYS |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1292583.29000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1279657.46000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.147609721608 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 324 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Virtusa Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | C77OMXDER63WLJCSKT03 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Virtusa Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 92828KAJ1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US92828KAJ16 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1091879.37000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1097851.95000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.126638280768 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-02-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 325 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Spirit Aerosystems, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | ZD2NBKV6GCC3UMGBM518 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Spirit Aerosystems, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 84857HAW0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US84857HAW07 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1819349.79000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1837543.29000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.211962389903 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-01-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 326 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kontoor Brands, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300M0CPXV65RFF271 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kontoor Brands, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 50048PAD5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US50048PAD50 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 371879.12000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 372808.82000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.043003856776 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-05-17 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.33788000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 327 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Patriot Container Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300V4U8NYJ3YQD526 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Patriot Container Corp., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 40435YAE6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US40435YAE68 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 166301.05000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 155214.59000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.017904152584 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-03-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 328 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Forcepoint |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forcepoint, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 69866UAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US69866UAB70 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1548470.99000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1553635.14000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.179213311112 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-01-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 329 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Fort Dearborn Holding Co., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493002ILC473KY69M10 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Fort Dearborn Holding Co., Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 34721HAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US34721HAB50 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 785392.69000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 787297.27000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.090815499053 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-10-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 330 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Claire's Stores |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300N5HNYXI6JY7625 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Claire's Stores |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 179ESCAP3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1880337 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 420.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 96390.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.011118679420 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2020-03-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | None |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.12500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 331 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Garfunkelux Holdco 3 S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2221007QVSNJV7EWBX69 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Garfunkelux Holdco 3 S.A. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BM0610816 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2250154148 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4070000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 5041131.44000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.581499371283 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-11-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 332 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | McGraw-Hill Education, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | McGraw-Hill Education, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 58063DAC7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US58063DAC74 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4349999.18000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4326204.68000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.499031880324 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 333 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | North American Lifting Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493008KV4SRQC7D1587 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | North American Lifting Holdings, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2614655 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 56924.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1085142.21000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.125172200006 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 334 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Boeing Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | RVHJWBXLJ1RFUBSY1F30 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Boeing Co., Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | BA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 17325568.39000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 17179167.34000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.981633513484 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-10-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 0.88750000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 335 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBB32W7 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 9022.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001040754072 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | State Street Bank and Trust Company | 571474TGEMMWANRLN572 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 5000000.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 5914364.50000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 9022.50000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 336 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Devoteam |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 96950033QHYLUKI72K73 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Devoteam, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DVTFP |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1112712.38000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1322053.70000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.152500168762 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-09 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 337 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kantar (Summer BC Bidco) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 984500NRF59D5DB9B654 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kantar (Summer BC Bidco), Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | KANGRP |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1481203.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1480736.42000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.170804373485 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-11-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.13400000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 338 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Alter Domus (Participations S.a.r.l.) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 222100TH82OLA6JJ2L45 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Alter Domus (Participations S.a.r.l.), Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L7428PAD2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL7428PAD23 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 498550.35000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 498550.35000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.057508263477 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-17 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 339 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Paragon Offshore Finance Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Paragon Offshore Finance Co., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G6903KAB9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAG6903KAB98 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 9308.80000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2021-07-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 340 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Garfunkelux Holdco 3 S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2221007QVSNJV7EWBX69 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Garfunkelux Holdco 3 S.A. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BM0610865 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2250154817 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4278000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 5147249.49000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.593740190649 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 341 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900HYSM9MD1C1LG96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, First Lien Term Loan B-6 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 47368.15000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 55790.14000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.006435446431 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 342 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Sandvine Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Sandvine Corp., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 74274XAC5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US74274XAC56 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1939068.63000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1938467.52000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.223604097125 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.58463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 343 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Q6D2JN1G0T8E41 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, Second Lien Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 29075.30000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 26013.23000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.003000651157 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-09-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 344 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | HGIM Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300W0Q0ZDXP0FKI37 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | HGIM Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | 0876675D US |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3536.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 16502.51000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001903580437 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 345 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | U.S. TelePacific Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300C81ZS48XBQR219 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | U.S. TelePacific Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 90343TAS2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US90343TAS24 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1801019.83000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1641179.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.189311616668 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-05-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 346 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Perstorp Holding AB |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ES84TRW7EWGU35 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Perstorp Holding AB, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | W7277YAC5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | PERHOL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 670134.79000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 660293.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.076165533278 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-02-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.95288000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 347 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kersia International SAS |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 969500J08NJW6YSO2H50 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kersia International SAS, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | KERSIA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1196341.45000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1419467.04000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.163736891438 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-11-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 348 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Robertshaw US Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300NMXRV2JIXFIY04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Robertshaw US Holding Corp., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 77051UAH2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US77051UAH23 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 613026.98000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 535377.92000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.061756359179 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-02-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 349 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Klockner Pentaplast of America, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5299004QDA11QZOG5N31 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Klockner Pentaplast of America, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 49865NAT7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US49865NAT72 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 415404.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 415794.48000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.047962294096 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-02-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 350 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BrightPet |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BrightPet, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2623186 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4185750.78000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4206679.53000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.485244539048 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 351 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Numericable-SFR S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493001ZMCICV4N02J21 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Numericable-SFR S.A., Term Loan B-12 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | F6628DAL8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAF6628DAL82 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 529102.12000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 525596.82000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.060628099865 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.81363000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 352 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Fieldwood Energy LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300KTQCELOBO6BF21 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Fieldwood Energy LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 31660T201 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US31660T2015 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 9210.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 92.56000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000010676885 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 353 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Avaya, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | J6LB5QIFSP2MFEFG4U76 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Avaya, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 053499AL3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US053499AL36 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1873000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1978356.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.228205300584 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-09-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.12500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 354 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | EG Finco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2138003OUK4UQHRJLT65 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | EG Finco Ltd., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G2903JAD7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | OPTFIN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2357087.78000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 3192470.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.368254528971 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-02-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.82788000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 355 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Marcel Bidco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800C9JTKV8DLW6403 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Marcel Bidco LLC, Incremental Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L6257FAG5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL6257FAG53 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 118135.83000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 118357.93000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.013652701323 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 356 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Camelia Bidco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2138007Q8KEKIR97JL53 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Camelia Bidco Ltd., Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CIVLN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2188261.23000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 3001386.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.346212768453 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-10-14 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.82788000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 357 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | PQ Performance Chemicals |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | PQ Performance Chemicals, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 84673EAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US84673EAB56 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 502022.87000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 502730.72000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.057990473187 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-04-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 358 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Mavis Tire Express Services Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900NVDM4GTLBL9E56 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Mavis Tire Express Services Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 57777YAB2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US57777YAB20 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4708961.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4716142.25000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.544011554925 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 359 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HHKBBV7J5 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -5282.72000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00060936684 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Citibank, National Association | E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 6116065.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 703678.71000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -5282.72000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 360 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | eG Global Finance PLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300TL8Q5207VYET27 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | eG Global Finance PLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 28228PAA9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US28228PAA93 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1592000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1637770.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.188918348319 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-02-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 361 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Vistra Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300KP43CPCUJOOG15 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Vistra Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 92840M102 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US92840M1027 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 262754.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5015973.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.578597420178 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 362 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | SCIH Salt Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | SCIH Salt Holdings, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78433BAA6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US78433BAA61 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1390000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1401884.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.161708728499 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.87500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 363 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Connect Finco S.a.r.l./Connect US Finco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Connect Finco S.a.r.l./Connect US Finco LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 20752TAA2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US20752TAA25 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 626000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 650257.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.075007829476 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 364 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | WP CityMD Bidco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | WP CityMD Bidco LLC, First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 92940KAH8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US92940KAH86 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 16401.57000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 16485.63000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.001901633312 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-13 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 365 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Commercial Barge Line Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Commercial Barge Line Co. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2448810 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 8956.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 223900.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.025827080840 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 366 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Zayo Group, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900Z6OTS7RT0V0I47 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Zayo Group, LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 98919XAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US98919XAB73 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 75881.24000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 75002.54000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008651615291 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-03-09 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.08463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 367 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB1HMC |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -235410.48000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.02715482580 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | State Street Bank and Trust Company | 571474TGEMMWANRLN572 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 261291869.19000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 30052994.89000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -235410.48000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 368 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crown Finance US, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crown Finance US, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2726904 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 173934.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 86087.95000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.009930328021 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 369 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | EnergySolutions LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300X3SKIUYR2MFH75 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | EnergySolutions LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 29276MAL1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US29276MAL19 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1047584.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1044750.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.120512962324 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-05-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 370 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | McDermott International Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930004RAXI4B3L4752 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | McDermott International Ltd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G5924V106 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | BMG5924V1063 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1578203.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 710191.35000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.081921256851 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 371 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | iHeartCommunications, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930076J6KDZL504O62 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | iHeartCommunications, Inc., Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45174UAG3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45174UAG31 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 628105.79000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 626535.53000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.072271477369 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 372 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ThermaSys Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ThermaSys Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | 20477Z US |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 980474.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 29414.22000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.003392958632 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 373 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | eTraveli Group Holding AB |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800H8F3GYVAGH3P04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | eTraveli Group Holding AB, Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | ETRVLI |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4414535.48000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 5113115.22000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.589802769699 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-08-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 374 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | California Resources Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493003Q8F0T4F4YMR48 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | California Resources Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 13057Q305 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US13057Q3056 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 141904.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4857373.92000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.560302764208 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 375 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Blackhawk Network Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300LFU3K8UIR03132 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Blackhawk Network Holdings, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 05549YAB8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US05549YAB83 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 384457.99000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 383256.56000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.044209013657 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-06-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.12500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 376 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Engineered Machinery Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493008AR0NPSLW8EW07 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Engineered Machinery Holdings, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 26658NAQ2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US26658NAQ25 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 207367.30000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 209311.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.024144268306 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-05-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 377 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 979UVH901 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623403 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 220.62600000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4994972.64000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.576174909206 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 378 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Sedgwick Claims Management Services, inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300BIN4DWJG5VWF64 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Sedgwick Claims Management Services, inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 81527CAL1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US81527CAL19 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 214480.67000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 212121.38000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.024468405669 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-12-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.33463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 379 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | TMF Group Holdco B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800H27OKZZZ2CB779 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | TMF Group Holdco B.V., Incremental Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | TMFG |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2517840.80000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2979630.80000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.343703285161 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-06-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.87500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 380 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CM Acquisition Co., Wts., expiring July 26, 2024 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2176093 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 610.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Crossmark Holdings, Inc | N/A |
ii. Type, selected from among the following (put, call). Respond call for warrants. | ☐ Put ☒ Call |
iii. Payoff profile, selected from among the following (written, purchased). Respond purchased for warrants. | ☐ Written ☒ Purchased |
3. The reference instrument is neither a derivative or an index (28) |
Name of issuer. | Crossmark Holdings Inc |
Title of issue. | CROSSMARK HOLDINGS INC 0701266D |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available). | 0701266D US |
iv. Number of shares or principal amount of underlying reference instrument per contract. |
Number of shares. | 1.000000 |
v. Exercise price or rate. | 0 |
vi. Exercise Price Currency Code |
United States Dollar
vii. Expiration date. | 2022-01-06 |
viii. Delta. | XXXX |
ix. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -7621.73000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 381 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | TTF Holdings, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900IIAWXPGAIX2Q35 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | TTF Holdings, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 85856CAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SOLHLT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 767198.92000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 767198.92000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.088497135006 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-25 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 382 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900HYSM9MD1C1LG96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, Term Loan C |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 564632.14000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 557102.77000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.064262341569 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 383 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB4Z5H |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 474204.24000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.054699916219 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 81068461.29000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 69041442.08000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Euro Member Countries
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 474204.24000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 384 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Gloves Buyer, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Gloves Buyer, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 37987UAC6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US37987UAC62 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1353200.97000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1352361.99000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.155996259231 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-01-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 385 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | ImageFirst |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | ImageFirst, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 45249TAJ1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US45249TAJ16 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 751160.65000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 751160.65000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.086647105100 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-04-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 386 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Neustar, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Neustar, Inc., Term Loan B-4 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 64127UAX5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US64127UAX54 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2970990.92000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2926426.06000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.337566067112 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-08-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 387 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ultimate Software Group, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900FKHWSTQ1GXK240 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ultimate Software Group, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 90385KAF8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US90385KAF84 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 117182.52000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 119380.28000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.013770630381 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-05-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 388 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Project Leopard Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Project Leopard Holdings, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 74338UAD3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US74338UAD37 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 886484.89000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 891471.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.102832081913 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-07-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 389 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Sisaho international |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Sisaho international, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3676642 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SIACFP |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1977048.77000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2338428.09000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.269739934439 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 390 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | RJO Holdings Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300YNQA38HHOO8322 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | RJO Holdings Corp., Series A-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623368 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 648.90000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3244.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000374256202 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 391 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BrightPet |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BrightPet, Delayed Draw Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2623187 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1201938.49000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1207948.18000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.139337987031 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 1.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 392 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Grifols Worldwide Operations USA, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Grifols Worldwide Operations USA, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 39843PAG8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US39843PAG81 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5127.20000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5065.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000584295312 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-11-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.08200000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 393 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BCPE Mac Dutch Bidco B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300QHIYIRIMCM2345 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BCPE Mac Dutch Bidco B.V., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DSPPHA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 831758.56000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 981406.92000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.113206234303 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 394 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Thyssenkrupp Elevators |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300C2AFWPAYWS5574 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Thyssenkrupp Elevators, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | D9000BAB8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAD9000BAB80 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3061053.50000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3063395.21000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.353365590604 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-07-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.40400000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 395 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | MLN US Holdco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300QKU7NPW6O86862 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | MLN US Holdco LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 55292HAB9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US55292HAB96 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3669852.21000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3347510.74000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.386138590878 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-11-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.58925000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 396 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Jubilee CDO B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 724500NN2UHALF39LY39 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Jubilee CDO B.V., Series 2018-21A, Class ER |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BCC2R2NT4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2308746119 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2041000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2397766.46000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.276584672621 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2035-04-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.07000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 397 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Lake at Las Vegas Joint Venture LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Lake at Las Vegas Joint Venture LLC, Class A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623357 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2338.58000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 398 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | NPC International, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300VENVGR7A6TZR37 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | NPC International, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 62936DAS9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US62936DAS99 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 343919.53000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5158.79000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000595071399 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2049-12-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 399 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | WebPros |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300TH5VH623DTW562 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | WebPros, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3364090 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | PARINV |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1590957.63000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1596923.72000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.184206690545 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-02-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 400 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Euro Garages |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300BY1CRYVPEG9R57 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Euro Garages, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N2820EAD0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAN2820EAD03 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 584229.34000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 583718.14000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.067332450156 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-03-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 401 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | BLOCKERCO |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | BLOCKERCO |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2625756 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 11114.19900000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 8684412.81000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.001755389457 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 402 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBBZT23 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 40964.40000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.004725283029 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 265369245.57000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 30795707.62000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 40964.40000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 403 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Commercial Barge Line Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Commercial Barge Line Co., Series A, Pfd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2448812 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 33324.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 888634.45000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.102504840456 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 404 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Granite Generation, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ERB8DGZI3MXK42 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Granite Generation, LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 38750BAB3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US38750BAB36 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4491639.65000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4395271.52000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.506998806898 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 405 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | North American Lifting Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | North American Lifting Holdings, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 87261UAD6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US87261UAD63 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 490267.26000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 476784.91000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.054997598991 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-04-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 11.10425000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 406 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Women's Care Holdings, Inc., LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Women's Care Holdings, Inc., LLC, First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 97815UAH7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US97815UAH77 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1005646.03000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1005334.28000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.115966278346 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-01-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 407 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | PGS ASA |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800T66DRTE6O6BV87 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | PGS ASA, Conv. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BN9747757 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | NO0010920697 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 540978.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Norway Krone
e. Value. (4) | 62533.62000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 8.69425000 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.007213313349 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-02-09 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
#1 | PGS ASA | Petroleum Geo-Services ASA | Norway Krone |
At least one of the following other identifiers: | |||
Identifier type | Identifier value | ||
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available) | NO0010199151 | ||
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
#1 | 1.00000000 | Norway Krone |
v. Delta (if applicable). | XXXX |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 408 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Cablevision Lightpath LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493002ZVBLRLGES1R71 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Cablevision Lightpath LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12687HAB3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12687HAB33 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 69908.88000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 69917.62000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008065064867 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-11-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 409 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | IAP Worldwide Services, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 44920JAM5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US44920JAM53 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1585566.37000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1585566.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.182896609274 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-07-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 410 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Trident TPI Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300TPLK304J3RNC85 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Trident TPI Holdings, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00216EAE9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00216EAE95 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 567236.78000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 568016.73000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.065521277376 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 411 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | B&B Hotels SAS |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 969500OUD0VB2606MD53 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | B&B Hotels SAS, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | BBHOTL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2217187.18000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2474612.31000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.285448915498 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-07-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 412 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aadvantage Loyalty IP Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | IWUQB36BXD6OWD6X4T14 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aadvantage Loyalty IP Ltd., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 02376CBJ3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US02376CBJ36 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4111931.13000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4239462.67000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.489026105850 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 413 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Delta Topco Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Delta Topco Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 24780DAE7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US24780DAE76 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 637366.86000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 645601.64000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.074470771537 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-12-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 414 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Dorna Sports S.L. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 95980020140005602218 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Dorna Sports S.L., Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DORNAA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 890032.48000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 880295.52000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.101542936841 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-04-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.66663000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 415 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Optiv, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300VZRXJMEDMZX746 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Optiv, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 68404XAD8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US68404XAD84 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 632025.97000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 622349.65000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.071788632076 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 416 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Trugreen Limited Partnership |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300QNRP2MNHR3QM19 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Trugreen Limited Partnership, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 89787RAK8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US89787RAK86 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1509219.52000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1546950.01000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.178442174922 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-11-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 417 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Prophylaxis B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Prophylaxis B.V., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2718201 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1249.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 418 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Diebold Nixforf, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300XZK6EWDBAZSY16 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Diebold Nixforf, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 253657AA8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US253657AA82 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1380000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1518000.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.175102763360 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-07-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.37500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 419 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Cengage Learning, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300BYGM0FWUSVXJ88 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Cengage Learning, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 15134NAF3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US15134NAF33 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5072703.50000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5095251.67000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.587742191986 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-06-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 420 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Caesars Entertainment, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300FA4CTCW903Y781 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Caesars Entertainment, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12769G100 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12769G1004 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 7897.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 802572.11000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.092577466572 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 421 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Claire's Stores, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300N5HNYXI6JY7625 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Claire's Stores, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 17958DAL1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US17958DAL10 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 321000.91000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 311600.40000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.035943406524 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-12-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.58463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 422 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Trident TPI Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300TPLK304J3RNC85 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Trident TPI Holdings, Inc., Delayed Draw Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00216EAF6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00216EAF60 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 80459.12000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 80569.75000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.009293798332 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 423 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Curium BidCo S.a.r.l. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800P2VV9KG6N9L140 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Curium BidCo S.a.r.l., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | L2210TAE5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL2210TAE54 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1316098.87000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1317750.57000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.152003798568 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 424 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Nexuraxpharm Holdco S.a.r.l. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Nexuraxpharm Holdco S.a.r.l., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | INVFAR |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 867346.12000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1028282.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.118613362649 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 425 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | QuarterNorth Energy, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | QuarterNorth Energy, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2959991 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 10444.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1227170.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.141555242498 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 426 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hertz Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300PD0C69OJ0NLB27 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hertz Corp., Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 42804VAR2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US42804VAR24 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 778851.16000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 782745.42000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.090290438768 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2021-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.94430000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 427 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Perstorp Holding AB |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800OWSFFQ8A3HSD42 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Perstorp Holding AB, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | HOTELB |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5773683.39000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 6262148.27000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.722344839691 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-09-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 428 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Milano Acquisition Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Milano Acquisition Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 59909TAC8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US59909TAC80 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2282622.02000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2292608.49000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.264454599409 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 429 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ascend Performance Materials Operations LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300NIMFUIRMMAGQ29 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ascend Performance Materials Operations LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 04350TAC8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US04350TAC80 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4605580.23000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 4676460.11000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.539434181822 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 430 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Eagle Midco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800YANPDABTN5JJ43 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Eagle Midco Ltd., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | EAGBID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1448868.97000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 1993043.41000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.229899478648 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.80125000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 431 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Commercial Barge Line Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Commercial Barge Line Co., Series B Wts., expiring April 27, 2045 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00085Q167 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | 51561Z US |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 29536.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 952536.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.109875945850 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 432 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Fieldwood Energy LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300KTQCELOBO6BF21 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Fieldwood Energy LLC, First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 31659HAQ4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US31659HAQ48 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 19603359.74000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 10749208.26000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.239931535089 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-04-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 433 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Keter Group B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300TACUSUHMY1TC98 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Keter Group B.V., Term Loan B-3 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | KETGRO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3482926.70000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 4123714.90000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.475674488999 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 434 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Vectra Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | JUC8K6CTM7PVMRAKXF33 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Vectra Co., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 92243BAC3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US92243BAC37 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 196729.03000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 194417.46000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.022426241430 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-03-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.33463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 435 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Riverbed Technology, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | XWT9B0BASIY6FJ5R7M02 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Riverbed Technology, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 76857MAM7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US76857MAM73 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2358375.55000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1819875.87000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.209924435975 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-12-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 436 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CWGS Group, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CWGS Group, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12670UAE7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12670UAE73 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 758981.58000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 753213.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.086883882563 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-23 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 437 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GUKBB14N7 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 19752.28000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.002278444539 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Citibank, National Association | E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 1300000.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 1807119.86000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 19752.28000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 438 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aegion Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300AG3DVJURRIT691 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aegion Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00771PAJ0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00771PAJ03 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 924231.36000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 933279.59000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.107654700393 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 439 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HEKBB6CL3 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 1182.94000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000136453269 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC | I7331LVCZKQKX5T7XV54 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 333535.82000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 2888142.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 1182.94000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 440 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Veritas US Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300RFUWCPWS8FQ104 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Veritas US Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G9341JAN0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAG9341JAN00 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1210223.11000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1214761.45000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.140123904294 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-09-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 441 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Atlas CC Acquisition Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 6HHLXIOGCDNZ4IRAIW26 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Atlas CC Acquisition Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 04921TAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US04921TAB08 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1125311.84000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1130392.62000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.130391878421 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 442 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Bicent Power, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300QFOPQA45T3MK52 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Bicent Power, LLC, Series B, Wts. expiring 08/21/2022 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623372 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3282.65400000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 0.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000000 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 443 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Royal Caribbean Cruises |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | K2NEH8QNVW44JIWK7Z55 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Royal Caribbean Cruises, Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | RCL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 378802.82000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 363650.71000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.041947459959 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-10-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 1.44580000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 444 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21GHKBBV4MN |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 174919.98000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.020177188316 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | 2IGI19DL77OX0HC3ZE78 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 19878714.63000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United Kingdom Pound
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 27506127.74000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 174919.98000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 445 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Karman Buyer Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300T4O24KQDED1182 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Karman Buyer Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00769EAY6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00769EAY68 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2260151.57000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2278684.81000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.262848489498 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 446 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | HNVR Holdco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800OWSFFQ8A3HSD42 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | HNVR Holdco Ltd., Term Loan C |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | HOTELB |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 936812.01000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 995720.67000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.114857339164 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-09-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 447 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Carnival Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | F1OF2ZSX47CR0BCWA982 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Carnival Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | P2121YAN8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAP2121YAN84 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 527939.20000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 526025.42000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.060677539288 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 448 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Speedster Bidco GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Speedster Bidco GmbH, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | AUTSCO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3052905.31000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3651274.30000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.421178010354 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 449 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HNKBBWGV4 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -15589.63000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00179827884 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 7814972.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Sweden Krona
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 890305.53000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -15589.63000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 450 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crown Finance US, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crown Finance US, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 22834KAD3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US22834KAD37 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2482277.49000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1917944.11000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.221236701997 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-09-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 451 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | International Textile Group, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | M4ZRS7E9USM0DKM0N876 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | International Textile Group, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 46049BAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US46049BAB71 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 345901.24000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 335091.83000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.038653165620 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.14488000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 452 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Brush |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Brush, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2922017 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4208404.70000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 4844848.89000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.558857989923 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-09 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 453 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | WowMidco S.A.S. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | WowMidco S.A.S., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | WEBHEL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1530821.99000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 2103777.40000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.242672751143 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.07213000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 454 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Noble Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Noble Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | G6610J209 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | KYG6610J2093 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1528.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 37206.80000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.004291840247 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 455 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Heritage Power LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 9845009CA1DFDE381P22 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Heritage Power LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 42727CAC1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US42727CAC10 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2956392.53000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2660753.28000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.306920455829 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-07-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 456 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Monitronics International, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | SCAKOG18M6QWWML8YF46 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Monitronics International, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 60945HAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US60945HAB06 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 7981702.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 7758494.16000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.894949780588 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-03-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 457 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Webhelp |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Webhelp |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | WEBHEL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1124638.80000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1123935.90000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.129647089545 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 458 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kissner Group |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kissner Group, Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78397GAF8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US78397GAF81 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1539028.22000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1543837.68000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.178083164656 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-03-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 459 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | PowerTeam Services, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300J2G34D0WX8Z443 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | PowerTeam Services, LLC, Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 73937UAK4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US73937UAK43 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1023735.05000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1015422.32000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.117129943484 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-03-06 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 460 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Everi Payments, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493006Q4MDLHOY1JV70 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Everi Payments, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 30034UAC4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US30034UAC45 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 162594.39000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 162204.98000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.018710500809 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 461 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CRH Europe Distribution |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Y5PCNMQXYRRY06 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CRH Europe Distribution, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CRHEUD |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1815526.12000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2151529.19000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.248180966152 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-10-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 462 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | American Rock Salt Co. LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300FBKBNV4GSVVR46 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | American Rock Salt Co. LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 02932JAS6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US02932JAS69 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 96308.14000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 96187.75000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.011095349688 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-05-25 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 463 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Valeo Foods (Jersey) Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 259400O9OX5WFOBC8C47 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Valeo Foods (Jersey) Ltd., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3644459 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | VALEO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2962982.80000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3490671.59000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.402652332933 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 464 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Protect America |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300EML9KQOOMLDD16 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Protect America, Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 74364NAE4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US74364NAE40 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4191417.51000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3856104.11000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.444805326394 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-09-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.08250000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 465 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CRCI Longhorn Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ITUZCPGZ2X6C28 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CRCI Longhorn Holdings, Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12688EAE3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12688EAE32 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 86350.74000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 85703.11000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.009885936356 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.33650000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 466 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Savers, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300F6POVHG3ME8T95 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Savers, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 30015FAG1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US30015FAG19 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1355145.18000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1373209.27000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.158401013076 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-04-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 467 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CEP IV Investment 16 S.a.r.l. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300T4XDR2Z0DI8S95 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CEP IV Investment 16 S.a.r.l., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | ADBAS |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2624374.41000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2975184.88000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.343190444003 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-10-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 468 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HBKBBW9RB |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -1089.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00012565987 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC | I7331LVCZKQKX5T7XV54 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 355497.27000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 3058031.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -1089.37000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 469 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Biscuit International |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Biscuit International, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | BISPOU |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1474617.07000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1694239.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.195432144585 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-02-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 470 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | KDC/One |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | KDC/One, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | C4953EAF2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAC4953EAF25 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 695538.93000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 826390.78000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.095324973118 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-12-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 471 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Parexel International |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Parexel International |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 71911KAC8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | PRXL |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1556091.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1557258.54000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.179631273795 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 472 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Explorer Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2549003SUFVGC903CK03 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Explorer Holdings, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 29481PAH4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US29481PAH47 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1226922.42000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1232480.38000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.142167799951 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-02-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 473 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Mattress Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Mattress Holding Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 57723CAP4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US57723CAP41 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2300192.75000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2344758.98000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.270470208704 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-11-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 474 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Southcross Energy Partners L.P. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Southcross Energy Partners L.P., Series A, Pfd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2326321 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 288392.60000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 154290.04000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.017797504850 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 475 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Logoplaste |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 259400BFVFGTIQA6ZC28 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Logoplaste, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | LOGOP |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 580268.24000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 579905.57000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.066892666531 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-04-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.38480000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 476 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Commercial Barge Line Co., Series A Wts., expiring April 27, 2045 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00085Q134 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2448813 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 35030.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 934127.50000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.107752507629 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Commercial Barge Line Co. | N/A |
ii. Type, selected from among the following (put, call). Respond call for warrants. | ☐ Put ☒ Call |
iii. Payoff profile, selected from among the following (written, purchased). Respond purchased for warrants. | ☐ Written ☒ Purchased |
3. The reference instrument is neither a derivative or an index (28) |
Name of issuer. | Commercial Barge Line Co |
Title of issue. | Commercial Barge Line Co. |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- CUSIP. | 00085Q167 |
iv. Number of shares or principal amount of underlying reference instrument per contract. |
Number of shares. | 1.00000000 |
v. Exercise price or rate. | 0 |
vi. Exercise Price Currency Code |
United States Dollar
vii. Expiration date. | 2022-01-06 |
viii. Delta. | XXXX |
ix. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -809973.09000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 477 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Project Leopard Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Project Leopard Holdings, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 74338UAE1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US74338UAE10 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2863366.82000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2878571.30000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.332045974414 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-07-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 478 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Brave Parent Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300ZU643BIOAXIB73 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Brave Parent Holdings, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 10566UAC2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US10566UAC27 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 70096.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 70096.85000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008085739221 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-04-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.08463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 479 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ultimate Software Group, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900FKHWSTQ1GXK240 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ultimate Software Group, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 90385KAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US90385KAB70 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 116828.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 117034.87000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.013500085076 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-05-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.83463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 480 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Ciox |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Ciox, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12650JAR7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12650JAR77 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1771741.62000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1777437.77000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.205029160229 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-12-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 481 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CommScope, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Z6K4JXMFE8QY54 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CommScope, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 203372AX5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US203372AX50 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 578000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 586042.87000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.067600610003 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-09-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 482 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Altice France S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493001ZMCICV4N02J21 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Altice France S.A. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 02156LAC5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US02156LAC54 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 141000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 145230.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.016752420502 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-01-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 483 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Edelman Financial Center, LLC (The) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Z31KZXNP05U733 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Edelman Financial Center, LLC (The), Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 27943UAK2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US27943UAK25 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3691930.37000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3677642.60000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.424219619178 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 484 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Bass Pro Group, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300IYLDI2E8I2AU46 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Bass Pro Group, LLC, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 07014QAM3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US07014QAM33 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5334621.96000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5361295.07000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.618430554643 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 485 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CDK Int (Concorde Lux) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CDK Int (Concorde Lux), Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | INTBUS |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 967698.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1147752.16000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.132394318095 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 486 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Acacium Group |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 259400LN2RY29XJ6PM24 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Acacium Group, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | INCLLN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3083485.53000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 4237571.19000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.488807921809 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-05-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.29980000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 487 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | PetSmart, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | PetSmart, Inc., First Lien Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 71677HAL9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US71677HAL96 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 70096.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 70293.82000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.008108459900 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-02-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 488 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Checkout Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493000F1R60SFVQY311 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Checkout Holding Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 14886MAM3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US14886MAM38 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 468953.53000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 448788.53000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.051768189570 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-02-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 489 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | PowerTeam Services LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300J2G34D0WX8Z443 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | PowerTeam Services LLC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 73939VAA2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US73939VAA26 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 464000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 507500.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.058540614232 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-12-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 9.03300000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 490 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | North American Lifting Holdings, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493008KV4SRQC7D1587 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | North American Lifting Holdings, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 87261UAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US87261UAB08 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1045737.74000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1094103.11000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.126205848460 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-10-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 491 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Univision Communications, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300YQDE2JSGTL8V47 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Univision Communications, Inc., Term Loan C |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 914908BC1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US914908BC18 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 230224.55000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 229990.87000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.026529668567 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-03-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 492 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Lower Cadence Holdings LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300GMUP7Q51T05S83 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Lower Cadence Holdings LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 54805BAB5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US54805BAB53 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 146187.29000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 146129.55000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.016856184462 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-05-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.84630000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 493 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Commercial Barge Line Co., Wts., expiring April 27, 2045 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2448811 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 9414.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 235350.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.027147849378 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Commercial Barge Line Co. | N/A |
ii. Type, selected from among the following (put, call). Respond call for warrants. | ☐ Put ☒ Call |
iii. Payoff profile, selected from among the following (written, purchased). Respond purchased for warrants. | ☐ Written ☒ Purchased |
3. The reference instrument is neither a derivative or an index (28) |
Name of issuer. | Commercial Barge Line Co |
Title of issue. | Commercial Barge Line Co. |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- CUSIP. | 00085Q167 |
iv. Number of shares or principal amount of underlying reference instrument per contract. |
Number of shares. | 1.00000000 |
v. Exercise price or rate. | 0 |
vi. Exercise Price Currency Code |
United States Dollar
vii. Expiration date. | 2022-01-06 |
viii. Delta. | XXXX |
ix. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -545833.23000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 494 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Merlin Entertainments PLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Merlin Entertainments PLC, Delayed Draw Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | MERLLN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 45963.86000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 44154.03000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.005093209925 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-11-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.39725000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 495 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Verra Mobility Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Verra Mobility Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00215NAK6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US00215NAK63 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 46731.23000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 46580.29000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.005373081355 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-03-19 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.41658100 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 496 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CRH Europe Distribution |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300Y5PCNMQXYRRY06 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CRH Europe Distribution, Term Loan A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CRHEUD |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 772651.85000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 913449.41000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.105367270013 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-11-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 497 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Centuri Group, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Centuri Group, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | SWX |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1457869.36000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1454523.55000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.167780693661 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-18 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 498 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Libbey Glass, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | A7JTTZYG0P336HI4K290 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Libbey Glass, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2729944 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3954.76000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 407340.28000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.046987093976 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 499 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Eastern Power LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493000R3E1L1VM1V279 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Eastern Power LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 87264NAB3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US87264NAB38 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3421593.99000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3062805.64000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.353297583136 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-02 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 500 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Oberthur Technologies of America Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Oberthur Technologies of America Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL3580604 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | OBETEC |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2898952.88000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3436922.66000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.396452342044 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-01-09 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 501 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Avoca CLO |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493002FLT4MX1KHF180 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Avoca CLO |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BCC2N0NQ8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2126168264 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2000000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2262919.36000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.261029929643 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2033-04-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.10000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 502 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | American Commercial Barge Line Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | American Commercial Barge Line Holding Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 00085Q183 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2599855 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 147680.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 62558.87000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.007216225961 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 503 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Delta Topco Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Delta Topco Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 24780DAC1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US24780DAC11 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 116536.01000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 116816.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.013474937413 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 504 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Financiere Pax SAS |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Financiere Pax SAS, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | AREWOR |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1461277.79000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 1524472.45000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.175849366707 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-07-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 505 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Quest Software US Holdings Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 54930052G52L5K3UK623 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Quest Software US Holdings Inc., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 74834YAL6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US74834YAL65 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 824119.55000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 823777.54000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.095023533365 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-05-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.37850000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 506 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hertz Corp. (The) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300PD0C69OJ0NLB27 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hertz Corp. (The), Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 42804VBB6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US42804VBB62 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 915810.05000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 913195.41000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.105337970869 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 507 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | DXP Enterprises, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 8HH9SCFWHN29ZIEWIE93 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | DXP Enterprises, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 23338DAP1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US23338DAP15 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1219227.09000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1221519.24000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.140903421885 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 508 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Very Group Funding Plc (The) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 9845005CC91D50AF8202 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Very Group Funding Plc (The) |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BQ7202352 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2370619699 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5493000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 7626439.54000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.879717152870 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 509 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | PAE Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300S7DE40ONNIOC81 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | PAE Holding Corp., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 69329HAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US69329HAB78 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1260251.20000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1261038.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.145462048149 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-10-13 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 510 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Duran Group |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900OS9JBJ7YK5OX04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Duran Group, Term Loan B-3 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DURGRO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5933605.83000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 6936046.74000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.800079677847 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-12-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 511 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Kirk Beauty One GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Kirk Beauty One GmbH, Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DOUGR |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 535372.44000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 628718.21000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.072523251611 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 512 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Imagina Media Audiovisual S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UHNTWQ62CHRT96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Imagina Media Audiovisual S.A., Term Loan A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | IMAMED |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2386180.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2714166.56000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.313081729168 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 513 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | HNVR Holdco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800OWSFFQ8A3HSD42 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | HNVR Holdco Ltd., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL2554998 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | HOTELB |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3567993.10000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3817464.75000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.440348238970 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-09-12 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 514 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Invictus Media S.L.U. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300UHNTWQ62CHRT96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Invictus Media S.L.U., Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BL2710749 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | IMAMED |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2676229.78000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3044083.83000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.351138004304 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-26 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 515 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | DynaCast International LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | X7KHAIMGSSPZ1XIJIL51 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | DynaCast International LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 34634FAC3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | DYNCST |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1142367.95000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1176638.99000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.135726441783 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-10-22 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 10.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 516 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Prophylaxis B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 7245000K34W1FHCV4B97 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Prophylaxis B.V., Term Loan A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CUREOS |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 6738872.59000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 7877357.65000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.908660798745 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 517 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | CCI Buyer, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 254900TMV7DAFRQALU04 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | CCI Buyer, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 12510EAC1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US12510EAC12 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 632254.98000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 634233.94000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.073159496384 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-13 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 518 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Royal Caribbean Cruises |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | K2NEH8QNVW44JIWK7Z55 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Royal Caribbean Cruises, Revolver Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 78015EAD0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XA78015EAD06 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1136408.46000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1042654.76000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.120271231691 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-04-05 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 1.44580000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 519 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | athenahealth, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 5493004JZ4RQIZBHP241 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | athenahealth, Inc., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 04685YAM1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US04685YAM12 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 676011.07000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 679181.56000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.078344247680 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-02-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.33250000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 520 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Unified Womens Healthcare, LP |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Unified Womens Healthcare, LP, Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 90470RAC6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US90470RAC60 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2584421.76000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2590882.81000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.298860829759 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-12-17 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 521 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | International SOS L.P. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | International SOS L.P. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | AEAINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1382092.95000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1383820.57000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.159625036760 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-06 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 522 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Patriot Container Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300V4U8NYJ3YQD526 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Patriot Container Corp., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 40435YAB2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US40435YAB20 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1580819.74000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1572915.64000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.181437335373 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-03-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 523 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Parques Reunidos |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Parques Reunidos, Incremental Term Loan B-2 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | PQRSM |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 9376368.49000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 11124237.60000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.283191530988 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-09-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 524 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crosby US Acquisition Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300V5HSWHDNVOWE35 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crosby US Acquisition Corp., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 22739PAH9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US22739PAH91 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 752641.91000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 753270.37000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.086890463336 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-06-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.83788000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 525 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colorado Buyer, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colorado Buyer, Inc., Incremental Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 19633FAF8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2066990 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2488050.47000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2456949.84000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.283411532557 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 526 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Diamond Sports Group LLC / Diamond Sports Finance Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Diamond Sports Group LLC / Diamond Sports Finance Co. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 25277LAA4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US25277LAA44 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4418000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2940399.90000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.339177963027 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.37500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 527 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Waterlogic Finance Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 213800P6ADR2F5F2ZL35 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Waterlogic Finance Ltd. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 94155XAD5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US94155XAD57 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 248885.54000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 294299.30000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.033947707961 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 528 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colouroz Investment LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900HYSM9MD1C1LG96 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colouroz Investment LLC, First Lien Term Loan B-7 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | FLINT |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 115820.71000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 136413.47000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.015735425267 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-09-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 529 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | QuarterNorth Energy, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | QuarterNorth Energy, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2962811 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 5551641.59000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 5551641.59000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.640387209220 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-08-04 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 530 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | McDermott International Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | McDermott International Ltd., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2557710 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 4083292.08000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3256425.43000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.375631812563 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 531 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Libbey Glass, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | A7JTTZYG0P336HI4K290 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Libbey Glass, Inc. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2730293 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 13213.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 54503.63000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.006287046262 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 532 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Keter Group B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300TACUSUHMY1TC98 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Keter Group B.V., Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | KETGRO |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 6362338.89000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 7532880.82000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.868925064327 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-10-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 533 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Nautilus Power |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | UU3WE4QD17GA2LF0I609 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Nautilus Power, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 63909UAB9 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US63909UAB98 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2421835.54000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 2250502.78000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.259597665170 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-05-16 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 534 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Crown Finance US, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Crown Finance US, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 22834KAC5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US22834KAC53 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 59160.23000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 55673.21000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.006421958442 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-02-28 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 2.62500000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 535 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Carlisle FoodService Products, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Carlisle FoodService Products, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 14235UAB7 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US14235UAB70 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 486063.04000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 476949.36000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.055016568457 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-03-20 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 536 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | NAS LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | NAS LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2624773 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 9033430.13000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 9078597.28000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.047224948067 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-03 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 537 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Deuce Finco Plc |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 9845007DA2BC863E8437 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Deuce Finco Plc |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BP8782586 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2351481028 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1247000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 1728105.62000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.199338649170 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-06-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Fixed |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 538 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aruba Investments, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aruba Investments, Inc., First Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 04317JAB4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US04317JAB44 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 488316.35000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 490149.98000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.056539272700 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-11-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 539 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | McDermott International, Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | McDermott International, Ltd., LOC |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2731366 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1801284.94000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1486060.08000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.171418462798 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.14488000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 540 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 8XJ8KF85PBKK1TLMFN29 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A., Term Loan B-3 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAL5137LAF21 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 10174066.04000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 10368034.61000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.195962787108 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-11-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 541 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HJKBB5H8S |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | -969.43000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | -0.00011182468 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC | I7331LVCZKQKX5T7XV54 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 2400000.00000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
Euro Member Countries
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 2835223.20000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
United States Dollar
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | -969.43000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 542 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aernnova Aerospace S.A.U. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 95980020140005473208 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aernnova Aerospace S.A.U., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | AERSPC |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 725999.50000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 820123.58000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.094602045556 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-01-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 543 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | APCOA Parking Holdings GmbH |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 529900H8FIYAOV5FUW68 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | APCOA Parking Holdings GmbH |
d. CUSIP (if any). | BQ4821790 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XS2366277213 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1690000.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2022107.78000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.233252081746 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2027-01-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.45270000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 544 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Riverbed Technology, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | XWT9B0BASIY6FJ5R7M02 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Riverbed Technology, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 76857MAJ4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US76857MAJ45 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 737053.31000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 708956.84000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.081778854932 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-04-24 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 545 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | KKR Apple Bidco LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | KKR Apple Bidco LLC, Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 48254EAE1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | ATLAVI |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 163244.11000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 165692.77000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.019112820748 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2029-07-15 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 6.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 546 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | American Airlines, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | IWUQB36BXD6OWD6X4T14 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | American Airlines, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 02376CBB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US02376CBB00 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 772028.69000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 726135.44000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.083760423002 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 1.83788000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 547 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Samson Investment Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | EE5W18H3TVA53PMLNG63 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Samson Investment Co., Class A |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 931GSK906 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 1623464 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 163748.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 982488.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.113330937924 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 548 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Dynasty Acquisition Co., Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300L1RCRPOAUCB870 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Dynasty Acquisition Co., Inc., Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 26812CAE6 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US26812CAE66 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3426012.88000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3345176.11000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.385869289057 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-04-08 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.64725000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 549 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Zeus Bidco Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Zeus Bidco Ltd., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | ZENVEH |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 10551567.94000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United Kingdom Pound
e. Value. (4) | 13273744.58000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.72735200 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 1.531139233268 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-03-29 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.33788000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 550 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Aria Energy Operating LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300VNL5GGCGT9XC20 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Aria Energy Operating LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 04035LAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US04035LAB09 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 717314.04000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 719405.01000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.082984061414 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2022-05-27 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 551 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | W.R. Grace & Co. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | W.R. Grace & Co. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | GRA |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1726563.35000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1732321.44000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.199824948071 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-08-11 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.25000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 552 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Bally's Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300NS4D5IK406VT62 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Bally's Corp. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 05875CAB0 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US05875CAB00 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 3900043.59000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3898308.07000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.449673593865 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-07-31 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 553 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HKKBBZ4J4 |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 775.13000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000089411992 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 274932.01000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 2378469.00000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-10-15 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 775.13000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 554 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Vue International Bidco PLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 2138002KEV3Y56IJTC64 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Vue International Bidco PLC, Term Loan B-1 |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | VUECIN |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 2790993.58000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 3058803.00000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.352835874753 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2026-06-21 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.75000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 555 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Hertz Corp. (The) |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300PD0C69OJ0NLB27 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Hertz Corp. (The), Term Loan C |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 42804VBC4 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US42804VBC46 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 172594.98000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 172102.22000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.019852156984 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-06-14 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 556 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300M4F4V4WFPNI116 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 81753HAF8 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US81753HAF82 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1288004.49000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1303640.86000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.150376229918 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2023-08-10 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 8.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 557 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Southcross Energy Partners L.P. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Southcross Energy Partners L.P. |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 2326714 |
Description of other unique identifier. | CADIS_ID |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 72413.01000000 |
b. Units |
Number of shares
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 3005.14000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000346645795 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☒ Yes ☐ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☒ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 558 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Prophylaxis B.V. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 7245000K34W1FHCV4B97 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Prophylaxis B.V., Term Loan B |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Ticker (if ISIN is not available). | CUREOS |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1533128.21000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
Euro Member Countries
e. Value. (4) | 2896386.95000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | 0.84691900 |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.334101026816 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2025-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 0.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 559 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | N/A |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Forward Foreign Currency Contract |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N/A |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used | 21HFKBB1DWG |
Description of other unique identifier. | Internal FX Forward Identifier |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1.00000000 |
b. Units |
Number of contracts
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
e. Value. (4) | 237968.13000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.027449853198 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☐ Long ☐ Short ☒ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
Derivative-foreign exchange
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) | N/A |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Type of derivative instrument (21) |
b. Counterparty. |
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty). |
Counterparty Info Record | Name of counterparty | LEI (if any) of counterparty |
#1 | State Street Bank and Trust Company | 571474TGEMMWANRLN572 |
i. Amount and description of currency sold. |
Amount of currency sold. | 30319881.82000000 |
Description of currency sold. |
United States Dollar
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased. |
Amount of currency purchased. | 263670339.57000000 |
Description of currency purchased. |
Sweden Krona
iii. Settlement date. | 2021-09-16 |
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. (24) | 237968.13000000 |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 560 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Dakota Holding Corp. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | 549300FDREJLOIGXY104 |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Dakota Holding Corp., Second Lien Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 24440EAG2 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US24440EAG26 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1249213.00000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 1283566.36000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.148060616991 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2028-04-07 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 7.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 561 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Colorado Buyer, Inc. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Colorado Buyer, Inc., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 19633FAD3 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US19633FAD33 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 7422.53000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 7319.91000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.000844358674 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-05-01 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 4.00000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 562 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | Glass Mountain Pipeline Holdings LLC |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | Glass Mountain Pipeline Holdings LLC, Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | 37713KAB1 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | US37713KAB17 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 1165937.56000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 437226.59000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.050434508645 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-12-23 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 5.50000000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
Schedule of Portfolio Investments Record: 563 |
a. Name of issuer (if any). | McDermott International Ltd. |
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. (1) | N/A |
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment. | McDermott International Ltd., Term Loan |
d. CUSIP (if any). | N5200EAC5 |
At least one of the following other identifiers: |
- ISIN | XAN5200EAC56 |
Balance. (2) |
a. Balance | 180157.87000000 |
b. Units |
Principal amount
c. Description of other units. | |
d. Currency. (3) |
United States Dollar
e. Value. (4) | 117102.62000000 |
f. Exchange rate. | |
g. Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund. | 0.013507900104 |
a. Payoff profile. (5) | ☒ Long ☐ Short ☐ N/A |
a. Asset type. (6) |
b. Issuer type. (7) |
a. ISO country code. (8) |
b. Investment ISO country code. (9) |
a. Is the investment a Restricted Security? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
a. Liquidity classification information. (10) |
Category. |
a. Level within the fair value hierarchy (12) | ☐ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ N/A |
For debt securities, also provide: |
a. Maturity date. | 2024-06-30 |
b. Coupon. |
i. Coupon category. (13) | Floating |
ii. Annualized rate. | 3.08463000 |
c. Currently in default? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears? (14) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? (15) | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
f. For convertible securities, also provide: |
i. Mandatory convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
ii. Contingent convertible? | ☐ Yes ☐ No |
iii. Description of the reference instrument. (16) |
Reference Instrument Record | Name of issuer | Title of issue | Currency in which denominated |
— | — | — | — |
iv. Conversion ratio per US$1000 notional. (17) |
Bond Currency Record | Conversion ratio per 1000 units | ISO Currency Code |
— | — | — |
v. Delta (if applicable). |
N/A |
N/A |
a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? | ☐ Yes ☒ No |
The Fund may provide any information it believes would be helpful in understanding the information reported in response to any Item of this Form. The Fund may also explain any assumptions that it made in responding to any Item of this Form. To the extent responses relate to a particular Item, provide the Item number(s), as applicable. |
The Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. |
Registrant: | Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund |
By (Signature): | Sheri Morris |
Name: | Sheri Morris |
Title: | President |
Date: |